Jptinu Eupcrt Dafi Octo Thursday; April 7, 1949 TToc&ay in Sports era sT E K T J -1 miLnlPi LZS ROSA LEES TAKE WOMEN'S 5-PIN CHAMPIONSHIP Rosa Lees, who have held a dominant spot in the Ladies' "B" Five Pin Bowling League all winter .emerged as city women's bowling ehrfmps Tuesday Badminton Champions C!3 E1" V 't Between the BASKETS Last Saturday night Co-op lost their first game to High School in the finals of the City basketball league in a complete revers al of their usual record against Outstanding Quality . DdkiJ "uwinthft, the Bo-Me-Hi team. As a mat- Men's Doubles Hon MeCly-ter of fact it was High School's mont and S. Cornwall first win over the Co-op team in J Mixed Doubles William Mur-a season of play as in their five ray and Frances Cross previous engagements they were' Ladies' Doubles Prance.? beaten by scores of 33-26, 43-'!,' Cross and Leah Basso-Bert 50-40. G0-43 and 51-42, Co-op j Prince Rupert's badminton scoring a total of 237 points in reason was wound up with the ' the five Raines to High School 'r, playins last night of the finals 188. in the city championship luur- LOW AIR FARES , night in a final play-off series with DeJom;'s who a week ago. claimed championship in the "A" League. The inter-league finals, played without handicap, saw the "B" League winners drop the first game to Dc Jongs, then re-covr and clai n'the next two for a total score of 2.82:!, which was 133 above DeJong's aggregate. As champions. Rosa Lees win the Annette Mansell trophy.1 while DeJong's award was the Sweet Sixteen trophy. Bertha Dunbar of Rosa Lees Manson trophy donated to the player bowling the greatest number of high three-game fxores during the play - off series. In the finals, Mrs. Dutibar came through with 714 for three games, composed of 251, 2G3 and 200. ROSA LEES M. Postak 81 215 219 J. Boulter 179 172 237 VIA Co-op are counting on their deal of keenly contested play, has produced so many pheno-all-season odds to ensure them'A lar8e turn-out was present to menal scores during the season of a victory this Saturday night,' se the curtain ring down on as0 that they have cease?! to be when thev will trv in pven m season which was marked by the i nhenomenal for her won the Only $-1-1.85 Prince Rupert to Vancouver You jptntf your lime ne money HlxTy or. yo fly CPA. You jet to yout deUiiMtion in hyfty, untired, with extra tine lot thinjt that matter. And you lave an cxtta 10',;, on round-ttip ticket. Daily fli3ht, except Sunday. Man now to fly CPA. 185 128 117 1C3 2C2 150 251 2C3 200 859 1040 823 178 191 10 142 182 20G 118 108 113 219 236 161 224 190 211 881 807 901 STEVE KING IS PROUD OF SON The three University of British Columbia students, Pete Pustuk, Bob Purvis and Steve King, who have been adventuring In Central America, havi their portraits in Uie Vancouver press. They all kmk quite happy about it. Puoiuk's (atiter .says uie paix-r. Is freezer boss at Prince Rupett. King's father, Stephen King, said at Salt Spring Island that his son plans to return to DISC UiU (all to continue his Commerce studies. "This Is a serious trip, not entirely a skylark," the elder KUifc said. "They want to get a bit of Latin culture and learn some Spanish. My boy has a flair l.:i- adventure Inherited from me," the lather said proudly when notified of young Steve's gun- running exploit. TRAIN SCIIEDlj' E For the Cast Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8:00 p.m. From the East-Tuesday, Thursday, Saturte; , 10:45 p.m. LEADING REPRESENTATIVE 1 i ! J E. Ml SSLLLAM E. Mussellam, local representative ol The Great-West Life, has qualified as a member of Uie Company's l'J49 President's Club. The Club Is composed of representatives in Canada and the United States, who are leaders in securing new business and in maintaining a htnh standard of service to policy holders. Great-West Life ASSURANCE COMPANY Mfl A AM ICC WIMMIHC Vow futu.'t k am kutincM. TODAY E. B. DE -JONG'S IE. J. IV. "Al t I BU1 "luua Edmonton tp -baie-cracK-, ers recently din the comonton Trades ana Luoor uouncn a ser- vice y cracking a safe at the Labor Temple. The safe hadn't been opened for 20 years and no one knew the combination. The thugs lost on the deal all they muim was an empt.y doiuc. j Contact your CP. or Travel Agent. TABLE TENNIS FINALS NEAR The Julian Parnell - Ralph Young Civic Centre table tennis fame has finally been played and Young is the winner who will enter into the semi-final round. In this semi-final round he will play Billy McChesnev. Another game which is holding up the proceedings is the Ray iinuiuiu ""wi. wnen mese ooys nave piayeu, ine winner will enter Ui berni-. 1 initio, ins Miouici rouna up the ftmi-finals and a draw will ( i.uii ui- (:iie(itiii.(i tor me piav- offs. 1 . . f.'i .... &.9-.-.-. S3i. j. -- ,-.77Hfflt Radio Dial CFPR 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) THURSDAY P.M. 4:00 Tony the Troubadour 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Outdoor Stories 4:45 Easy Listening 5:00 The Happy Time 5:30 Hawaiian Echoes 5:45 Platter Parade fi:00 People Ask 6:15 King Edward School Quiz 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45T-Bmoke Rings 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7 :?0 Eventide 8:00 T.B.A. 8:15 Nations' Business 8:30 Home Town Stories 9:30Albrta 10: 00--CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Island Stories . 10:30 JloeiunkJ , 11:00 Weather & Sign Off FRIDAY A.M. 7:00 Musical Ci:K 7:45 Singing Sam 8:00 CBC News a: 15 Morning Song 8:30 Musk for Mucex5 8:45 Little Ccr.ttrt P.M. 12:00 Mid-day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Concert Hour 1 :30 Bernie Braden 1:45 Needlepointers 2:00 NationaL School Bdet. 2:30 Musical Program 2:45 Don Messer and His Islanders 3:00 Ethel and Albert. 3:l5-Spotlight On a Star 3:20 Sketches In Melody 3 :30Divertimento 0:00 BBC NEWS 9:15 Morning Devotion? 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Ellen Harris 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Round-up Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Let's Play 11:15 Songs of Yesterday 11:30 Weather Forecast in Chinese Dishes - CHOW MEIN ORDERS PHONE 13J 1 1 KASERALL SCORES Pacific Coast Oakland 7, San Diego 4 Sacramento 7. Hollywood S San Francisco 2, Sea tile 3 Los Angeles 8, Portland 7 WOLVES GROW BOLUKil EDSON, Alta. Wolves are becoming a menace to wild life in li ua iiuFiu uisirict. l-DKuers report a considerable number of the animals in the aiea and say tliey are becoming bolder Moose and other animals have hnn fnnnrl destroyed the wolves. j pi , 1 (I 1 j Advertise in the Dally News m Shirts , BWllium ,jl!t SmiAi !aiu..nf4. All J M'HiAL Mi:N'S I'Mikiiu,, liinatioos. All Wf SPH'I.U M,:'S IlltKss SI All .size, itonrtfd SI'F.CIU . DRESS Rl All Mtfs. Sfri INDIAN EUXKrd sue. SPEflU, MEN'S VVOKK S Solid Icalhrr. AH smiu MEN'S (iAKAKIM ( usio... nad( Pts. SPECIAL IMIVK' PANTS-H Cotton Worslflk Well made, Irom, SPKCIAI LADIES' ST1KII: s-'tn-iit. From SPECIAL iisuwwfMjwur Phone ( off aloiM1"' gi'it'il.iiil-g-'g'l Th aa'vtrtiww' " ""1 j,HUv.dbyiktn AND ASK f rrllirTAD! 1 1 ' 7 7 1 Playing of Finals Itins Down Curtain on Highly Successful Season THE CHAMPS Men's Singles Hon McCly- jnont. 'nament which has seen a trat! iarBehl ana Ke,nesc particrpat ing membership in years. In deed, the enthusiasm was such as to vie v.Un the current kins winter sport in tiie city basketball. Prizes won last will be presented at a banquet of the Prince Rupert Badminton Ouo to be held Saturday night The results of the finals wore: Championship i'light Men's singles R. MeClymont beat A. Cornwell 15-6, 15-1). ' Ladies' doubles F. Cross am I l Basso-Rert heat r Ma,tk, . aid and J. Cross 12-15, 15-10 18-1G Men's doubles R. MeClymont and A. Cornwell beat B Mur- rnv nnri .1 MrrmiQll inu !) I 15, 15-12. Mixed nnnhies n unma and F. Cross beat R. MeClymont and B. Payne 15-18, 15-9. 1-11. Consolation Flieht " Men's " ' singles-Mel Hansen y mes 17-14, 15-12. , Lathes Ladiek' rimihiosR Ttornn , and M. Viereck beat C. WarskKt' and'D. White 15-7, 15-5. j Men's doubles Pavlikis and H. Morgan beat H Horn vimcuiaH ij-iu, la-ii eu uourjies h. Maeuonaln and J. Cross beat K. Aird and C. Warskett 15-8, 8-5, li-Kj. Third i-'lieht E. Blain and F. Partridge beat F. Synies and E. Tiemeer 15-12, 15'8- EARLIER ROUNDS , Most of the semi-final play was completed Tuesday night in Prince Rupert Badminton Club's city championship tournament an dthe finals are scheduled in readiness for the finals Wednesday. Tuesday night's results were as follows: Mixed Doubles, First Flight B. Murray and F. Cross beat H. Plymn and O. Johannavich 115-4, 15-8. S. Cornwell and D. Balagno beat N. Pavlikis and A. Mce- Donald 15-2, 15-8. R. MeClymont and B. Payne (Continued on Page 7) Prince Rupert's Finest Eatinrj Place BROADWAY CAFE BEST FOOD ,BEST COOKING a Specialty CHINESE DISHES FOR TAKE-HOME ORDERS PHONE 200 608 WEST THIRD AVENUE WANTED Empty Beer Bottles CITY TRANSFER WILL COLLECT THEM AT YOUR DOOR CARTONED OR LOOSE WE PAY CASH PHONE 950 SHAVING COMBINATION the series and force it into Uie third and filial game. Percentages say they are the best team and, if you match Jack Lindsay's total against High Schoo' of 73, with Flaten's 61; Macphee's 49 with Spring's 34; Beynon's 47 against Carlson's 23, and Dom-inato's 21 with D. Scherk's 21, the basketball fan who gazes into the stars for his guidance sees a win for Co-op on Saturday night. Of course, Alex Bill's boys .ire just now hitting their .stride. In early March they were at the uuLwjiii ui uie league. Then (hey climbed to a tie with Savoy and knocked them out of the play- Offs 011 March 15. Next, took Drown wood's la a two- game series in the semi-finals. Then they took a week off to enter the High School touri.a- mem in New Westminster r.nd won Uiree of the four ganus lor third place. Now they are at Uie threshold of the Citv y,i . . , . -".. vuampionsmp. Saturday ni ght's question is: Can Co-op stop them? Fans will see a int. nf ,.im. Pioiusam niavina for i.hoir mr.iiMw this Saturday, as Hich tMirmi ' meeU Dom's in the third and deckling game of;- the " Giri.-, League, and the Civic Centre ' open table tennis championship' will also be settled that n.ehi when H. Stadnyk meeta D. ShUi In the semi-finals, the winner going on to play Helge in the finals the same evening. It is also planned to declare a winner in the Hoop Shout, and unfinished contests are being completed this week so that the finalists can take their 20 shots for the Championship Trophy at Saturday night's interval. CITY PIONEER IN BRITISH PICTURES I I L. Bullock-Webster, who was a resident and alderman in Prince Rupert in the very early days and who moved Irom here to Victoria where he was long identified with dramatic promotion, becoming organizer of community drama lor the provincial government lor some time, now resides in his native England. He moved there during the war to be "near a son who was serving as an orficer in the Royal Navy. Old friends will be particularly interested to know that Mr. Bullock-Webster, since going to the Old Country, has been playing parts in British moving pictures. He writes to friends saying that he Is enjoying life and doing well. VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1.30 p.m., Catala Sunday, 10 p.m., Coqultlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coquitlam, March 25, April 8 and 22, 10 p.m. FOR NOKTII QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, April 1 and 15 and 29. 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 5S8 speed shaving, use the Gillette Razor and today's Gillette Blade. These two are precision exactly, and give you extra icomfort. You save money, Gillette double edges mean (TITO OF ALL TIME! To Tech Blue made, fit shaving too, for '" ',l"": k Gillette iff rOUICKERV EASIER' .SHAVES With the TJWW. 5 For Hyde Transfe inin'E Mother KnowiTgvsti in 9 rnf,i mm HOLLYWOOD cafe Most Up-to-Date Cafe in the City OPEN FROM 11:30 A.M. to 3:30 AJW. - , double economy. look .4T HO J k use Gillette BLUE BLADES at'dges ever honed! i BRIDDEN ! AND BUILDERS a Specialty P.O. Box 721 OF TASTY MEALS AT THE Construction Alterations Repairs j FILL YOUR BINS FOR ANOTHER SI See GREER & CONTRACTORS Fluor Sanding Red 561 INFORMATION FOLDERS AND for UMBERLOST LODGE WORKS BOOTS May Ik-obtained by plm" J We Specialize CHOP SUEY FOR OUTSIDE GEORGE HILL PHONE IILACK 6! WELcn Galie Northwest Construction v.- or from Union Steamship and . PARIS HEADS DAYTON LECKIE Chinese Dishes a Specialty CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Canadian National Railway oH EaHy Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 am. to 3:30 .m. Phone 173 lor Outside Orders "Make Your Reservations & SONS LTD. P.O. BOX 137 , : . "1'0r ! 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