m ag aai fcMn a" na1 - m rr i in Prince Rupert Daily News mi 53 SJeomship Movements AIR PASSENGERS mursaay, January a, idu I Scotians vs Tnpie C's, Thom Sheet Metal vs Cold Storage 1 C's No. 1 vs Ambassadors, J.C.'s : No. 2 vs Cah. Legion, Crescents jvs Commercials. Philpott Evltt Mens' Bowling League Schedule -D. M.- MeKerracher, district ' ver, accompanied by Mrs. McK?r-manager for Shell Oil Co., re-acher and two children. They turnel to the city on the Prince will take up residence on Am-G"irie yesterday from Vancou- brose Avenue. vs Home on, . Brownwootis vi 23 Ambassadors vs W.I. . Manson's. Untlesirables vs Odd- From Vancouver I Wednesday 1 Miss P. Smith, W. Froese, A. V. Oisen, K. Summer, W. K. Thompson, G. E. Wise, G. Toop, E. S. Brodie. B. W.Hson, W. Priest. I Jan. ! Stages: , Oddfellows vs Grand ! ,, Cafe, Blain s vs C.P.A., Stom?s vs Vch 13J C 's No 1 vs fW- D & Manson's Thorn Sheet S, vs -s fcows j c So 2 vs Ambawad-Metal, Crescents vs Rupert Mot-l)rs crescents vs Can. Legion, SUMMER HEAT AND WINTER COLD For Vancouver Sunday ss. Chilcotin, 0 p.m Tuesday ss. Coquitlam, 1:30 p.m. . . Thursday ss. Prince George, 11:15 p.m. Jan. 21 ss. Princess Norah, p.m. From Vancouver Sunday ss. Coquitlam, p.m. Wednesday ss. Prince George Friday ss. Chilcotin. 2 p.m. Jan 16 and 30 ss. Princess Norah, a.m. X" '. jrV- ' " ' j Philpott Evltt vs Commercials, Mallets vs Home OH, Brown -i woods vs Cold Storage, D & S vs From Santlsplt (Wednesday i Mr. and Mrs. C G. Ham, A. Lac- I rolx, Mr. and Mrs. Christcn.sen, ; Master Marshall. j To Vancouver- (Today Vance I Johnson, Stove Djos, F. S. Bro- j die. or.s, rscottans vs jiniwnwiHitiK, Philjolt Evilt vs Triple C's, Mallets vs Cold Storage, Undesirables vs Can. LerrioiT, J.C.'s No. 1 vs lr Grand Cafe. Manson's vs CP A., r. . . , .. t . . .. ... n ir...t. i v,,,u,.c,IWlJ.c. n,.. """- scotiarts vs RtJt-rt Motors. Thorn 0l1- 1 Sheet Met al vs Triple C's, Undes- MONTREAL, Jan. 5th The prcat tliin about enving, I've always found, is knowing how much I can afford to put away, and doinw it. I try to plan rrty savins like i day's shopping, to make pure that I can do tiling comfortably, in- easy stage o I won't have to cive up half wav tlirou;!i. And ",,t,, Msuate for If to with For Alice Arm and Stewart Sunday ss. Coquitlam, 11 p.m. Jan. 30 Srot ians vs Cold Storage, Untlesirables vs Ambassadors, J.C.'s No. 1 vs Can. Legion, J.C.'s No. 2 vs Commercials, Crescents vs Home Oil, Thorn Sheet Metal vs Brownwoods, Manson's Mr. and Mrs. Max Hellbron-' er, who moved away frjm Prince Rupert last summer, are ."pending the winter in Phoenix. ' Aflzorts., just across the border from Southern California. In a letter to friends, they say they, this is the time of vcar I work out just how much I can afford to put nvnlurhj into my HANK OF MONTUF.AL Snvluci Accbniit. For I'm one of more than a million who hank at the K Of M. Canadian, you know, keep one billion dollars in saving.-' in "My Bank" more than any other bank in C:;nada. irables vs Blaine's, Stones ts. W. I. Slatres. Feb. 211-DftSv. W. I. Slaves. CP.A. Vs Grand Jafe, Manson's vs Cold StoraRe, Thom Sheet Metal vs Rupert Motors, Undesirables vs Stonos, J. C's No. 1 vs Blain's. Mallets vs Commercial Scotians vs Home Oil, Browr. woods vs Triple C's, J. C's No. vs Oddfellows, Crescents vs An; bassadors, Philpott Evitt vs Cai I-egion. are enjoying the abundant surt shine and mild climate. J.'irp Here' To Your Good Health! . . .and here's one goo.l y:iy to liel vs D & S, Philpott Evitt vs Rupert Motors, Mallets vs Triple C's,. Oddfellows vs W.I. Statyes, Blain's vs Grand Cafe, Rlones v.j CPA. Feb. 6-Blain's vs W. 1. Stages, Stones vs Grand Cafe, D & S vs FlBERGLAS BUILDING INSULATl WON'T R0T . WON'T BURN . WON T SETTll WON'T SUSTAIN VERMIN ! tmkn Hm 1 m M Htm turn htmt prwm atabiM wmm Hw lu. fi4 eald rmi Am. Kf klw Umrtmw mM Summn , lnU all Miirfw. B Wv ..nn.ll hmr KWitai kam n n,,,,' CALL 651 PHILPOTT EUITT & Co. Ltd. LUMBER ond BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Advertise In ihfl Daily Nowsl il 1 liut. way! Ill ink the juirc of one lrnuin in a fclass nl wain- yir.W Ihimi mi :ui-iiiK . . .for this n.'iiuriil fruit ilrink liclHyoii keep rc'Kiilar the limit lifttl way! Tint's linrmiKii l-'innh-iti-wiiliT lorn't "lie you tip in knotx" as lursli l.'Uriiues ilo . jnt. grnlly lii'lpM vmir nyslrm rotuihito i'sch'! I. munis li h pi, nil ol rolils. too. on just pmir tlio juii'e nl one li nion in a hull' glass ol wain. Then mid -slowly - hull' liaspoon linking soila. ami iliink as front Alive Arm and Stewart Tuesday ss. Coqultlarh. a.m. For Oceart Falls Thursday ss. Prince George, 1:15 p.m. ' Jan 21 ss. Princess Norah Yin. 'ronl Oveatt Falls Wednesday, ss. Prince George Jan. 18 and 30 ss. Princess 4oruh, p.m. f From Alaska Thirixday ss. Pnrtee Ce-orge 8 p.m. , - Jan 21 ss. Princess Norah, p.m. For Alaska C.P.A., Mallets vs Rupert Motors, L fvb 27--Crescents vs Oddfei lows, Philpott Evitt vs Ambas Wednesday ss. Prince George I p.m. ' Jan. IB and 30 ss. Princess Norah, a.m. i CAM. i-wnnn n'liets. A rvrrv 2 nr .1 limn he!j. r ':".l:v" . 'I i v hril Irinnnnrle, loo. at. heillinie! Always -is. Mr M.K1.ST 1 t flNl. l.F.MO.VS . . the finest, jnieiesl of all. Prince Rupert Florists Flower;, for All Occasions MOO 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel 77 ' & Lant Chance to prlnl for this Fpe-liul SI'Kt'lAli offer! 'I'lie folks at Jleinz have in- for Queen Charlotte Islands Friday ss. Chilcotin, 10 run. From Queen Charlotte Is. Sunday ss. Coquillam, p.m. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT Free ! An oilcloth Baby Bib with every purchase Over $1.00 While they last ' ' sadors, Mallets vs Can. Lesion Scotians vs Commercials, Thom Sheet Metal" vs Home Oil, Cold storage vs Triple C's, J. C's No. 2 vs Blain's, CPA. vs W. I. Stages Manson's vs Grand Cafe. Brown-woods vs Rupert Motors, Undes-lables vs D & S, J. C's No. 1 vt Stones. March 6-,Grand Cafe vs W. I Stages, Manson's vs Triple C'i Undesirables vs CP A., J. C's No I vs D & S, J. C's No. 2 vs Stones Crescents vs Blain's, Cold- Storage vs Rupert Motors, Philpott Evilt vs Oddfellows. Mallets v. Ambasadors, Scotians vs Can Legion, Thom Sh.et Metal V. OAi5rM00H I II A venleit pome very Ay handy (ilaslM! euri o"el.s PiTiiillv ill rimeil 1o fit nviT I ho 'lops of J1F.INZ UAItY loOl) tins! V. hen your lialiy ilnesn"l cal. it full tin of Jlin lialiy I'ooil nl one mealtime, dimply lea-e the halance in the I in, cover it with one of these I!a-lie raps and store it in your r friueralor. Mothers who've used tli. se raps ti ll mo they're useful as ran he they save iooil, money, tune and hot her! HViVc to vie I'nrhaea liri nl , ll I Crrnccnl St., Muni real, I'.Q. chelating liie. in cuiii 01' pafate Klfivin nml 3 labels jreim Hi in; linhv Fnnd tin" anil you'll net tec 'I'll 1! UK plaxlie. cap etieerx and 7 ll'O Jilnxtic Hahy I'uiitl fruri r (I'or S'-oopinij out. the lust irrnid inoi'-els of llemz Hahy I'ood from every lin)! He sure to till me whether your huhy is a hoy or a pirl so I'll know whether to Send I In si' live "fooil-'ll'-lliotli'y-fcitvers" in pink or hlue. Simple Fnonph For F.reTrilay ... Kiand enough lor company-best, . , , here's a dessert to leitipt l!io fancy of !uc vhole fainily! So liesli lasting, so sparkling and i:ay, .IKI.I.-O'.s xcrt n (tloi ioiis "li kml. in" flavors are popular anytime! JServe Jell-O often. JELL-O BANANA BAVARIAN CREAM 1 package Lemon Jfll-O 2 cups hot ater 14 teaspoon salt 2.'l cup Kuar 12 eiip ht-avy cream 5 bananas n isselve Jell-O In hot w.-iter. AiM salt and ugar. Chill. Wlin sliglltly thickened, fold in cream. w!:ihk-J only until thick and shiny, but not 1st i if. Crush banana to pulp with silver fork and mould at once into Jell-O mixture. Chill until slichllv Ihtckenttd. Turn into mould. Chiil until firm. Unmould. Serves 8. Commercials, urownwoods vs Home Oi!. 518 3rd Ave. not 1 It Red V ANCOt'VFR VICTORIA SEATTLE Sunday, 9 p.m., Chilcotin Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., CoquiUum ALff E ARM, STEVVART AND PORT SEVIPSON Sunday, 11 pm. FOR SOUTH Ql'KEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS :s. Chilcotin, January 13 & 27 10 p.m FOR NORTH QI'EEN , CHARLOTTE ISLANDS rs' Chilcb'tin January 0 & 20 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 563 for A Aw Vou Thii Happy AVw Year ... here's snmolhimi; new in Professional and Bushier tieanlvl Irs rr..Alr.-N now Imiml in the new MIX II Mil" It Y DliY SKIN CIIKAM! Wiitideiiul Pcnaten helps iVoorihitry Iry Sl:in Cream ro deeper into pore openings ... gives votir kin an eira l......l;n i ...I I 1...i in ... .I :.i. HANDYMAN "T V M L (Ins miraculous, new-lormuhi eream can mai;" even the ihiest of skins look vol vet -"(if I ! Yes, if yon make a dailv lieantv haliit of Wonnhurv Dry Skin HOME RERVirn DR. P. J. CHENEY DKNTIST STJITF. 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 GENERAL CONTRACT Cnam beeinning nnti) .. .you'll look so much younger so nitn-li "loifhcr in ltlMl! ' Coii'i Rememhrt When mv family have hocrt as enthusiastic about Building and Repairs ol kinds a hrrakfaM. food as they were when 1 serve.! 'Cream of heal,'!" writes a reader. "They all said fit once, ' THIS i good! Let's have this every morning 1". ROOFS CHIMRI i lcs. 5 Minnie "C Kr.A.M Or W Jlh.vi is. truly a C-i OIL BURNERS family tlavotuiie ...a ililietotts way to wane up ;) ' : fafly-mr.ining sleepyheads! Cooks to sat in-smooth Ni fc.-JT C. ' iliin'stiliilttv in hist 5 minutes of hoiling! It' so (K- k QUALITY REPAIRS Tor Downtrodden Heels and Worn Sole MAC . SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. " guild and so good jar von ... for 5 Minute 'Cream P ; of Wheal" ir..,idi s lion, Calcium and Phosphorim for diets deficient in 1hr-e eirmrtits and for less than 1c a howl! i'urticultitly goiHl, 1 liiul, ; topped 'villi lirown sui'ar, raisins and treutnl PHONES Black 334 P.O. Bni P.O. Box iJ70 654 Vliis advertisement is not pnhlidied or displayed by (lie 1 iqu.c Control Uojid . by (lie (rovernmcnt of Hi.'.isli Columbia. Exper! Watch Repairing ALL WORK FULLY 25c per doicn pud (or cmptiet. Pl rSvc them may when lh ditwcr eiltt. B & W TRANSF Cord Wood, Cedar, S Kindling wood 50c per PHONE RED 182 FOR GUARANTEED This adertiiu ., not published or d.ipljye.l j Ikt Liqiot Ce-.irol Bond ar ky iti Q,Mm, . olBritih Coliimbil. a Highest Qualify in Your Printing You'll Be WE HAVE IN STOCK CUMMINS diesels and SIMPLEX eas engines. Boat Owners and parties interested are invited to view these, machines at our shop. ' BYTOWNl MACHINE WORKS Against Cold ! FOR FURNACE REPAIRS & RENEWALS Phone Black 88 THOM SHEET METAL LTD. Satisfied KAIEN TRANSF? FOR ROCK AND DIRT Fl Avail yourself of our experience and versatility. DIBB PRINTING CO. BESNER BLOCK PHONE 234 Gents BASEMENT & LAWN Watches NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms Hot and Cold water Phone Blue 081 or Dlan Watches From $29.75 From 23.50 GEORGE COOK, Jeweller ,wsi(wrvitmrww'tW'Ktie'it'''!tn Catherine Laurie PUBLIC .STENOGRAPHER . ' 401 Third Ave. West MATTSON'S iVwHOtSTERIlto Phone 264 PHOTO FRAMES Frame Type Mounts See our fine selection of glass and metal frames WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing For The New Year 527 3rd Ave. Phone Blue 818 P.O. B I PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 830 Second Avenue Prhjci Rupert, BC l.'hone 281 P.O. Box 19ftl (Prince Rupert Realty Co.) Phones: Green 667 Days New Residence Phone Number Red 964 G.E. Radios HOLLYWOOD cafe G.E. Floor Polishers $19.95 to $269 00 $59.50 $149.50 yw.w.vjv.v.v.v.w.vw i i ft i MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY I OR YOUR LG.E. Washers with pump 16 cu. ft. Leonard Refrigerator ROCK & CONCRETE . CALL BLUE 939 (G.E. Dual Control Blankets OPEN FROM 3:30 P.M to 3:30 A.M. We Specialize In Chinese Dlshei $299.50 $49.50 $14.10 $16.15 SAVOY HOTEL W. L. WOODS, Prop. M. J. SAUNDE imlte Torchiere New, Modern Equlpm'i fcTrilite Floor1 Lamp All Work Guarantee With Silk Shade CHOP SUEY-CIIOW MEIN For Outside Orders PHONE 133 Electric Toasters PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 Electric Irons SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST ; Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 23 & 24 Besner Block Telephone 212 Evenings by Appointment $7.50 to $32.50 $4.20 to $23.50 $19.95 to $26.75 Remington tElectric Razors A. P. GARDNER FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT Sunbeam Schick CHARTERED ACCOUNT DON'T FORGET YOUR NOMA TREE LIGHTS 1118 Melville Street j Commodore Cafe J "Better Th-n Ever" ' Eest Food and Service In CltjJ Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders J Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr.J e,e,s!e'e'e''e'e'e'e xxx'ttw'"- S 5 VANCOUVER NORTHERN B. C. POWER CO. LTD. I Besner Block lust Arrived Phone 210 STEWART, B.C. i PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. f V S? V V MARGARET McU .&.'.'ya.;.iaiii'.i,.s;,, DR. GARNET E. H. MONTGOMERY DENTIST Suite 7, Smith Block Phone 525 , P.O. Bo 1218 ToTthe Whole Family. . . . The Radio-Phonograph of the Year 7 Different Models to Choose From with 3 Speed Automatic Record Changers OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUID1N NOW AVAILABLE J shipment of Julia Ar-g ythur Shoes all widths forJ ythat special Evening. 5 0RMES DIUGS DRUGS PHONE BLUE 503 P.O. BOX 1184 I PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE C0LUSS1 Phone BLACK 756 972 10th East T.-. Priced from $119.50 tO $239.50 !l y i v y i sc $ y y 1 y PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M BUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 1 P.M 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. GEORGE RORIE & Public Accountants and $11.95 FAMILY SHOE STORE LIMITED tors. Income Tax Rt; rrSf Ask about our Time Payment. Plan with V- life Insurance at no extra cost NOBLE & WICK compiled HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 855 LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABE1 Dally car delivery service from 9 a.m. till 6 pm. O. L. RORIE, A .A! Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. till 9 D.m. and Sunday Box 638 Ph. 35 i gird Ave. Phone 100 S. B. LAIRD, B. Cowl r.;.,2ftl 3td Ave. W Exclusive Dealers IS Besner Block - Ph,