' ' mi " 1 1 1 k.,. .... ; Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday. Jaruary 5. 19i0 Auxiliary Has Cake Raffle New Year At i Masse! Cold MASSET-In spite of heavy .i-incr u nnvabie In advance. Please refrain frnm snowfall at Masset. the annual .ifled A" ,,,siiieds. 2c rfor word per Insertion, minimum I New Year's whist drive and A cake raffle at a Canadian i Legion Ladies Auxiliary whist, ; bridge, and crib tournament in the Legion Hall last night was j won by W. Rothwell. ' The event was convened by Mrs. W Rothwell and assistants ' were Mrs. R, Eeam, Mrs. C. Mich- j aloff and Mrs. A. Croxford. I ''""'! Birth Notices 60c, Cards ot Thanks, Death Notices. I ("ance was held at the Commun- elements to turn out for the af- I lOST AND FOUND f(IK 3ALE i r d t- emii ki.i. -,ki, u. ixie- new iear was wei- ;? J"'-- There were five tables of cards. 4; ciiK-One McLarv Rang e boot ,n victnitv of Deane s corned In an enthusiastic man- fl . Phnne Phone BlUC Blue r-leanera Phnns Rl'ielr inn ... High lady in cribbage was Mrs. i burner. oil f 1 A W. Dickens Sr., and the men's - , With 27 inches of snow on WORK WANTED Hhe Wound it was almost Im 1 - hiirh score was DV Mrs. J. S. .'fnod ranw complete possible for traffic to move. The Black. At whist, Mrs. A. 3. Crox- j ford was first for ladles and J. j Mostad for men Mrs. W. Rothwell WILL TaKe In IChilflren Tor land to Old Mnsset was hlnrlred re " 1 Worklne Mothers. Phone Red and thcre was on,y transporta. cA! e - Van', floors. Win- !,.rone 543. Call Are. vv i lil.h i - tion by boats, although a few WORK WANTED Youne mar- hardy souls travelled foot was high lady in bridge and Mrs. j M. Montgomery won men's prize. tied man nec(ls work Iliuh via iy.0 beaeh whirh was heiw avy I Kelioiil Orad. Urteut. Apulv , - A I . ; : I -' - I New Year's Eve was also th! WANTF-w ' coUkist night of the winter. I0NAIXY KNOWN NAME - hplt Kiif'eder Shovels "I'C R. ad MiililenuncB ""'.Si, .murete Mixers; Huaks a" good cujp rfMNXIN'Sm fOLlOW THESE SIMPLE RULES "1, Use fresh - water. 2. Bring water to a rolling -boil. 3. warm t yur apot. 4. Measure the lea carefui!. (One tcrpcorvrer person "orve for the pot"). 5. TOO I. ATE TO CXASSIFY WANTED To rent liaht house-1 keeoinz room. Younu married1 couuie. Aouiv nox uaiiy WANTED 3 or 4 room suite or 7." ...n -IT. NflWIII News, j bome. Aiply Savoy Hotel. "'s , .-inovai: Rice I'vj't-t Na-" (vrTlnfuwal Humps; . ... "...i.... KnaiM-rs and i I ww", t ?V . j v . " i -'" . t ' ,( v v ? "BUILD R.C. PAYROLLS" 1 ! -.y - ' ' y 1, V. .Vj' VACUUM klflf ( - . 4 r ' -i PACKED IrffTZT? 4 J : " " . MILK i C ' ' ' ' ; . .'"-.Mil11, WANTED -Two or three-roiim I suite ior vouna couple; Uruent' Phone Red 103. 4-5) WANTED - Small furnish.-; hou.sekeeoinir room for qiiK't' working uirl. Close in. Box 804 Citv. 4 , fj-tr National A I Ktee ; sawmius. N-tiorul ,h . .... ..... ...1,1 rinvt!Vil'l. Room 2 or 12. P. J. Shannon. (4) MIMHIi ATT -H UUM I ) 4 rilfl utr of liiiiiriivrmi'iit ' VOTH'K Jfnn t Miiicnl Claim, irttuat In ii sr t n un. v.----- I mm Na- CO. : Ltfl.. (tf) ii jnlonnation ,al MacliliK'fy .iicnuvi-r. B. C the Kkwrin Mliilnn Division WANTED-To rent 2 or 3-room aDrtment jr small house, no children. Phone Red ii!)3. Ur- rew for five minutes. RAT E Ne uwu r ,f Hardware a Olfice K-''.'.V. wmsters. Cups as. B Hnii'jf 6. rvmHt lJIfilrict. UrtU on thi' nast Rldo of the I'riiiw ll!ii-rt l Purt E:lwnrd highway on Wolf Cn-i'k. Takn tKitli that J. A. Rutherford eent. 45) " Sewing singer mrrs. s Vs Cablnew ...ii China ; f jirrijii'iiLii' i T tittH tfiiiiiwBMiifTi ami nrrrniTiiirrr'irlrf lrtf''""-'rr--"Trr"r-,rrr'-ijJ'--T---,J"r-''- ; PF.RSONA1 P. M. OiTlificj-tn No. aSTiliF. .1 U'.ll.'G T4I'U UMUIIIS I U iIll.UOL.HWL.il ULll. I 1LLI IIEVIH .if. ... Ill, I p ,iiiuu. h'i-ivV 3-i ly Roolinsi Anything. Anvwhere. Any- i cerufionta- iso aoiwp.' aixi Prlertcic k.J t WanonK.i time. Phones. Black 889. Black i Hanciforth. r. m -crrtifionte No aa- CKS, nicr 937. 47) Typewriter, U'ltllixihln imp. Intends t the end of sixty lay hut not Inter than one yeari ilriKim nuvn. Remember, Pacific Milk is the only VAporated milk packed In B. C. and it's irradiated to give you added goodness Tarm-fresh from quality farms . . . vatcuum packed far your table. PACIFIC MILK init niHiui, JUST "NERVE GIRLS Seventeen-year-old Olivia Rakowrkl Is the only female member of the St. John's Tech wrestling, weight-lifting and fencing club In Winnipeg. Figure-tonscious Oiivia .says she dropped five pounds by learning to lift 60. Other girls would like to be weight-lifters, she adds, "only thty can't get up enough nerve." ' ic.P. Photo) from the date hereof, to apply to the Minlni! Recorder for a Certificnte of ' mm Stehilv used Ha-I PLUMBING and Heatimr -""''T, ',t the lowest prices Bhit Metal work, tar and ,s ''Lc- aL , ri Rlii'lt I travel loolin-;. Phone 543 or r I lniiiHiwminl4 fur the nurnoRe of til)- U, ruilin-uiv MALKIN'STEA The. world's most economical beverage. You get 200 cups in every pound! call (129. Hixth Ave. West. H.j inin a Crown Orant of the above SALE - Two 1949 champions. Apply Ar- licwuuicau uiiu ouin, 1bL': claim. A"d further take notice that ae- FOR RFNT . I Hon, under iieetlon 85. must be oom- FOR RENT Sleeping: room 650 rc.enced before Issuance of such ttf) Irradiated and Vaeunm Packed 4 Cabs 646. wraer to know that the care BRITISH Calibre converted! . 7th E. Red 471. LETTERBOX ... A LnnrlinD rl!lS. " I til Certificate of Improvements. 11 1 I Dated this 10th Day of November portablei imr. (H) ,Vr!.l nuKleis: .six and ten j FOR RENT Electric taker usually puts In a four-, teen-hour day, opening the lob- by at 7:30 a.m. and closing it I il - miKiM'sl Sj.oo a .,1 i-"in-i fri MOIieV-IJUCK : iimviiiiiti POSTAL SERVICE i month Call 804 Sineer Sew-( LOVELY tOVKDISH DISH MIMJIM. A4T A .-itn M :: : at 9:30 p.m. Surely he is en- I jsiti-i'. 4 rounds am-iinilioii $3.(10. Larue assurt-.iu new rifles, shofuns, i..l if sii.-hts.etc. Write Editor, Daily News:- ! Regarding the editorial in the ina Centre. itt) , FOR RENT Slpepint room nrj boal-d and room. Phone Black 66U. tfi (riirm '.) j I'erllficale of Improvement ' Mil II K I titled to one days nonday during, the year. h-n lor latest foldefs and. nabob and Jennie Mineral ciims. Daily News yesterday In re 'ces scope nairs -lai.. w Regarding the matter of rnafl u Street. Ottawa. Ont. tf FOMTr t0 man " in Prlnce rvlce, we do not fare badly I .-c.wc, we uu imi laic Dished Adoiv 621 Fulton St ision of RANGE 6. Coast District. an where locatft) on Porcher is- Rupert, it seems to me that ths some other parts of the pro- 43) i:ini near Rurf Point. .rfif-ioi u.eitor naa rertainlv vince. We have, excepting Sun- i "TAKE NOTICE that J. A rtUTH- - .airmail service c,a5" a Qauy alrm'i" service, tmn v m f'ertifieute No. leirincr in rhristmas suirit. 2M2f.P. aa spent for PRUDENTIAL . ,three trains weekly and four; that The writer is-of the nnlnlnn opinion that . iee LIMITED, trust crjMPANY boats week brf I1 . I ... . ... i A NEW HOME Plan to Build NOW ;t SALE Doors 2-8" X 6'8" .mulcte with frames - and ,mwan Auulv Canadian -ii.n New Premises vi'ime. 1 i R SALE Four-month old ilcniiin oil heater. $139 new. nan: $30. 924 Sixth East. l3i ; R SALE Coal and wood mce and electric raneette, hI two weeks. Bargain, 'hone Black 730. 46) R SALE-Pair of New SMIs mi Boots ADPlV Wick 1108 mbrose Ave. Hi R SALE Cream kitchen Millet and table. Red 471. Itf l FIRST BIG VALUE FOR '50. a-uoom House, attached ear-e, ooncrete basement, hot water heatine excellent value and must be seen to be appreciated. This is a bareain for vou If vou are looking for a new. warm and 4'omfortable home In s auiet neighborhood. - - SEE - - " ARMSTRONG AGENCTES Phone 342 or eves. Green 297 16) i Minor's Ortlflciite No. 308Z3F. In- tne WODy , 01 me ro&t vxwi-c itcqd. sixty days from the date here- snould have been open during " . 1 U Interest lnleresl the lne eril- eal to ay Inter than one year, of tint not .,,,, holiday at t rv,r.mnc ChrU.maS. How- HOW apply to the Mining Recorder for a aU noUdays for the ever I notice that there was no : truncate of improvements thwe ,s a, someone oik- for the purpose of obtaining a ls3ue of tne Dally paper On that ' handlill" Crown Orant of the aliove claims fiaNeRher Mpither were the tne Stores swres or 1 g Handling , Mut father ue nonce that -! jeie tUfcer lm.omJn? w outgoing , won. nder section ss. must be com-; any other places of busifTeSs p' u s m t j ff t lt onlficate of Improvements j nsn.tl" let it aonlv to all. Dated this 17th day of November, j ' aaMMMllHaMH aaaMa . may interest the MARCH AND OIL HEATERS , f VORTEX OIL BURNERS"-j& IRON FIREMAN STOKERS Plumbiiiff & Heatinsr Alterations For Plans and Est .mate: It's GREER & BRIDDEK The Men Who Know CONTRACTORS AND BUKRERS RED Ml AO. BOX 781 1 be said that thtye is never a complete holiday for the postal staff. With the foregoing In mind I do not believe that anyone who is a fairminded person will object to the lobby beint; closed for the two holidays at this t;me of the year. R. J. TUBB -II fW rfl Hill y ta.ia mmmrm 11 U iTZSIi P"0:viE 174 BOX 271 JUST A FEW DROPS... Relieve Sinus Broken Lines of Men's ond Women's Shoes More Been Sorted inro Groups ond Will Be Cleorcd ot Greatly Reduced Prices. is. MmlV B fLAH jj Illy " J ond Supp-1''- l I" Mitchell &Currie Ltd. - Builders ond Controcfcrs 1 Instantly-soothing relief starts when yoxi put a tfew drops of Vicks Va-tro-noi in each nostril. This s. ecuil-irccl medication (1) helps shrink swollen membranes 12) eases irritation t'i helps clear out coni;esftion and t4) uives sinuses is chance to drain. You'll like the iJ : r-t. p-ftl I prompt iciiet arrd g-eater breathing eomfoit it nOOPS 1 brings. Oet a PTI bottle tod.--' GROUP TWO $2.1)5 GROUP ONE 81.05 ' - 1 ' 1 1 '" ... . a u Skiers ';' BOYS' JACKETS" PARKAS SNOWSl'ITS All Sizes-- LOCKER IPLAOT 1IALIBVT (chunks) 1C J FILLETS ot Excellent dipped in butter and I "T . RKD COD 34c lb Tied in deep tat or boiled and I Ov. W SOLE ' 390 served with mushroom or to- 1 HALIBUT 82c lb mnto sauce. per )h. BALK10W:1;:;Jgclb Oysters (2 lb. 45c Shrinip Meat lb- RUPERT FREEZING CO. LTD. 230 2nd Ave. Phone Red 367 SEE IS NOW FOR EQUIPMENT Swedish Lamirnted Skis Boots, Poles Waxes Harness Cables Elc. ' ' Hi J '1 d THE GROUP THREE 83.95 Re. up to $5.95 NOW V.V&V..V. GROUP FOUR S4.95 V V v. Reg. up to $7.95 NOW GROUP FIVE 5.95 R?g. up to $9.95 NOW ; - GROUP SIX S6.95 V.V '..?. Reg. up to $11.95 NOW SPORTS SHOP 622 W. 3rd Ave. 1 We Stock a Complete I Line of I 51 4?.ri v nw Its ay; (RADIO and n mm PHONOGRAPH . COMBINATIONS $1.00 Children's Oxfords Reg. $2.65 I COLED OUTSIDE! 1 . I 1 ' il" 7J Vi $3.95 $7.95 Coys Leather Boot Reg. $5.95 . NOW Men's Fine Oxfords Reg. $11.95 . VV3 Bedroom Slippers All Prices Give your car protection from today's snow ridden streets and freezing temperatures. Let us give it the care it needs. Drive up! When you wa-nt a satisfactory job, let experts handle I it! Your radio was an ex- pensive commodity new: get fnll value from it by keep- . ing it in Rood workin? J artltr, i See this week's USED RADIO SPECIALS tm 'Jam 1 If You're Looking For Bargains Shop Al The FAMILY 8S30E STORE LTD. ails iii l NOBLE & WICK Bumper 10 Bumper Know-How Box 638 Phone 357 201 3rd Ave W. Phone 100 3rd Ave.