WalaBslMaBBBjjBBBBjjjjB a EWnce nupctt Vails I3eto Monday, June 20, 1949 Local News It ems . . . Co-operation is being given by the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce to a "perfect ship Let's Own Canada." C.C.F- June 27th. Vote (It) el Cedar Siding '2"x8" ; Grade per 1000 f.s.m. $73.00 . is FOR YOUR LUMBER REQUIREMENTS , miplete stocks or finish and dimension lumber FOR ALL YOUR 1 PRINTING REQUIREMENTS . SEE ping" campaign Instituted by the Transportation Bureau of the Vancouver Board of Trade. The general idea is to bring Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Levelton returned to the city on the Camosun yesterday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver. Visit Brownwood's. 25 reduction sale today and save! ! (144) Legion Ladies Auxiliary Tea and Home Cooking, Wednesday, June 22nd at Mrs. Chas. Anderson's, 219 2nd Ave- (144) REGAL FUNG, SIDING, SHINGLES, LATH, etc about a better preparation or goods for shipment by freight and other means. Among other things posters are being distributed for placing at points where shipments are made- George Kustas, Stewart stage Mrs. F. L. Jancowski and daughter sailed last night on the Camosun lor Alice Arm. PHONE 24 822 Second Ave. and taxi operator, was a passenger aboard the Camosun last Box 423 I ; 3 ' t- ' 1 to v. k - ; as of '.'A )lr j P- J r- j. f dl. : 1 he si ' : : tl i cRT & McCAFFERY LTD. EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" PHONE 116 .uw.. jjaintja returned 10 n the rlf nn tv, c ....... I "utu"'" ..j wlc valuugull yesier day afternoon from a trip to Namu. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Snell of Klemtu arrived in the city on the Camosun yesterday afternoon for a brief visit and will 5 Jk 7 Prince Rupert Florists! 5 V ) 300 3rd Ave. Box 616 Tel. 777 J f (CLlVr pK $ Flowers lor All Occasions 5 . (r$vP j iws Dr. A W. Large is making the NCEMENTS J. T. Barry. Vancouver minints I o . ,l lewart on lne, return down the coast on the ,in,, and c.'lT un wmcn sailed lor the same vessel tomorrow afternoon. north last evening. In tills column will (or a full mouth j, pt r word engineer, G. H. Stevens, former bank manager, were passengers aboard the Camosun last niuht eoinir throueh to Provincial Constable W. D. jida I.O.D.E. Tea, Anderson returned to the city J. A. Barltrop of the Public Utilities Commission, who has been in the city in connection with the granting of trucking franchises on the Skeena River Highway, sailed by the Coquit- A Htm $ric, Inc. ct-tT 3izaar Octoocr a Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 " Phones 60 and 68 . Commodore Cafe "Better Th-n Ever" "That's funny, I'm sure I heard a jingle when I put my pants on this morning." lam fast night on his return to jV A. Fall Bazaar, diary Bazaar, Nov- Vancouver. Alice Arm for a visit to the on tne Camosun yesterday af-Esperanza mine in which they ternoon from a trip to Vancou-have become interested and on ver' which it is planned to institute! A F SmUh veteran operations this year, nlan of AUce Arm and othcbr Regular meetings of the Prince northn camps, was a passen-Rupert Chamber of Commerce'6" ,aboard the Camosun last evenin8 Going north from Van-months have been suspended for the couvcr to Alice Arm- of Juy and August. Spe-, Born at Forfar, Scotland, Mrs. Thomson took up residence In SUDDEN DEMH Special meeting, Construe 5 Best Food and Service in -City tnn onH r.pnpral T.nhnrers' Un- f all Bazaar, Nov. ion, local 147, Wednesday, June 'AC riTV WOMAN 22. Carpenters' Hall, Fraser,UI I IIUiIHiI J Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders J i Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. J the Burns Lake district in 1911 with her husband who predeceased her 27 years ago. Surviving are three soncs James and Edward of Prince inters Fail Baz- fj DeLuxe cial meetings will be held If For Health, Housing and Jobs necessary. Otherwise, the ex- security" Vote C.C.F. June 27th. Street, 8 p.m- Nomination and election of oincers. Don't forget to attend. (144) Mrs. Agnes Thomson, a resident of Central British Colum- s Cathedral Fall ecutlve will attend to such matters as require attendance. U. Saturday. bia since 1911, died suddenly . Rupert, John of Burns Lake, and snnrinv evpninf? at. the home of t h r e e daughters Mrs. R. E. (It) Miss Joyce Hawkinson was a passenger aboard the Camosun K. F. Harding, general man- Delivery Phone 383 Phone ItSSLNGERS ager of tne rrince nupert ""-! v . Johnson of Prince Rupert and Nohr,, J. Kuffner, Mrs. F. M. McLaughlin. To Sandspit (Today) A. Wlll- PA. . . i . Tt Prompt and Efficient Service1 i-r iouay i. last evening going through from Vancouver to Stewart for a visit with her father, J. P. Hawkin ermen's Co-operative Assocla-, ner u-u . - - returned to the city on the son, 1151 Eighth Avenue East( 'hpnson tion, bert Stephenson e, of of Burns Burns Lake Lake. Prince George yesterday morn- where she had lived since com- o hsinp trin to Van- lne to Prince Rupert nine years! Funeral arrangements will be A. MarKENfelE FURNITURE LTR A GOOD PLACE TO BUY SPECIAL Continental Bed. Full Size, Restmore flat ribbon spring, full size. Ace spring fill mattress, full size $71.00 See our carpets iust arrived Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue D. J. Milne, S.'iamson, L. Orr, Miss M. Orr. ANYTIME ANYWHERE announced later. c6uver. 1 ago- Eytcheson & Ponder son. . Miss Margaret Sharp returned to the city on the Camosun yesterday afternoon from a holiday trip to Vancouver and Calgary. Bulger's annual event for the Kiddies is the giant watch in the window. Kiddies get their "Talk about real-life dramas I tTS?i A rtislng is payable in advance. Please refrain from Classifieds, 2c per word per insertion, minimum N- Of st. art : .IB or in. e to y ia tt s- -a ai o. 3, a K3 Wth Notices 50c, Cards ot Thanks, ueatn nonces, s Marriage and EnstaRemeru, ahhouuci-iucum. SPECIAL PISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE names on free and when all spaces are filled, the watch is started off to run about 10 days and the hand stops on the lucky name- - (If 11 NOTICE Bill: "1 don't ee how you keep o cheerful, Dick. I should think a life insurance agent's job would b humdrum.' Dick: "You're wrong there! You'd be surprised ho ' much drama there is in my job and what a kick I get out of it. Yesterday, for instance . . LOST AND FOUND LOSTYellow love bird. Phone 757. "Reward." (143) Mr. and Mrs. n. a baby boy, li.i's. Sunday, June FOR RENT William B. George, veteran Portland Canal mining man, and Mrs- George were passengers aboard the Camosun last TOURIST accomodation- Phone Red 471. iwi WENT NOTICE I L C Ebv, 435 4th jr. mnce the engage-It vdiincest daunh- i pvenlnor eoinir through irom pure n.ru i oitxuuin ivvn -1 w 1. "At llie office I found (144) Victoria to Stewart, in. Phone Green 837. f Grace to Swinton j im cheque ready (of erv to widow who f. vte onlv son oi sleeping room. 1 C.C.F. broadcast 12:10, Tues FOR OR RENT RENT One One slec 841 Dth Ave. West. 1144). ded that mone. Don't I James w nvw:. (It) day noon, H. G. Archibald doing Fishing? For a holiday fishing trip, plan to travel the quick, . easy way. Eliminate long, tiring journeys gain more time to spend at your favorite lake. CALL ,476 For Information on Charier or Regular Flights Queen Charlotte Air Lines Ltd. t Vancouver, ine j (take olace at the. FOK SALE you suppose her gratitude Diude me feel I'd dime ometiiinf importauti Bbvtonan wiuri u, ft B. C. on July 14 FOR SALE 1 oil stove, 1 oil 'k- IANTKD i heater, 1 chesterfield suite, 4 chairs, 1 double bed, 2 baby cribs, 1 baby cot, 1 rocking cot, 1 radio, and linoleum ' Apply 613 6th Ave. W., or piione 2G. . (143) ' HELP WANTED greatest ring. Phone Blue! t (144.! 4-- Oil str. J loR PART EX-' iii Mchm m a "Then, on the wj litrk, I stopped off to fee Tom Blark lie and a partner have juilopenrd new gnrape. Now, if one of lh partners' should die prematurely, the oilier will be ablo to carry on thai business.'' THE 47 2',2 ton Maple with Brentford ' 1 gate loader.! defroster, signal REGISTERED graduate nurses needed lor permanent or temporary positions- Part time work accepted. Details oi salary, accomodations, etc., given on application. Positions open lor Practical Nurses and nurses aids. Salary ranging irom $100.00 to $142.00 per month according to, experience and qualifications less $30.00 per month lor h.avrl nnrl ImuIKU'V. Skeena Construction" & Cabinet Co. o Builders and GencraL Contractors u V J j.m w ml illares etc. 12,000 v. 1949 license. otter. Will take 1 Car as part pay-;y Box 538 Daily i (143) 3 "From tnere to ee George Williams who's retiring soon. Our company will Hart paying him to relat and enjoy him-elf. ou should have seen him smiling, just like happy kid!" -td shingles, scl-f 5i uu per ounnie. (140) Maids needed for permanent positions or summer relief. Salaries ranging from $81 00 to $100.00 per month according to experience less $30.00 pre-month for room, board and w and used f urn otina naDer. first tu, loKd.na jacks FLOOR SANDING AND CABINET WORK CONCRETE WORK AND REMODELLING Houses built under the N.H.A. Plan 20 down payment-balance In easy monthly' payments over a period of 15 to 20 years. ' . . Free Estimatces FOR FURTHER INFORMATION rilurvE BLACK 221 , , P.O. BOX 1676 Appiv Medical Superintendent Miller Bay Hospital, Prince cood bicycles, tvuewritcrs. bat-mn. new electric Rupert, o. U. f asters and elec- sicw rugs, beautl- .. "Next, I helped couple bring their life insurance programme up te date. They've just bad aa ' addition to their family. They were happy before, but now they've got peao of mind, tool "That's the way It goea. "And that's why I think life insurance agent hits the best job in the worldl" new cups and rvthins at the -See B. C. Fur- GREER & BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS AND BL'ILDERS 4, "Coming out, I met Jim Trimble who's going to college thanks to the poliry I sold his Dud. BelieveJne, I (bared hit excitement.' Black 324. (If) WANTED Chamber maid. Apply Bayview Hotel. (148; WANTED-Housekceper to live in. Phone Blue 787. U45) BOYSWANTED Reliable boys desiring Daily news route should file their names at tne Dailv News Office. (tl) "id. second hand Windows all sizes. Just " Arriveil . . uu line, niuiif (144) mnii wimtfii-i Youna man lit-"' ..i."-r ,..u ,,,,i.. ; x 9' combination for from ena ami iuuin,..".,r work Preferably -single. Ap- J nd trolling boat, r engine, some to fisJi. Blue 630. (tf) A helpful citizen in pur community t('hen your agent sells yon life that create joba and mate for insurance, he nso hrlps to im- better living, prot-e your community, l or a you h(re jn lheu) mproTe. large part oi each life insurance d ,h h dollar is put to-work, through "1 , . fel . , HELP WANTED Retail clerk) J Bulk- with meat experience. ley Market. I SALESMEN WANTED I J CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS REPAIRS Anolher Shipment of Ford English Passenger and Commercial Cars Priced from $1326 and up Complete with regular equipment Economical to BUY, OPERATE and MAINTAIN. We invite you to come in for details and free demonstration PHONE 83 KNOWN NAMES Snreder Shovels, mlii.es: Adami s: I.ittlrfnrd Bros. STUDENTS, others out to n!S the efforts of your helpful E'-oad Maintenance investments, to build schools, bridges, highways, industrial plains and many other projects low-citizen the modern life insurance agent 1 sWil. Owen Clamshell ' Rock Grapples; Concrete Mixers; it Trucks; Nelson ws for Stockpile money mis sunimii. $15 00 and up per day selling Polvethvline plastic ware. Its new and selling last A customer Write in every house Howard WUlson. 593 Sutherland Ave., Kelowna, B. C. FLOOR SANDING A SPECIALTY meva : Rice fort- LIFE INSURANCE ... Giiarflian of Canddian Ilomei A message from the more than fifty life Insurance Companii of Canada P'lK.U Pumps; Na-I'ne Scrapers and Rational All Steel iHui.tts; National ESTATE "j RED 581 P.O. BOX 721 REAL t-nl FOR SALE-6 room house. Call "wnulls: National l(ns and Ponvcvor.-.. ,WJWW.WW.V.'.V.V ""ation from Na- in alter a. -nn u .y47) " Green 224. . n r Cnnl ininery Co. Ltd., o. t;. itu EARLY ADVERTISING COPY IS APPRECIATE? FOR SALE-House. 1941 Plvmnnth 4- Cove Circle. (151) 1 $19nn hn ran hp A Representative Warehouse Stock to Save You Time and Money o a i a mnm Wartime pu Motors Ltd. (tf) furnisnea or uiuui rllice for cash. Apply 1538 5 h n TT.vonrnHp (144) from: 2nd Overlook. fll)U)r, also electric curd plaver- Call Enjoy a Good Home In the lovely Kootcnay Valley While Making a Good Living. -One acre lot, new lRed 411 (147) i nnH lights, woou nen use shed, chicken, house; and PruSvS, iu Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. General Dry Battery Co. of Canada Ltd. Canadian Westinghouse Co. Ltd. (Lamp Division) Imperial Wiping Rag Co. Ltd. G. H. Wood & Co. Ltd Dustbane Co. of B.C. Ltd. and others at -Une Rrey English in excellent con- Anolv BUI . (147) I Harden. Terrace. 5nY 64 6th Ave. E 6. (143) FOR THE YOUNG MAN . . . - ZXPEUmONS DOKT TORGET R SALE House. 5 rooms MthT $2700.00. furnished $3300.00. 1140 Hays Cove (148) Ave- Wa.Shlll(T rviofVilnp fue for"$25.00. Box 1 (145) FOR SALE-5 room ho"M- Phone mni, nnn rail at 11 J1'11 PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR 712 Second Avenue Phone 633 P. O. Box 778 Twenty acre mixed farm. 15 acres bearing cherry trees, other fruits, pasture etc. Plenty of spring water, 6-room house, good outbuildings, three miles from village on main highway. Price $8,500, all cash. MRS II. DAVIDGE, Wyndell, B. C. (145) uining room suite JJ9 Daily News. Ave. East. (148) METAL WORK Why fan J4t Pnrrt 1 r,n Phone Red 400 518 3rd Ave. W. PLUMBING IWlia",T "ai METM Renairs. SHEET WORK. Tar and Gravel Roof- 3LWest. 154) I1 the Dflllv Man,. lns. Letourneau ot rr. r Sixth West. Phone 543. tpwwrrFmigwll,i