'W.WtViV.VWAW.VA , Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, February 3, 1950 retary and Mrs. W. Murdoch. ' treasurer. Executive " members lare Mrs. J. C. Gilker, Mrs. A. i Holbrnok, Mrs. L. Dolron. Mrs. W. 'Richards and Mrs. W. Wallace. Cancer Society Hew Executive Warm Wool CLOTHES For Cold Wen. I Ray Reflects . -. . . . . and Reminisce 15 .n Independent rtallv npwip.irT oevntert t-o t-ie npi.niimnf nf Prlnre Rupert ( n,1 ail romn..a.uies t,j,n. u,g n..iil'rn il .viiir..! Bnt Isli l ohimuiv (Aii'Jjoriwd a second Ma'.l. FflH Office Department. Ottawa) ! Published c-erv arn-vnr.im except Sunday by i Tlliee Rupert Dadv News ltd '3rd Avenue. Prlnre Rupert. British Columbia. . O. A m;NTFR Mnnm-h-u 1-niMr H. G PEHRY. MnnaRln Director. , i "Mrs. W. Rothwell" was re-' elected president of the Prince 100 Pure Wo.i1 in r' Rupert Cancer Sooiety Thursday mg JACKETS . Special 1EMPFH OK PAK)N PHI SI AI'DIT Bt'HBAi! Or CIHl I I.n I iwa CANADIAN n!l,Y NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION 8UBSOKIK1 ION KATM WP UK? Carrier. Her Wert (v. Per Mmn.ll. 75c: Per Year. 00. 1 -TlifT' ; Bt Mall. Per Mnntb. Sue.: Per 7er. 5 00 -jr.- Men's Dress SHIR Always Prompt and Courteous.' We're Here to Serve YOIT $ i Prince Rupert s police force, is true of the press which al.so is afternoon during a mating of organization in ,the C lvic Cen-I increased bv two, makes a round not without emergencies, une- .the tre, Dr. Duncan Black, new di-; dozen. Some oppose and some peeled difficulties and puzzling support the change. But suppose surprises. However, the door can- rector of the Prince Rupe.t I there was no such thing as a not be locked, any more than the Health Unit was elected honor- ....... ! j mi O fr rracf1ant. Commodore Cafe? Haye You A Job? . r.filice flpnnrt.ment Tt was that curtain must De lOWtrea. ine X77 Other executive members elect I, 'Ilosnitulilv and Good Foorl".! Fure wool, plain $(,, Regular $8.7-' Now . Men's Dress anrji SOX Biggest sclt Fram 40 Lined MITSKon in- Renulor uo to ed were Mrs. V. Hanley, vice president; Rev. F. Antrobus, sec- o ' ; way once. Little more than a paper must get out. The show : century and a half ago, it was up must go on." , jto a man to defend himself, or ; his family ,and his home. A lot They say money won't bring j : ... . . . - Vion.iinnen Molmrt V"ltltCQ tVlDI'll i l'hiiiie u lor onu-tiit urtiersj J3rd Ave. David Chow, Mgr :ot us, today, would De scared sun ""fH" m'""'"lo ri5if A DISTRESS Relieve the months of January, February and DURING ? March, we In Canada hear more about unemployment than at any other time in the entire year. Durihir the late spring, summer and autumn there is less of this complaint. 'ihe reason, of course, is Canada's climate. With ! at the idea. is more napiimra hi ijcinuuum: ; Ll! U C OF mitt-Kiwi ! Now only $1 25 P(, I i than a poorhouse. Kitchener- j "B.C." means "British Colum- Waterloo Record. ,bia. So does "Bitter Cold.". Catarrh fitjS? V 1 Ur II 111 h The time will the ciminrr of winter certain industries such as fish- i Prince Rupert win require more! S'T'il s Bl.io Met0' OVPRC0ATS tvlft. Snerlol ' ; Bovs' PANTS vool cloth, good ing- sjnd lumbering, which in the other seasons pro- 1 , , "., power than what today is iin- i ttuifliee out niucui; i the show must eo on. The same ,o K ...... . ! ,mri mukes brwiUi- my muter. Try it. .!,, ., !., ntlf,. ..f nmn nt-mont f nep I OWll uuvu.imuic. xi, in tune a lctinr iiucumi wi unpujinvi"., ....... For Friendly Service And Advice in Your Building, Insulation and Decoration Problems H'-J". ISLAND CITY BUILDERS' SUPPLIES General Builders' Sun;o(t-s MIS !rl Britle SI. Blue 8 !fl VICKS VA-TRO-K0 isfying to realize that this water ; energy is to be found, not too Construction is at a' standstill or is materially reduced. A number of other outdoor activities are ' In the Supreme Court of British Columbia i In Probate I In the Matter of the "Admlnistra- Rows' K distant, but within reasonable . . L .1 mileage. No doubt, all these po- WMMSOSmMm . V tion Act ?-"-t blanket on your htd to . keep you in 'JuM-RiKbt" ileepin( ! comfort mil nighc long automicically no matter how cold your room gen. j That's the amazing feature of the new ! Cj-K Automatic blanket. j On chilly nights Uo you can enjoy ! the luxury of getting into a prewarmed j bed widi the iafe, easy-to-waih G-E i lllanket . . . the only blanket that gives you the warmth you want without the !! $9.95 cut um. n. - : And The result is what is termed "seasonal unem- m Jt Ja tential sources have, been examined and filed away or placed on ployrhent." Canada ha? a certain amount of it every i take notice J record . Fev,- reg.ons in worth due 1 f the court f Br- America have more than what supreme it ic Tp.dpV thnn in recent years vo.-TIw 1 lll.s -,,. It 1 Mllinitwuau glCcCl je.U,, jeai i (sh Columbia 1 WH5 on the 3!st exists ln NoI.thern British Colum- av ol January. A D 1950. appoint- to tte exceptionally severe winter. bia. (d Administrator of the estate of Ja ! weight you don t want. Come into our store and see them j I on' display. Three models to choose 1 ime of Prince Itu- fnmnnvm-iT nvm or, 1 1 . "b GjorinRbo. Saying the condition is a ""'r""".t " pert, British Columbia, who was It's business wise to advertise PRINCE GEORGE SAUS FOR VANCOUVER and liitMrineiiiav, forts Each Thursday at 11:15 p.n. National Employment Officers feel that it can be k" uZl from in mm ncnuuiui : shades, all with rich satin- J bound edges. j i For Street or School Wear Hurlbut Custom Grade Brown Calf OXFORDS Goodyear Welt MILLIE'S SNACK BAR NOW GENERAL ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC BLANKET taken care of if communities across Canada will do ng liirt(ibted to the Mld something about it. For that reason National Em- j--t - t -n;o ldonnent Officers have been instructed to prosecute I forthwith and an persons bavin X" i i tliiims aeainst the said estate are campaign designed to stimulate temporary em- ; 'X ploent wherever possible. The idea is that many ,m-x r'vinTre-of us hi've work which can be done now but which : gard omy to such claims of winch . . : 1 have been notified. f,,i..n l'O-iwiin nr orl-iev i lKllflllv 110Stl")0ned Until . DATED at Prince Bupert. B C. I A For KETCHIKAN WKINKSIAY "MlUSHiin i! Bigger and Beta Por Reset vatloni Write or Cat: CITY OR 1HTOT OH'K'K t his 31st clay of January 1950. ! Gordon Fraser Forbes t Official Administrator MILLIE' HAMBURGER PKINCE liUPKK'l, 1A Better and Ect- 1. DOI BLE BED one control S30.50 J. DOI BI.E BED two control $9-5 J. TWIN BED one control $37.50 ea. NORTHERN B.C POWER CO. LTD. Besner Block Phone 210 B.C. pprihg or even summer. Jt is obvious that unemployment is a bad thing in any community. It always does a great deal of harm. The unemployed individuals together with their families are the direct sufferers, but the whole community loses through the fact that they have cea-vd to produce-and ceased to earn. Anything tho comjnur.ity can do to alleviate unemployment should certainly be done. AA to B Fitting All Sizes 4 to 8 $895 FAMILY SHOE STORK M.MITKI) Charlie Roberts Irtl Ave. Box W. Ph. 3.".7 AND Full Course Meals . 5-7 p m. -2; OPFN fi a.m. to 1 s m Just off Tliird A TIR fith Kt. Ph. Orilrr v m v M. . A. I. BILL SCl'BY FI R ILL SCl'BY Fl'RS BILL SCl'BY FIKS For morninq fresh resn n ess noiR J U1RS mm- BULGER il If Winter come I HI oi'Tomcthih-i I1 Spring be far b '111 ill 5 Use BaPfone for ' fjjH' 0 1 decoration' lOul A " . . . . . ) TLinmncnn Hori! i . iW.MANDS ACTION DRINK DELICIOUS ' a day, with an inadequate output of electrical energy. Ediw. Daily News: OVAHIRIE J I I I, U m K I M .11 -r s j WM,3V, - ' ' Co. Ltd. I j Third ATnue m wsJJ BILL SCUBY FURS AT BEDTIME tux-. ', 1 Ct''"'ve lnal Ule citizens or As iirivate ciUzeiuand a Coun- Plce R,JPerl are trusting their paNerfrel that our City cilaniuiil citizens should demand Ulck t0 the limil! I the P'Pe" line from Woodworth Lake should Mts Northern B. our i f ;rom ine C Poi' Conmanv which aareetl 8ive ollt- we not ony wiU be w"itn- but will have to endure with' all out water to suijpjy the City nec- essRrvpowvr. The fact that it further curtailment of electricity, We should demand that the has net rained for thirtv davs does Mi. in my opinion, const i- Pt,wer Company Inslal an ade- tuto ai-lease to the Power Com- Quale diesel plant immediately a a -m ILL SCl'BY FI KS BILL SCl'BY Fl'RS mammal MHAwmammmmmamMtkM BU 1 S(TBY 1 1 K uJ ft tl. ii.... nawh nru l , I ne new r uiiAKLn ii im HOLLYWOOD cafe pauv tim fulfiilmp, their obliga- and release all water rights from MORE BEAUTIFUL Ifl b THAN EVER! LJ MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY OPEN FROM 3:30 P.M to 3:30 A.M. We Specialize In Chinese Dishes LTIOP SUEV CHOW MEIN SVAWLfl l7r -A)) I s-". ' Woodworth Lake for water use lions V'e have endured similar ex- only, periehces in the past and I would Power Company refuses like to know just how often this to take immediate steps to allevi-hiuunion can be cla'xscd as an ate the situation, and continues 'Act pf God " 10 blame the public for non co- Wiai our pipeline from Shawat- operation, I believe we should delays take in such dangerous con- clare a "state of emergency" and ditu.!). I feel that the Northern call for assistance from the Pro-B C;. Power Company should vinrial and Dominion Govern-have . prepared for this emerg- merits. ency.' It seems ridiculous that a Let us not wait till the horse is Company of this size would not 'out before locking the stable have made other arrangements door! for a stand-by plant other than Yours for some action.- p tiuqir plant uing ftrt tun nf rnal H. S. WHALEN. for fiutiiile Orders PHONE 13J ' Special Sale of English Cups and Saucers 95 cents We have just received a large shipment from England and in order to get a lower price we had to order more than we want to keep in stock at one time. We are offering the surplus at a low price to reduce stock. AH are English bone china in various attractive patterns. SEE OUR WINDOW SALE LASTS ALL THIS WEEK l I l ml im SSla i jb...- - J Tin ! OFF 0 W EVENT h K I j4L V TO Va off ; j REGULAR PRICES I FUR. SALE t FUR COATS Clearing at the Lowest Prices in Years r BUY NOW and SAVE 40 EVERY COAT GUARANTEED :F0WL1K'& KIJTTLE I Ami led J f I ' BROWNW00D jt ( , ' 'm'i i ft '"T?.V C ' ND-CO-RODE is GOOD for Life There's a whole lifetime of trouble-free service In no-co-rodb I I A. CfXfui oiuie DRVG v 5 PHONE PHONE j 79 79 - lUallarr llljarmani HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. i 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE DRUGS - w 1" 4 X A. Phone 311 TRESCRIPIION CHEMISTS root-proof pipe. Soil settlement won't crack or break it, freezing or thawing won't affect it. Tapered joints prevent leaks, keep out roots. NO-co-RODK saves you time, work, money. Use- no-co-rodb root-proof pjpe for House-to-Sewer or House-to-Septic Tank Connections, Downspouts, other underground non-pressure uses. Get no-co-rode perforated pipe for Septic Tarik legching beds, foundation footing drainSj soil irrigation, field drainage,-; Both types are backed by a 40-year record of outstanding service. , . ' CALL 651 i PliiLPOTT EUITT : -r S CO. Ltd. - LUMBER --and BUILDERS' SUPPLIES STOKE HOURS WEEK DAYS, 8 A.M. TO TO ' SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAY 12 NOON 7 P.M. TO 9 P M. . ' Headquarters for WINTER SPORTS EQUIPMENT Skis and Ski Equipment ' C.C.M. Matched Ice Skate Outfits Campbell Badminton Racquets and Shuttlecocks Sleighs ' . . i Emergency Dlcf rrom 7 P-m. and Sun Dally car delivery service from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m.