Et!ticf Uopert Dail? jf3cto Thursday, October 27. 1949 , Sex Film its effort to have a full time laboratory technician stationed here for public health work and for a full-time director for the Prince Rupert Health Unit Teacher Federation ' gives an ' award each year to each P.T.A. which haS increased it membership over its last year, the president urged all P.T..'s to put forth a special membership drive to try to top even last year's record, in which every one of the SUPPORT HEALTH BOARD PLEA FOR LARGER STAFF Support will be given by city fOimril tl Prlnno D..t i IsC The aldermen expressed t heir j oming approval of the idea after receiving a letter from the Union Board which deplored the lack a technician for public health labor aM ta tide Parent Ttachers Would Review Ser Document Happy Over Bylaw Faasage ui u ict union Board of Health in ctty's four P.TA'l became elhr-ible for the special membership award. RATS 1. C. Oilker, chairman of the health committee, reported that hi committee's efforts in taking steps to have the city's rat popu- atory work and of a full time medical director. Services of both are eontp.ined In the city's agreement with the provincial Department f Health KUTM'K TO ()VlttV TOKS TENDERS are Invited b the un The picture films on sex education which are now under consideration by the provincial Department of Education to deter EMM dersigned Inr the erection of addl- mine their suitability for nres, latlon decreased, not eliminate. entatfcn. to school children will be obtained by the Prince Rupert I ed' were canning. The com- t -r. , Imitlee has received the suDDort j arai v-1 iier council, 11 was 01 Pt of Health in decided at the regular monthly Vkloria to P1" methods to meeting of that organization held deslroy the rat 8amP'es oI in the Civic Centre and will be Ueud rU re beU,g se"1' trwtt show, to parents, teachers and Prince am- slnce lne cn P88 lne uv' Rupert Oeneral Hospital. Prince Hupeit, b. c. partment on a per capita basis Plans and .wiiriaMoM no , for public health protection, the form of Tender may be obtained ,. , , . , aldermen could fmd reason no rrom the uudenugned or from the Architect. Mccarter St. Nairne, mo why they should not ask for the t (so ot)) which will be r-funded on Council has authorized ti.e city , iriurn of Piam and specuicatioiw clerk to support the Union Bo-jrd TeZr sha be fed Jot Health in its request for a duplicate with the Administrator, technician and a director. Prince Rupert General Hospital. For tne iast tw0 years e prlv. ' Prince Rupert, B. C. not later than' , .... s oo pm. Wednesday. November 23 at cl-y practitioner has been rd, 1949. ! acting as part-time director, a Jt?,?.a7 aU bf ""nPn" situation which the aldermen felt Mm Ms vw- ueiv wj viuujria lor aiiiuyeix w determine the extent of. their harmfulness to humans. Mr. Secretary-Treasurer John Jenkins, J. C. Gilker, Mrs. t. W. Bcker. Mrs. Greisel, J. S. Wilson, R. D. Clelanck J. Sykes, Mrs. R. B Mortimer, T G. Bateman, Mrs. Helen Marchildon, J. Goscoe, Mrs. H. M. Llndseth. others Interested at the nex; meeting of the Parent-Teacher Council November 21, to determine local opinion on these films. A special invitation will be sent to Interested organizations, doctors, nurses and teachers. The Council's newly-elected Gilker stressed again, however, that citizens have a very grave responsibility as far as this prob the Council to ask the President of the local Teachers' Federation, Frank Wright, to act as Honor?ry President of the Parent Teviir Council. The Council went on record as favoring the appointment by the Provincial Department of Haal'-h o a full time lab technician and pathologist here for the purpose of testing water, milk, etc. toward the well-being of citizens in Reneral and children in particular. All local P.T.A.'s will be asl'-ed to endorse a motion to that effect. was burdensome to the doctor lem is concerned and that is to leave in their yards nothing that of flue per cent (6) of the Tender, and by a Completion Bond 1"-W . Vim' and not complete?;' saUs.actory to the Heal'h Unit the rats can feed on. He urged that every citizen make sure his garbage can is covered and that president, Martin Stunrt, was in th chair for the first time. Under hip supervision, chairmen wera Tlw lowest or rny tender may not necisjirlly be nccepted. D. C. Stevenson, Administrator, Prince Rupret General Hospital no food is left where rats can elected to the various committees Mr. and Mrs. Jack Judge are TRAIN SCHEDULE for the East Monday. Wednesday, Frtdax. 8:00 p.m. k v.. From the East Tuesday. Thursday, Saturda' -10:15 p.m. . ; ' .. i get at it. n V as follows. I sailing on the Prlnea G;on?a to- It was unanimously adopted by Prince Rupert. B. C. Parent-Teacher news convener ( Mrs. E. W. Becker. (254night on a trip to Van-;"i'ver. Those present at the meetin-; were President Martin Stuart, P soriasis Publicity ConvenerMrs. Helen Marchildon. "' Literary and Cibrary Convener Mrs. R. E. Mortimer. Health Convener J. C. Gilker. , Membership Convener Mrs. H. M. Llndseth, A New Concentrated Prescription Found Psoriasis is a chronic skin erup-' tion characterized by circum ma J scribed red, scaly adhesions. We ROYAL NAVY Civic Centre Committee Chairman J. 3. Wilson. Music St Drama Committee chairman R. D. Cleland. Study Croup Convener Mrs Greisel. Traffic St Safety Committer chairman T. G. Bateman. Kindergarten Committee chair do not know that a cure for Psor-iasis has been found, but this prescription will dear the skin ERARA RUM - u..MaiaiSBBBBiBaBniBav no: p iblivhrd or displayed by the Liquor Control by re Government of British Colunbi. . - VICKERS'IS DISTIUED IN CANADA AND IS DISTRIBUTED BY CalVttl for approximately six months to one year. The prescription is a clear, colorless and odorless liquid and it contains no oil or grease. Clothing and "linens cannot be stained or marked. Ap This advertisement is not published or displayed by the I.iqnot Control hoard ot by the Government of British Columbia. man Mrs, Dan Parent. School Planning Committee Alan. U. Hurst and R. O. Moore. APPRECIATION plication is simple. The affected Mrs. E. W. Becker expressed part are washed with a pure; Professional and Business soap and warm water; the pre ATTENTION appreciation, on behalf of the School Board to the P.T.A.'s for -x. s lllllnmn scription Exoff Concentrated Is then patted on with a small swab ( In "J the mrk they had done in pub licizing the school bylaw anvl of cotton apply night and i helping to get it passed J. S. morning. THE KIGHT Bl'YER FOR YOITl nfME! of our excellent list of PROSPECTIVE Wilnon expressed in return the You caa get this prescription at I P. T. Council's genuine appreci all druggists, simply ask for 3 ozs. 1 1 V satisliction and prompt actum, place your MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 52e . 330 Second Avenue -Prlnca Rupert, B.C. ation to the School Board for its oi r,xori concentrated and if j unfiling work and efforts on the. CATHERINE LAURIE PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER ' - 401 Third Ave. West"4 ' tPrlnce Rupeft Realty Co.) Phones: i Green 67 Days . Green 412 Evgs. oyiaw. uouncii memoers re E RUPERT REALTY CO. your skin is tender or get dry you should also obtain V2 on. oi Exoff Ointment. Cut this out as a reminder it is well worth a sponded with a round of hearty PHONE GREEN 867 ,1 applause. Mother KnouJsXeesri 1 trial. Since the provincial Parent f B. & W. TRANSP'ER I ' i .i i. i i DRY FIR KINDLING WOOD 50c Per Sack Delivered PHONE GREEN 188 K. J. &j B. CO.rr-PAINTING O AIX KINDS, Remodeling Rooms Bathrooms and Kitchens Our Specialty Willing to Go Anywhere All Work Guaranteed BOX No. 1141 STATION B FOR YOUR ROCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed A. P. GARDNER & Co CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS BYT0WN MACHINE WORKS Agents for SIMPLEX GAS and CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Sales Service and Parts Boat owners and users of In 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER - B.C. dustrial Engines are invited to our showroom to view our various engines and ta'.V over equipment problems. MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUIDINO DR. GARNET E. H. MONTGOMERY' DENTIST Suite 7, Smith Block Phone 525 P.O. Box 1216 PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing tfnd Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 972 10th East ' GEORGE L. R0RIE Public Accountant, Auditor Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phon 387 )wiMiiiiini m' iiiwh -r- -. mau""nm jriih.wii.imw iw air nrr"" EARLY" ADVERTISING COPY IS APPRECIATED HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches - THE DAILY NEWS FOR BEST RESULTS DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 204 4th Street Phone 655 H Meat Market When Your AT YOUR SERVICE SIR! WELLS CARTAGE LIMITED H. S. Whalen, Manager Comulete Moving Servicu RADIO ifxCS HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Gets Crating Packing Cartage BLUE 780 RED 518 s OAmmiflnro 15c lb. 52c lb. 35c lb. (S5c lb. 2fic lb. 63c lb. 5c lb. 56c lb. BEEF Standing Rib 'b- Rolh-d Rib lb' Short Rib Roast 36o lb. Shoulder Roast 35c lb. Stew Boneless 'r lb Hamburger 5c lb. FRESU CHICKEN Roasters C5c lb Fryers CO ' Fowl 55c H. vuiuiiiwuvi v Cafe Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS KNOCKED OUT 1ke It . TO Out specialty lush speed service at rock bottom prices. Just lean out and tell us what you need, we'll do the rest in less time than it takes to tell about it. Drive up TODAY Bob Parker's UPTOWN SERVICE STATION Second and McBrlde or Phone 791 "Better Th-n Rver" QUALITY j REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Af. Cic, lb. Ken's ! Best Food and Service in CUj RADIO CLINIC PHONES Black 334 " P O. Box 1670 P.O. Box 1670 i Phone 17 fot Send-Out Order; AL WE SPECIALIZE IN Hir.HI PHONE Crkiri in David ChOW. Mgr. QUALITY HAMBURGER CUTl BLACK trust.. 1 ..... tin u -" - - Phone J 18 2nd Ave. SHOULDER BEEF 801