training program, for elemen-' have ern. TEACHERS LOWEST PAID i Continued iiom Paae 1' teachers, espei-U.liy, should scrm.,i . tar and - a BIRTHDAY IS CELEBRATED only i Idrinre Uupcrt Daili r?cns Tl:uf.u:.v, February 3. 1941) ! be expanded. The Dvpiirtmeju taught in i. ttn ,o vt riitirU vft't men rl:i t iiin ff u. r: -4 learners, baseci on me is-m-io - ic senool bll. tru' ies:y meeting oi ". . hoi,! avfraee 01 i.u, wumu r i Hermitess Ciuo, V misht. been $2 930." I t-achers into tne proiession. i trs in tlie Pf'JVfc, f' . ir - ih hQ . An Jn rttrow-l o upouuairig t Princ auperi mi romrrmnltlcH (vrmp-itu uortncrn una crninu BritiMi uoliimoi Authored as Second Clasn Mall. Post Office Dfpnmpnt. Ottawa) Puhl!h1 every afternoon except Sunday bT . Tloce Rupert Dally News L?.. 3rd Avenue, prince Rupert. British Columbia. KUE5CRIPTION RATKS fTe?L at me nmur ui f r jji,i,, in thn has ( HI . rinwcvi-i, muc "'tu u u: ps Ill aUUUIUll W t.. ; ! Lnai .... i . . . w 701 mm o . -"--.Vmphm. Federation scale. v e nuiauic iiiw.' j"i mt ?; percent 1 -N li j City carrier Per Week. 20c: Per Month. 75e: Per Tear. an (o. iBi.'Wi Furthe "ffir.r. . Joyce Ta ter i"7;ttt"''i request an amount addition to part of students to enter the TSi'. mPt. .tearing passion. .. rntpr i rleliehtful for the extra of living In ..For the pa;,;, ic yrars. the r i if V' r - ' k thv , i,,nh served by the host- Prince Rup-rt and the extra normal schools have made every been a A Good 50c Worth -"-T-j JOSE WERE interesting value comparisons .... I w hich were drawn by the Inspector of Schools the hih irhcxM.s nd Inst year, mmtai t it. : from Prince Rupert. surprised when a large birthday t ; ., Dhlnnn fan- . . i i I I . L'K t usi ui living in s. iiui one normui sentKJi pM!c:pai ryeii rnke bedecked with candles was ,.,,t.H m her along with a pert in March, 1948. the dif- SUgg,.sted that students go i;;,, ds Pii j. r- r H fcv v" ---- members ference had risen to 14 percent, normal without senior matricu-!, , nTs f rift while the club ,h .. rl"icc Run. sana "Happy Bi.hday." These figures were based on i sr 88 )atton. i ditions. the normal schools can- ' . po,i,iw4 Those present were Joyce staple Items I not supply enough teachers fori,.. sv Tatter.?all. Lenora raugru, tsem Ti :ich(;! s. j Astoria. Mona Lykesiaard, Con-i Seppoia. Evelyn Smith, Lor-I na Farrlneton, Gladys Breimo and Pat Smith. replacement of those normally leaving the proft sion." FEU ItFXM ITS l.rtRE "This district lias done less Jf fie 1030,,. FIFTEEN YEARS OF HUMAN INTEREST The scene is set in ihe CBC's. Toronto studios for another broadcast of "They Tell M;." and just before the producer signals "go," commentator Cl aire Wallace and announcer Elwood Glover discuss some last-minute script details. Claire has been digging up unusual news and presenting them on the air in a bright, easy manner i'or fifteen rears. l ne i.. ihun mruit. In rpcruitliit? teachers if Declaring that a SlaO annual "inrremrnt" based on tra'.vn(j and experience is justified, the teachers' brief asserted that, among other lhinis, its aim is "to provide a reasonable return on the teachers' investment in education." It also would enable the .eaeher to meet the costs of equired training durtng the T . 1 l..t If! lnra f.f n.-a.l., , 1 . r. 111 liit inav iv i.'ui giauu- ai'iie nip ates of the Hiph .School here salaries." LIMITS OF CITIZENSHIP When an Indian appeared in it Vancouver police court earl? this weefc, charged with intoxication, he told Magistrate Orr he was under the White Man's TRANSFERRED TO VERNON CP D D Radio r),:al IlK 1240 Kilocvc -! (subject to Change) tnhn ci nrrptt afrr nporlrr Act. LJ "I pot franchised In Prince Rupert," he remarked. Said the magistrate: arly ypars of his teaching arcer, and "put the teacher on a plane with other professional groups on completion of permanent qualifications." "In support of this," Mr. Dryer argued, "we would point out that the Department of Education's regulations provide for issuance : of a permanent twenty years here In the serv-i ire of the provincial irovernment. has been transferred to Vernon i ia his capacity as provincial ! n-smnr nnri will be lpavina 'Well, even if he can legally buy liquor, he can't legally get in speaking before a local service club yesterday. '- - Mr. Chell broke down the figures of educational costs in Prince Rupert and found that it costs this school area 50c per child per day for education. " Then he pointed out to some of the other things -that we could buy for 50c a movie admission tick- , et, a little over a'package of cigarettes, a good deal ! less than a baby sitter's evening fee things about the paying for, which we never even think of com- i plaining but, indeed ,are glad to pay. I . , It is sometimes interesting just to think of what ; , value we get for our f if ty cents'worth. i . Certainly we must agree that we are getting a : good deal in our educational service. ' . Looking at it from this standpoint, we have little to complain abf-ut in our educational costs. IVut maybe we take our educational service a little for granted. Certainly it is a 50c worth that is the last thing we should think about curtailing unless it could be effected by making service more efficient, the possibility of which is difficult to see. A GOOD CITIZEN ;- JUDGE YV. E .FISHER, long since the dean of the sJ legal profession" in. Prince Rupert, leaves the city today and it is fitting that we should add our . voice of tribute to a fine citizen of more than forty years' standing and one of our best old friends. Judge, barrister, churchman, athlete, vocalist, His Honor these many years has taken an active part in various phases of community life and it is not without a nostalgic feeling of regret that we see him go. .". Certainly no man who has lived with us from drunk.' within the next few weeks to i 'war t.t n" Mup.rt m ' fPrin n Quvtnd AJ I The accused was released, for take ud his new duties in the constable appeared to test Okanagan city. J. G. Stenber-1 " certificate following two years j of successful teaching and com- ily against him. fort Ht gen, deputy assessor from New Westminster, arrived in the city yesterday to succeed him. Mr. Garrett came here In 1933 from Atlin as assessor's clerk In 1P39 he became deputy assessor and collector. In 1942 he succeeded A. J, Lancaster as collector and In 1944 became asses Students Get Chance In Mine Industry LONDON CP Sixty-six young men average age 20, have been given a chance of a short cut to top Jobs in Britain's coal in- THURSDAY -fM. 4:P0 Tony the Troubadour 4:15 SKick Quotation.' find Interlude 4:30 Stories of Adventure 4:45 Easy Listening 5:00- The Happy Time 5:30 Hawaiian Echoes 5:45 Platter Parade 6:00 People Ask 6:15 Freddy Martin and Orchestra 5:30 Musii-al Varieties 6:45 Smoke Rings ":00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Eventide 8:00 Nation's Business 8:15 Vocal Recital 8:30 To be announced 9:15 University Round Table 9:45 Clifford Evens 10:00- -CB( News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Island Stories 1U:30 Nocturne 11:00 Weather & Sign Off FRIDAY A.M. 7:00 Musical Ciocx 7:45 Singing Sam pietion of summer school re- quirements. The department in-; .sists that this be done within! five years." j ' An increase In the cost of living has decreased the value j of Increments and a sufficient ; upward adjustment would compensate for this devaluation of , p.i:;t increments, 'he brief stated. 1 i Under the heading "Teacher i Training and Teacher Shortage," Mr. Dryer pointed out that it r recognized by the Depart late dustry. They have been selected by the National Coal sor on the death of the George Cripps. Mrs. Garrett and daughter Board from 600 entrants for have been in Vancouver for some time. Mrs. Stenbergen and family will be arriving later from New Westminster. ment of Education that the to most B.C. Gent Enjoy tht twii't flight and imoo'h our modem ail hvl. On bjiinni or pltrar-, t tfir (alter, ttay thatt lonacr tnim.,, aoonti. Convtnicnt daily, eicapt Sandn o. with a 10' i, Mvin) on round trip W. Inforrrnlion and rctarvatloni, TELEPHONE 751 j university scholarships in mm-j in? enlitec ring. When they j j ?. iv. dute they will become col- iiery managers and will be the j youngest in Britain holding i 'ne'e responsible posts. After' t -.'-Jn?, a university degree they will be given a three-year coiu; e of practical training - in the collieries. : j Hungry Elephant Is Unwanted Asset "those early pioneer days, through good times and BOMBAY, India (P The job of absorbing minor prlncipali- FISIIING IMPROVES ....... LUNENBURG. N.S.. O Com-! ffiwm 8:00 CBC News 3:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 4; 00 BBC NEWS 9:15 Morning Jevotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Ellen Harris 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Round-up. Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Let's Play 11:15 Songs of Yesterday 11:30 Weatner Forecast ties into the provinces of India j ,,;pte nures for the 1948 ash j sometimes has its amusing side, catch out of this fishing centre i When Dharainpur state became -how an increase of 4.000 quin- th c;lUh for the ': of ove- V- part the Surat district o-;'tals , , ., .1 vious vear. Bombay, one of the assets ac-. quired was an unwanted ele-' EGYPTIAN SLEUTHS phant. Ti.e animal needs six Finder prints as a means of attendants and its food require-( identification were Known in merits cost $6 a day. ! ancient Egypt. 1 VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE FOR ALL TYPES OF PR1NTT 1:30 p.m., Camosun 10 p.m., Coquitiam Tuesday, Sunday, GREETING ' OFFICE SMTI.IES HOME STATIONER V PI NS AMU SEE bad, through boisterous days and quiet, has more deservedly earned our esteem and respect for his TJIiprightness, his honesty, his generosity and geniality a lot of fine attributes to be so fully combined in one. A grand gentleman, we wish the good judge many more clays of life which he has learned, through his good deeds and his good nature, to enjoy so well. And, with our expression of parting esteem to him, we would combine good wishes to his "good wife who these many years has borne her in-"""firmities patiently and in brave heart. V: WHY NOT HEREABOUTS? -TRUMAN AND STALIN are not averse to meet- , , I ing but neither, it seems, cares to travel very far from home. Let's see, now! Washington and Moscow are a long way apart. Well, what's the matter ' with Stalin slipping over to Siberia from where he is now, stepping over the narrow Behring Strait, " and from there, down the coast? From Washington to Puget Sound, Truman could cover in a day's 11 -31 Messaee Period. ALICE ARM, STEWART AM) PORT snirsoN Sunday, 1! p.m. FOR SOt'TH Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitiam, Jan. 28, 10 p.m. FOR NORTT1 Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS )isiiimi Dihh 1 iSffiSI b ViC4 Still CostsX Less Than , Besner Itloi k 11:33 Rec. Int. 11:45 Famous Voices. P.M. -12:00 Mid-day Melodies '.2:15 CBC Nev.s 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Concert Hour 1:30 Bernie Braden 1:45 Comty An Idea 2:00 National School Bdct. 2:30 Musical Program s s. Coquitiam, February 4 and 18, 10 p.m. FRANK. J. SRINNEK Prince Utinerl Avem i tilrd Ave fifin wiJ BAPTONE ''' THE WONDER WALL PA! Made in a number of attractive t drif.s quickly with a soft flat 2:45 Don Messer ant! His Islanders 3:00 Ethel and Albert. 3:15 Spotlight On a Star 3:20 Sketches In Melody 3:30 Divertimento $4.50 gal SI. 40 quart CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hushes, DC, Ph.C. 21-22 Besner Block Phone BI.IF. 442 for Appointment not rts 10:30 a.m. to 12;30 p fti no 2 to 5 p.m. EVRMMiH Mnnday and Friday. 7:30 p m. toi those unable to come rturlnu th tlay. RECEPTIONIST In attend- THOMPSON HARDWARE C! Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS nice after ooons. I 1 this -r 1. What Is wrong with rentence? "We walked WANTED Al ri.ICATIONS W ILL BE ACCEPTED I Ol! H" IXC POSITIONS FOR 1949: CAMP MANAC.EKS over flight. The two could then shake hands in a pleas-' ant, friendly city not far from the Queen Charlotte Islands. Neither would be so very far from their own land, and what splendid fireside chats they could have. We would even put the Civic Centre at their disposal. j;HOAD TO MOUNT HAYS r'C DAY, when Mount Hays becomes one of tilO the outstanding playgrounds of the west, the ' city will have the Ski Club to thank for having been .the first to direct public interest in that direction. There should be no difficulty in building a road t the summit and, once that is accomplished, the "mountain will be a major attraction for citizens and . strangers alike, in practically all seasons. But it , Cwould have to be admitted it was the love of skiing, , &nd the hard work put into its development that first paved the way toward making Rupert "moun- - - tain conscious." the bridge." 1. What is the correct pronunciation of "philanthropic"? ONE SKII'lf 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Elaborateness, elocutionist, elastisity. i n il'SEN & SON BROADWAY CAFE Always the Best Plaee to Eat HIGH QUALITY FOODS TRY OUR SPECIAL IiUSINESS UJNCHKS RUPERT MARINE REAl Box 54 S ,71 iff! I , VsiV. Sweet Sixteon's New 'Mil Spring Stock is bound . j P t0 d USt that! I , . . Gabardine Suits V ... Gabardine Coats l i . . . Shortie Coats ' J x . .' . Jersey Dresses 4 t Slacks, Gabardine, Fine Wool ' Blouses, to go with the costumes j The Butcher, The U rfr-r- 4. What does the word "docile" mean? 5. What is a, word beginning with st that means "to spur on"? Answers 1. Say, "We walked across the bride.e." 2. Pronounce fil-an-throp-ik. both i's as in it, a as in an unstressed, o as in on, accent on third syllable. 3. Elasticity. 4. Disposed to be taught: easy to manage. I Pronounce ihe o as in ofi. "A docile disposition will, with application, surmount every difficulty." The Totem Pole Mai For V.1-7 t, u '. e ..,, motion PVt'l'V l'l;ir K('P,'aniiess oi uccur"" - -that 5 a pen he can depend on 1 . recoinniend 1YITY1P we we ic.""""1 OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE in the WOODS You Can't Beat the vnv JfVOODBQSS) W00DB0SS ... . D..Lor A EVf TRY OUR CHINESE DISHES Extra Special to Take Home! Chow Me1i Sweet and Sour 608 3rd Ave W. Phone 200 Manlius. 5. Stimulate. Sweet Sixteen's Fersonallzed BUDGET PLAN is designed for your convenience. No Interest No Carrying Charges. Waterman w 1 rtl nr. $2.60 to $18.00 pr.S TO MATCH IF DESIRED Advertise in the Daily News! r, ,WrrC ...$1.00 10 KEY CA.I :'.lC. P. M. WOODBOSS Power Chain Saw with 26-inch blade, $295 32-inch blade S.115 plus Sales Tax if applicable PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE KONSON LIC.IUI CHILDREN'S PHOTO SPECIAL!! ONE DOZEN POR1 RAITS FOR $10.00 For Appointment Call at REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED Mum Chandler & Cowgill R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) . I-.-...- 716 Second Ave. P.O. Box 772 216 4th Street Green 381 t 9