5 ISrfnce tlupert Datf? I3e1co3 Thursday, February 3. 1949 clsion was made to locate here. His arrival here was about the same time as that of L. W. Pat more K.C., now retired in Victoria. Mr. Fisher's first court room young lawyer was without work so he took up manual labor including the tending of a fleet of mule trains. Returning to Victoria as custodian of the mules which were to be wintered outside, he soon felt hilpott, Evitt Judge Fisher Could Have Become Famous Pugilist; Chose Law Career Instead Half a Century of Practice in North Country Led to Appointment to Bench William Flrlu-n vrl TTi'ctmw ;a Cm-nt fffin ATnVA v -I J - ' the call of the north again and,was a Ed sized shack near in 1901 he was back In Atlin at ' the bottom of Centre Street the height of the gold mining near the temporary post office. and Co. Ltd. Can Supply You With R Including Fir, Cedar, etc. uuuiu in mat town on tne At that time the late F. McB creeks. There he had as con- rv.V";i J , ' r -a .TItemnnrsH, transferred here as UU1 " j"uc neie in lwi ana leaves toaav ior van- ' -' - .... r-nilvu- touver n iheie liai.0 Un he ..ill will 4-1 take r l ' i i men as uorcion Hunter, Rich- """"-J i-uuii judge, ouuse- future residence m re- up ard MrBride and a. d. Tav- fluently, cases were heard in JORING In Fir or Hemlock TSA-': Outstanding Duality Delicious Tlai our uremem, nilgnt nave been a WOnd famous heavy- ! lor who were also to aspire the second floor of what was Height boxer. Instead, he chose back in 181)5 to COn- later to high places in their then the Provincial Covern- JDiNG All Types profession and In public life, i ment building (no the mus-1 tinue his barristerial career in the course of which eum), the police court in the nc was to see more than fifty years. as a practising lawyer in the northern frontiers of the ... SASH and DOOR and iixiKiiitio iii)ri)Tt rf City Hall, then a more modernized provincial governmerrt building .on Third Avenue near where the post office now stands, and finally the permanent court and government SEES BRITAIN AS LEADER IN MUSIC riers of language," he said. "I music can 'soothe the savaga breast' is it too much to hope in all sizes PHONE 631 In 190G with Judge F. McB. Young, fisher Came down from Atlin in connection with the holding of a session of court at Port Simpson. Incidentally, a call was made at Prince Rupert, which had been newly conceived as the terminus of a new transcontinental railway. The young: lawyer's interest was intrigued and, coming down again the next year, the de- music al3le 'n e l ord Chancel-1 block sir.uated off McBride St. He served as Crown Prosecutor LONDON (! way unaer, over or tnrougn tne, iron curtain?" .... ' province dur.ng the roaring days in mining camps and this railway construction town of Prince Rupert, culminating in fourteen years service on the County Court bench for this county. , It was In 1895 that Peter Jackson, the greai colored boxer and world's heavyweight title contender, arrived in Victoria to rest after one of his v Jem, i " receiving the appointment to lor Jowitt s;lid he hon;s Erltuin County Court bench In 1933, eventually will become the niu-succeeding Judge Young, and sical centre of the world and, i ETY'S SAKE i it Under the . I 1 safety responsi- MOPE FIREMEN, NEEDED LINDSAY, Ont.. P Only the fire chief sleeps In Lindsay fire hall and Mayor -elect R. I. Moore Dally hewi t;ra.ine'd ids gel Quick Results! . ; filling the duties of the office Contlnuec on Page Sit as such, a great spiritual force. "Music has this great advantage over literature and poetry it is untrammelled by bar- ;() Manitoba motor- , ,l rrm rr. Vin f nrtlnl'l inol thfll. in nna rf i vehicle on pro- tiluht fires the chief must famous fights and to train for 1 The Experls Say 4 a ays because of w ait until the driver of the ... pon:;!b!e drlv- fire truck arrives Trom his house a mile pWay. By KAY REX i COTTAGE I IIFESE BAI.LSt MARMALADE TIME - TheMake a thick wh(te sa(jre and housewife who thinks summer iff another. He sought a sparring portnpr vhi could ;;tand up to him. The powerful youns la student, who had become heavyweight champion of British Columbia, was considered as the outstanding training foil. During the ensuing six months he was regularly found in Jackson's camp and he made such an impression on the great boxer that the latter endeavoured to induce him to enter professional pugilism him- JOHN H. . BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue MEN'S TWEED TOPCOATS Reg. to $25 NOW ........ $15 MEN'S ALL WOOL YARN DYED WORSTED SUITS - in - -L - -' f ,j, Eradually beat into it two cups cottage cheese. Add two cups mashed potatoes, season, make Into soft balls. Roll this in bread crumbs, then In beaten egg. then again in bread crumbs. Fry in a kettle of deep fat until a colden brown. Serve with tomato sauce. Sizes 42 to 46, : MONTH EAT,, Fd). 3rd Want to talk your familr n.tmcr " mi-criifwI-frir-Ou'm " vl,ttti ti l, tut the only .season for stocking the jam shelf had belter think again. This is marmalade-making time. Oranges are at their cheapest. Grapefruit too. For less than a dollar the homemaker can turn out double the quantity of nnii--mnlade she could buy at the grocery for the same price. ( Ingredients: eight oranges, three pr.tpefruit, three lemons, time cups water, granulated sugar. Wash fruit thoroughly and remove any dark spots on the s hrr-nkfa-t? Thru iu-t Mr thin " mimic " word . . . U J1.1.I.(X;GS ALL-WHEAT . . . nnd wrve AU-, hi it topped with milk, mifur and fruit. M-mmml JUDGE V. E. FISHER to the dry climate of Ashcroft. There he continued studying and, on his return to Victoria, successfully took his examinations and then jtroceeded to Clinton where for the first time he hung out his barristerial shingle. Son of the late William FLsh- ! self. However,, the budding I iaty treat ! Jiirt M the name implies, it mad. ot (.'anmla'x clioirc whnlr whrat ; rtu"ii-d, toasted; Ir.in.-liirnird into ci't-P fl.ikts with "come fcuain" flavour. f rve it to ymir family to-morrow and just u barrister decided to stay by his prolession. Not only was Fisher a prom- a itvlfid di.'aniif nrt Yr. more und mori motlieis II-U heat is a lamilv favimrile . . . a " wide-awake " ... .. i i. t . i ' . i inent boxer ju.t before th c -. Inr ( vwolli-! luur wr;ir ikih it ior ymi now . . . ivi i-., i !-!ia'(l whole ulieat in delirioit", rrady-to-fiit flketil his bride had Cape Horn by turn of the century but he was er, who with a distinguished figure of track come around Pancakes , Sfnre 0 $147,000,000? This is the cum that will le Ah. .CSV-, lii i, V i y l Reg. to $60 NOW .. $42.56 Men's GABARDINE COAtS English make, Fully lined sizes 38 to 44 ; " ; Reg. $27.50 NOW $2 MEN'S ALL WOOL PULLOVER SWEATERS, Waffle Stitch, Special $3.50' MEN'S DRESS PANTS, Worsteds, Tweeds & Gab-- ardines from $4.75 MEN'S WORK PANTS, Cotton & Cotton Worsteds! perfect fit, a large assortment Price from ..'$2.43 BOYS' SHIRTS for School 5 and dress $1.25 ttt $1.73 BOYS' SWEATERS, assorted styles and low hi price From , 1.55 in those early days, having sailing ship some years prev- sKin. Slice the fruit thinly and remove seeds. Pour water over fruit and let it stand overnight. Next day cook slowly until tender two to V'2 hours. Measure cooked fruit and for each cup add two-thirds cup of sugar J f oone tne quarter of a mile in ious from Devon, England, to 53 seconds, as well as being n uke un farming, William. Ed- ,n U'iu i anruiian.4. ji you ro o:in 01 me , Mire that you receive your share by n;, of name or mhlrrsn liiinng tlie pa.-t i- in the Taxation Division . . . Change crack rugby football player awl ward Fisher was born at Happy .' are nvailablc at any 1 oi-t Ultiec or And if yon rreeivo your cheque Serve ticjht fluffy AUNT often! -lnt a er i Jul opiMirtimitv In open a at the HANK OK MOMUI.AU IVrhap you (1 lth . -i i u h . : ft 4 . ... i ' oarsman. Valley, south of Victoria, Feb- STARTtD IN CARIBOO ru.nry 8, 1871. It was his enthusiasm for Following the few years of sports that, during, his days as law practice at Llllooet, he a law student in the office of was engaged by a mining cie-the late Charles E. Pooley. took veiooment company with a (this ?ives a tangy marmalade, il a sweeter variety is desired in-' Tease the amount to nearly a' tup of stiijr for each cup off truiU. Cook mixture rapidly: n.fr s i i ; i (ii:i nfi . o nuitirr whrit the reavn th.it promjtH II litid, as 1 have, that the 15 of M p r-otmel li. Ipfiif and e'.perl. Thut'g why i muny women lika ltdi.M! Mr. Fi.sher into the ruining ', railway charter in the Cassiar until it jells from 30 to 40 min-it?s. Pour into hot sterilized tars and seal. This quantity! . it i Kneel are always BOYS' RUBBER LACE L.V I I i 9 r BOOTS. NOW $1.9 - J 7 country of the Fraser and Cari- j country as its counsel and boo districts. He took a chili found himself as the century while sprinting In Beacon Hill turned at Glenora in the Dease Park and conLjcied pneumon-1 Lake country. The railway ia. He was then advised to eo never materialized and the fields approximately two pints tnd 10 small bottles of ttciior truiie'lir . ., Iml su h in quent ll.lgedn.4 thai ll a tinoit id" x to he in -pared lor tin ml BOYS SCHOOL BOOtS & bRESfc olRns. Best ' 4 PANCAKES . -rJ..! 1 1 OR BUCK(VKr(trj uaniy ai tteaucea rrii-es 1 I eulor Sirs er t"t L 1 I J l'i ECONOMY Boo. bO I X , 1 ; 1 11 i 1 'S'"; CIVIC CENTRE t'OTTAf'.K CHEESE Cottage cheese in a pie may not sound like a dessert, but tho.se who have tasted it say it is delicious. Ingredients: two cups cottage cheese: one cup milk; two eggs; one cup sugar tor sweeten ta taste t ; dash of cinnamon. Dissolve cheese in milk until smooth. Greet- & BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL The National Film Board these films, this adult feature He pripafd with 5 DM.MXS )re---. iiii;-! Y"vi n , Oal-winm tiule wnli tin the tnrci 1 in t mitttt.-r-'. nmio -' a p '.;-i i -thm nli-hut's Wa-h.ilile, .iti r-ptnof. . can't trav. i-tM-ti-li' all nl li'iiiil-i with -kin eolonr--ry're anti-i j-t'e. too . . . n eutf t-le.-in and lire frnti) Wlieii vonr hn-li.itid em si.avitii: hen vnu nit i r-poltiiiir v In it Junior ki kn- "... till tlie-i- are ;i? n i-ii-Ti;f nri -! So it's ee Wl v so ni.inv ltintlirri! iit I i Im :i h J)n -int!S 'aw. iiic,ii9--jljiui-l mu.-l"! movies tp be shown at the Civic; will be discontinued. Centre on Thursday night for! A hnriminrnn tournament for You' Takt To Baking Biicuitt Cr,rl nitllt ot the wef-k . . . Willi wonderful TKA-M.k to help von! Serve hiR-iiits litfM, fluffy and jdping hot from the ovi-n to that enthu-i.e'tie familv of yours 1 It's so very simple with 'fea-liidc, the original " n ady-liux '. Jn-'t :.! milk or water, then pop your lii-vmn in the oven1 You ran, in a k e nun rloin dumrUne inouih-wateriim rhivken Tio pmeake or pnddintis with TV. liisk. The reeipe are on the bo . . . o a-k for I'rrx-lii-k t yUT favourite itroeer's tomorrow! Tim for Tea? There's always the junior members are "This Teena,e civic CetUre mt,mDPrs i Ecat eg-s, add sugar and cottage MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone 13LUE 818 P.O. liox 520 330 Second Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. Bridden CONTRACTORS 1 and BUILDERS PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Rep!ilr MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 758 972 1 0th East cheese. Beat well. Place in un Shrinking World," "Roads m be hcW in the Auditorium South" and "Ski in the Valley Thursday niaht. The usual baked pie shell and sprinkle with cinnamon. Place in hot oven until eggs set, , then de- crease the heat. ' MAIM COI'RSE - Cottgae DRY KINDLING WOOD of the Saint." This week there ; procer)ure of totalling the num-will be a special showing r ; bf,r of games won by the in-the adults in the nature of anldivkiual (iurmg the evening and experiment as the attendance off wm of late has been railing off. Ill . b . 13 followed. This tournamei: the attendance does n4 war-'be rant the double showing of will be for both boys and girls. A. P. OiARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS in sacks cheese also can be used as a time when you in nke your ten with the new itn-rrmed TI.NDKR, i. V. A F T !: A BALLS! So easy to eerve . . , they jiit take a jiffy! main dinner course. Cottage Cheese Roast: blend two cups cooked rice, one cup FIR AND CEDAR 50c Sack Delivered PHONE B & W -TRANSFER Green 186 CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS REPAIRS 475 Howe St., Vancouver, B.C. i 4 vouri'te Corn Syrup in cottage cheese, three pimentos (well chopped i ; one cup dry breadcrumbs, one tablespoon chopped onion, one-quarter teaspoon soda, one-quarter teaspoon pepper, 1 ' teaspoons salt ami melted butter. Form the mixture into a roll and put In a pan. Surround new, ea-v-to-open ! 'es, xtmr grocer Floor Sanding TRINCE RUPERT POTTLE COLLECTOR AND MESSENGER Beer, Soda, Pe if ex and Ginger Ale Bottles PHONE RED 751 RYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Agents for SIMPLEX GAS and CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Sales, Service and Parts N Hit AND CdliN" A Specialty a " new look '' in t! It's :n a rone. i li.oi,.- so ,-mart voti'll P.O. BOX 721 RED 561 lalilc when vott 1 on 11 find, too, that tra-titne can't rome too often ...for the flavour of tin finest grade Oramie I'ekoc u really soinrthinn"! And 1 ftisiect tho Hi He tnp e(ii'e. of liavin? onie-thintt very ipe-inl to do with the sood tasle of Tender Leal Tea Halls. Y es. more nnd more women 1 know tire switi-hinK to Tender Loaf Test HaIN . . . they say they're good so economical ! Just one tea ball gives you two enps ot rull-fl.ivoiired Oraime l'ckoe! So why not n.sk. for Tender Leal Tea Halls next time you netjd tea? They're, snrr to make a "hit" with" the tea-lovers at your hoti.-c! with tomatoes and bake about Boat owners and users of In- Jf-falir ikes puddings, f 'ill it s so wond rftillv 3 minutes, Da.stmg irom lime.ril,5rrial Fmlne nn invited t.n w vlii-n I'm mixing to lime wit n savory lat or meat our showroom to view our vari "ukirs. it pours so i ('.ripping-. Serves four. MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST ROOM 10, STONE BUILDING i u i m in i ous engines and talk over equip- 1 ;n n cone - tupped t Cri ivn Hranit'v new Mah Your Pians ment problems. !' l;t tune you're shop- i dniPiini r kitc-lien DITCH CHEESE CAKES Mix one pound of collage cheese, one-half cup sunar and the same yjtir tMir.iei. nee! GEORGE L. RORIE quantity of flour. Separate the public Accountant, Auditor, etc. for A Favourite Old-Fashioned Deitert with th.- khwl nf hiiiiie-innde ilamir tlia inishand.s rave about . . kt me give you a tip you'll eternally appreciate. Scoot yolks and whites of lour eggs, PHONE blue rm P.O. Box 1184 Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 rj "' ""ii i;i-octi ane, ,.ick op n'ne oi inose marvelous I new ,1K1 TW'ICCA I'l'UiUNt i.S. So quick, so tipv. so rmiHii ater. There arc two flavours you know .Mill ho.ii are (ndciux, just si-rvpil plain. Hut now iKf to miiv Iheui: petha'.is hv nonrine n clossv chocolate PAPER HANGING AND WOOD FINISHING "l "f the vanilla pinklirir. or foldiiii? diced, Huffy nutrsh- ciinciitatc tiuddine win e it is sliU warm. Latest Shades, Styles and Colors iPI SPECIAL 'WA OFFER wilr I II L5 1 ' ' 'nio from an expert add the beaten yolks to the cheese mixture, then the well-whipped whites. Mix into this enough milk to make the consistency of griddle-cake batter. Spread on a. sheet of well-greased paper in a flat cake tin. Cover the top with a fine sprinkling of cinnamon and some dried currants that have been floured to prevent their sinking. Bake 20 minutes in a moderate oven. Serves six. Cold Weothtr needn't bo a HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches J. P. MOLLER Phone BLUE 155 h a n d - e a r e " t'T one of my favourite soupsl An experienced t....j -a., . at all! and be all sot Id, build that hew horfie of to' remodel the old one when spriiif ' cdmes. , We will he glad id assist ; you In every ay possible. MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders and Contractors PHONE 363 For'lrh" hands stay soft and lovelv 204 4th Street Phone 655 i j """i ciiuor wroio 7 ahottt HK1NZ v I'nvm,' x- si i. i-w DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS NOW AVAILABLE Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 with the sno-otbing care of JF.lt-t'.KXS LOTION! No matter bow low the temperature ... no mutter what your daily choreE . . . .knjens quick-'n-easy to use-keeps hands white anil smooth! ll protects against chapping and roughness . . . gives even the most hard-working liands that ' Lady-of-l.(itire" Look! Keep a bottle bandy in both kitchen and hnth-room and uso it after, every watery job. That's what thousands of women do . . . and n wonder! For Jercen., ucd regularly, keeps linnds lovely ull year 'round 1. O W.E Sftri': "I havo I camicl venetable soup f 1 like this very much." ijistc-tcsts, two among f'wwcl an overwhelm-;"e for HEINZ HOl'l'S ' Popular brands! Try in ynur home: Heat i'onj Condensed Veffe-I an'l a tin of anv other ' 4- f rvc hnU-helrinst.j of A the vole when 1 ti'-ded. I'll lt it T1 W one for ll..in.t Building and repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys Oil Burners FOR YOUR ROCK and CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed PHONES Black 687 Red 894 evenings P.O. Box 1670 "9'ter, WH gPe, W;,h you , there's w T "i-lastlliff nn,i " Ik.. "lore 'ie i t ''-.:..:.:s;.';,.a,.' .''!::;-''i-,S';f.;r.is-ii'J I DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK Urt lh bottle you buy lor 10c II you or not completely 1 tatisfled, ul return the unused bottle to your dealer. He vlll give yea double your money back. that cold, morning trek to ttoo in l f: "ip of warmins Oxo at break- SAVOY HOTEL,' Carl Zarelli, Prop. PHONE fi P.O. Box 541 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT -e illv 'is the Knot ... . trv this vmirself or th( ar lunch or cornier simnlv 1"'- treat. J" ' , cube rube ! ad'l it i A,1 to a a or n teaspoon of fltiiil ttto in a oHlo boiline 3 O.I1ALITY REPAIRS . For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. LOOK FOR TnE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL 'l ol warm milk. M-mtim! . . . they .'! 'ove I in ' sowings nnd flavour of prime, ' lean bee! con- " fane J n..u .r.i .. i. - n;... Wells Cartage Ltd. Complete Moving Service i Crating Packing Cartage ! BLUE 780 RED 516 ...... uiini innui i nat wny such n mnn c ivik (Tlv, "Wti nlr. ,.,n,"0;U bills . . still still have have rich rich ' 'mrit,nc" ineitinrss with me-'j ttp utews or gravies!. Ve Vxo gives you to ttllc