1 TlTrT Ptfnrt Rupert Daflp Jftctost '. Wednesday," June S2," 1919 MOUNTAINS HERE TO SABOTAGE g-ATLANTlC RECORD j Atlantic record from Montreal Canariian-built aircraf,; to Lontlon, a distance of 3,282 g.ar holds ' the trans- miles, in 10 hours 11 minutes. ADAPTABLE SNAKES Snakes tend to have the temperature of the earth on which they rest on In which they are burled rather than the temperature of th impounding air. PRAIRIES, VISITORS CONCLUDE Hospitality at Home T IVnrrW nf Stanley. North Dakota. CANADA NEEDS HEALTHY RAILWAYS TO SERVE HER PEOPLE Vnt nf thp flat pvtnPSS of the Dakota plains, is still trying to find an explana i ! ,. 1 Ti4-JU PJMxUi'n Inn a- l1 4-tir0 tMAllTif linQ lyi p p !olls 00? vr ton hia r.r!r Qncwoi haa ttimctor ftVPrtfiTlPR. Kjy lait ilia vn t ano v v v- uuu v Lm,Atf Mr. Worcien, who divides nis time Between Deing a wneat farmer ana a drug store operator In the prairie state, admits that any conclusion MARKETS that he might have arrived at was Influenced by a definite Inequality in the distribution of moisture between the two places. rKh Fruit Strawberries, box 25 ffTL. Bananas, ID Annies rookini?. lb 14 With his wife, he left his Lemons, large Cal., doz 45 parched prairie home ten days Urapeiruit, Texas iwraie;. S,:?: , -. J MMMMBM V ' a an cm a. hnliriav throueh west- l in s. ior 1 -MX' . 1 Ad for II either way... both 28- 57 ern Canada, driving through the Oranges (Navel) Dates. 2 lb ........ f trade-mtrki mean the sme thing. equally parched Canadian prairies. They arrived here in Vegetables Celery, lb - 17 their dust-sheathed car Tuesday, wllh Coc.-Cot. L.d und .ntr iK-taW kttl Coc.-Cot. child! t a d:, f is 1 pi wh : see tl . vne si , healtl I ill! Khubarb, 2 10. . - J Beets, bunch 15 Parsley, bunch 15 Spinach 2 lb 27 Radishes, bunch 0 toying with the idea of continuing on to Alaska. Bo far, North Star Bottling Works Phone 132 PRINCE BtPERT, B.C. '. .20 they have not made up their Green Onions. 3 buncnes Tnrnlnc 1H . jjj? minds Whether they will or not. Yk 'What Bets me is the lush Mushrooms, lb -S?2 j f ,: ' X 4 1 'A L -3 - OF LOCAL INTEREST It takes skilled manpower and lota of it to keep the railways rolling ... to move passengers and freight (145 million tone of it last yearl) ... to carry the eeeentials of life and work to every community. So it's not surprising that the railways are among Canada's biggest employers. Last year their payroll totalled $544,000,000. ft Pat! Steamship IWovementi Head Liewuce ( Cooking Onions, 3 lbs 29 vegetation out here. The closer Cabbage, Tomatoes. lb. No. ........ 1. lb. ... if, to the coast you ' come, ' the New Potatoes. 5 lb -29 heavier it gets. Now Im an Canned TetetaMes ardent supporter of vegetation Dill Pickles. Ral. 179 jT(j,,,,. ocu J. H. Schriaberg left on this afternoon's plane for a business ft.t Yahcnitri coqultlam, 10 Sunday ss. fiit lrpfri KPailS. ICY uijocii, uoi wi-uiauj - - trip of a week or so to Yanooti- ! ver. ,' Police Inspector F. B. Woods j Mn ppns fanr.v Mixed Vegetables ... Diced Beets, per tin .14 you have so much rain for skunk Tuesday ss. Camosun, 1:30 wqv Hponfi r.nnite . D.m. Mixed Mixed Peas Peas and ana Carrots carrow .1 ly- , eys VH5raCT!gBa .19 to grow wneat . ... t. this . year.' Thursday si. rrlnce Rupert. KCaiUi Raked eBans 20:oz. tin 22 To eyes eyes that that are used to scan- L.SL1 ' -Ti in , tin tin. on ea. .21 VI ... Baked eBans. 15-oz. 27 ning flat, productive acres, B.C.! Johnson left today by air on a Wr trip to Vancouver. Mrs. H. 8. Parker left by air one today on a trip to Vancouver. s&rvh Inspector of Schools Joseph HERI Chell left by air today on 'a trip j , to the Queen Charlotte Islands. ' . I Tomatoes, aa-oz. ... - 11:15 p.m. From VantouTrf Sunday ss. Camosun, 11 p.m. mountains seem an awful waste. resn mim 22 0f Space t0 Mr. Worden and his! vfjS-Cigaife ! Quart V ', 1 "i '-IVj 'J-yf- .Pint. . V t i "J i , 1 nlnt ss Prince Rupert ...... .28 brunette wife. "Level them off j wednesday- and turn a plow into what's left jq a m. Large cartoned, doz 1 p.rn ,61 and you could raise GO bushels j Friday ss. Coqultlam, uuu D. Slader of the social welfare ) department left by air today on . ' to the acre, by golly!" was their Then, too, the railways are heavy buyers of so many things, from paper cupa Medium Butler First Grade, lb Margarine, lb For Allct Arm and Stewart Sunday ss. Camosun, 11 p.m. From Alice Arm and "' 39 whimsical conclusion. i "The least you c6uld do is to locomotives. Their continued power to News bend their toes over so some of Stewart mun Evaporated Milk, 16-oz. tins. 2 for - -g? employ and to buy is therefore linked with th this rainfall could get farther. Tuesday ss. Camosun, a.m. J, I I - f neese ' ... htu... .i,.,.. 1 . t i..u.. n sraii Thursday ss. Prince Rupert, L 11:15 p.m. - For Alaska ... . . 1 . nnahl 1 welfare of countless thousands of other Cahadiang doing all sorts of jobs in all parts of Canada. The fact m... . lu (EC CtXt. -111CT lU WC UUb UllIC . I' IUI" v.vvw - Canadian -CheeseMb 55(u wednesday-ss. Prince Rupert . w-al n lUa Rft 1 . , ail. ' ft fasiry riour. i iu. ;! He was not joking atxnii me iu a.m. weanesaay ss. nuicr iiuin midnight. ' ' I For Ocean FaCs THE RAILWAYS ARE. CANADA'S BIGGEST BUYERS Flour! sN:. .. 189 lack of moisture evident of the Tea and Coffee prairies. Crops are withering or DeLuxe 1qualitvrVb7'V.r.V.V..l!l4 being eaten up by grasshoppers Jurces for want of June rain. Tomatoes, 20-oz. ea 1& ( ..j haven't seen anything like I ea'uort ""Z"ZZZZ'"""'.-'-- 59 . It since the drought years' in Apple. 20-Oi. tin, 2 for In 'the '30's," he said. "It's not only 4R-nz ?y . .... .. . .. . uiAia llnnurtl t There are 3,000 woodeti V lz tie to every mile ef "tEsaJfyx Lawt year tly bought well oyer 400 million dollars' worth of goods, most of which were grown, mined and manufactured in Canada. fUEl For fusl alone, the railway! spent w kl ITT 'Orange. 20-oz 18 ,n anaaa Dur, aown inrougn me Blended (orange anu hara wneat belt n tne normeni ing ties, the railways spent nearly 30 million Kraperiu states." ' - 'W I Pineapple, crushed and 'Boy, oh boy! what we wouldn't , dollars. The railways also spent other millions fat rolling stock of all types; for paper products, tickets, timetables, booklets, stationery; for pieces u-ui .33 ' give for that back there," he $113,000,000. They are Canada's Urgent fuel users. Fue? is one of the largest single items purchased. THJa AirVmmm ta mm a arrin pntnn at tha railwivl' kay plca in Canarla'a ammr. Aa Canarla'a laratiat builih-ra " added pointing at an idle rain Cherries, fancy, 20-oz j t nuantiprrtPS. 20-OZ l cloud lingering on the slope of IpoQi-hPs rVioice (g : 28 fu STEEl They spent day rutliiif atork ami aiuimwnt, llua I Lard 1 Mount Hays, obviously trying to ra"-"-"' . , ..wu-asar ' sod its rB'ileMI .are dif?;ly.Jv t:anadisu VOJWOutlO.iutjtail and mtirA nh Ilia railway tixluatry. Pure lb &4 food, textiles and a host of other product. Adding taxes, duty. Insurance, interest' charges and ether items, the railway! track fastenings.. There are 13.000 railway Shorteninn f lt rV,, nn t CfOtiP 11UI If ouuum gu w rvui rv. fit . Bnan fare, bar 10 2 for .25 39 fir A Foundry's aiht rnol- rJonu turn out thouaanda of railway cara of every type, k. taaaanfr and freight . 'JlTey are fully (quippad to uily ( anada'a railayl with roiling atoe of tha lataet type to mart tha froa.iif aa'i of our sipandinf scoaotny. spi'xea in one mile of track; and the railways operate close to 50,000 miles of track. Laundry, cake ., Soap Powders, large . VI . ,nay CRAMP PREVENTER In the 14th century, there wpre spend close t ei billion dollars a year. t uiace i ui; Cherries, V? lb. pkt 35 special cramp rinfea supposed to ward off stomach cramps. Almond Paste. 10 Coconut, lb lTTl....il lrt TVffiv iv ..y Dates, fancv, 1 lb. pkt i Seedless Raisins z ids Salt Lake Ferry Shelled Walnuts, V2 lb Shelled Almonds, 6 oz i9 Shelled Brazils, v, lb 43 I jams rurc Strawberry. 24-oz Raspberry. 24-oz- BiacKoei i y. i-i" ; : fcli 1 1.-, -He's the Thrifty Type! .B'.Cl 11CK -P-H'C Daily Service Except Monday SCHEDULES Tuesday,.. Wednesday . n d Thursday Leave Cow Bay floats, 4, 5, 7 and 8 p.rn. (Extra trip Thursday Cherry, 24-oz Peach. 4 lb Apricot. 4-lb " W T" 1 . " 1"" 1 ! M i i U i ( nia t I 1 t I I I : i 1 ' M ! i i i I i ' V -7 BUY THE LARGE1 s PACKAGt'' ;' - ; ' I V VA VBWaraaWrtArtrtflrWa,flftrWrArVaf a"SrV"aVaW"a"a"aaV"aNfa,lj j:- PICNIC DAYS AHEAD J iMinvp rjpra VT l S 2(1 Canned Soups0""8 13 to .20 ;Kiiiiiil inVSwA rh "t -a.'MihOT meats . IK 03 IH:! - k . J i V.H TUAT 4P TTLES ) 'H l TAKEN JDO.WS CUT C . I afternoon, 2:30) 1 Saturday Every hour staft- Ham, bonea ana roncu, iu. - . Ham. reg. lb I IS GOING INTO f- f H'-l. ,-1vsruFAPESr)-'Xa G V) J V r ON'T HAVE 0 1 j ins at 11 a.m. Kniariava nnnjirinous service I ( JT THE WOODLEYSn j ON eAOTH.'fVeW . PRAM J hKirr: few Mu ffer Mrm t i Balogna. 10 12 Weiners, lb. -- " Garlic Sausage, lb no Bacon, bkfit.. lb J Pnr-nn. s'de plect commencing 1! n, vx. Last boat leavhv; Salt Lake Cottage Roll. lb Liver Saaisage, 10 at 10 p.m. Phone GREEN 391 or BLACK 926 J RED 44! ; FOR YOUR pW'Vvj V-e. I 5 ) Prince Rupert Florist JJ00 3rdAve. Joxoio -m.nl riowers lot All OccasloM I H SSU u r J 1 a-. BT I SAVOY IlOlEt W. L. WOODS, Proo. PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET PR1NCK RUPERT 4 ' fict not, pop! r'llalicng .: , : H 'fflil lllil ' ''llflfll J'jJ fr in and r - -.(come ' ' '6 r :fr? jg, WIPE IT UP rN - ' . V . ' iT) ( POOR LITTLE PUPS ) SjC t M" i ,A?? --y- I i a gG9 Sixth Ave. E. . t w. w. w. waw.:: w. w. wa w. w. wwjwm wa BROADWAY Epcol Radioplioiies CAFE PRINCE RUPERT BOWLING ALLEY OPEN DAILY FROM 3:30 P.M. TO 11 P.M. Saturdays 12 Noon to 12 Midnight PHONE RED 709 IDEAL FOR SMALLER BOATS ... NORMAL RANGE 50 TO 100 MlbES . . . RECEIVE ON MARINE OR STANDARD WAVE. Bowl in Clean and Pleasant Surroundings BEST FOOD BEST COOKING kmfmmii 3t&$1 Sbpyl ySkfeJ liftW-i-a wrasS lilucbeard's One Wife. fan- i iippnr pir7 np r. 0 I, ' ' r--s rr that's cod'U - fS 4 ( 7 MZOR wjo TO SHAVE WHEN ,N. (0 'j STILL FULL, -r ftn .1 S H LHVX I wiswi a, tmT3 ; apJssrs. ,- of B . y ft iSc if 1! Chinese Dishes A Specialty PRICE $300, Installation Included -Easy to Operate Proven design-Adaptable -Compact JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue FOR TAKE-HOME ORDERS PHONE 200 Hours 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. SOMETHING DIFFERENT! Try Our TENDERIZED COMBINATION STEAK FOR DINNER TODAY i 7p " t'"'1" 1 -'"" awawaawsj w j M m mm am mi ri"'a