t 11 Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, April 6, labO Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Bale arrived in the city on the Pilnec Rupert yesterday from Victoria. Mr. Bate is here to act as chairman at a concilation board which Is in session today between tn? MONTREAL, April 6 There's nothing quite like tho "magic" of wearing a new lvistcr bonnet ... I always feel like a brand pew woman in mine. But it's tho wi? woman who remembers that clothes alone are not the secret of charm . , . personal daintiness is every bit as important! And Thirrccn Tables ! At Catholic Party j Tli ere were thirteen tables 4 I he last card party in the Cs fbolie TIolI u;lili !-,. Ray Reflects . . . and lleminisceb thar1!, le1B,slH,ur" rccommenda "-: ef f t?a y savns be made ot a house was becoming urgent. DaTonfv wT "V t0 Labor T"e nwnf was a" i1 l0 Why nolwTLZli Ue lhiks lhc 'Wd from do without? . a Pocket, quite a safe conclusion to make. The Vancouver press lnAwimfarlSOn betwecn Prlccs Bave the case scareheatl piomin-hrir,n .KPCf and MincaP"lis Pce, In the hope that, with the Wtan Jf Pressln that in circumstances fully known, the Employment Is Healthy I ack of Work No Serious Problem at Present in This Area The employment picture In Frinec Rupert is a healthy one at this time, even though it may be the off season for the fishing industry, and it will be showing further improvement soon, according to word at the local em Is still wTc-tling with a serious jobleas :ituation, the position here is normal, comparing favorably with la.st year, Skilled tradesmen are in demand although there may be a falling off in the demand along in June or July when construction eir.p oyrnrnt at the Columbia Cellulose plant at Watson Island bet-ins tapering off. Local building contracts and work at the bis W. i rehouse on the waterfront nay take up some of the 3':i"k ,f such should develop. Meantime the fishing industry will soon be getting under way again with Its substantial employment at sea and in the local .Iie;e fnllnuru. WVilc ln.1lAn city of Prince Rupert and firemen. ijniver (!''' "rc W1U1 perspiration odour if you make 'juiv liubil of NONSPI. It's the best way I know to give r-clf clock-.-iroiiinl proteetion and it will protect your there appeals :ai vi no siioriatce ya.(er lint'i v, iuui x ui uu3 m r-ivin-sHie laiinc-sale! jlnillv s'" iicrpiration before it begins! Get Nonspi at of applications wh-n they are ;.jra?.!ore! i on II una it s so easy to apply with us con- called for. One employer called this week for an accountant and ,mt. fonil'l jileieiy eaintary ajioneaiori S. Dumas, A. E. Chilton. r Cribbage Mrs. M. Yaunde and Angelo Astoria. 1 Bridge- Mrs. R. .etourncE and George Cloutier. The general convenor we Mrs. E. Telseth, cashier Mrs. f R. Brett, those having chart of refreshments being Mrs. Doiron, Mrs W A. Pierce ar . Mrs. G.' P. Lyons. received a substantial number of fouhln't BrFailrr without rninbow-c-Kcs and chocolate bunnies klrr i 71,1.1 I . 1 . 1 1 piitLKiLN ui:iii(irHitm Tb- r nlner- "acks would have a heart. Well ployment service office. applications. In the Interior there has been iitiTi iimi Ti-uriin nuunng kt --, in. - "s6iii is ncara that V a 'ise your i; " , ... j i vu tvmw vr i-JI i.. B . niaVDG. Kilt, il'd ri.nhl fnt T vin.r I.. ... ' i ....ti l.i.. and processing .e result would be found in ,.,. 7, I o " "J; oi a constant intlux of fish handling S other cities of s?m J? CStS C?ntinue to mwnt' To re" l seekers from places less for- .,, an estimated lay-off. of 150 nr . R- , .. Binrp .n- tmn.b... ,.,t ha t V, n t ..... ' 1 i"V J ... such as loggers and lumber haulers due to the soft condition of There is still a shortage of 2 unbeaten 23 cup sugar 2 tbspns. shortening 12 cup hot milk 12 tspn. grated lemon iumct Baking" uufs me continent. Probably' on T ---' -u.iaie rnan this notably the A sales tax Is a most unfeeling test: lndeed' ' 1 v- tm Vancouver whuh and persistent thing, ' really skilled office help although ! roads in the spring thaw pow (if r it's business wise to advertis (son. mai'c arid baking "...i, powder, salt n-i. and mac. Sift together roller, nif.'aMiit... HCai ttPdL IKHS m.ii. .,... ucaict " ' li'llCi. "mi. iiu-y are loarnr Prince Rupert old timers, here before the railway or Incorporation, had their dreams. Some Bout Acut s'""".'. .u, ,-,,,,, unui very inicK ana Xrd sltoricnins to hot milk and heat until melted: then add to tit mixing quickly. Acid all flour and emon rind and eat with tee Deai'-i win, " luuna -incn layer pan. menr. aci-M. ."A. iwiiii paper, out not, . d fcake n mwlcrale oven 3ia"f.) about 15 minutes, fool in pan cake in half. Spread whipped cream or custard filling between .! ,..d!cd sucar over top of cake. a ..a. tin. i ,o.ive com? true.' But no one even dimly visioned here a war , veterans' club that would look good In Canada's largest city ' and ln some ways surpass it Least of all could they have pictured a club that was established through me efforts of i.p Itooklrt For 1 our Habyt He won't be able 1i rend it . . but he'll thrive on (he thines '7? I! 1 'f " ynu read in it I Its a brand , -1 mill illustrated )'(itr Haby't Diet", P I ciiT.-n; I m of those who had shared in the two most fearful wars known to history. That would have been quite 1 outside of their most extrava gant calculations. . Vint tli'; very, titoat ap-il ienluuM iibout infant foed-m(i iiiniri-lnncnt. It's born a fur vim uml votir baby by ,c si , If of JIKIN'Z baby food !lio arc in constant tourli Jwi.ire, Iiiiickiiis, resenrrh-itnl ...-:iii.iii. lieml about :. iVi.iimr. boiilc feeding, how o fur ihiiimI.--, wariuinn and f fowl. Tin-re are new ehurU, , , . Wnclit, Jlcixlit and Age I'men ,--ivc Development All in nil. this is a book lAtinr i-li'iulil miHrtl Simply to mr llnrbara Hrenl, ' Crencpnt St., Montreal, litres A Very Special Offer that you 11 want to take advantage of now while it holds! A Umg-lattina poluhing cloth ideally inilable lor polishing brant , . . a.n,i frora m-preview" uo of I his cloth. I en tell you it's grand part ioularlr when it a used with BRASSOl hueh perfect pair for keeping your braxeware liandsonie ttx onlv brnwware can be! And you'll find as I have that Brasso a easy to use, for it's made tiperialjy for briyw! ior your sjreciul brasnware polishing cloth aimply write te me -Barbara Brent, HU Crescent St, Montreal, B.Q., enelotiug J.je in coin or pottage etampt, I If tend your eloth to yom Halibut, prized as nutritlo'is and tasty food is something more. It's now discovered to provide a remedy for dlabetis. The same Is believed true of whale. Oh, great is the lone sea. and the creatures that dwell therein. Tin nnr$ iifnw s 3z)j If ....... . .-...--.,. i.,.... j.,,. , 1 1 ' f,ir your rp copy of The Minister of Fisheries Is inaugurating his plan to make more consumers In Canada more j flrh conscious. He should start ' ( Vill i fwn'mMei Time For A Primp.Vp At R! Im po . lively rol.1 -fi . J by offering a slzeahie r. i (im ii e-l) lie ir in in of ward for identity or the indlvld-ia lwho started the nonsense !hat fish shoulti oe eaten only on Fridays. The trouble Ls. so manv Ik Y 1 I HK.II)- Home? . . , Kas-ler remincla us of Spring home repairs roof and structure needs, new paint jobs, new decoration achemea. You'ye certainly got aueh plans in mind, hilt 1TI u v V. a . : ! I.nxo -.TmV.'. have gone on believing it. -Willi Ileirii:- --. e it iiiiw at your Frigid-iiiilii rind iju'I! see why I il ill ! m r:i-e notices! i wm yn'll want to neo in r ilnee imi.li Is in the com- v m iv line of rntiidairf Tough luck tales come, along very day, some originating here n Prince Rupert as well as down he coast. This happened to a Vancouver man. He was trans- re .: ItfiO. There'll ft 'erring $1,800 as first payment j isn't cacy to lay hands at one en the ncceasarv cash. Well, the BANK OF MONTREAL has apecial low-eont loans for just fins situation. So long as you can repay a loan by monthly instalments without too great strain on the family budget, there's money for your homo repairs and improve-ment at the BofM. Whv not arrange! with HuHband to talk it over with the manager of vour nearest branch of "My BanV'I Tonights the best time. ,. a ip ami a jriic to meet "Is of i ry kitchen. And ip there un the front of each TuMiliiie. lieatitiful Kay. I.frylesiiiei cabiuet is mmoun Jnttiilaire emblem Us you : -This is a genuina in a lot for. with his weddinn lay a month away, the building in' n Irmerator the re- iat only General iio- t-r i ml. "BUILD B. C. PAYROLLS' Get a bag of Robin Hood. Flour try this recipe and just see if your bating isn't better! r ROBIN HOOD BUTTERMILK SCONES lie Kind To lour Hair! ine of the nurl i hums you can I" for your hair . is l" eive it all the added lieauty "I a really Qwvl home permanent ! And hcre'a a little tin I'd liko 2 cups sifted Robin Hood Flour Vl teaspoon soda 14 teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons shortening 3A cup plus 2 tablespoons buttermilk or sour milk l si VSK FOR PACIFIC MILK He's About At Big A$ A Min t),- (.nl... . 1..,, his ''. X ( A' ,fl I 'VsrOPATtP ; enthu.ninsm for luscious "CRF.AM OK WHEAT" is enormou.' A a,.m!.lw.,i- kn-lli.t nl e j;n,.i- That' what Robin Hood guarantees you: - - 'J'li.Tt's wliy with Robin Hood J'lotir, you can't Ioi-e you must win! r After two bakings you're cither completely .satisfied th.it Roliin Hood All-I'tirpose Flour unites all your hating better . or j'tm get your money back, plus 10. No strings attached! The good-as-gold certificate, guarantees this and any dealer will gladly refund your money, with a bontis of 10, if you return the unused portion of your bag of Robin Hood Flour. There's a reason, of course. We're confident you'll find Robin Hood Flour will give you the best bating results for all .your bating. Light tender breads. Luscious cakes, Flaky pastries, Robin Hood actually has a unique record of baking successes. Take a look at the record: 4 out of 5 women who win First Prizes use Robin Hood for all their baking. 'Better order some Robin Hood: If it's not the best Hour you've ever used, YOU make money! on lo you ). vou'ro-"e ymiN. The Mir,. ,(io l ei urn. the hetter t he lniiaii. iii ! That l)v I ' rrroii,,,,,.,,,! a JilCH.VUD ;JT H(IMK J'lOHMA-i. 1 l you know that the 11 hinliiiii Waving Lotion Suniilieally proved to more rfT. . (ive than other Permanent waving lotions? y .ilMou'll be thrilled, aa "in "ic Miioothcr.strong-ll'i;eurls! e, yim real)- "e your next. Home "W Hieha HUlinut von w; loheejra kinj ;r 'I'", you can't do U-tter Wonderful old-fashioned" scones that'll unit in your mouth brought up-to-date and made belter with Robin Hood! 1. Sift together flour, baking soda and salt into mixing howl. Cut shortening into small pieces and add to dry ingredients. Mend together until mixture is mealy, using pastry blender (or two knives, : cutting' in with scissor-like motion). , , 2. Make a w-ll in the center, of mixture and gradually add the j buttermilk, or sour milk, stirring lightly with fork. Mix only until 1 soft dough is formed. 3- Turn out onto lightly floured bakehoaid or pastry cloth and I divide in two equal portions. Gently roll out each piece with floured ; rolling pin or pat out with hand into circles inch thick. Place circles I on ungreased cookie sheet and cut in quarters, but do not separate I the pieces. Bake at 450T. (very hot oven) for 12 to IS minutes. ; Makes 8 individual scones. i "Cream of Wheat" is a meal in itself for Junior ... so smoo-ota and extra-tempting that babies clean up every spoonful and eo for morel It's so very good aad good or baby, too because it provides Iron and Calcium and I'hosphorus for diets deficient in these elements. Cooks to baby ready digestibility in just five minutea of boilingl Ask for it by name. Cream of Wheat'' and the familiar Chef on th package are registered trade marks of The Cream of Wheat Corpora More and more people arc finding out the added goodness that Pacific Milk packs into every vacuum tin. Pacific's smooth, creamy-rich texture means satisfying nourishment. You'll like it PACIFIC MILK Vacuum Tucked mid llomogrnirril 'in'ie voiii- :.t. llmiunt l; gg Ore me ml tion ana. ncg. fu kjii. " Lrltin 1... I. f t ' PI ....... - ... i Knowledge i aliout leminine hygiene cast a r your marriage; ise wives who want a. completely satisfactory method of feminine hy-B"iie tie ZONITUKS. Zonitora are effective . . . giciiM'Uss, Blaitiless, snow-white vaginal suppositories Hint arc powerfully germicidal, vet absolutely Mlc (o ileticnlo tissues: Ami they're so very dainty '"I convenient to use! Ask your druggist for on, o (onioiTow . . . nnrf write to me Barbara yrenl l u Crescent St.. Montreal, F.Q. for a friink rt" on feminine hygiene. h n I 1,0 pnt to you in a plain wrapper. ?;flrtsJ5rsr ITT. asi" Ik I 9. ST' ' I Tune in . . KITA MARTIN'S MIMICAL KITCHEN Mon.,Vcd.-Fri. (Trans-Catiada Network) f i 1 9 Jr; "MOM2Y UA;i lU.l'S IO".." " ' Your NEW HOME or Alterations Dcsignea in the Modern Trend - SEE . ISLAND CITY BUILDER'S SUPPLIES 505 McBrlde St. Blue 820 Designing, Modern Materials Pittsburg Paints FREE HELP WITH Hobin Hood Flour is guaranteed to give vo"! nn it" as 1 ur 1 mn 1 nstii sanr ut not t UkJU n M 1 1.1.1,1 IN CANADA. VOUR DEALER IS AUTHORIZED TO REFUND TH YOUR BAKING Manufacture and Install Oil Burner Stands l-ULU PURCHASE PRICE With AN EXTRA 10' SATISFIED WITH THE FLOUR, AND WILL RETURN THE UNUSt RobiuSlood Flour Mills LimHc, 1 CALL BLACK 884 si 0 M SHEET METAL WORKS Here is the certificate If you would like any help with your baking any special tips, new recipes or ideas please write inc and I'll be glad to give you any assistance possible. Just address your entpiiry to me you Viffl be in ho way obligated. Director, Ifomf Service Department,' Robin Hood Flour Mills Limited., 300 St. Sacrament St., Montreal, 'If I containing our unique guarantee. There's one in MfljjDIKS NIGHT Pickets now on sale every bag of Robin Hood. DAY OR NIGHT Oil Burner Service ? If your oil burner does' not glue perfect service call GORDON BONSON The NEW phone number BLACK 503. Gordon D. Ronson Oil Burner Specialist All work is backed by an unconditional guarantee 733 5th West Black 503 n?03 Best Beards -or Fanciest Costumes i -and many other events "'!Mi, Ci't Centre, May 5fh t " "m toyro Club members