. - - I J Friday. December 23. 1350 ratuit rmiN Change Staff liUi rfiuyv VI l.V. MIUIIIIU Will Development To Take 3 Years OTTAWA. United States government authorities have again approached Canada with a view to purchasing a substantial additional quantity of '.luniinum. ..dependent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and northern and central British Columbia member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations nadlan Daily NewsPaP Association . nmrr HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES Carrier. Per Week. 20c: Per Month, 75c; Pei Year OCEAN FALLS - r p warri. i , p, E1- f" "is l i B of the local ,.;:.. man- ho nriwT Mill. Limits k " raclfi' Mr SO UJ . nas ncrar k ..... i- named resident manJZ T' By ELMORE PHILPOTT sfl.uu. By Mall. Per Month. 50c; Per Year. $5 00 UFVtpJ Published every afternoon except Sunday by "nnce Rupert Dally Kews Ltd.. 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. y an -nnouncemen, '" 'W::- The new negotiations have been initiated per-! sonally by Hon. Charles Sawyer, U.S. Secretary of Commerce with Rt. Hon. C. D. i WHO STOLK WHOSE STONE? lions. that i.e ou!d .ume t"'w ft' I g o' res,dent manalTr" M? , t1" t-uncan ' 1 Bay to;- the Elk p , -Company, but he will 'S ' 01 main at Ocean kTi r'" "l'? -Ha.-RreaveS. actln' .h T. had 7? ; Presently trie United States Is This first stage would take CHRISTMAS Eve 1930 anj,'zil'S ' Ions term require- three years to build. It would ui'l .nvKr , men:4 ,0 do:ormlne Just now produce an estimated 330 mll- Wl.i SUlCiy "O UOWn UI much aluminum it Is hplieved n ...,-t ,.r s - St.- 1 i - 4 i i pvu iv43 v a jji wiiui y lilt Uli I history as a famous night wiU r4Hluirl- annually. It would require a L ' w WT for the Elk W J Fal, r Pay. will b apL;"8 Co"- Hn.e u?1 J ristopher ;a!er at Duncan bK d mW)- 15. cr CABINET POST Ch P. O. Bjyloh IIM D n . F n will act a, u.:Lr-ttT rf m. .... 6kf-J! uter at i . -. .- " - 1,1 e M ui w , negotiation looking towards a velopment. took back the famous w expanded Canadian con-i The second stage would take Stone which th r'i-j-i trd;t begln' an extra two years to build and .. . It is confid-tit:v expected here an extra $4C0 millions. It would ,1 s1 S.ot.ar.d , that the new American offer will require a further 1.1 million ! ixv.tl.. of ,.-. .1.- ' K u .., . . x-erjn A. Butler has been rr P the r 1 tbeii.5, 37, of Montreal has been lent to the cabinet secretariat by the external affairs department. A graduate of Oxford, he hxs recently been both a member and tecretary of the joint Canadian-American riefynce b;iard. CP PHOTO manapement 1 tu lr'e in tfc .4? E - ii iw , j wnoever swiped that stone ( of the huge British Columbian ' tty to 1.1 million pounds 500.000 pa. don me whoever organized ! pow'er and aluminum develop- metric tonst. thus would be clovi III w.v ..Kuu ire;e.ss oi i.j? intent. This is reputed here to to an 80 per cent increase anient the.t must have been . involve in excess of $200 rail- Canadian capacity. a smart operator. i Somewhere a Solution r OMEWHERE in th uncharteil sea of idoolocies, w influences and preju.iiees mankind hopes fervently today that some sort of an answer for the prayer for peace may yet be found, despite a world situation that day by day becomes more perplexing and disconcerting. What the explorers for peace and we can say that our own Canadian loaders are sincerely in that category seek is an a-ca of agreement in the minds cf men of several nations who by one authority or another speak for the aspirations and the fate's of millions of their countrymen. We must continue to hope that within the tortured mental state which adversaries of each other hold in conflict there mst lie room for an understanding if men are wise and rational enough to find it. For surely some basis and ability of living together must lie found. Somewhere there must be a glimmer of sunshine. The hope of all is that it may come soon before the day becomes darker. Men's and Young Men'i Dress Trousers, from Ray Reflects houses. Member of the Weddina- bv Carson MeCullers Is a trai-: I r - In fact, the moment I heari , about it over the radio ! to'. t the family "that job must hsve been orpanired by a woman, f ir no man. not even a Scotsman, a as ever clever enouvh io thrS that one up." oOo Comedy Is Main Fare cloth : . rvryuol,fy comedy produced by two Mont- i 3110 vfmDCr'OC Xgff,f,f:CfcfJ realers. Robert Whitehead and Stanley Martineau Alexander i Knox "of London. Ont.. wrote, A:i kinds of Kjrea-born yarns directed and starred In his o.-.!cn be looked lor a. the No v Boys Ail-Wool Wind-breakers, from $350 ty ;ear dawtu. There utti k.. k, Kscapism Offered by Stage This Vear WHEN" I WAS a boy at school we had more interesting sch-l ! books than the kids now get. J Our books told us more about the i Tt .. -., . '-vi'imsm. & eji as slp his fellow-townsman vc:it-u, rrom -.r..-,u,, Diiv fljni take I NEW VORK (?-Broadwav ' h v. Cronyn. had mu two vo directorial UirecurMi sue stone of Scone than the n-- 7", sue- anything to,, lueriily- n one do Thev told us f r tn-I " ' T. u during the year. "Now I cum tea n;i so Knit . . ; ; .s. a i r-sorii mure rsn nini . . . ... i t. j. - - stance, why Edward I took th .,.. ci VT-7" La' e uown to Sleep" last sea-naa given odds of 5c 1 5B war 'in i'i.. son and "Hildu Crane- this sta- a"nst KneraJ ZJd ?.:''l-;r.r-on.e Throughout the year there was SHOP AND SAVE AT mxt nine mutins. l.im,i ....w. tradition o lerend tMt whe-r ' "'-""-"s """""-; "-wrn naymonu Mssy ixitis on as thai the I'hili'-' I ver that star.- went 'tiie kiiKlvi' tried his hand at direcUng-and isU Siety would , be Vr '- ' p.-aer vuld eo too i Two kf ht pieces which opened -starring In "The Father.- a trag-: ventetl trura hold.iif u a.iUi. ' Thev also told -us about f-i 1 ear! Lhe year su' vived the'y of kLst season, and Gen? convention in T.jr.nto next'san-' c:d storv that this was the stnsv sunimt r lu'd and still are box-. Lockhart of London. Ont.. star- mer by the so. t of ar tf. ll ! which Jacob had slept the n,vi0,fK blts jiniK2 a number of : red for a whiie in "Death of a mlfiht break out. Whu-h a di'- j he dreamed that he saw a ladder 'con,edies which have established ' Saies'nan,- the hit of two sea-'ferent. -ach r.p r oHt , I tiiem-elves j:i the the new new season season son sons ago. ago. i I SeDtembe: OTHKR CANADIANS tt-'h o i,-r..I- , . (iii.lL l) u f II f fl in 111 iTit rr hai uinrn I -lil I ... PROBLEM OF RETIKEMEXT "THE MAJORITY cf young men and those in early middle life look forward to the time when they can retire, do what they w ant and take things easier. As time goes or and the retirement draws nearer many of them art not so sure thev want to sten out of the snots they have filial so long. They look around, talk to others who have retired, and ing down. " j -Peter Pan.- Sir Jam Barrie-' On the dancing stage Allyn KaVs thTMaUM-sk! vV- oOo ' e!ernal vor.te. brought Jean McLerie of Grand 'Mere. Que., aL JI IT. "t rtZ It?' Artnur to Brwdway in the t:Ue had the lead in the musical m,nt r. ehiS. ' . V. co:e no, r.earin, the 300-per- . Mi Liberty.- then sa.lM to a7e plans Tor a m f" lormance mark .Set in Ottawa, Europe with the New York City storey mode n office buid n- tV Kobert r ontame-s "The Happy. Ballet to dance the lead in cost $15ttCJ0. a weU as a hZm. AS TO THE MYSTE3Y as to ; .how the Scots g-ot back t'ne;r i stone fo- a little while anvwa"" ', surelv S-otland Yard .Fru-'anJ-- ; '."'AX .pr retirement does not appear as enticing as it did ide can fTire that one o-i ! " xe:ous comedy Kodeo. joining Meltsso Hay- to erect a SC&UO apar'men It's an eld Ei-.slbh custom j;i0on to hn th -perlormance . aen of Toronto, a star of that block. We know of anoth-r ir.dulse dulse rather rather t.- too f-wt ...... freelv oi .... i I u ularK company i tc an south of Alaska, yet in th.. 1 k rr.i . . . ne fii Liiev werp v nov TinH bth. vMhiI w-a-Mjii "-" jias seen eri a g e" nonn where there wa rc-. i reor i As blue-pnt showine a h.?ji -".s vmvs , nris:mas tve. wno couid clan1" ! -"u-er cjn;ecies oi a pre- pie Who are anvthir but Contented even thoutrh llhe B Waters. o whoever ker!vious srn are "Mr. Roberu," 1 many Canadians featured, the i' KtsS Me . Kate-and swe11 " Mis Watson . . , . In ... l,,,., have c,f;.,; sufficient t income ... t: . .'watch over famous Abb - HUU "South OUULn Pa- r L- ' "RSr RSn ' . ' , would wuuil cust a million. 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 It was to finance their tr.ey; ,.'n,. nwi ay citic ' in the musical field. ' Round the Moon - that play has beautiful blue-print. , if they hoisted an extra scute'."' lessoruns: wants. or two on Chnstmas Eve STILL LEADING j .f ln,ltf ! ! RUPERT RADIO & EIECIEI J" f"ture. anyone desiring , Vhel of Harmon uT prform It takes considerate ' cui niifd.4r ; Comedies have held he!d 1 jk . besides money to make k t JjTjft $ the the up-8 tu7e. tuTe.' Ada Adadr ?r hand in the the average man who has led an artiv. lif n. i mament to sua a po thru-b t.ilrih.'1,;.M,D'l? new season, now and and the tne n n" ew Me Madam- ha. T. y. " llh1 , tented when he relinquishes the rein, and finds the I ar.d d start lTxtlVX-: it back on its jottrn lZZrJj "'Z - . ' , miaMini. or payment ci a Jes i , ' two of the current comedies - ------ tnn ral n r' "j There is no longer copyiKht p.o- fccouasa. .. - let-down not so g-ood. Regardless of the position he v.. rm.j .v. i ... . " i': LaQVS X. . r.. i ... i...- wi ooo f.. c ... ir;.i-sc, Vancouver in ts. . . BROADWAY ff r " nouna ; dancer u ffau-i iih ih ""- mr-u . :,uie , , L I atPf may be made to 'L-n- J : i tit, ljxjal, aspect of the ca. , ictrtques me. 1 The former stars John Gie-.-idon Our Fren. French- r. I ln m' An1 Pf-!ti 7 A 1 of Hawle? music and niatrhl-J M bu1 ia -r.a ar.d Pa aie.j me R- B.mn. th, Newcomers to Broadway ln-irhvmin J ri!t ri i o.ncr a a lrans.ation of Jelc Richard Carivle of st I A..t,U$ "Linvitaucn au Cr.a-. Cathanr.ea. Ont.. who appeared.' . - stirring Ujebec-horn T .1. : u .-. r.-. . ! It la thought the Suw cf 1 I Afte- all. the Ettslish stole the 'stone f rem the Srott in the fl:-'t ; place Instead of having to sneak fin at midnight why should rv he Scots bcld'y march to th' Jdoor. demand their !.ne h-i-Sr 1 VIAX1. w atsor Georje Hall. Toronto comedian n"- mysteriously mis-ing from frscita4 tints Cost rsrtiui!.sifr noory. nai !eea piece, handled lisht- i no was in "Touch and Go". ar.d if refused to the near t '. A a f1 seno police i..it;.n CY. -. ' v at i dumped i-ito a rlv-r It' wei.'it V 1 t.ov-rs.ai p.ay to reacn Broad-:-Frei2hf and Henry Beekman J sal? tJ. m'ir i in h3s 1. " ! -si ti, -j l w . pounds, what if it Fh.. r.... t. . . ...... .. suna.' mere eniu'i trmho . For toke home orders Phone 200 iccmrlaint ai:a:rs; whoever is trying to hax.g on to the stolen irock? What about re:a:nini itolen g cods'5 : Of ccurse the ScVits n-.!c j mj i rir l' 1 m c . . a mi; 1 r lr a rtarT in I i ------ m . . . ' real and Pnine-on pnrti!ipn earth a-th , 1 iim-u, Mifuier ar. employee or ir.e Read of a firm, each day has brought a subtle sense of accomplishment if he is the type that has taken an interest in his work. That sense of accomplishment is no longer felt by largo numbers of retired men who'mistakenly imagined that their hobbies would take;the place of the gvinT of.their working years. Marry come to fe?l that their usefulness is ended, that they are simply wasting time, waiting for the endoSuch men usually age rapidly after retiring and 'discontent -with their lot is more and more noticeable even though they do not express their dissatisfaction. It takes many years of living for most men to realize that work is their greatest solace in times of trouble and in later life when the years flit by fastfr, that the old "jV is not something to be avoided and ended. Time retires all of us eventually t.cs' 1 . . admission of failure to State.- a comedy Of this seasou. to-Ameman- 1 It? :?t "n - tr.dersta.-id what the Ameri?in- thine that when all is -aid an! thereby start sDie'h: r.? thrt . n poet u attempting dene, is of small consequence they could not f.n'sh. Fir. a?- j ecrdir.f to the British Israelit:?.. .j s.i... uie t.iot sermon on pre-destaiatioa still brings fall 's' the prorhet J-emi--h brought ' ' the stone f-om Pale.v-ne 'cne. to Ir-.- has been cowned whi land in the yea- 576 B C. tar.g on 1 .at stone .The'exc-jl Fw -r0m Ir?:3nd 50 Sro'-'tion was Mary. nJt to be .and We... even seme Sxts. confuted with Ma.-y Queen 7t T' W a 01 le Er.aianda Edward I. have Scots- had takms ways. j Since the union of the Sc. So if the Scots sue the EnelUh tish ar.d EnaUsh thr, .'L ' 0r.eral Eisenhower w;ll lave for Ehjrcpe early in the New Ye.r to take command of the allied armies No one can say. now. ust what wi'J happen. But ti e laH t.me Ot ne-al Elsenhower left f - Furope to take comma-;! rf the Alhed armies, results wt re quite satisfactory. 1 t r vo torce tnem to return the stone 'Scots ha v.. ., . :,.. Orders for cod pbced beVe of the 29th Decemtr -J! bef prior to the New Year's -o x Our office will re -opes Joa. 3 - . : . , and so many are not rerdv to ft into wrrV- Hiavrl stolen bv Edwsr-t i irrms maw own haVv even though their working- years have been mnro l.loll,Br' on8 with th in RCM? ' s Occasional char.e hanes .Jt " I 5 affairs sometimes imes J , '" telling cf tales wh: lh;fh revive the numerous than thm- Pviw-tiJ PV-, v the Irish. The m tv.no . ., c..-... . . iton b&c hrihn the CDjorfuJ h!sU;ry of the mour. -ties. Have joa. for examp'.. heard of the sourdough who married a Klondike native? Prr- ft of happy retirement has been sadly over-colored. We think you will come to this conclusion if you talk 'to a fair number of those who have been shelved and who have found that so-called hobbies are not at all as satisfying as their active working years of life. Journal of Commerce. ihaps not. Anyway, when thev Uiat the Yanks wiU blame th ture ccronatn Uke R'ta2f- , : there? Afttr all. the Er.Jiah v hj Mavbe afte- all it would b- had free us- of the &o.1?. tetter to leave the stone in the for almost 700 vea 3 If'eVen ccrcnatxn cha.r la Westrr.ir.s- Mexican re idt j l .T ter Abbey-provided thev Iw I can batCe flaes c- cap4u.ed i from f.,sd i-,a it J'-OI,jrr- df cn-ir. tt. Americans when the Ut'er ir- Taded Mes-C1 one hundred bx.Nti. SrvcE THF THc rvct ENGLISH tct 5to; . - rearg aeo is it rt tim that the -. the stone fr-m the Scots in 12ft lsh eave up whaf 4'!" cverv EnSL,h mor.a-ch. ex rowed" f rcmlhe kTl' put up in Vancouver's top hotel M V.jL the 1 ukon wife, confused by th th. . ' r . fDl r rtlr.fsffr r t3: lsr.ahV In f rri h i v: v. f ,1-aom Sv rf.iifEhcrlnp the f.T lest of the north she serured PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. HP. KEW BISHOP -Kev LKKtirey hatchet, and nokhed a tra 1 w rVr'c.51, JeC-tr .' Vancou- 1 fm the elevator to her own T " AnK,,can door. There is no comDulskn cnurrn k w hat hn . 1 . v. i . ..... ... . . SCRIPTLTtE 1-ASSAGC FOR TO DA t -He shall have juccment without mercy that showeth no merty: for mercy rejojceth against judgmenf-James 2:13. !'l Phone 651 LOIBER etnrvcsfff , c u.i.i- atKil telsev;n(t tms. Its op of New Westminster dio- !ou t, o-,.,0r,j cese. He succeed Rt. Rev. Sir ? COAL -v" "r"" o e. no na , 1 . if urea. Air nnr bo. . -. t Porlioment In Late January by Prime Minister L. S St. Laur- ! ;er.t i'.cn ir.g a meeting of the' i cabinet but it is exrvt! Par.) member of the Royal Flying Corps in the Fust World War OTTAWA No official an-; lament win be called Into ses- i councement was male yesterday . sion late in January. i w. "u n Ajr. cnaptaui In the Second World War. He U married and the father of three. ALLACE 11 O-.T.T.vntr-' 1 w (CP PHOTO i Pharmac T x mm. 1 1 j HOURS: WEEK DAYS: 9 B.m ro 9 p H O N NOTICE Speciol hours when Service will be available ot Dur front end for GASOLINE ond OIL SALES over the New Year holidays: New Yeor's Day 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. - - ;' . . SUNDAYS: 7 p.m. ro 9 PROWLESS SHIP-The stern of the 11 .000-ton tanker Esso Rochester is brought into Halifax horbor after the ship ci.me to grief in a Guif of St, Lawrence gale. The 250-foot section of the vessel was hauled from Seven Islands. Que b? the Foundation Maritime tus Josephine. The bow section foundered in a sexond storm while being towed by the Foundation Lillian. (CP PHOTO S RUPERT MOTORS LTD. 5 Atin I SIXTH STKltT A TBH 1 Oh, I forgot to tell you. George offered to cook the dinner .