1 1 1 'vr'HV By Eosley Blackwood Metals Are fV' ' I I Short How f 4 aUSe yUr P011"" open the bidding is no no reason for you to f,d too discouraged about bid-!'"ldn(i makl"S ?wne yourself. Mr. Dale had a sound . eason for overcalhng on the South cards. It was an aggresS,ve reason. If Mr. Abel's opening was not too Daelif"? Mr" Chanipion had some valuer Mr. Dale believed there was a good FRAMES! FRAMES! Come in and choose one for that Christmas Photo. We carry a large line of l'p-To-Date Mouldings WRATH ALL'S Photo Finishing 320 Third Ave. W. t ci.auue ior nis side to outbid D.. , ... hand inri is noi obligated to bid the enemy and play the Canada Looking For Four Key Minerals OTTAWA Cu-rent shortages of starteglc minerals have become critical four items cobalt, manganese, tungsten and chro-mlte all of which are essential In an expanding armament prc-Cram. While government plans for handling this "c isis" have not yet crystallised, the hint is already thrown out that if th--nped becomes desperate, consid again .He may pass, never find tasi aeaier. Neither side vulnerable. Nurlli (Mr. Champion) 8-J 9 3 H-J 10 5 I-A i 10 6 2 C- -Q 8 ' ! i West Kait jl 9; i (Mr. Muzzy) S 6 2 H K 8 3 2 D Q 5 4 . C J 7 4 2 (Mr. A he!) 8 A 4 H A 9 7 6 4 K 8 C K 9 S 3 ing out until too late that you could have raised his bid. A simple ovcrcall may not Include much In high cards but the trump suit Itself is, or should be, a good one. Therefore not so much trump support Is needed to raLse. Distributional values and side suit honors assume greater importance. When Mr. Dale heard his partner's raise to two spades he decided to try once more. He felt he had slight additional values in his six card trump length, his singleton In the opponents' bid suit and his club holding. Mr. Champion was willing to co-operate and went on 1 qb Compliments of the Season Our office and shop wiii be closed from Dec. 22 to Jan. 2 for sraff holiday. Call 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders & Contractors Hiiulli (Mr. Dale) 8 K Q 10 8 7 S II Q D 7 3 C A 10 5 The bidding: Vnt Kmitli West 1 H 18 Pass Pass 3 a Pass All pass ,1 Umbrella tightly clutched, Signora Fmppa dl Ponlo eration will likely bo piven tr j .subsidizine mining of Canadian deposits which are normallv eon- s:dered too lean f jr profiiaule t extraction. j ' ir the United States loosens up j ;on some of its stockpile supplies, j ' Che Canadian situation may be saved f"om becoming ssrintr;. But ! President Truman is asking ccn- j gress for an additional $1.8 bil-I lion for stockpiling to adi to j $1.3 billion already authorized . i This does not suggest that too i much dependence should be placed on the U.S. loosening up i i on needed supplies. ! j Assuming the demand contln- ! i ues high and the U.S. Is unable 1 ' , to help us out, efforts made in World War II to outline supplies . D for her new life In Canada. The Italian Immigrant Is North 23 48 i iirrival ut. Halifax aboard the Greek liner Columbia, to game, One consideration that prompted this action was the jrl bv her belongings. She was headed for Ottawa, l will live with relatives. P PHuio MaKe a careful note of the GREAT MARINE DISASTER sinking of the Titanic April 14, 1912, with the loss of 1.517 lives, shocked the world. The Titanic-then the largest ship afloat was on her maiden voyage to New York when, shortly before midnight, she struck a giant Iceberg a glancing blow, slicing a hole below the water-line practically from end to end. All lifeboats were lowered into a eaim sea, and the vessel took nearly three hours to sink, but only 711 survivors were picked up by the Carpathia, brought to the scene by radio SOS. This Wide World photo is an. artist's conception of th-e scene shortly before the vessel sank. fact that Mr. Champion did not Iact thal J,Ir- '"y "as one of bid his five card diamond suit the defenders and the import- k jbut raised spades immediately.! ""t tenth tric might be won -'j B""" launcs. iMoie also that - .owC Mr. Muzzy led the deuce of he considered jack, nine, trey of iely Topics jrom Terrace irae as adequate trump sup port. hearts and Mr. Abel won with the ace and returned a heart.. Mr. Dale ruffing. The kin? of I Kemember that when your New Shipyard partner overcalls In a major suit1 killed J?,?d'fs. a.s led and Mr- Abel Surprise Party in Bank Christmas Visitors In Interior Town it with the ace and fired 1 of these four mme als may be- i tackled by anv shipbuilding come xtremely useful In "pre-firm on the Great Lakes. llminaries to any World War III. It and the shipyard are monuments to community enterprise, bound up in which are year- , round jobs which never existed i before for 400 to 500 skilled another heart. Mr. Dale ruffed Is Thrivina and you have reasonable support in his suit (as little as 10, 9, and if you have a good partner plus a fair hand, raise at ouce. Don't bother to bid a suit of your own, csepclally a minor. Ch:'!:;tmas season with her father, M.1. George Little. jB, party was given by i! the Royal Bank of Si Miss Prygy Lalri ST. CATHARINE'S. Five years ago a barren, forgotten workers who take home more spot fronting on- Lake Ontario , than $1 million a year in pay. Evei-ctt Loen arrived last wee U spend Christmas with his mother In Terrace. He w a -student at the University of B 'it- Driving forces behind this now ln Tuesday for Van- take up a bu.sine:i .c aifair was held l i f.er the close of bu.ii-i Kefresliments weve S Mi-s Laird was pre- again and followed with a second round of spades, elminating the opponents' trumps. He now led a small diamond and put in dummy's ten. Mr. Abel won with the king and had no good return. Actually he led another heart and Mr. Dale ruffed in his own hand, discarding the eight of clubs from dummy. He then took another diamond finesse, cleared the suit and the hand was in for Christmas at the head of the Welland Canal idle d r y d o c k basins, scrubland hidden In surrounding orchards. Today one of the busiest, al 1111 till, n:ri flic , U AT e n tells the truth about,., 17 II I SKY III ... ,au.fi ivir. John Loen who is with the CN.l! M TfirrarA ' T " . l m , ma at Spence's Uridi;e, also caine n a musical iK)der ink manager H. M. In ! HI I tiiutC v niuii r i,lu. Monday sea son- though the newest, shipyards on the Great Lakes system. i That's the brief, superficial i story of Port Weller Dry Docks Ltd., at Port Weller, near St. I solidly-established and expanding new industry are: Charles A. Ansell, president, who has pioneered and spent a lifetime in the shipbuilding and ship repairing business (he's also president, St. Lawrence Dry Docks Ltd., Montreal); W. A. Wecker. president, General Motors of Canada, and A. F. Fifield, who has been closely Identified with development of many industrie3 in Canada and U.S. Mild Weather Prevail Church Services and Yulrtiilr Treen I Nfrs. Jens Munthe of lrt arrived on Sat-liilng's train to spend Mr. and Mrs. Lemon and child-1 ren of Prince Rupe 't. are spend- j ing the Christmas season wkhl TERRACE. Mild weather pre-! fee siaiim at their fariii RADIO DIAL 1240 Kllocycle8 their aunt, Mrs. Simpson. vailed In Terrace over the I L U D Christinas week-end, making it W I I IV ii.ch. ::3 easy and pleasant for seasonal; (Subject to Change) Catharine's, where shortly Is lo be launched the largest lake freighter yet built in Canada. The ship a 20,000-ton, $4 million bulk carrier, to be known as the Scott Misener after the president of Colonial Steamship Lines Ltd., for whom it is being built is the biggest job yet son Jackson si-rv3j ; st mas dinners on Day to over twenty A. J. Dominato of Prince Rupert arrived on Tuesday morning's train on a business visit to Te- race. lie was accompanied visiting. Christmas services were held in the churches with midnight FR1UAT F.M. both young and oM, ; mass celebrated at the Church if you want to sell It, advertise it. News classifieds. fc.iwhere else to go, and , by his wife and daughters wh of the Sacred Heart and Holyi .f thnn rlnr.Cfri In I P TP Sliprifl 11? trip Urpflr tt'lth .iic- Wlf ivuav.u fcv ; O .. i .... j I ,,.i ; Dnminatn' mnthor an fnthf lOnjmuniOn at St. Matthew's Church at 6 and 11 o'clock on' Mr. and Mis. II. Houlden. 4:i5 Stock Quotations antf Interlude 4:30 Sleepy Time Stories 4:45 Lyrical Lady 4:55 CBC News 5:00 Int. Comty. 5:10 There's Music in the Air 5:30 Now I Ask You h Little. R.N. is nurs ' Prince Rupert Gen Mrs. H. C. Sites and daughter. Christmas morning. On Sunday all the churches were filled for the services. I At iCnox United Church a Put Seagram's "83" to the water test. For water (plain or sparkling) is your most reliable guide to the whole truth about any whisky. Wafer adds nothing, detracts nothing, but reveals a whisky's true, natural flavour and bouquet. Say SEAGRAM'S and be SURE . . , of the finest "33" .tal. and spent the .Colleen, have taken up rr.sidence ! r.t the Osborne home on Lakels Avenue. special family service was held, 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Henri Rene Orch. in ine morning with tne parents j joining in worship with the chil AL ESTATE NSURANCE dren of the senior Sunday Sahool. At this service Mrs. H. Amdam toid the story of Christ Ralph Skinner leaves on Tuesday for his home in Ottawa aftr ."pending the holiday here with rssrrnts Mr. and Mrs Percy Skinner. COME TAX RNS PRErARED mas and Rev. P. MaJlett gavej the address on the "Central 1 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Saddle Rockin' Rhythm 7:00 CBC New 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Easy Rhythm 8:00 London Cavalcade 8:30 Opening Night 9:00 "Burns Chuckwagon" 9:30 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 10:00 CBC New 10:10-CBC News E. Mortimer A.-o. (Near CFPR) Terrace TW- advertisement is not published or displayed by Hie liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. ; Point of History." Two anthems, j were sung by the newly formed junior girls' choir under the I leadership of Mrs. H. Seaman, j ( The senior choir held a candle light service in the evening wnen I nil r nnt.hpnm "Hnlu Nicht ' . Marriage On Christmas Day Golden Slumber." "Echo" and 10:?H?!ub Ple. BUI'BIMUIDW 10:30 Riverside Rancho "Bethlehem Star" were sung. Mrs. L. Johnstone and Mrs. K. 10:55 Interlude 11:00 Weather IL0RING for and Gentlemen TERRACE A very pretty wed- UfPliprsnn ihp rinpt. "O '6ng was solemnized on Christ-' mas night, at, 8 o'clock in the Holy Night." Rev. Mallett's ad-l "e - A.M. SATURDAY- ! dress was on "Peace on Earth." SAFE BUYS 1948 Ford4-Door$JggQ 194!) Special DeLuxe Sedan $2025 In the Anglican Church a i eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the'" service was held in the A. Cote of Terrace, became with fu choir in at- evening a of bride of John Allan Jefferd , the TAILOR TRUCK SPECIAL 1941 Ford Sedan Delivery.... $ZJ)Q I Vancouver, . . 1. j .'Christmas address was given by brocaded! !n while ... cn li st I uownca Phone 649 . 1948 Chev. Plck-Up In Everv Husband's T.lfe 7:00 Musical ClocK B: 00 CBC News 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:15 Hits and Encores 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45-Lltt!e Concert 9:00 BBC News and Comty. 9:15 Saddle Serenade 9:30 CBC Stamp Club 9:45 The Answer Man 9:59 Time signal 10:00 Bandstand 10:15 Minuet 10:30 "Melody Time" 10,:45 CBC News 10:55 Weauiei and Interlude 11:00 Saturday Date taffeta, princess .style with ion ! - sleeves and petal cuffs, the CHRISTMAS TREES charming, dark haired bride en- Several Christmas trees have tered the church on the arm of been given for the Terrace chillier father. Her pirated tulle dren during the past few days, fhoulder length veil was held tr. Last Thursday evening the Or-plaee wilh a matching Tudorjange Lodge held a grand party Discovered at last ... the missing vase Packing, Crating 1Mb IRmfhtn HM i3? or.iV lling ami General ftage and Storage for the children in the IOOF Reliable and Effi- "ft 11 & l JIM coronet. Her only ornament was a necklace, the gift of the groom, and she earned a bouquet of pink roses. The two bridesmaids were Norma Perry and the bride's fvice. Also agents for Hall when ice cream, refreshments, candy, nuts, fruit and a gift for each one were given to the youngsters. The Oddfellows and Rebekahs combined in a Christmas tree for the young- FOR . . . ii Liquid Air Co. Lto., 'n, Acetylene and all supplies. AY'S CARTAGE 11:30 Weather Report sister. Irene Cote The former Highest Quality in Your Printing was ft'ownd In green taffeta and sters on Wednesday evening in n:3i Message Period pRAGE LIMITED I the latter in apricot taffeta. Tne, the IOOF Han ana mv n:33-Recorded Interlude ! gowns we-e floor length and ,0-1 had a merry time playing games. u :45Scandinavan Melodies most identical with short puff Refreshments were served and: ! sieves Each wore a coronet of ice cream for everyone, with a SATURDAY P.M. and Park Avenues Plimwi fid and fiR see Acme's latest NYLON Sport Shirts!" nink velvet and carried pins bag of Christmas goouies m iz:uu Mia-Lmy Meionies 12:25 Proaram Resume I children. Avail yourself of our experience and versatility. Dibb Printing Co. Attending the groom was John j on Wednesday afternoon the 12:30-Musical Program ,A.:!w.,nrf held l:00-Pops on Parade the ushers were Amdiean Sunday School 2:00 Dance Music L',.r...j r,H n.maid Cote. thoir rhrLstmas treat in the . u,icrm nffieated n,UHit rtninn Hall and, with PHONE 234 BESNER BLOCK 3:00 This Week 3:15 CBC News 3:25 Rec. Interlude nH the nuut.ial music was played ReV- Hodson leading, the chil- dren enjoyed merry games. Re e ceeelc,e,fc(eci(c c cwcrec(t:l((('C'c(:e(cc(e'c(f s m by Miss Flora Melvin. a weddind reception was held at the home of the bride's parents where the bride's mother . i tho imests. Her gown freshments, ice cream ana a oi, of candies, nuts, apple and orange were given to each child by the ladles of the Auxiliary. The Infirmary staff had a ,ii fro ifnr their youngsters K'l'VI'.R VICTORIA was of grey wool gabardine with j ,j wne feather hat na si V y ( ; i S w S y I hi i I s I accessories to match. Assist! the hosted we-e Mrs George West and Miss Merle West. 8 p.m., Chllcotin iy, fsday, Camosun 12 Noon , RM, STEWART AND RT SIMPSON h. Camosun, 11 p m. NORTH OltF.KN Happy New Year Newest tailored Cohama nylon fabric, $Q,50 in white, blue or grey, each OR the Acme's NEW YEAR SPECIAL Acetate Nylon Sport Shirts In maroon, grey, ice blue or light green. $J.95 Each ACME CLOTHING Serving the Public of Prince Rupert for over 33 years on Saturday evening and eacn child contributed to the entertainment of the evening. All In all, the Terrace chi -dren had a merry time this Yuletlde. netir TO r iKLOTTE ISLANDS 'icotln. Dec. 22 and 5 - 9 p.m. 9 p.m. Do you know you on"0; JUrchL to-day's SKW HKAL to-day? ' S(S NKWS n. $M TRADE SOUTH OIIEF1M A three tier wectams cut. with due ceremony by tne by John Toasts were proposed Mit.enber and J;orff WW, 'Own House Durlnrr the evening was held and manv friends ; gathered to felicitate the newlvwe who will take uo residence in Terrace In the Tom Olson home on Kalum Road. MisT Ova MoorM BN-Prince Rupert General IIoitM staff left on today's plane for a visit of a few days in Vancouver. 1 llown in aauy u, Papers are GEORGE COOK, Jeweller iKLOTTE ISLANDS 'otin, Dec. 15 and 29, t p.m. Phone 264 527 Third Avenue JK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Florists Flowers for All Occasions 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 " Rupert Agent ue Phone 568 y 1