prince Rupert Daflp Hetos Saturday, July 30.. 1949 Vancouver ,., IS s Mr, NEW PASTOR IS COMING Rev. L. G. Sieber Honored Before Leaving Kevelstoke For Here ' REVELSTOK E Rev. L. G. Geo lllKlnharl 1 Zk-hr. I SATURDAY SERMON I need of a saviour from the i powers of sin, death and the j ' devil. They deny their need of the Christ who died upon the i cross for their salvation. ! Zeal for retigiun is not a sign TRUE OR FALSE IN RELIGION Sieber, Mrs. Sieber, the latter's father, J. J. Oulley, and their sons, Allan and Roy, have left for Prince Rupert, where Mr. Sieber commences his duties ps minister of the United Church, August 1. j Following evening service, the , congregation met in the As-' or truth. One of the members of the United Nations Council writes that he .has never seen such zeal as that demonstrated by members of the Soviet block in their desire for communism. (By Rev. Earl Soiland, St. Paul's Lutheran Churcht "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but prove the spiriU. whether they are of Ood: because' many false prophets are gone out into the world" I John 4:1. i . W IMlBKRU J All mon q ro wilin-imic Qrirrm a rp mnrfl f trirm1 rn, . - , y i A sincere person is often wrong others. There are manv kinds of religion. Most re in hi! ,inprifw - sembly Hall to say farewell to DIRECTORY Petri -e tn til rhtiTrhe at 11 a.m. and t:S p.m.: fnnrtnr Rrhool at 12:15 xceK a ohoirfi. ANGLICAN CATHEDRAL 4th Ate. W. at Dunsmulr St. Holy Communion 8:30 a.m. Sunday School 3:00 pm. Canon Basil 8. Prorkter, B.A., B D. Rector; (Blue 733) F1HST BAPTIST 6th Ave. E. at Young St Mill later: Rev. Fred Antrobu (Green 812) FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 4th Avenue East Minister: Rev. George E. Sendnll (Oreen 882) FIRST i'NTTED 636 6th Ave. West Morning Service Only FVLL iOSPF.L TABERNACLE 202 6th Ave Wast Pastor: C. Pawcett (Green 3311 SALVATION ARMY Fraeer Btiaet CO.: Major W. Yurgensen Directory Class t :30 p.m. Sunday School 8:00 p m, (Black aesi PT. PAt'L'R Ll'THERAN 6th Ave. at McBrlde St. Pastor: 5. Botland (Black 6101 ST. PETER'S 4VOIIC4N Seal Cove Archdeacon E. Hod son Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Evening Prayer 7 :30 p m. (Blue 837) A ligions have much in Common. There is the worship: There are marks of truth in 'the minister and his wife of someone or something which involves self-denial religion. Among them are peace and sacrifice. There is a recognition that an atone-1 111 lhe human soul- A Person rrwmr fnr- nnlr rrwf kn m.,Aa TWo 5 alcn tV, f u,.r ' worships God In truth has mat we are responsible to an- a sense of fellowship with God. Ood is his Father, his friend, his benefactor. He honors God the kind of person he is. It i special MESS aIx JACKETSau at " X,KS'S ad l, SllTS-wnltj double-bttilsW ls. Sptciji assortment, , Special .... MEVS hm SHIRTS -1 from also that spirit that determines &nd HU He seeks to do to Independent 4I1t newspaper oeTotM to cne upButldlng of PrttM Rupert Mi all oomtatmitles cpmprtiBg northern and central British Columbia liuttMnM a Second Clan Mall. Poat Offle Department. Ottawa) Published eer afternoon except Sunday by rruo Rupert Dally News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia, O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY, Managing Director. MZMBEK OF CANADIAN PRESS AtTDTT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES any carrier. Per Weea. 20c: Per Month, 7Sc; Per Tear, 800. EfJ i4U.' . s By MaU, Per Month. 60c; Per Year. 5.00 a11 A Booh of Interest BOOK of exceptional local interest has come A to the editor's desk. It is entitled "The Cana- dian Y.M.C.A. in World War II" and the author is ' none other than Alan M. Hurst, who was director of Y.M.C.A. war services in British Columbia during the war and who is now principal of the Prince . Rupert High Schools. Apart from the angle of interest through the authorship, Prince Rupert receives a large measure . of attention through the telling of the story of the war services of the Y.M.C.A. which stemmed out of this city into a vast and isolated area. Increasing the interest are many "now it can be told" aspects of the tale. The book tells in fine style the history of a fine job we'll done. Interesting appendices are replete with valuable statistical information. BETTER FARM LIFE THERE IS no getting away from the fact that if we expect to be fed, it is the farm we must look to. So it is with more than indifferent satisfaction that Canada should hear Ottawa's announcement other being. Our life is not our own, but its service belongs to another. Many religions recognise these principles. There is a great difference in the methods by which men try to satisfy these inmost cravings of a spiritual kind. ms religion. Some spirits are rebellious, and do not like to submit to any authority. They like to be a lav; presentation of a purse, hare-made by J. M. Cameron,' containing money was made by R H. Mann on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Sleber's many friends. Mr. Mann expressed the con-' gregatlon's apreciatlon of Mr. ; Sieber's ministry and wished Mr. and Mrs. Sieber every hupp!-' ness in their new home. Mrs. Clias. Kolofsky, president, of the W.A., made a presentation to Mrs. Sieber on behalf of her organization. Mayor Walter Hardman and Rev. T. R. Lancaster of St. Peter's Anglican Church added their words of regret at Mr. Siebe.'s unto themsleves. They show their contempt for authority by that which is right in the sight of God. His sins are openly acknowledged to God and he knows that God forgives him for Christ's sake. There Is joy In such intimate communion. There is a definite longing for the glory of heaven. Surely one who can get these benefits from true religion should not easily BOYS' T Sllim These differences are respons- their failure to submit to the ible for the many kinds of re- authoriy of God. Their goal in ligion. We are reminded In the ' hfe is indefinite. It is usually text that it is the spirits that1 based upon self gratification r.ris latrsi ; surtment. Sp embrace that which is false. BOYS' YVO0U PA.TS-VtnH. God tells us to prove the spirits, whether they be of God. sorlment. Sp BOYS' 8 C Bill cause the forms or worship. When men have a kindred spirit, they band themselves together for the purpose of worship. When they have dlverg'-ent spirits, then they disagree and "do not have a common bond for unity. It Is the spirit within man that determines departure from the community and paid tribute to his work as a citizen in the Church life of the city. Refreshments were secvd by the W.A. Blue and kt Special which changes from day to day. They accommodate themselves to conditions as they meet them and so are unstable. God's word tells us that we have two' .guides to test the spirits of men. One Is their fruit. The other is whether or not they confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. When we see the fruits of a person's religion, it gives a clue as to the value of that reliidon. Some Mrs. E. van Stolk of Terrace arrived in the city Friday afternoon on the Coquitlam after a trip to Vancouver. She proceeded to her home on nK'ht'i train. fa'-;'-::;:', I.., Advertise In tne Dally News O. H. Tweed returned to the city Friday aiU-nioon on the Cotiultlam from a trip to Van- couver. A. MarKKNZIK FH It MTU UK LTD. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY SPECIAL Continental Hed. Full Size, Krstmore flat ribbon sprint;, REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCH (FundameniaUst) 629 6th E., Near High School Phone 369 First Presbyteriaif Church Minister: Rev. O. . Sendatl B.A., B.D. Director of Music: Mrs. E. J Smith people find that their religion ! makes them self-centered. They like to use themselves a.s stand- ards of judgment. As they see . someone else they say, "I am not a hypocrite like him." or "1 1 don't cheat like him," or "I don'i i do a lot of the things he does.'' j etc. Others have a religion that permits th m to do just as they please without any self! restraint as long as they go to a church. Others' take the ' time and effort to deny their full size. Ace spring fill mattress, full size $71.00 I See our carpets jnst arrived ' Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue that the farmers are prospering. To a degree greater than ever before they are improving their posses-; :sions, and making every-day life more convenient and liveable. Water systems are being installed in homes. There are bathrooms, flush toilets, kitchen sinks with accompanying water, piping and outlets, --and also septic tanks. Compared with 1948, im-:-provements reveal a 53.3";; increase. There has " teen a total of $19,000,000 made in loans, chiefly in ..Ontario and the prairies, This has made possible new buildings, an extension of electrification, small : - house construction for farm help and the reDlacinp- ANYTIME is time to CLEAN YOUR CHIMNEY ... l et us inspect, repair and clean your chimney now Be prepared for Fall. We also specialize In repair of (utters, down pipe and roofing. 11:00 "Even Unto the End." Duet J. Davies, M. Sendall). "Nailed to the Cross." 7:30 -Perspective." , Sunday Services suspended for July and August. Prayer Meeting Wednesdays .at8 p,m. 6 514 3d Avenue. BALAGNO Florists Phone Green 787 Box 1193! You Will Enjoy Visiting FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE 202 Sixth Avenue West Near the Heart of the City With the City at Heart - of machinery. The Salvation Army Holiness Meeting, 11 a.m. Directory, 2:30 p.m. Sunday School, 3 p.m. i ' Salvation Meeting, 7:30 Vm. Major and Mrs. Yurgensen INTERCITY CHIMNEY 1 Free Estimates Phone Red 241 SeucI Authorized Licensed Chimney Service. All III T S Quality I j POINTING I Morning Worship 11:00. Sunday School and Bible Class 12:15. Evangelistic 8ervice 7:30. : ' HC Tues., Prayer and Bible ' Study 8:00. ' Thurs W.M.S. 2:30. Fri. Young People's 8:00. Pastor, C. Fawcett Green 331 The week-end servces will be conducted by the Divisonal Commander,- Senior Major and Mrs. Warrander. ' Holiness Meeting 11 a.m. Drectory 2:30 p.m.-Sunday School 3 p.m. Salvation Meeting 7:30 p.m. We extend a hearty lnvltaton to one and all. sirniES n ENGLISH CHINA BREAKFAST SETS 20 and 22 Piece-Cups and Saucers Cream and Sugar Sets SILVERWARE Cake Plates Butter Dishes Bon Bons Comports Phone Red 400 STATIOXEBT N GREETING 1 PENS AND f : 1 Too long have those who create the crops on Z I Which we all depend, accepted long hours, endless V ' I rk' scant mvard and little comfort. i :HOVV TO GET ALONG! 0 LEEP SKID CHAINS on your tongue,; always ! say Iess than you think. Cultivate a low, persuasive voice. How you say it often counts more than w hat you say. Make promises sparingly and keep them faith- fully, no matter what it costs you. Never let an opportunity pass to say a kind and encouraging word to or about somebody. Praise good work done, regardless of who did i' If criticism is needed, criticise helpfully, never spitefully Be interested in others; interested in their pur-wits, their welfare, their homes and families Make merry with those that rejoice; with those who --.LlPUr,n:,Let ever meet; however DIBB PRINTINGS 518 Srd Ave. W. BESNER BLOCK ! !MIIMllrPN1ffi JIUUUiuiilUlluil!iWII i ...i.!. , COME IN AND HEAR IT COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE A NEW HOME ! Deserves the Best : The Amazing NEW RCA VICTOR 45 E'l Jurat Hutted QJljnrrlt 635 6th Avenue West Minister: Rev. R. A. Wilson, M.A., B.D. SUNDAY, JULY 31, 1949 11 a.m. Mornings Service. Speaker: Miss Mae Benedict, Baptist Mission ' worker in Jasper Place, Edmonton, Alberta. 12:15 p.m. Sunday School continues all through the summer. - . 7:30 p.m. Evening Service . ' . Speaker: Elmer Warkentin, Missionary-elect to Borneo, East Indies. -JUST A FEW OF THE TITLIH Popular Records Advertise in the Oaliy News! Carolina Moon Vaughan Munroe Riders in the Sky Vaughan Munroe Classical Records s j mac you regard him as one of im- Sweetheart of Sigma Chi Robert Miff - punance. RE: CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO 8042-1 TO LOT TWBNTY-POUIt 24t, BLOCK TWENTY-NINE (2l. Warsaw Concerto Boston Pups Western Records t Don't Rob Another Man's Castle-E1 Tennessee Waltz Pee Wee King. SECTION SIX (61, CITY W PRINCE RUPERT. MAP 923 WHEREAS natlsfaotory proof of 1mr of the above Certificate of Title taoued in the name of NpII MacLenn has been filed In this office, notlre In hereby given that I shull at the expiration of one month from the dwte of the first publication hereof. Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of aald lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid ob Here's oIlK HOLIDAY MEMO TO MOTORISTS ! lli new ,C' ' quality record. thm' " FOR Bl'ILDlNG Sl'PPMES AND ESTIMATES PHONE 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors compact new outw""' timokit er dfiij""" quick canned ; Jnst a reminder that there Is plenty of driving weather abead jection be made to me In wrltlnc. DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert, B. C, this lflth day of July. W49. A D. ANDREW THOMPSON, Deputy ReglHtrar of Titles. new Mnch 50 minut without W ... .L. or a Victor and your car will need more care. v Count on us to check for signs of wear everytfme yon drive In. lit") Be careful. Keep the corners of your mouth turned up. Hide you pains, worries, and disap- . pointments under a smile. Preserve an open mind on all debatable ques--.. A'ons. Deliberate, but do not argue. It is a mark Of superior minds to disagree and yet be friendly. '- Let your virtues, if you have any, speak for themselves, and refuse to talk of another's vices. Discourage gossip. Make it a rule to say nothing another unless it is something good. Be careful of another's feelings. Wit and hu-l "frior at the other fellow's expense are rarely worth , - the effort; and may hurt where least expected. Pay no attention to ill-natured remarks about ' - you. Simply live so 'that nobody will believe them. Disordered nerves and a bad digestion are a common cause of back-biting. . . Don't be too anxious about your dues. Do your work, be patient and keep your disposition sweet, forget self,' and you will be rewarded. Gyroscope. m.n auI aii or a u;,r lea(e n .i,k ,.,,J will olio be ovoiloW on th. .landard 10-and U-inch A v.T cRae Bros. L reeee OR Ml DRW NOW Q.C A. OFFERS A DRUGS Wednesday ss Prince Rupert H A ONCE-WEEKLY EVERYONE Doesn't Get 'Two Weeks With Pay' but you can give your wife a "once-a -week holiday" by arranging for regular dinner dates at the . . . 10 p.m. For Alio Arm and Stewart Steamship Movement! SFPVIPF PRESCRIPTION CHEMISE Sunday ss. Camosun, 11 p.m Flight TO Departs Prince Ru pert lat 09:30 D.8.T. Every From Alice Arm and Stewart Tuesday ss. Camosun, a.m. From Ocean Falls 'Of M SUNDAYS Attn MOT .IT) AYS 1 2 NOON T Friday. For Information ana . 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. Wednesday s. Prince Rupert Reservations CAM, 478 or Call at the QC.A. Office Klllas & Christopher Block For Vancouver Tuesday ss. Camosun, 1 :30 p.m. Thursday ss. Prince Rupert, 11:15 p.m. Friday ss. Catala, 5 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday-. Camosun, II p.m 10 a.m. For Ocean Funs Dally car delivery service from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. Ovic Centre Dining Room For Reservations add Chicken in The Rough Vhone Red 70& Thursday ss. Prince Rupert, QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINES LTIX 11:15 p.m.