1 m Prince Rupert Doily News Friday. January 27. 19."0 Joseph Chcll- inspector of schools, h't aboard the Prince1 George last night on a business to Ocean Falls. way that led out of town, wander-I ing back and finally sighting ' something -that turned out in if a building the right one the JANUAP lu Ray Reflects . . . ... and Reminisce . Kt'BSCPIPTION RAT.fi vmj carrier, Per Wfvk. xc. per Montii, 76c: FVr Year. n no bj Mail. Per Mouth. Soc; Per Tear. 6 imi (ilonq I he Buy ways stranger ceased from cursing, and shortly was at rest. - ; !! CLEARAK A i Good Worn, H(J ear bHIRTS Reg Now $2 SO i Men's PANTS, Wool. Now for Even when ther,e is no period was it but everyone kept lament-of prolonged cold, aged men who ins. Instead of frankly enjoying live alone are subject to attacks the beaming sunshine, crysUil of illness which should have clearness of the air and invigor-prompt attention. When the ating atmosphere that gftve one temperature is around zero, and a real appetite. This was winter, there is lack of sufficient warmth It came, and was indifferent to as well as associates, the situation abuse. Why keep on being misbecomes that mum more crit- erable? Winter remains until ical . Mention in the papers of good and ready to go. Meanwhile, some one well advanced in years make the best of it! and virtually a recluse, discovered I. tf HI:;lsTltV ACT HI: CVrtifirnto of Title No. 32110-I t lot One ill. Block Thirty-seven 37. Swtirm Seven (7. City ot Prince Rinxrt. Mup 2:i WHFRKAS satisfactory proof of luss ot the tihove Ortificntr of Title 4HKcd In the iimw of 1y1 Free- -Ktiitl. linn been filed In thin office, noilre is hereby given that I Khali ut the expiration of one month from the date of th first publication hereof, issue a Provisional Certificate of Titl in lieu of said loal Certificate, unless in the meantime valid objec-t ion he made to mc In writing. UATI1) at the Land Itei;lstry Of-rire. rYince rillcrt. H C . this lth clay ol January. !!l!0, A. D. Andrew Thompson Deputy lteulstrar of Titles ! () ! Men's WORK mm Special, pal, Argyle Diamond Reg up to $2 Now Boys' and Girls' This advertisement is l.at nub- It's business wise to advertise. One might hesitate to believe anybody could become lost , in New Hazelton. Yet, it happened. Years ago, we stepped from the train at midnight. No one aroun. No cars. No sound save the taint nimble of the eastbound. Silence and blackness. Which way was in a state of collapse, suffering irom a stroke, or ound dead in his lonely litle home is all too frequent. The situation has its difficulties. It is not always so simple or easy to persuade anyone to change his way of living when he does not wish to, unless Ik has come to tne point where lished or disnhivi'd bv tne Liouur Control Board or bv the Government of BriliM Columbia piece SN0WSU wool. Reg $9.95 the Hotel? Where was the road Uff CI -w. tJI w LUaLILJi v-i wi w t I , (Evcrv week something new laDoears on the shelves of the i stores and business houses of THE .1.1 n I'OWFT? l utn.n MHjAJHI QITTTATIOV in in P,.,'nM 1 lince klipeit P,,,,.f 1 column Prince Kimen the Dailv and News through will this try C'0in- hp 1 and k?eD. vou llD t0 tlate 011 t( llVP iim fnv rlirii.;ci'nri f " ' l,f 11 a lfSUt 101 UlJ-CUsslOn II v n Om m , ,usl wnats new in Ruutnti this time on. The application of the Northern Bri- Budgetwise ladies win be de-tih Columbia Power Co. for an early decision as to liRhted with the lovely new cot-the renewal of its franchise brinqs the matter to , ton wuseii. that have jut ,. ... arrived at the Sweet Sixteen. tuejQi-e. 1 lie current power crisis, in which the com- jTne.se newest and smartest of paijhas imposed restrictions which are being ac- .house dresses are in fast colors cepted w ith none too good grace bv some although H sanffd lth e01'3lele , . , range of designs and patterns. they are being patiently borne by others because But the big attraction to these there appears to be nothing else to do about in the smart dresses is the low, low meantime, sharply accentuates the discussion. . pnces- T. XT , ., "This extreme cold weather is I he News, a correspondent suggests, Sllbscrib- very unusual," seems to be a com- eji"; 0an accU;;at'on n.V the manager of the power jinon saying in Prince Rupert but, company that the wople were not co-operating in from aI1 indications, it looks like ' - : ,. ... the cold winters are here to stay. the matter of the face of the conserving power in The wise horoe owner will be in. acuter shortage. What the Daily News did do, as a filiating his home this spring and matter of fact, Mas endorse the appeals and warn- 's,immer ith Fibergias. Fiber- - . , . . ., , glas, the new and wonderful in-. ntor power conservation, urging that they be smaUng materiai. is very mex-heuJtal as the only recourse in the emergency. It pensive and easy to use. The uncertainly . no '"verbal spanking" to the citizens Island cy Burning supplies are wm w liairying this new anti-cold in- -iii but a friendly suggestion to meet a seriously devel- l.sronce The wlse horne mvnm. Opillg situation. j will be Fiberglasing his home be- ... There was no suggestion or intention whatever for ano,her "unusual winter" ' ,. , , , comes around. to discuss the whys and wherefors ,i- leading up i. to , ' To kwp tne snow snoveUed and the situation or to blame or defend the Power Com- keep the kiddies happy at the pany in view of the crisis which has arisen more '.same time, the new General i .i , n -4. ,i; i ...u.v.'!-, Steehvays snow shovels at the did last and whicn emously this winter tnan it )Varjety Store are the rpal McCoy might occur again. ;Vith a large solid blade and a We have had these situations during two sue- sturdy handle these shovels win Now only "c ""-"u. Even matches would have helped a littie. Not even a star! Not a j Boys' SWEATER glimmer of anything. After an hour of being barked at by distant dogs, blundering into barbed wire fences, following a path- ; Wool, from J I tit I Jt 4- A ine government at utiawa and the government at Victoria will resume their sessions next month. It will be refreshing to think and talk of affairs of state, instead of restricting conversation to blizzards, above and below zero, ice, snow, rainstorms, frozen water pipes, fractured ankles, temperatures and heavier FOK lllti: PltOTICilON lVSTAI.I. Lyon Fire Extinguishers .... the scientific way of smol herinn gasoline, electrical and wood fires Can be thrown at flume or will work automalically I.YON Fire Extinguishers' will not frtH-ze or deteriorate. Require no .servicing. Approved by Fire Insurance Underwriters everywhere. Price $5.00 Complete (Liberal Discount to Dealers) Conw Out from L a '. Umlcr the Shadow of IMP PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE For Compl Sheet Metal I'lione CM 712 Seennd Ave. P.O. Hox 772 The Boston bandits continue ' to enjoy the boon of liberty and possession of a million in cash that isn't theirs. Police admit there isn't a clue. State employees in Boston, who were over-jjuwered have been questioned and quizzed at length without any developments worth a dime. It looks like a getaway. And if the truth were known, considering the sort of world we live in. the bandits have a lot of ce i i i i n- i..;. :t--s KeP junior wen occupied. ssive winters now and it could be multiplying into j ; . . . . . . , , Everything seems to have Gone o ti.i-iivilrtv fri-w tt f 1 vivi 1? ft.jn I'i-ianiianhr ondllffh fie- . . . . . i ry I'M LC1 N TaUeU for prompt relief from ARTHRITIC and HllKU- MATIC pain . . .Try DOI.CIN . . . get a Lottie of 100 or 500 lal.U tJ from your druggist TOKAY and join the t)iouatid.t of relieved ufl erera ho by tu k i rig D )l .C I N have come out from under lit shadow of Pain . . . Most druggist carry DOI.CIN. If yours dues not, write duett to T I CALL BLACK 88 o SERVICE WORKMAf DCPErJDAI; For Expert Watch (Sm Jewellery Repairs See MANSON'S nvi imi.v . jiii- tun " , , west, ana snoe styles are no ex pire and anticipate that measures are taken for as- ;cepuun. The latest in Men's Rutl and adequate-protection against natural con- j women's and children's shoes 1 1 , . !have al ltaken on the Western ditions which are to be reasonably expected. style xhe Jopher Boot or me:i We have been bemoaning the inadequacy of our ; w a campus craze last year but 1 -i. 1 1 c -i i now everyone's wearing them wger supply since it has nigh failed us on more !The Jopler Bool b agbusim,ss tftsjgynie occasion recently. Questions may be fair- ;Shoe that has taken on the cow-,y asked, when the power, for any ' reason, fails to by boot styling and its plenty ,.w'(i, ,.;., :,, ; smart for the wet and cold wea- inttifc4.ne situation. . ',,. ,. ., , i. 1 ther . .. And in theChildren s Power has been added to water as a major is- 'Department it's the" pullover Sue for public discussion in Prince Ttupert and wo !n,ob,ir boot complete with the u 1, ; ..v...,,- u .. t.. !Lone Ranger on the side and I DOLCIN LIMITED Why try to imagine it should be some other sort of day, when as a matter of fact it's nothing of the kind. Take Thursday, for example. If ever there was a perfect winter day, Thursday Tfnl 10 Oulario T H Or Your Friendly Jeweller ciuiM mc iit:ciiuf; ct iui auuui itinnii hum uii. lie iiupu ; built i in spurs. . . Hi Ho Silver . . . Green 324 Box 998 3rd Ave. EhntTthf dtscussifin Wl l nnt np onnfinprl mpveltr tn ' SHEET METAL! I The Ladies' loafers have also ' Saluda Tea Bags are handy for afternoon tea ilil3i.nd irresponsible statements around the street jbeen z'wn that -Home on the; ior aers or in the gossiping circles. 'Ranf ' uch with la,ee buekl(s , j ., . o i o l0n lne fronis anci western style FOR tffTZ A O A q r ;OOI HOTEL IS BOON able and smart. At Brownwoiwls on Third Avenue can be seen the newest in footwear fashions. Highest Qualify in Yoiir Print s growing city is never adversely affected by i i L...tlie construction of a modern hotel. More like It Avail yoursflf nt mil cxiwritvwr and vrrsalility. JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Thifd Avenue TEA O AO S DIBB PRINTING ( DKKNKR m,OCK P1I0 ly, it will be the reve'rse. Accomodation and'eomforts 61 line with what is available in large centres are (Jlesireable. The development of many a city has Eeen greatly assisted through the building of a first class inn where patrons can find what they are accustomed to. Where there is no question or doubt Jf this, the city will have visitors whose presence results in benefits. They're NEW The '50 FOE BALAGNO FLORISTS I'h.Kie ireen 787 Box 1193 PHONE 363 f For Estimates if and Supplies ;J OVER FOUR YEARS OLD Mitchell & Currie Ltd. Builders and Contractors NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Ml KiMirid Hot and Coin -Z Of TUB . .... v VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTI.K Sunday, 9 p.m., Chilcotin Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Coquitlam I.KE ARM, STEWART AM PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 pm. FOR SOL'TII QCF.EN . CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin, Fob. 3 and 17 10 p.m. FOR NORTH Ql'FF.N CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin, January 20 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 5(58 4r waier ( 1 PRINCE RUPERT, BC Bill Scuby's CLEARANCE SALE of Fine FURS CONEY (dyed rabbit I SHO.fiO II si vu ri Mi 1 l?hone 281 P.O. Box I'.w1 EBJSQ m '"I" i a f Ml'SKRAT (flankl SHKHLnn mm Cnnvcnipnl, Terms Arranged HOLLYWOOD cafe .'i""1;" !'"d or dlplay.d by th. Lia.or Control i Board or bjr th OoTsrnmtnt ol British Columbu. -auml Rupert Florists (Prince Flowers for All Occasions 1 300 3rd Ave. Box 510 Tel. 777. BILL SCUBY FURS MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFK IN TIMM'1 302 3rd Ave. Rnx 1302 mark 410 MhvIiii;, Parking, ruling, Shipping anil Onrr.il Curtate and SI or a so Cuiiipli U- Kclialkif and Kffic-ient .Service, also fttenU for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ll1., for Oxynen. Arrlylonp find all wcl(iiii', .supplies. Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues KsU 1010 Phones (HI and 1.8 )Pi:N t-nOM 3:30 PM tn 3:30 AM We Specialize In Chinese ni.ihei .111 FOR YOUR WALLPAPER HANGING i for Your Inferior Painting and Decorating Coll SPENCE & MATUIK Phone Blue 215 233 1 1 Street chop stiKv-cnow mrinIa cvi PHONE 79 PHONE 79 Kor Outside Orders PIIONK 133 EBY&SONS Contractors REPAIRS - KEMODKLLINC FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.II.A. Phone Green 883 Box 5H I fate 1 OR ME! DRUGS pmnmmj DRUGS McBride St. Phone 311 Always Prompt and Courteous We're Here to Serve YOU PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS - WEEK DAYS, A.M. TO 9 P" SUNDAYS AND HOI.IDAYS--12 NOON TO 1 f 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. For Friendly Service Arnj Advice in Your Building, Insulation and Decoration Problems ISLAND CITY BUILDERS' SUPPLIES General Builders' Supplies 505 McRride St. Blue 820 HOURS Weekdays !... 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays , 12 Noon to 2 p.m. i 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE Headquarters for WINTER SPORTS EQUIPMENT Skis and Ski Equipment C.C.M. Matched tee Skate Outfits Campbell Badminton Racquets and Shuttlecocks Sleighs Commodore Cafej J "Hospitality and Good Food"? Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders 3rri Ave. David Chow, MRr Dally car delivery service from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. from 7 p.m. till and Sunday