Prince Rupert Doily News Friday, January G, 1950 I c Catholic Card LETTERBOX 1J. .A .. . .. ,1 i ., . : ' i. w," .... ,: . ... . V Jjt.i... J'- . ' . , ,.r.t '.v? ' 1"" ff...- ..... i... ...... . - . 1. .. . Tourney Aqain For the latest in j ' IDEAS arid modern MAT$ Ah trrtiwnrtnt rtsttv f.ffmfr dMntfd t."i the iipi.uiiffliip, nf Prince Runert , " eommunitiwi comprKinss northern unci central British Columbil , . i!,'hnri:rt a .S-mri Mnli. Post Oilier Donartmont. Ottawa. PiiBltshed evprv afternoon except Sunday bT Rupert Dauy n-bb bid 3rd Avenne. Prince Rupert. British Columbia. ft HUNTER. Manamng Editor. H. O. P FIRRY Manatne Director MfUBER OF CANADIAN PRESS ATTT)TT BUREAU OP HbcuKtIoNS CANADIAN DAILY NKWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES Sfa. -i?,t,Jrn,!T- WM,k- P 75c: Per Tear. (8 00 SPr.. . B Mali. Per Mouth. 6(ic: Per Tear. 5 00 W -SEE i "i jit ; STAR CHAMBERS Editor, Daily News: Regarding the practice of excluding press unit public from 'she council chamber during sessions of the city council, may I, ' 'tor. Editor, Inform both you and the public at large that, during I the past three years, both press and public were, I venture to llecU ere With enthusiastic players competing at. twelve tables, the regular fortnightly bridge, whist and cribbage tournament of Iho Catholic Women's League was ...vf-. .'.i ut the Parish Hall iait . .... Steve Dumas and M. Cors, My; bridge. Mrs A. J. Ouzo;', anti ISLAND Cm Kt'l!.lIOS' SI ., Oncral Btii!rl,.rs' 1 '"Credulous Of Evil' 'ii; M'-Bi oc St. I 'say exclu(?ecl al least thirty-six A nrpnPTVP KLlOMhll r tV the xt Norfolk e n v Wui'V on irgin- times while the council jabbered ian-Filot I'.sked a newspaper in t h e Wright over some trivial affairs of no iL. Franklin; cribbage, Muss , brot hvi w home star if it wnniVI like V.? to tpWrsnk more ""portage man u dog Saving Prj For t 1 7 ;, " I VV,. "-fcP" fight. I have been on and an account of their first flight at Kitty Hawk, he number of city councils got hi.s reply. "We don't want any cock and bull yarn 1914 and never Retort mi Hug and E. Hrrbert. Mrs. Leo Dioro.i was genera' convener. Mrs. S. Dumas wan cashier. In charge of refreshments were Mrs. P. LcRoss, Mrs C. P. Lyons, Mrs. J. Richards and . i s. J. Bugjir.ka. lik-p that" Mntt fnll- .n.-o cn nl,DHm.ini k n n t see public and press excluded. Men & Bo? """v"v,"' to trw last meet! rnan s ability to fly that only five papers would buy becai.w a common I Men's SUITs tlie SC001). ! 1 tnanK you, Mr Editor, for 4 ,w ; r?: 111 wool worsted. A re-1 Todr.y no one raises a skeptical eyebrow when f"'' "cnt edltorlal co,mment-11 . . 1 J may cause somj; people to real- told that a jet plane carries a letter as part of the ize that public matters are no,v Afct'ieBration cf the Wright's first flight from Kit- private attain and should not be ; gain, perfect fits $ Men's TOP COA Medium Melton smartly tailored 4 ti-'Hawk to' Dayton and return in 150 minutes. In- ; ireairc as sucn. Aid. OEOROE B. CASEY. 1 rjpei thousands of Americans are willing to beleive Moving, Packing, Craling, Shipping and (moral Cartasc and Storage Complete Reliable and Efficient Service, also agents for Cai.artian Liquid Air Co. Ltd., for Oxygen. Acetylene and all weloing supplies. Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited O". ?nd and Park Avenues Est 1910 Phones 0(1 and 08 LANDMARK BURNS-The historic 47-year-old rink or the Minto Skating Club in Ottawa, training-ground for some of Canada's 'most famous figure skaters Including Barbara Ann Scott, was destroyed by an early-morning fire Thursday. Lost In the blaze were the records o the Canadian Figure Skating Association and valuable trophies wen by club members as well as thousands of dollars worth of skating equipment. Damage was estimated at more than $250,000. (CP Photo) bargain t AJ-'- hnrrp ...... t raditi sketch reports that men from Mars jjed ichrr port tas lull brin 1 to rc $2,0' : an jjl 1 - so : ii I art' ual itl .cn t i li .IE ;ed , sc a I liqi :" n I ca ; X Es Hi' h cl idr til rti VII .11! 5' 1 men s ivrxLij 5rilK big selection from I aW"lariding' in New 'Jersey. I To our generation no wonder appears beyond ! belief so long as it is in the realm of physical sci- I City ambulance rushed to two MAIL DELIVERY Editor, Dally News: I was much Interested in your edltorlal the other day on city mall delivety My opinion is that there Is no The first at7 p HOTfTl. ARRIVALS AIR PASSENGERS TllTllr! m was to Mll'T Buj t c transport Men's TIES ( lifts. Latest shade from Men's SWEATFP two patienU. Jacob Juncan and t ;h Korman Green to 'he steamei ence. And since the atomic bomb appeared new degrees of destrut-tiveness seem to be expected. Our UTtWfcs have been described as "an age of .materialism To Vancouver (Today good reason whatsoever whv y Vullover and burtc here should be no street delivery Wmrd T Folman- Mlss B Grid- ol?ef T,h'-' T,1"!" Tu this ,... ... lev. ley, F. r. Orandisnn Orandison, M M. A A. Mvrr Myros. be w admitte.' dmitte to to hvspitals hospitals In in th the immensely CretiUiOUS Ot evil. An city. Prince Ruoert wiil styles, wools, all s! rom , f torn Vancouver (Thursday 1- south. Mrs. P. J. Shannon oi Mi-, and Mrs. C. R. Leveiton. S. lhe Say Hotel was takpn lt Woods. : Fleming, M.Touber, M !Oenrat Hospital at 11:30 p.n. Holbrook, J. KuUin, J. A. FelgaL .'"ra"y z Warnings are voiced of the danger that mater- ,soon be approaching the ial progress will outstrip moral progressWe are KKSS Men's TROUS1RS Prince Rupert R. Johnson, Vancouver; T. Woods, Smithers. 3. Glen and son, Terrace; J. Henderson, Haz-elton; W. A. Wesley, Metlakatla; Mr. and Mrs. S. Reeve, Metlakatla; Mrs. M. Forsyth, Pasific; Mr. and Mrs. S. Simpson, Hazcl-lon; nev. J. E. Huntley, Metlakatla; Mrs. L. H. Adams,, 'Jress, oil wool wor 1 rimiiufu LiictL y.ictti, fJJtcua mm gicoi ucouuv.ut'; oiiunii vuiumoic Clues SUCH as Penticton. Nana ic and others F- McClay. good assortment iiowev do not ptihancp thp Vmalitv of humanitv." T. H. Wilford of Wilford Elec- rnrti Sandn i. (Thiirtrtavl ,,.... r .j .lnc leu Dy plane ror vancouvt" n. neiin. tr-. a. this afternoon for furth. ment to his . v . CABS York Hotel, 3rd Ave Humanity feels keenly the need for faster de-velopment on the moral and human side. It des- larger than Prince Rupert parately requires new social and political instru- prlrc RuPert British Coium , ' , , , , , . , , bia's fourth city, lacklna this ser- Campbell St Bennett employer Stand: George Orlffith, returned to thi 1 Bill REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED Scuby's -ifjS meiHS lO control me material a ranKenstems It IS Vk-e seems something unique to zlt aboard the Ci ilcotln today building. Here is the great field for invention. The me. a.ter spendinj hoNiayt m Van -Jdeas for thes, as for all "discoveries", already exist ! u ha' 8tatd that houses "l ' " i , , , , . i in Prince Rupert are not proper- - i nr j - and on'y need to be recognized. More attention di- -.ouid ly numbered which seems to be something that have beei. reeled to this effort, keener desire to understand a very stupid excuse since u done long ago .- " spiritual power, more willingness to believe that i wou,d cof 80 little 1x3 haTe house lhlxTt s"sU(f A , . i mi . i. i - - . j. lilumbers' properly painted so Mr. f;oitor, whl be taken up by - 00d' h0t onJy Permit man .to turn en- thPy could be plainly seen from the boUies anJ that I will -i -gines into blessings but lead him to far " greater pro- the street. Also streets and av- be given some encouragement. than learning to fly. 'e"US could easi)y marked at Thankins you tor wur Bpace. - ..-gress fe h . ,. . . the corners. In fact, this is JOHN LAPORTE. Christian Science Monitor; from $ Men's oil wool p! heary SHIRT-JACK good shades. Rcr bargain $ Men's SOX bi selection, new de-good quality, from Boys' SHIRTS shades, from .... $ Boys' SWEATERS-ossortment from $ Boys' SUITS in gr dine c'.oth, d o u breasted smartly tc ed, bargain for',. $1 Boys' PANTS, cc worsted, all wool smartly tailored from U. K. MORTIMER 124 2nd Ave. ( CFPK) OF FURS Ray Reflects ... ; V.VY mfd Reminisces EBY & SONS Contractors REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under lhe N.H.A Phonf C.rren 8S3 Boi 5 Boys' and Girls' STO AT THE LOWEST PRICE THIS YEAR, LAST YEAR OR ANY OTHER YEAR. INGS and SOCKS i i -i I During Christmas week, an- All""-juveniles do not deserve I'll arilling staff operating near the rugged criticism so many I Skidegate produced a gusher of receiving. We heard of a bey I water. Over ut Third- Avenue-ionly ten) just now who leani-j and Second Strest, Prince Ru- cd to play the violin while prac- from .-:....v.. iVMEW YORK SUN FOLDS "THE NEW YORK SUN, founded 116 years ago. ""'"I ; has ceased publication as a separate enterprise '.'to become part of the World-Telegram organization. In 1834, the American press, while progressive, was still a long way from being arealpoweror wielding an influence that meant much. The Sun, in its long ad active life, contributed largely to the achievement' of each. It may be said of Charles A. Dana, who became part owner in 1888, Jhat. he gave to the property, a unique distinction. He served as editor, and perhaps more than any other, his personality became identified with his newspaper. If riot exactly a model, it was the Sun toward pert, there was a gusher of I NATURAL SILVER FOX Neck Pieces ticing in the cepths of a forest. Any lad with foresight and a sense of mercy like that is en-t.tied to gratitude instead cf abuse. . BALAGNU Florin ( lirrrn 8" Bo I j $25.00 Guaranteed There were young Canadians who managed to bluff their way into uniform Gunng the Great War. They neglected to tell the truth as to their age. Actually, they were in their teens. Similar cases appeared in the JOHN H. An issue, such as sports on the Sabbath Day, Is nothin:; new. For years in plenty of cities, not necessarily in British Cortimbia it has meant little SPECIALIZING In Designing and Remodelling BULGER -vwhk-h a large section of American journalism look American Civil War which end move move than man tne me anierence anierence be v , . j ok . r,r . dp- Mor stance, example, or good taste m coping tweedledum and tweedie- OPTOMETRIST FUR COATS ON FRIDAY MORNING AT 9 A.M. THESE AND MANY MORE BEAUTIFUL FUR COATS WILL GO ON SALE AT THESE LOW LOW PRICES. oce. f i Ribs" Gatzke CONTRACTING " ,ln Y muiifiuus piuuiems arising irom lime 10 ( survivors of the armies total- .- time in everyday newspaper making. While Dana ling 2,500,000, wnose struggle alive it .had" character and discernment which -SSc& aloo years is not saying that before and after his period of ser- ; some, io. How many burnt . vice, it had not. But it is no overstatement to say icut Canucks wm be looking at . , , i fa camera when they reach that v. t ii o '4.1 r - that the Sun, with Dana there, was given the bene- stage? John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Eastern Canada has been having weeks of weather so mild it's almost unbelieveable. But there is a change In the offing. Watch out for - biting olasts sweeping- the North At Phone Black 279 i;ox :55b ' 5. lit of his. talents in fullest measure, and this was " lantic, and on land snows that ; lay long , and aeep. If there's It's barely more been ' verdure and caressing BROADWAY CAFE Well, Wellf tnan ian eleven eleven 11 months to Christ- breezes in Novemoer and De rnas and New Years! cember, it's hard, to credit. Best Food Muskrat Back Coats, Full Length $26500 Muskrat Flank Coats $175.00 Mouton, Beaver Shade, Full Length $189.00 Mouton, Beaver Shade, Three Quarters $175.00 Laura I Lamb (Mouton Safari, Brown Shade) $125.00 .Coney, Full length No. 1 Quality (Brown Rabbit) $89.50 Black Seal (Rabbit) . $150.00 Grey Kid, Full Length $225.00 Grey Kid, Hip Length $195.00 Hudson Seal (Hoi lander Dyed) $395.00 CONVENIENT TERMS ARRANGED BILL SCUBY FURS 9 F inest Cooking CHIGXECTO CANAL ABOARD OT' ENGINEERS may report on the wisdoin, or otherwise, of cutting a canal across the .Isthmus of Chignecto. This would link the Bay of Fundy with the Gulf of St Lawrence, and be certain to make a change in the general industrial and shipping life of the Maritime Provinces. The project is nothing new. For generations it Hours 7 a.m. tc l a For Take-Home Oi ders Phone 200 has been suggested, and the feeling has always been favorable to such a work. The canal would be' eight Start the New Year Right For RADIOS, RECORDS, ALBUMS and ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES .. . i , It's Values fdr You een miles long and an enterprise of magnitude. Can- 302 3rd Ave. Box 1362 Black 416 reduce distances, and can multiply contacts which CV Pyrex Ware Lunch Kits Pocket Knives O Percolators I Covered Roasters thermos Bottles lead to convenience and other advantages. Nothing approaching an undertaking of this size has been seen in New Brunswick since the building of the Intercolonial Railway. It would attract wide attention, give employment, and in gener-stimulate new ventures in a country that has for a long time watched her people leave for other parts of Canada, and for the United States, because there was lack of opportunity at home. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD BE PENNYWISE We now have a complete supply of Rubber Heels Shoe Tacks, Shoe Laces Leather & Rubber Soles Polishes & Brushes At the xxm FREE! An oilcloth baby bib With every purchase over M no. Miss B. Gridley, nurse at the After spending the holiday sea- 1 son with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nay-lor. in Vancouver, Mr. and Mrs R. Wood returned to their borne here this afternoon aboard thL Union Steamship vessej Smithers Hospital, left by plane (his afternoon for Vancouver ea-I'oute to her home in Victoria to: a holiday visit Miss Gridley arrived in Prince Rupert last night ' S 4 aboetrd the'tri from the east. FOR YOUR WALLPAPER HANGING For Your Interior Painting and Decorating Call SPENCE & MATUIK Phone Blue 215 233 3 1 Street To Start the New Yearkight 130 ked tresh doily RUPERT BAKIRJES LTD. 619 3ld Ave Phone 613 518 3rd Ave. Box 1118 Red 40 fTj