psoyncit. Lin--, 2 ' -: Daiy Delivery Phone 81 R' """ NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER CABS Published at Canada's Moit Strategic Pacific Port 4- "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" bs-f VOL. XXXIX, NO. 218 . PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS Korea i - , : - . . Migration of Oldsters- Special Train To Bring Aged Crucial Vote g- fh, ' lamer loans Sl-sss 'a 'x. fiM l Advancing the - , l;ave informed TT" ' hc h3S V ' ' ' " Une From Inchon U Hons U'-i' " ''., N."'" : ."V ":i ,nce that Russia I .. Xjf? .TOiX ' ' 1 ; Three Mile From Seool nmitions to North A Jr -M' " fWOXf V- Is Being Consolidate Men To Hew Home At Terrace A special train is to leave Vancouver Tuesday, a week from tomorrow, for Terrace. It will bring 160 aged men from the Home for the Aged, at Coquitlam and Essondale, together with' the staff, destination being the Home for Aged Men established TOKYO Following the land, ings at Inchon late last week, the Americans have consolidated their solid line from Inchon to within three miles of Seoul wit?: a force of 40,000 men. a united Nations ' spearhead was reported today to be one mile west of Yongdong, suburb of Seoul, and the main striking force was at its heels. 9 and 1950 and that VV mJ7: " - ? 'NN Vu y ft) f .V V Js Over , bjfr Myi, i M r , $ For the first; which is to be September 28. W. E. Sklllicorn. Princess Out For First Time LONDON. Britain's newest Princess Anne made her first public appearance yesterday when her mother. Princess Eli zabeth, took her to the station where they entrained for a visit with the King and Queen at Balmoral in Scotland. The Prin cess is now a month and two days Old. Prince Charles was also taken Smithers Court Forgery Charge I t2' ' - ' - ' V ws-s,. Bye Tomorrow! British Government Stakes Its Fate on Steel and Iron Nationalization ' LONDON. Impartial political observers give the Conservatives a 50-50 chance with the Labor government on the critical want of confidence vote in the House of Commons tomorrow over the question of nationalization of the steel and iron industry. The government has a maiui- ity of seven seats. Six of tlx; government supporters are Ul ana three are away including Foreign Secretary Ernest Bcvin who is away at the three.pov.ti-foreign ministers' conference in United States. Mr. Bevin U paired with one of the Consn- vative members who would not have been present anyway.. Party whips are especially ou the alert mustering their foicus. A defeat for the Labor government would mean a new election in November, it is believed. Political correspondents of London's three evening news papers said today that there is a growing belief that the Labor government wants an autumn election. All are agreed that Primp Minister r.lempnt. Attlee's AUKkan rllPrt "1UJUMII I II VI Jt Bodies Are Found. ! .ANCHORAGE ffcAThf ' of two crew members abo&. crashed C-47 UJS. Air ? transport that struck an Ala . i peak last Monday nigfcf were SHIP'S PET Meet Little Joe, celebrated bald eagle aboard the Dominion Government's survey ship William J. Stewart. Little Joe was a helpless ball cf fluff when he was rescued two months ago by the ship's crew members after falling from his nest near Prince Rupert. He was revived and fed chipped fish and meat, scraps. ' Holding" him Is a crew member Ron Gennis. In two years he'll have the familiar whit patchy head. (CP Photo) i : TODAY'S STOCKS': I k (Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co. Ltd.) In Sweden Socialists Win Again STOCKHOLM ffl Socialists today prepared to have won an easy victory In Sunday's country, wide Swedish elections. Unoffi Judge W. O. Fulton and R. M. administration may .precipitate MacLeod, who will act as prose- a new election soon whether It cutor, are leaving on this even- wins or loses in tomorrow's vital ing's train for Smithers where a division on iron and steel na-session of County Court will be i tionalization. held tomorrow morning to take! the election and plea of Gerry ri I Bevcourt ... 41 Bobjo : 12 Buffalo Canf Jlan 22 Consol. Smeiters 118.50 Con west 1.85 Donalda 54 Eldona .22Vi East Sullivan 7.45 found Sunday near the wjetiigf by rescuers. The rescu "":;!-ron said they would cond ' V ic search today for the otl j i Uirw -members of the crew. Giant Vellowknife 7.10 God's Lake .30 Hardrock .1 34 Hera-.:..'::. .05 Jacknife 05 Joliet Quebec .73 Lake Rowan i .07 Lapaska 04 Little Long Lac .3& Lynx .20 , Madsen Red Lake 2.15 ; MeKenzie Red Lake 40 MTLeod Cockshutt .... 2.30 Moneta 35 Negus 109 Noranda 72.15 Louvicourt 14 Pickle Crow 1.80 Regcourt -04'2 San Antonio 2.51 Senator Rouvn 22 Sherrit Gordon 2.23 Steep Rock 4.00 Sturgeon River 15 Silver Miller .98 Upper Canada 2.05 ' . ear ierrace, uie formal opening of supervisor oi me nome Is N. KOREA SEEKS PEACE ROME. The Italian news paper Giarnale d'ltalia savs today that Nrth Korea is anxious to sue for peace. In- aian quarters in London are given as the source of the report. SABOTAGE IS SEEN ..BETHANY, Ohio. Sabotage is suspected in the explosion which dropped the , 176-foot aerial tower of the Voice of America broadcasting station here today. LUXEMBOURG' SENDS FORCE BRUSSELS. Luxembourg is sending a force of 56 men to aid the United Nations in the Korean war. It will be incor. porated into the Belgian force of 1009. NO CONTEST QUEBEC The Progressive. Conservative leader in Quebec announces that his party will not contest three federal by-elections to be held In Quebec next month. The seats are Montreal-St. Mary, Joliet-As-somptioa-Montcalm and Rim. uski. CANADIAN IN CHARGE TOKYOCapt. J. V. Brock, , R.C.N., senior officer of the Canadian destroyer force in -the Korean -wsr, has been placed in command of a Unit, ed Nations task force on the west Korean coast. ENLISTMENTS MOUNTING OTTAWA. Enlistments for the Canadian special force for service in Korea has passed the 9000 mark. Fifty-five percent of the force is made up of veterans of World War II. LEAVE DERRY LONDONDERRY, Ireland. The Canadain naval vessels, aircraft carrier Magnificent and destroyers Huron and Mic-mac will leave here tomorrow in continuation of their European cruise after an extended stay here. ArmsljLid Is Lifted United States Paves Way For Greater Future Purchasing From Canada OTTAWA m The United States government has paved the way for greater future arms buying in Canada by lifting the ceiling on the $25,000,000 Can. ada-United States urms reciprocity deal. f Lifting of the ceiling was disclosed Saturday by a government source. In effect, the American government has informed Canada it no longer considers there Is any limit to the amount of ar. maments the United States can buy from this country. Heavy Storm Hits Britain . LONDON 0 Worst gales to lash Britain in twenty-five years blew themselves out early today but were expected to ' get their second wind, tonight or tomor - row. i The gales, reaching 82 miles per hour, were the tail.end of a cyclone that battered shipping in the Atlantic a week ago. The storm resulted In the death of two men, smashed small craft, hammered seawalls, sank a pleasure steamer .and damaged resorts. NAVAL 'SMITHS There are two blacksmiths in the Canadian Navy. i weeks garbage 1 fcllected In Hamilton j civic workers ac- latest offer of the city dispute and decided o work at once. . be i 42hour f lve-ith no reduction In pay. In January It j-hour week. There t i $1 cost of living ;cials said, after an te result of the vote, ?nance men would t:ng the city's forty L:ks so they could be K to start picking up ;th has not been col-e the strike began half weeks ago. "Killer" 01 ryOakes 'D. Cal. ( Esward Star-old machinist. on a drunk charge. Jiit he knows who r Harry Oakes. Can-? millionaire, at hla 'i( Bahamas seven 'old the police the r man whom he said the baronet but declined to make the They are Investigate. WEATHER Synopsis ,lbgan on the north- wlumbia coast early f-S associated with a ' w systscm which P Inland. Cloudiness ahead of this dis- Fto the northern in- afternoon but there win k nm. P B.C. weather today, pother more '1 developing, fresh- tast winds to the a central coast hv Nrnwg. s Will COtltinilP nvnr hlh"n Be, for the ,:ays although dense '"8s over the inu,. f l Persist until noon Mtcnsive fnu hml,. "nt off the west -cuuver Island but not clear out during Frecast k legion p P Md Tuesday, occa-ll ram In, V! this morning. am over most of Zl ,wnl8 south- Reasintr tn tv,.,.. Q'entand Pit "afdy H 52. Prince Jncl No. 27 GENERAL d'tori., FN LRruriit rpUn" I 18, g .m. 218 Crushing weight of infantry. tanks, heavy artillery and brldg ing equipment rolled out of the Inchon beachhead, 22 miles west of Seoul, toward the front. They were massing for the assault across the Han River. United States Marines still held Kimpo airfield, Korea's best, 15 miles northwest of Seoul, against live Red Korean attacks. Then they stabbed to the north bank of the Han River. The airfield is already in operation and sev eral Allied planes have already landed there. The North Koreans are en deavouring to defend Seoul with out artillery support but have some mortars, United States officers said. " The Reds are rushing rein forcements into Seoul. An Eighth Army cemmuni tque reported that "United Natiom forces made general advances today (Monday) in all sectors against light enemy resistance. Only in a few small areas did the enemy offer stiff opposition." In the battle for Seoul, Allied ffcrces left North Korean tanks burning and many dead Com munists in the wake of their powerful drive by the advance elements of the some 40,000 Allied forces. Jaws of a giant i nutcracker are closing on 140,000 or more North Korean troops. Some are already reported in flight Others fought stubbornly.' , . . i General Patton tanks are moving ahead but week-end reports that the Allied forces had; already reached Seoul turn-out to have been premature. Eighth Army headquarters state that the Communist forces are disorganized and are offer, ing only scattered and piecemeal resistance. Engineers are now throwing bridges across the Han River so the army may cross to Seoul. On the old front in the south there is a general communist withdrawal although stiff rearguard fighting is being offered. The South Korean forces ate advancing on a 40mlle front from Pohang to Taegu. On the southeast "defence box" battlefront, United States infantry crossed the Naktong River in captured Communist boats and set up a solid beachhead on the west bank. BASEBALL SCORES American Sunday Washington 0-3, Chicago 4-2 New York 5-6, St. Louis 6.1 Philadelphia 10, Cleveland 9 Boston 3, Detroit 2 National Pittsburgh 3, Philadelphia 5 St. Louis 6, New York 7 , Chicago 3, Brooklyn 2 Cincinnati 2-1, Boston 6.3 Pacific Coast Seattle 3-2, San Francisco 6-3 Oakland 9-3, San Diego 4.1 Portland-Los Angeles double, header postponed, rain. Hollywood-Sacramento double-header, postponed, wet ground. National Saturday Chicago 6,. New York 4 Cincinnati 2, Philadelphia 0 St. Louis 4, Brooklyn 3 Pittsburgh 4, Boston 0 (12 innings) American Philadelphia 3, Chicago 10 New York 8, Detroit 1 Washington 1, Cleveland 5 Boston 2, St. Louis 5 Pacific Coast Saturday Oakland 5, San Diego 3 Portland 5, Los Angeles 4 SeatUe 8, San Francisco 3 Hollywood 0, Sacramento 4 BOXING DAY Boxing Day (Dec. 26) was or iginally the day Christmas pre. sents or boxes were given to employees. Three Recruits f Leaving Tonight Three more recruits in the Royal Canadian Navy will be leaving H.M.C.S. Chatham tonight for H.M.C.S. Cornwallis in Nova Scotia for training. They are Allen Bellamy, Bonnyville, Alberta; Mike Biziki and Jack McCallum, McBride. All ' three joined the navy at Chatham last week. Prominent players on the McBride hockey team, Biziki and McCallum intend to try out for the navy team this winter."; : 35C Tuesday. September 19, 1950 High 7:26 15.6 feet 19:03 183 feet Low 0:50 . 5.7 feet 12:47 10.5 feet Vancouver Bayonne ; 02 ' " Bralorne ..' 6.50 B. R. Con 02 B. R. X. .; .04 Cariboo Quartz .". 1.22 Congress 10 Hedley Mascot - .43 Pend Oreille 8.90 Pioneer 2.40 Premier Bolder 0234 Privateer .08 - Reeves McDmald 4.50 Reno - 02 Shfcp Creek 1.2"5 Silbak Premier .33 Taku River . .071'-. Vananda .1212 Salmon Gold .03 Spud Valley : .04..; Silver Standard . 2.15 Western Uranium ... . .83 Oils-Anglo Canadian 5.30 A. P Con 53 Atlantic 2.90 Calmont 85 Central Lcduc : 2.95 Mercury 15 Pacific Pete 7.50 Princess 59 Royal Canadian 11 Toronto Athona 08 Beattle 48 Confusion Over Calgary Meaning CALGARY Fi Calgarians have always taken for granted that the name of their city comes from a Gaelic word meaning "clear, running water." But now It appears that might not be so. The late Col. James MacLeod, early Mounted Police officer, named Fort Calgary after his Scottish home in the Isle of Mull. His son, Norman Mac. Leod. recently visited Scotland and looked Into the derivation of the name of Calgary. His findings? The word Calgary might mean anything from "hard water, "a bristle." "a shelter," to a proper name. Peler Wells Of Simpson Passes The district lost another of its respected native citizens yesterday when Peter Wells, Port Simpson, passed away arter a long illness. Born September 24, 1887, he would have celebrated his 63rd birthday next Sunday. Besides his widow, Annie, he leaves to mourn their' loss two sons. Vincent and Douglas, both of Prince Rupert. The funeral will be held Wednesday at Port Simpson, Haynes, bookkeeper for the Matt & Widen camn. who was com- mltted for trial recently on a charge of forgery. Haynes is charged with taking one of the company's blank checks to" 'forge 'CxSih faTth'C oper ators' names to a check made out to himself and cashing the check in a prominent business establishment at Telkwa. First Korean Plane Downed INCHON ffl British sailors today shot down' the first Communist plane destroyed by naval gunfire in the Korean war. An anti-aircraft crew of a cruiser, part of a United Nations armada off Inchon, got the plane In a short range firing match which cost the British three casualties. Bahamas Governor Is Heart Victim NASSAU, Bahamas XB Sir George Ritchie Sanford, governor of the Bahamas, died today from a heart attack. PROLIFIC DRAMATIST Lope De Vega, a Spanish dramatist, was credited with writing more than 1,800 plays. If I JL n , ! . Archibald Reports Mussel Plant Puis Up 95 Percent of -Canada's Crab Former C.C.F. Member of Parliament for Skeena, Harry Archibald, now turned industrialist through having become interested with Sam Simpson in Queen Charlotte Canners at NewT Masset, reports that the plant, which was built last year, is now in full operation. The plant puts up 95 percent of the crab which cial returns gave them almost fifty percent of the total vote and indicated a crushing defeat for the Communists. . The Socialists seem assured of retaining their majority In Parliament. , Czechoslovak Assassins' Plot PRAGUE Oi Plots to murder Defence Minister Alexei Copicka of Czechoslovakia and kidnap Vlce.Premier Ludvick Svoboda were mentioned at a mass trial today when an alleged spy leader was sentenced to death. Trial of 27 persons for esplon. age and crimes against the state was held at Gottwaldov. Jarmoir Vrba, 30, wartime par-tlzan leader, was sentenced to death. ;J 1 INDUSTRIALIST ... Harry Archibald for a brief visit and will be returning to Masset by plane tomorrow. It is the first time he has been in town in fourteen months. CHINESE INVENTION Chinese historians give 234 B.C. as the date of the discovery of the compass. vx v t; y ; I ! 1 ' J Is canned In Canada and the product from the cool, clear waters of Hecate Straits and Dixon's Entrance is finding a ready market. In fact. Queen Charlotte Canners are doing very well. The pack this opening season was not quite as large' as might have been expected due to a run which did not come up to expectations. It is largely a manual operation as far as cleaning and can filllne is concerned although there is the retort cooking "pro. cess or the filled cans. The resulting delicacy is well known. Three boats work out of the cannery with traps off Tow Hill and into Hecate Straits and Ex - on's Entrance as far offshore as six or seven miles. Incidentally, American crabbers are also now nneratins in ihat area. The crab season open's in May and continues until November The Masset plant employs ohnnt. 70 tiersons and is . the stand-bv industry there. In the spring before the crab bing, the plant engages in packing nf the famous razor clams off the North Beach of Graham Is land. Mr. Archibald arrived in the 1 . CROSS BLOOD DONOR CLINIC . J ink.. - wm e held on 1. 26 & 27 at the CIVIC CENTRE COMMAND PERFORMANCE Viscount Alexander, Governor-General of Canada, was so impressed by the Ottawa performance, of British comedian George Formby that he dropped backstage fur a chat. Both seemed to enjoy it. (CP Photo; ne t t calling on you to volunteer xoungs, 451 for information. city yesterday from the Islands J