2 Prince Rupert Daily News Tue:diy, Scpten.ber 26, 1S50 September 20. 1925 Two lariy hikers, Miss 4 Rorvlk anri Mrs. Bam John,,? ' An independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prlnc Rupert and northern and central British Columbia O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES As I It I ""t""fr, arrived ai i ocr-"-emDer 23 ahm,. t, i i ip.m. an left atain mc u By Carrier, Per Week, zoc; Per Month, 75c; rer real 18.00; By Mall, Per Month 50c- Per Year $5.00. the Rowing morning. Last night they stayed overnight at Hanall A. Paenottn u wi. By ELMORE PHILPOTT Domanlco, province of CozenV Italy, on a happy mission The, he Is to Join his wife and retu'r with her to Prince Rupert. The fishing vessel Scntin-' whleh sank in milkier, w- if M:n' ! CHURCH PLANS PEACE IT IS A MATTER OF historical fact that in the two world wars the Christian Church did nothing effective for peace. The clergy in all countries, Cove, has been brought tol fepJiri Wl" entr 6h0rUy win, M"n,,,,hnt. m IS SchooiPJIlts j and of all denominations, did exactly what you and ' as jl did that is, lined up j b e h i n d our respective ! fcrest, rpT7 , lxhSJ- C&mV buildings of the n ew U.B.C. Research Forest, near Haney B C The consisting of 9,800 acres of timberland, was Crown granted to the University by the SmoTo'lTJeXrs Br!hCfmbla L0Bge"' "onSevfed ITZlLlZ ProfSsor ML?rr,Tm 1 P?S buildln and to working fund. .Inset) now that it is ready for Use'. supervised its development and will act as Director governments, right or wrong. In the Civil War in t.hp IT R A pMil 3 (EMM, the clergy of the south stood Y?t the vast majority of us with their own kith and kin cannot see and do not see our slavery and all. Those In the honest duty that wa shrubbery, an Improvement to be gladly welcomed by citizens, as well as a source of delight to Ray Reflects north were for the north. So ' in t 11 ki s easy for cynics and "u critics ""ICS ..... tourists. Such .i. will greatly en- me iirst two worm wars tne v u.aine me unurch" f..r v.,,, . German church was v ax for uci- Ger- inS no -..vlhyc effective Deaf.. WCilUC nia Ulan n,,trtl1fl Kilt N nnt 1 11 1 csmv hance the approach to the mux 1 . .1 . ---- - m a ii .1 m ...i.v. t. .......... . . . 1 many, the Russian church was Is the Church if not von anrt I i trance. Horry ti J for Russia, the Italians for Italy me and Tom, Dick and Harrv? urK NOVELTit ana me uanacuan was lor Can- ai is your answer to th r.i. . s,.l . adaandco. threat of world war three 'What .hm VunB'' fifty-fourth Statisticians are reoorted to 000 is mine? I wish I hid one ey lt ,f atnriV.. dled last have fouRd tea ie mt puWr . THE THREATENED THIRD -sure, quick. ' !veeK m Salt Lake City in her , beverage there is. Probably one world war is on somewhat dif- 0O0 i , . year- Sne was the Ia8t sur" of the reasons is that it does not ferent lines. This time one of XHE UNlTFn "l? men!ber cf hls mlly. cost fifteen cents per cup. nited rum, "... CHURCH OF Bngham, wherever he - the contestants is eoverned bv a is. ouuht TOYS Penguin Hotb force that spurns the religion of 7U " "Jl prepared an historic to thank God he did not live in LSL Pment. n?rTiS rthTs PeaCC- US . 1950' I OGIVES WIFE ADVICE Business and Speeches TOO many businessmen appear to believe the making of speeches should be left to politicians, clergymen and lawyers, and yet they will be fortunate if at some time they are not called on to speak for themselves, with much at stake on the quality of their performance. : Winston Churchill, Harry Truman and Louis St. Laurent did not become able speakers through a happy accident of birth; their impressive performance are the result of study and practice. Anyone who examines the records of public figures will find that some of the most articulate of today were the stammerers, the painfully embarrassed speakers of yesterday. And the way to ease and eloquence in public speaking is through practice. ; In this the businessman is perhaps at some disadvantage as compared to the politician, the labor leader, the clergyman and the professor. The House of Commons and the backwoods hustings, the meeting of the union local, the pulpit and the lecture hall all provide platforms on which the art of public speaking can be learned, and indeed, where a willingness to speak to an audience is an absolute essential. The last few years, however, have made it increasingly clear that there is plenty of opportunity, and certainly an urgent necessity for the businessman to present his case convincingly on the public platform. The enemies of business are growing in strength, chiefly because of their willingness to undertake these personal propaganda jobs themselves. They have grown glib and convincing with constant practice. Meanwhile businessmen have been busy running their own affairs. It is time that businessmen 'take on the task of telling their own story every time, a forum presents itself. The voice of business, must be made more clear than it is at present. 1 How to do this? First of all, bv being willing to speak when the opportunity offers. After the businessman has tried it a few times, he may find he likes getting up on his hind legs' -and telling his neighbors what he thinks. Second, by studving the technique of public speaking. The Junior Chamber of Commerce has made a worthwhile contribution in this field by its campaign among its members. . This is developing some excellent speakers among the younger businessmen. But there is no reason that the older men should be left out of this picture. They have an opportunity to give leadership and there is a real necessity for them to accept this opportunity. li "nh. I0 "Sht 0, not the politteaSvwTd e.? . A of the enlng Empire' 6th Ave. and M Phones: BLUE 446. G: r" ing world ' It should be noihil natea SePtebcr 25, 1925. prints , Here and there small groups cn , "f. 0U?S: a telegram from R. Hetherine- Ilb-A tho nnotare Tahr...nD Tlf lUUUUa LiUtlS LO commissioner, Fort Inesses, and followers of Gandhi 1 alm a Wni.am M apply their own answer. Thev .t.V " Bwernineni ,Q. .., " "k simply renounce war personally,:"? Z' would effectivplv nnt.hu; Z"'?.11 '".. ANNOUNCEMENT fc' We are not taking any dealing pressing; at present Some P es 0r governments un. nuperx octooer 7. Do of them would eive un their own Uverath thin takS WlHmg t0 accel)t 6uch a n0t th,nk any necessity book . ... . at first, should h arnta r- space In elevator ax k We shall attend to efficient service on Tailoring, Alterations and k pairina ic New Fall Samples have just arrive: Order now for better choice ( 2. , mifsion to do so at a later date." take care of 811 rain offering." The above is almost word for Perhaps Mr. Hetherlngton never I word what I have been saving suspected it. but as a prophet he in this column, and elsewhere, was a wizard. That telegram was for many years past. The time dated exactly 25 years ago has come to lay the foundations government. This Acheson and Vishinsky evid-world u-nHHrld government would differ ently possess hktrlonlp tninnt fundamentally from the United The uXT nSSoST masSi Sate naT o nSnmen StrttegUt' arC secn lrt EACH OF WHOm'TeTAINS fT' aPPare"tly bosom POWER OF UFE OR DEATH TheiT handfiha" and OVER ALL ITS CITIZENS i expressions exude pleasant Any national government' can .ughU- ConiPare this with the order any of its citizens to at-' bitterness ' their speeches, the tack other countries to drop , heavlness of their frowns, atom bombs to uncnilr hrittloci THE TAIlOr L I N G Box 286 220 -6th St. Phoned "Do you mind a mere male hsvmg orru'thing to my about wanhtliiys? My wife kwiw my ahirU upHrkling white, which ia important in my buineM. Site tella me tlit) aecrrt is Keckitt'a HIub, which prevent dothua turning yt'llow. Site takes no crwnc-a with) anytlilng that may . d.imaKt! fabrio. Jut a awinh or two ol Km.kitt'a Blue in t he final rinse ia and VICKERS 01 ceaajy germs. The penalty for Whan VVhen w..-, blossom n time . . , "n mere ia to 11. i lie mci inat re urns In Wue on)y . few GIN reiuai to obey the national gov- 1951, Second Avenue between month makes sense to pennira a me, too." Ph Am one 20 a VICKERS IS OISTIUIB IN CANADA koit DisTRiiuTiD rCalvrrt einment's orders is death. , j Third and Fourth Streets will be ! 0o ' easier on the. eye than ever be- ' THE FIRST REAL LAW OF A' fore' 1 7718 beautiful Rarden of real world government must o" G' Fl Forbes na already contri-something like this: No nation ibutd toward this happy state shall attack any other nation : DUt the work now in progress . . .. ... .. , ...in will i . rhis advertisement is nnt miM;h4 nr A'.. plyed by the Liquor Control Board oi bf the Government of Britiih Columbia, All For widen it. and any person who takes part in any such attack by land, sea This means that next summer the grounds in front of the museum and health unit, and through to Fourth Street, will consist of lawn3 and flower bordered walks and ornamental or air shall be subject, on conviction In court, to death, or other just penalty. We can set up such a world i SWELLEST RAZOR EVER FOR COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE 6iMe'SS t.M.i.sr.x & KQl jrMENT V tMk ami have for Mile nmmln rtlrwl. lnilx ti Kiiflnen Hcillr fik-x-l riliuukt piping. I lexllile furl llnrs. Tnilllne p..p B,rl. (llti lirM J.i k mill Part. Bru and Inm How Kollrra. Piston Ktlies. Pipe and Pipe Pitting. H ilihlted Hn Kearlng. 4aw ( lutrliri mill anchor Mgger-liead. Ktm-I and linta Mmftlng. Bolts. Nuts, studs and rap M-rrw. llHlllmt Side Knllirs A Mhravn. AiK h.ir ; in ttv Megi-i lipudx. Mat Mild Hterl. Various nrllrles or nmrinr hardware anil piiilpinriit, loo nuiiiei-olio to me lllllMI. KYTOWN MACHLNE'VVIlft Electrical Wirir, And Service NORTHERN B. C. POWER ( With 10 Gillette Blue Blades in Dispenser government when the Englisn spe-amng nations are ready - to BIG $2.00 VALUE FOR ONLY lead. We do not need to wait for Russia. ' The real struggle to build neaee. under law. Is with our - . BTEWART.B " PRINCR RUPERT 1 1 - You chanee hladc in. selves much more than It Is with Russia. " ' "... i f stantly, enjoy real shaving comfort with the Gillette Rocket Kacor Set. Canada' greateat shaving bargain includes Razor, 10 blades in Dispenser, and the new Styrene SHIPYARD CONTRACTS MOST of the shipyards in British Columbia, except Prince Rupert, will share in filling naval orders, the contracts to run into a good many millions of perfectly good orders. Yet, no one can say the local plant is unable to perform a first class job when given the opportunity. Prince Rupert people are justified in wondering why, in the spreading of contracts all over the country, the yard here has been so obviously overlooked. The Chamber of Commerce may feel like asking for an explanation. ; It could be that Prince Rupert may be going to play some other sort of a role in the intensified national defence picture. If rumors extant these idays are true, that might very well "be the case and there may be plenty of activity here desirable or undesirable as it may really be. I SCRIPTURE PASSAGE FOR TODAY ' "For Ood so loved the world, that He gave His only . begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish, but have eternal life." John 3: 16. Mmm 7 'luscious. UtaCBSttestkf - AUNTjEfMVl travel case only $1.29. Jus! Arrived! r A beautiful selection of Rhinestone Jewellery . . . Necklets, Earrings, Bracelets. GEO. COOK, Jeweller PHONE 7? BENDIX PHONE 79 in WASHER Save Money ! Repair Now ! How Good Is Your Word? When you purchase anything c.n ccedit, you agree to pay for the goods on a certain date. Don't break your word J Pay Your Bills When They Come Due! : CREDIT BUREAU OF PRINCE RUPERT y 1. COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC 2. WASHES THOROUGHLY J. tAbY UN I HE CI nTHF HOLLYWOOD CAFE annaru 4 It's money In the bank when you hold repair costs down. The surest way is to do repairs while they are still small. Call BLl'E 846. SAANICH 5. 6. NO FUSS NO MUSS NO SPILLED WATER TAKES THE WORK OUT OF WASHING ?MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY HOURS Weekdays 9o.rn.to9P"1' to 2 P Sunday. 12 Noon .in THIRD Deluxe 299.50 Economat $219.50 Time Payments at Your Convenience OPEN FROM 7 :30 PM to 3 :30 AM We Specialize in Chinese Disnes CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN ta T For Outside Orders PHONE 133 PLUMBING and HEATING Cor. 4th Ave. and McBride McR, ae bros blX I M blKttl inl 1