'w Prince Rupert Daily News " SV-d-uy. acp&ember M. -1950 "Til Golden Wedding . . ij j "it . . Civic Cei.ire - Membership Drive is On TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co Ltd.) Va-nvuver P.-ivaiv'er Reeves McDonald Reno Sheep Creek Silbak Premier .... Taku River Vananda Salmon Gold Spud Valley Silver Standard .. Oils Antrlo Canadian .. A.P. Con Prince Rupert Flo risfs Flowers for Ait Oc'Mi 300 3rd Ave. Box 518 Tel M. IV PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE C HANIH.FUS -STUDIO 216 - 4th Street ' Pox 64S Phone Green SSS Prince Rupert About 2 J roon m Orchard) eo fruits Is Celebrated ... TCTTKFT . A 2 Wrf u . -"tii Kuesis pres- ent from Port Simns..n n.i, m. race and Hazeiton as well as from their own village, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hudson celebrated their Bolden wedding aniversa recently. Many beautiful gift", weie presented. Mr. and Mrs. Hudson v,-er married at Port E?sington half a century ago by the late Rv vV. H Pierce v Fallowing a reception at their name, name, aancing was enjoyed un- o clock in the morning, freshmente featured a lare jweaains? vreddir cake on a hands-emery decorated table. Bayonne 02 Ttrnlarr.e .50 B It. Con 02 B R. X - .04 Curiboo Quarts 1 25 Congress 10 Hediey Mascot 42 Pacific Eastern 05 Pond Oreille - 8 65 v Pioneer 2.25 Premier Border .022 The Civic Centre annual membership drive starts tomorro with a target of over 2,000. By the nd of December last year there were 1.748 on the roll and some joined after that. The number in 1948 at the same time was 1.515. As In past years, the drive will take the form of Invitation. Letters have already been sent to 1.000 members containing th recreational program and instructional courses free to members. Also In the envelope is a I I L T If I Ladies' White STADIUM BOOTS t" ,x fii. i . iff I membership card, which the re-.08 ; clpient is asked to fill in and I return immediately, ro-eferablt $ - 4 I ' II ii i a BOOTS ONE OUT - Gerry McNeil, Montreal Canadlena'. new the National Hockey League souad tPaini tu. tos -, . ... ,. . ... Woolly, Fleece Lined Yours at Business. and Prof w jurv-i eccMjii Bb me iuuiurtriu rorum. McNeil, last year with Cincinnati Mohawks of the American Hockey League, succeeds veteran Bill Durnan who has retired after seven seasons In the N.H.L. CP Photo) .08 ; .02 1.22 .80 .09 .12 ,05 .04 2.01 5 30 .49 Atlantic 2.90 Calmont 120 C. & E 8.SS Central Ledue 298 Home Oil 15.60 Mercury .17 Okalta 193 Pacific Pete 135 Princess .63 Royal Canadian .Hi Royalite 11.00 Toronto Athona H A inn a que 23 Bent tie .42 Beveourt .41 Bub jo .aoj Buffalo-Canadian .... 243, Consol. Smellers 119 00 Conwest i.8i Don&lda .48 Eldona .221, East Sullivan 7.35 Giant Yellowknlfe . 6 58 God's Lake . .30 Hardrock SO Harricana .07 i Heva .05 Hoseo .05 Uj acknife .65 u, Joliet Quebec .67 Lake Rowan .07 H Lapaska .64 Little Long Lac 37 Vi Lynx .18 Madsen Red Lake 2.14 McKenzie Red Lake .... .40 McLeod Cot-kshutt 2 25 Muneta .32 Negus 1.05 Noranda 73 50 T" WANTED lrowuwoMls! 1 Minutes came in for amend- ..v..v v ...ijuts mreung oi BlIw 'JffT h" A TBh BUck said he disagreed with 2T "f.Worksommittee ta conjunction; minutes said Aid Georce Casey's ' .Tu w.lw. FINE PRINTING at Ss REGAL PRINTERS Would cor: for Vi tt W 1 GORDON C on. Brxvs New tr.-k c ? supplis-i ii "7 ar.d iters vri eondl-ixsl ptl feet Wa'Jtr. 5-Jj ac 3 PHONE HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP SIDNEY ! Permanent WaTini Beauty Culture ln all - 1U branches Cosptt ft. ?04 4th Street Phone 655 CITa; CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES, D C. 21-22 Besner Block Houii. 10:30-12:30 Si 2-5 . Evenings, Mon. it Fri. 7:30 Phone Blue 442 COLUSSI'S I 0?r MUSIC STORE fan 'Agents for the finest 8TCSI t: In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED BLl-; 210 4th St. Ph. Black 389 par KasslfW Advertising is rayuble in advance. Plea refrain from telephuntaf. Classifieds, 2c pet word per bwwtwn. minimum charge 50c Birth NjUccs 50c Cards of Thanks, Death Notices. Fun eral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2 00, SPKCIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE ' with a cheque to cover cost of: membership as stated on the card. r!K l0r 949 s?owed a! dvtaj yeaVwS atSlt-' uurms r t uie year wun a wui ai-, I tendance of 216,553. Tills com-l pares with 4.053 and 190.871 for! i the preceding year. I I Participants In Civic Centre! activities was as follows U948 figures In brackets) : Sports 636 (4331 iiup-Rec 437 (436) Craft 221 (295) Special Groups 215 (185) Total loiai-i.stw 1.509 (1309) (uua) Over 90 organisations and ' community groups useu tne i Civic Centre for at least some of their activities during the year, Thirty members of the board of directors were appointed by ! organisations and four are to be elected at the annual meeting. What- City Council Did City council, on recommendation of the finance committee, hist night approved the sale of Lot 6, Block 35. Section 5 to William McKensie for $175. The report also announced a donation of $100, as shown in the estimates, had been paid to the Prince Rupert band. Further, the re)ort recommended that other accounts, as outlined in the estimates, be paid. Tbe report was adopted. Expenditures for the fire de- PPnmte cost of $65, .and expenditure of a sum of $300 for alterations to the mens quar- J. M:Lean said all expenditures had been 'provided for to the estimates. On recommendation of the health, social assistance, police and licence committee, the following trade licenses were granted by last night's meeting cf the1 city council: Arthur Davey, taxi operator; Robert McKay, jr., " nd necUoa- ery; Academy of Arts, transient police accounts be paid was also approved. 1 IT'S EASY DAILY Write resolution that i the National Housing Admlnlstra-' tion for an allotment next year! sufficient to build between 7a! and 100 house. was uri.miiwi am ! Black said the motion passed by the council had been to refer the resolution to the housing committe to act with other Interested bodies in the city and report back to the council. He moved an amendment to that effect. The motion was carried and the minutes were adopted as amended. Referring to a leter from the Chamber of Commerce asking that the curfew law be more rigidly enforced to the police committee to take up with the police. I Referred a letter from Mrs. Agne E. Woods, stating she had ; VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday. 9 p.m Camosun Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. . Cocjuitlam ALICE ARM. STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, CoquiUam. 11 p m. . FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, Sept 15 & 29 10 pjn. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, September 8 and 22, 10 p m FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 58 BIRTH NOTICE i wttXiAKt-Bvirn to . O Mr Air -iriii Mrs O. C CKiesard on intern" tvr 2 19.x). a daughter m ihe riuue taoen uvneril H.- titp) ; FOR SALE FOR SALE Bedrvxun iai.iuip as tixxi as new. Cheao for easli. This must be sold before Thur.i iv i-vv A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melville 8treet VANCOUVER, B.C. - RORIE & LAIRD Public Accountants and Auditors. Income Tax Returns compiled. O. L. RORIE, A AE. 8. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. Besner Block Phone 387 W ANTED TO RENT Couple partment comprised the major- wuh 5 mimths' old child ur- ty of recommendations of the eenUv require furnished house utilities committee to last ni.ht's or aoartment bv Oct. o. P?se . th- ,.,., -v, m-in, Dhone B-ack 853 ttf 1 n,un8 01 ln council. They provided for purchase of 4J0 Ieet WANTED TO RENT Working , of 14-inch single Jacket fire housework votm woman wants lisht'h.v n t n amm.imat- approximate rt cost rt c! in exchange lor room. Box 800. Daily News , uistallation of three storm ta30D: windows at the fire hall at an ! i I - ' - -j i " ' , -N. k s 3 bought a property in 1928 and that her taxes had gone up al- th0USh there was still no access' . tv, u . ! . i"1 (Continued on pace 6) WHEH Cn00Sm6 . mm .. jj mm Calvtrt WHIM CH00SW6 act mm n VICKBRS GIN VICKIRf it ismtia in n ami is onTiiiutin tvCttvrrt This fefeertjmnent it Bot cublUbrd or U plmd br the Lktoot Control Boud m m tat ooenuac wjuia iinimni R. W. COLLINS Authorized Dealer for ELECTROLCX Contact the above for all Services and Supplies See the new three brush ELECTROLUX FLOOR POLISHER Applies the wax as well as polishes PHONE 451 I Phone today for a free demon -stratkm of the 1950 Models if the ELECTROLUX AIR PURIFIER and ELECTROLUX FLOOR POLISHER IPS-PROFITABLE 1 1' 1 I I Six Phone No. olWi mmiJ A!K' f.? SALE-Wa.hta machine, own ... 2-V I phone Green 527. t227p FOR SALE Kitchen tab!e and mo ctr i -T" WANTED-TJsed Dlay-oen. Phone Black 85. . (225c ! "t-'IC" IV.' HU1 furntsnea tfirt and and Irlfi-hen at th f-r hill or unfurnished four or five-i , , cnV JL room house or arartment.iIn presenting his report Aid. W. 24 222 Second Ave, 1 FOR SALE rvo cur it . v. v. . Ked uluo"- fST vit cir tt..j lumber 2x10. 6xS. etc. Phone Green 6 : . (227p) FOR SALE 1939 Farco ,-ton' tires. S375 AduIv Dan's Ser vu-e Statwa. (226p) . . , 1 : circulatlne heater, larae sise In exceuent condition. Phone Blue 933. (225pJ FOR SALE Babv bus.v. reas- onabie. Phone Black 371 (225d) FOR SALE McC'.arv range ana cnesterne. ii.ri rh f., cash "Bothtal excellent mnA ii. v. t,jJ 5i9 (225D'i FOR SALE New chesterfield oeas: oects comrilete un laifit- ed chest of drawers: used washing machine: sewing r'.achine: kitchen stoves: healers: r-.arvinare: scores of other useful furniture at lowest prices. See B.C. Furniture. B.acs 324. cf FOR SALE 32-ft "troiler. fully eauipoed. la-18 Easthooe. A-U cj:Kii;Mn. uintt teavms town. Ei'-auire oftice of J. Causen and Son (225d FOR SAIE FOR SALE Small rM oil burner. Phone B-ack 7S5. t2-5p FOR SALE--room house in' Terrace. acre of cleared' :1s A-on t Ko-m-t,-- Rr-Lin re: t-.a;e lerrice TICS. CltT t"3An ,.iSlr'; DEALERS IN AU, TTFES of usea eoust!r.er.t: mill. mine aad toe.ire suoolies: new ad used :re ivDe; txioe and fit--tin: chair., steel elate and1 sr-.ases A:l-as Iron & Metsi Lia.. cj trior bk. Mncouver, (-- - none facitic SiU7 (U i' FOR RENT F.oora. o-s west. 23C?.! 1-1 v.'; ii iiuil.st lir sieaav canaaun National era-Dioi-ee. Phone Green 304. (229i n-iv rm tv-v dtxt n 1 -lllLIi b Oct. 30, 3 PJease phone detail to Harold Thorn. Atlin Fisheries. Prince Kupert. B.C. No children. (229o WANTED $20 REWARD If yoi j can get me Dv Oct. 1. 6-room WS,W-lS; : : rhitirs: hilrndm 1 nrek.-iir rircc-- chemistry materials anj-enuioment: ekvtrie violet-rav machine. Red 1S2. (239p") FOR SALE-Kichenoii ranee' w-tth wick burners: tank and stand. Reasonable. Phone Red 31H 22bB .... .... r. t-. : j-vrv o-vu Automatic record p'.aver. like r.e- .-vi.-o uutr.tri . radio if desired. Bx 799.; u-auv News. t:J?a i I vn c.Lt u-euaae c.vnibie parrei shotsun. Cail SM2 H.ivs t-ove Ave, or rnone RtM ; (225d FOR RLF-5.-bed' contniete. UX)7 7-.h E. s22ijj FOR SALE ISM 9 KHman Minx Sedn In vvd ndition Ao v Caaia Oifice. Va;ca IsiaiKl. ::) FOR ?A1E Rerairjrton rL".e. tiHx-.el SO ea'.itr 3.'t C6 Rec.-' f.e.d Jr. Mn;:-,- K 2 5 .woe,' " new. Phor.e 64 bef,we 5 c re. ti ai FOR SMJE-Red BI'.:e cvut. sice 1. 471. FOR SALE Tsbte and 4 cha:rs: Ctveata ht-aier Blue 7SS i229t' WA?fTFr TOP J.L.RKET'photograpner' A tlirtner recom- HANDYMAN SjA HOME SERVICE h'K GENERAL CONTRACTORS J "4 Building and Repairs of aH - kind -; ROOFS - CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS ''" . !"jJ- PEONX3 phot! B.- El Black S34 Rtl 353 Swx P. O. Box 1870 Frr.. J-: i PRICES PAID for scrao iron steei. brass, coooer. lead, etc honest eradine Promot oav-ment Rade. At'.as Iron Me-.aU Ltd . 250 Prior St.. Van-carter. B.C. Phone Pacific S3o" ' - tf vV ANTED Scrao cast, brass f'Wr. batteries snd radiators. Phone 543. Caii 625 6iii west mi WAN,Tm TO RENT 3 or 4-room hous or aoartment. furnish- Lftst I LOST Green "Bjdeie tjird an- ; swers to name "Bobby .-"Anv- To Use NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Them Yourself on this Handy Form FOR SALE G-'.'s bike. Red 471. Ci. , FOR SALE-Crfr.t s CCM b:-cw'.e. 31, years old, $25. Phone Black tS5. 2-5 FOR SALE 1SH9 Pon:r.v sedss, low mt'eaae. excectior.aljr -ccod ctid;:.n. Phor.e B a.s StH after t.-jj p ra. ii:7pt FOR SALE 1949 Cttstora Ford Sedan. A-l cor.d-.r.cn. io.iXV) , miles. A?a"y Mrs Fred S:ev-etison. 1140 Kas Cove Aw:e. -Tai i NATTONAIIY KNOWN NAMES Une-be'.t Stveder Shove'.s: i V V.-:v-:rir.cl:a- Di,is r H rd. Red 1W or &W. Reward '- FOR RENT Fror.t bedroom for: BUnnrRS t rovnnrmB Fr.o:.e B-.e t5d. (27p FOR RENT Sleeolne rwe .' PLUMBTNO anC Heattne -Ato.t 111 E 8th or phone Sheet Metal work Tar arti Green 92S. (22i- Gravel Roof ne Call 629 6ti Alter a D21 c;ra:fo R- the Wofli esv raone ii Letotirneat and Soma. ;u. MODERN Pair. tin r ar.i Decor- ! Soence and Matuik ! Fnone Bcs 215. evecint or nocn bocr. P.O. Be llli. COMPLETE buEders stipalles fast serrice. Is .and Cttr B a !d-ing i Suses. Blue S20. tiSm) j - 1 Arcor.TTvvTs ' . mere 151 Buckets and Rock Gn-ooes: T L. Smith Concrete Vi pers: Clark Forklift Trucksr Xe.son: Bucket Loaders for Stockpile j and Snow Remora'.: Rice Port-i abie CVntrifusal Pu:ns: N-a- tional Drsidne SoratM-rj and Buckets: National A'.! S:eel Gasoline Hoists: National Portable Sawmills: National Rotitrv Screens -and Convevors, Full information from National Machinery Co. Limited, Yar-ccutcr. B.C. (IX), FOR KENT Room to share. men. Red 471. ttf RLAi. EST ATI farr.a:ei Phone Green lt. t22rvD . FOR SALE 5 room house, priced rea-si'.a(iT as must be so.d im r-.ecute.v. in o..e .y it,ve.i Blue 2i0 lor X -1 uwt two. HELP WANTED llliw - ; Sf STEAKS , fax sv :a? n S-i.r!. S;one Bdiil. Red 5S3 1 1 rtrkr Wp Ooen ct 4 Every MANAGE ....pr -jew Number cf Times Enclosed Please Find (2c per word per insertion e.g. Number of word 25; cost, 50c. insertions for price cf four. Minimum charge, 50c.) Name FOR SALE 2-ton Dod.e 1944: Sj-ton Farco 1947 in eood condition. Lalton adding machine with cash dra-er. Valentin Ebunr. Phone Re.i 272. t2.ip) STEADY WOMAN for 1 1 1 h t ; WATCH Hemes prompt efl-housework three tvr four times cent serrice. George ctk L'.P t r thre nours x Jeweller. SaUsfacUon CTiAr-JhU. IXiUv News, tUOi teed. IIORTHERH SPORTS I I I I I Address (20ra REPAIRS t OIL BURNER SPECIALIST 1 1 CA. 04 u T : w. , Ror..on Bjsck 5U3 iU)i PERSONAL ' LADIES TAILORIXO- Altera- HI-POWPRED SPORTING RIFLES Larger assortment' . HEALTH SPKin" YTAVT WANTED TO KFJNT REWARD trsent! needed by Oct, 15, 1. t,r -roim mnise or suite ?k I'Jf W ?f U and better values. Write for latest catalog listing various banr-ain prices, SCOPES SALES CO, LTD 32fi Queen St.. Ottawa. Out. ttf) phone 63 Phone Blue', i217pj