Prince Rupert Dally News Tuesday, September 26, 1950 fc Brighten your Kitchen J Bathroom with i i... Vtuwccd and One Price That Has Hot Gone Up In Twenty Five Years Want Ads Dan Lippett, tearing down an old building on McBrlde Street to make room for his expanding garage and service station business, can across an is:;uc of the Daily News of 1925 date and showed it to the editor. Prices of those days make interesting comparison with those of today. A Ford coupe, in first class condition, was selling at $400. Other commodity prices, as shown, disclosed similar ratio Legion Auxiliary card party I A smoke scare among the Colorful and Easy to I Clean , r WE INVITE YOU to ray ON AN Aquascutum ALL-WEATHER COAT houses west of the Commercial Hotel at 10 p.m. yesterday re sulted in considerable excitement but no damage. The smoke was Wednesday, 8 p.m. (22G) I H. Wahl returned by plane to Sandspit yesterday after a short stay in the city. , - Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Brown returned to the city a few days ago from a motor holiday trip as far south as Portland. IILEBOARD ilk found to have been the result of a down draft of wind blowing smoke from a chimney. Here is the general purpose INEXPENSIVE, TOO! Honrs 116. "7 or 58 Women Car Pilots coat every man will welcome; . it is ideal fur wearins in . with those of today with the exception of Daily News classified ads which were 2c a word twenty-five years ago the same as they are today. , Yet the circulation of the Dally News today is double what it was twenty-five years ago and the paper is considerably bigger than it was in those aays. Members of Legion and Ladles' Auxiliary please note that the "Bring Your Missus Night" scheduled for Helping Strangers n McCAFFERY Ltd. urn l ; any weather and yet is dressy enough for almost any occasion. r Ml 1 I .T I L .L : - LONDON Q) During the last K i f At I Sept. 29th has been cancelled. few months, women drivers in neat khaki uniforms have been "Dilotine:" cars through and Would Rush . Rail Crossing serviceability and their II Special meeting of Job's Daughters, Sept. 27 at 8 p.m. sharp. Official visit of Supreme around London. They are mem-bers of the pilot service of Brit' prices so come in and see the new Aqua scutum 5'all weather" coats today; aln's Automobile Association. Guardian, of Portsmouth, Virginia. - 220 Jaycees Put ' Up More Signs Sunday afternoon an enthusiastic group of Jayc-es turned out to erect more street markers In the neighborhood of Hays Cove Circle on Seventh Their pricipal Job is to escort members of the association who Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Priest are strangers to London. Over seas drivers find them particu larlv useful. returned to the city on Sunday A letter from K. W. Morton Department of Public Works, Canada, saying they had contacted the contracting rm now building the breakwater near the Prince Rupert Fishermen'3 Co-operative Association plant at Fairview Bay regarding construction of a railway crossine from a trip by motor to Vancou and ElKhth Avenues. The neat $26.50 to $55.00 W The women, like their male ver. Victoria and Bellingham square poles are white with black during the past three weeks. lettering and denote street and counterparts, meet a car on request at the given point and take over the driving or give in avenue names at intersections. ESTATE Alan Forman sailed last Thurs leave' at mile 117.5 said the firm had day night on the Prince George structions and do not MANCE for Vancouver where he enters Watts &Nickerson is all the car until the driver informed the department that the equipment they wer using iME TAX k PREPARED The 18 posts Installed yesterday brings the total to 25. The project was 'started last year and posts were prepared for placement. Travellers In the area where posts are installed will find ease of getting around greatly enhanced. clear for his destination. Sometimes they will be called upon to accompany an owner to take delivery of a new car, explain the controls If necessary, and drive it to a garage. his secona year arts at the University of British Columbia. ' E. V. Whiting, manager of the local office of the National Employment Service, returned home trom a business trip to Vancou Mortimer (Near CFPR) was urgently needed elsewhere as soon as the breakwater job was finished. They would, therefore, not be able to undertake the crossing job. The city clerk was instructed to reply to1 the letter thanking Mr. 'Morton for his interest in FOR PLANNING FOR BUILDING FOR REPAIRING Call 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders & Contractors The pilots can be hired by tne hour or by the day and make a You will be delighted with this fragrant tea small charge for their services. hfkinif. Crating demand by, the matter and sueeestins; that They are in great who want i he might contact Wood & Mc- strangers to town ver on yesterday's plane. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Stephens from a trip to California where returned by plane yesterday they celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. - Father Louis Amadio and his sister, Miss Inez Amadio, are re swl General and StoraRe iiaDle and Effi-A!so agents for advlce about shopping In the; Clay and CarnDbell-Bennett re-metropolis, jgarding the matter, as both j companies had macrnnery in tne PA55ENGERS '; district capable of carrying out AIR bid Air Co. Lto . SATIN - GLO Semi Gloss & High Gloss 'n many beautiful tints for interior decorating. QUICK DRYING THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. Acetylene and all uoday) Mrs4 . To Vancouver turning by tomorrow nights s.i fellies. Ferguson. M R. Robertson train to Sioux Lookout, Ontario, atfer a two weeks' visit here with S CARTAGE Uokspretfy -Testes prettyWONDERFUU, their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Wledman, R. A. Cole, R. Row-bottom, H. Bradley, J. M. Gray. M Gunderson, Miss P. Drozdlak, I T. H. Wright, O. B. Trlbble, S.' IGE LIMITED Mrs. Louis Amadio. 4 id Park Avonufs The Red Cross blood donor Fruit Bread made with New Fast DRY Yeast! rhftien fit am! 6R Nation. ! From Sandspit (yesterday) M. Hamlin. R. Boychuk. nursing team arrived yesterday bv Diane from Vancouver. They were the Misses P. Rhoades, N. From Vancouver (yesterday) I. C. Johansen, C. P. Stoney, Williams, A. Hayes, E. McNam-ara, N. Durocher, P. Reld, T. Johnson and Mrs. N. Partington. W. McGowan, T. Warwick, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Stephens, J. Jackson, G. W. Nixon, Mrs. D. Perry, Mr. Burns, Miss P. Rhoad Don't let old-fashioned, quick-spoiling yeast crairp your baking style! Get in a month's supply of new Fleischmann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast it keeps jull-Hretigth, fast-acting till the moment you bakel Needs mo refrigeration! Bake these Knobby Fruit Loaves for a special treail rmture hashions es, Mrs. N. Partington, tne Misses Announcement N. Williams, A. Hayes, E. mc- Namara. N. Durocher. P. Reld, T. MAHSON'S Beat The Tax Sale -jV Your opportunity to trade your O OLD WATCH . O OLD RING OLD ELECTRIC RAZOR JO IT NOW AT Johnson. J. Estabrook. and W. Legion Auxiliary card party H Wrleht. G. H. Forbes, E. V ScDt. 27th. flAL Prices for PAL Furniture Catholic Bazaar, ocwoei Whiting, E. Thorsen, B. Lambert, R. Lewis. and 5. To Sandspit (yesterday) H. Lutheran Ladles' Aid Fall Sale Wahl. October the 7th. , Rebckah Bazaar, October 18 !0NED AND FINISHED IN .OUR QRY HERE IN PRINCE RUPERT Job's Daughters Fall Fashion Show and Entertainment, Civic Luxury Steamer PRINCE GEORGE Centre, Oct. 20 at 8 p.m. fere offering a limited number of indivi- . I n Y Reserve this date Conrad n v:. kes of furniture (some used) at Bargain School P.T.A. card party Friday A f II -J October 20, 8 p.m. Refreshments. KNOBBY FRUIT lOAVES Everybody welcome. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Oct. 26 CHEST OF DRAWERS Sonja Bazaar, October 27. Moos Bazaar, tfov. 2 and 3 SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT COFFEE TABLES . Lecion Auxlllaiy Fall JUazaar MAPLE BED ond MATTRESS November 8. Presbyterian Fall 8ale Nov. IB. KAIEH CO OH HARDWARE jj J it's Linoleum ' want drop in and check our stock of Kt. Andrew's Cathedral W.A Nil ill Rill W Fall Sale. Nov. 18. VANITY and BENCH O KITCHEN CABINETS O CHAIRS IO.D.t. tall baiaar NtremDet 23. grease top of dough. Cover and set in a warm place, free from draught. Let rise until doubled in bulk. Punch down dough, turn out on lightly-Houred board and divide into 4 equal portions; cut each portion into 20 equal-sized pieces; knead each piece into a smooth round ball. Arrange 10 small balls in each of 4 greased loaf pans (4l2" x 8t2") and grease tops. Arrange remaining balls on lop of those in pans and grease tops. Cover and let rise until doubled in bulk. Bake in moderate oven, 350, about 1 hour, covering with brown paper after first y2 hour. Spread cold loaves with icing. Yield 4 loaves. Sole : The 4 porltons oj dough may be shafted into loaves to fit pans, instead of being divided into the small pieces that produce knobby loaves. Scald iy2 c mil. c. granulated sugar, 2 tis. salt and 'j c shortening; cool to lukewarm. Meanwhile, measure into a large bowl c. lukewarm water, S tsps. granulated sugar: slir until sugar is dissolved. Sprinkle with 3 envelopes Kleiscliinamrs Royal rast Rising l)rv Yeast. Let stand 10 minutes, THEN stir well. Add lukewarm milk mixture and stir in 2 well-beaten eggs, C maraschino cherry syrup and 1 Up. almond extract. Stir iu 4 c. once-sifted bread flour: beat until smooth. Work in 2 c. seedless raisins, 1 c. currants, 1 c chopped candied peels, 1 c. sliced maraschino cluHies and 1 c. broken walnuts. . Work in S-a c. (alMiut) once-sifted bread Hour. Knead on lightly-floured board until smooth and clastic. Place in greased bowl and L.O.B.A. Bazaar Dec. 1. United Church Fall Bazaar For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Port Home Industry and Save Money December 7. Inlaids British mada Hall Runner six and Floor Mats O. by Buying Direct from , O Congolcum tiine fect wide Rcxolcum Rugs VRITE Box 1127 JRISTIE'S Woodbilt Products lloiv! the fresh PHONE WE DELIVER 179 251 - 3rd Avenue PAvc&McBridc Phone Blue 720 1 1 pack of the i world's best BROADWAY CAFE Delicious Pies and Cupcakes too Ladies' Foil ond Winter COATS 30fc 8est Foo.d WE HAVE GOT THEM. ALL FOR YOU . at selling Ketchup awaits you Finest Cock'ny RUPERT BAKERY LTD. Hours 7 a.m. to 1 a.m -Phone 200 p Toko-Home Orders- 'I. i Yes, you can save on your suits if you buy here! I at all good stores Special Fail Motor Check il r it a w For the man who wants an casy-to-wcar suit at an casy-to-pay price, this single and doubfe breasted collection is IT! Priced from 5 to 60 All shades in Gabardines and Worsteds. Compitl tht unci Heini bottli Satin i Irf with tuck- - with thi (miliar A)L '.P ? E,Q-tic Wai If: it. taimrt f som brands ind set HUH II costs X I Ve will inspect your engine from fan to transmission WITHOUT the high cost of tearing it apart. Our modern Instruments tell us what .adjustments are needed, and the cost to you is amazingly small! Bob Parker Ltd. to lo Year; rs. buy thi world'; but sillint ketchup. f U NOW AT THIS LOW PRICE! ) EVERYTHING IN MEN'S WEAR Acme Clothing Store . .Serving the Public of Prince Rupert for Over 33 Years Ford-Monarch Dcolcrs The Home of Friendly Service Prince Rupert. B. C. NEW GABARDINE and COVERT CLOTHS From $29.95 Dom's Dept STORE 57 h Sport Sh op TP-280 J