TODAY and WED. DREDGING AND Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycle ptincc 'Rupert Dailp j3etof Lto. Tuesday, June 8, 1943 CFPR Steamship Companies on Verge OJ Banner Year For Tourists (Subject to change unman !fiMinui mn BREAKWATER TOM I K feltiuiir r.,. THE WEATHER Synopsis MATURE fih van i no; Jun Hall Mars"l Lintlsij iii "VHilLANTS RCTVHS CALVKKT-HliTON RAINLS TUfcSDAY P.M. The 1918 tourist seoaon bewail to come to a boil on Mon-;tK th., arrival hnre of tho Canadian Pacific steamer Hon. Alphonse Fournier, min icier nf nnhlic works. In a com Except for scattered afternoon 4:00 Al Harvey Show munication read at the meeting princeas Noiah ou her first trip of -the summer on the Alaska .. . m . . . .. i.. n.. urvi(i 4:15 Stock Quotations Pi m yza 7 :mr tkm and Int. of the Prince itupen Lnamu run ,n which she is augmenting me reguuu '.Ti i of Commerce last night, said of the prjncess Louise- On Mondays the Princess Adelaide that his department would take,w;ii have her usual round trippers. iSjM oulof thunderstorms over the mountains of the Interior, skies will remain mostly clear throughout the province today. Although it will be warm again today in most I sections, a northern flow of cool 4:30 Max Chamilov 4:45 Deep in the Woods T"oiBJi?"k steps to ascertain the necessity j -ext Saturday, Canadian National Steamships will in- of certain dredging worK teing carried out in waters contiguous to this port. The Chamber, at thp instance of fishing Inter m J'11 1 1 "I crease the tempo wnen its nm, new liner Prince Oeorge docks here on a pre-schedule sailing carrying 250 Los Angeles Cham-hpr nf Commerce members. Her UNION APPEALS er air will prevent temoeratures from climbing to the near record highs of yesterday. Clear warm weather will continue again tomorrow along the southern coast and in the interior with increas ests, had made a request for such dredging. TO MR. KING regular sailings will begin with i The minister oi puonc worm the voyage arriving here June n (Wpg) 5:00 The Loosclcaf 5:30 Platter Parade 6:00 Supper Berenade 8:15 Dinah Shore 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Smoke Rings 7:U0 CBC Newj 7:1,5 CBC News Itoundup 7:3 -Leicester Square to Broadway 8:00 Winnipeg Concert Oich. d:au-Hecora Album 9:00 Alberta Ranch House 9:30 Heritage of Music 10:00 CBC News also informed the board that the , TORONTO, 0: A union ap- Thg Qld prince Rupcrt has been for , peal direct to 'Prime Minister matter of a solid breakwater &$ usuaL the protection of the new fish- Mackenzie ing anu whumvui. steamships will insti- ermen's floats at Fairview Bay claims on me numur. . ,ls SDt.ciai summer cruises -Ok here would be discussed during sels uea up louay .u Mon. the consideration of Parliament- fourth day in the current strike " L . which wlll ary estimates. ,by the Canadian Seamen . Un on day ing cloudiness along the northern coast. I Forecast j Prince Rupert, Queen Char-Jottes and North Coast Clear j today, increasing cloudiness tonight, becoming overcast Wednesday. Winds northwest (15 m.p.hi today, decreasing to light tonight. Little change in tem-nerature. Lows tonight and The minister of fisheries, Hon. (TCL). bnips oi Puv." Meantime the Coquitlam an. James A. McKinnon, also intim-' Canada Steamship Lines Col- charlotte ated that his department wasjonial IS cruise.. The Camosun will S MOUSES lu; jo B. C. News iff . . tf jt it vm-v-ymf w Cardena on the 1 10:15 Neighborly News ran i0 Illf . m It trnH .n.D nnrl I k r iana iransit laimno " , , ,., such a breakwater. Catala (j 10:30 Pacific Planororte 11:00 Fish Arrivals Friday highs Wednesday: Port Hardy 48 and 65, Massett 43 and 60, Prince Rupert 45 and 65. 11:05 Weather and Sign Off Z Priced Right And Z Styled Right ! ARABS, JEWS ivarying aegieea ujr I Special detachments of the nlgms. lor all three lines say i Royal Canadian Mounted Police Agents PONDER TRUCE CAIRO. (P Egyptian forces and the Ontario provincial pol- tnai i ne vessel ice have been guarding the iow- into September with reserva- er sections of the canal but wat- tions which began coming in as erfront picketing by the C.S.U. early as a year ago. has been unmarked by violence The marine branch of the SHEERS CREPES BROADCLOTHS AND THE FAMOUS TOOKE TAILORED BLOUSE. m M tried to battle out of a Jewish WEDNESDAY A M. 7:30 Musical Clvjck 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music lor Modems 8:45 Little Concert 9:00BBC New :15 Morning Devotions 8:30 - Transcribed Melodies 9: 45 -Modern Musicians :59 Tm'ie Signal 1U:00 Morning visit to; 15 Morning Meljdies i Wpst roiisl's "visitor industry coastal trap ana iignung tun- so jaf tinued in several areas of north , has every reason to anticipate u Far North to Have More Blood Clinics Success at Ycllowknifc Encourascs Red Cross EDMONTON, Spurred by the success of a recent trip to Yellowknifc, N.W.T., made by a blood donor clinic, Red Cross officials here arc planning more of the same to other far-north centres. On a trip to Yellow-knife where a Red Cross outpost hospital had just been opened, bumper year. Palestine today while Arabs and Jews weighed replies to the lat Z RUPERT Z PEOPLES i BEAVERBROOK fly" ll&W In addition -m the special cruise ships, the three coastwise est iour-ween iruce propuoii. ( STORE shinoins companies report that m m PERSUASIVE j Eye witnesses returning to Td Uviv from the southern front 'said that at least one and oer- their remilar sailings on other ships have been heavily booked I. . , r- 11 ,r.r.T"n,nAW M 11 f& naps several cgypwiu oiupa Ktuuin-iw, - have landed troops on the coast Lord Beaverbrook has Just won by tourists. On these. nv"; in an attempt to rescue forces what he considers one oi ins iotai ' A . , , :. 4 t.... ... hold as much space as is need- (0:30 iloundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodie 11:00 -Bernle Braden Tells u Story 11:15 Ueminiscin' 11:30 Weather tuiecast 11:31 -JWessmge Per.od 1 1 ;H3 -Reciimlrd lr.icrlurte encirciea at, isuira, a miiea tsuuu. tougnesi, uaiues. . . ed for routine business and ofTelAviv. I Recently Trade Minister t-i i,c m tHm-1 vha FreHeriptn. Lord pleasure travel by coast rcsi- dents ed back four Egyptian vessels, Beaverbrook took him for a turn nf them landinc vaft. in "humn" treatment on the roaa "After all. It is the coast people 11:45 Dancing Till Noon HnaHinir nvpr a level crossing to workers from the Edmonton clinic returned with 300 pints of blood. The trip, requested by Yellowknife citizens, was organized and headel by Mrs. Mary Hunter. Fourteen other women and Eric Graham, director of panel organization for the society, made the trip in an RCA. F. Dakota' aircraft piloted by Flt.-Lt. William Clark. The one-day clinic at Yellow-knife was literally swamped with persons wishing to give blood. the battle nf Tel Aviv Fifth Avenue and McBride Corner Sold Announcement is made of the purchase by A. E. Ferguson of the B. C. Undertakers of the double corner at the southwest corner of Fifth Avenue and McBride Street. The vendors arc Mrs. Jean McClymont, Mr. Justice A. M. Manson and W. E. Williams. The property is at present occupied by two small houses. Deal was handled by Armstrong Agencies. 1 U PM 12:00 Mid Day Melodlej i.2:15 -CBU New 12:25 Program ttesunie 12:30 B.C. rami broadcast who do the travelling all the year round. We can't let them feel that they are being entirely pushed aside by the tourists," one steamship oflicial said. Flood conditions throughout rtritish Columbia with resulting (the University of New Bruns-i wick. He gently hinted at the ' danger of the crossing, suggested there should be an overpass, j "It's a praiseworthy idea," said the non-committal Mr. NEWFIE WILL VOTE AGAIN ST. JOHN'S. Newfoundland, P "owe. damaire to hiuhwavs and rail 12:55 -Recorded int. 1:00 Symphony Hour 2:00 -feature Concert 2:15--Family Favorites A second referendum on the! roads already are' having a re Al- . . r t s ,n !' jariH-.S LTUU , yicoiutm. lUlure lorm oi nuwiomiumiuo - government will be held about goma Steel Corporation. stricting effect on the movement of motor and rail tourists, according to a statement by the Provincial Travel Bureau. British Columbia tourist officials are sadly watching their expectations for a banner visitor year wither as a result of rampaging the middle of July, it was an- wuul" ia James, Sir nounced here today. The refer-.commented "Well what are going to you ! endum will decide between Con- and do about it?" enquired the pub-responsible i federation with Canada government. Commerce Chamber Backs Flood Relief Mention was made at last TVinrsriav s vnti PlimiliatCd a "-", " " back Sir James' promise third choice, continuation of the came .11 T A rj.-.itnrhfMnb' hob rivers. night's meeting of the Prince Rupcrt Chamber of Commerce of the participation of the present form of commission . . ..i ! III till I., t-L ItULlH " ' 1 government, DUt am not give - ",u. ttn. nivo whh atp affected to a less de- .... . . K,. ho fl.wul f:it.astriinne. feiumu" F' '' f STARTS THURSDAY us a little neip in construction. v" . , ...? ... mi rimwf relief camoaten. The know that tneir cruises win uv - - and oUu r And Prince Ru- president, secretary TIP FOR DISHWASHERS well patronized. majority required. Definite announcement of the date of the second vote is expected late next week. - j . . ... i . in nm inrup 1.1 ill I im. iiuuai burned iooci ana wasn as uauai, "j - RATE INCREASE Father's Day Juno 2(1 ISPROTESTED ?r j of it f f7-. A Nice Selection A new increase in coastal steamship freight rates to be put "NEW FLORAL ACCENT intoeffect on June 11 Is being protested by the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. Excep 1 ATIIKU'S DAY CARDS Now on Display at tion is being taken to the shortness of notice 'of the increase. The freight rates committee was authorized last night to draw up " " a case on behalf of the Chamber in the matter. This is to be !r3ia V2 r in Vancouver by tomorrow when there will be a meeting of a joint committee representing Cham bers of Commerce and other FOR SUMMER BRIDE bodies with representatives of the shipping companies. iJjlnnisiniiilfil ioni STEWART MAN OCEAN VIEW IS DROWNED Adolph Ceoar, GO-year old employee of the public works de-mrt.mnnt. lost, his life bv acci dental drowning at Stewart last Fridav morninu. according to advice received at divisional headquarters of the provincial vniJR BEST EATING PLACE .m:ltSE MWU I P to 11 a.m. BANQUET 82 AMD PM"181 Ibroaop CAFt HOTEL (Formerly Knox) A Quiet, lMcasant Place to Live COMFMiTEI-Y RENOVATED Rooms Urdpcoratcd (spring-Filled Mattresses New Management Proprietor, TOM PKSUT THONE 71 I p-v E,.: -fc-- j police here. He was working on wharf repair and fell Into the water. His body was recovered one hour later. Cedar's wife re sides at Stewart. TO? QUALITY SHINGLES BY SIDNEY They're Outline Durokl, with a super-n I u rated felt base heavily coated with specially cured asphalt . . . will not lift, curl or crack. Colorful slate granules, firmly imbedded, give permanent beauty and protection. APPLIED BY APPROVED SPECIALISTS Top' quality asphalt shingles are not enough. They should be applied by experts. Sidney approved applicators hav years of experience and a wealth of technical "know how." They must nice , Sidney's . high specifications. Ask for Genuine Duroid Shingles with approved application. ' B.C. Group Guides Alchohol Education VANCOUVER. XPi British Columbia now has a consultative council on alcohol education. It consists of 10 leaders in social welfare, crime prevention and education, with Liquor Commis While Amann lillics entwined with sle phanolis and ivy leaves form Hie lovely bridal bouquet for the 1918 summer bride. Added comfort, loo, is obtained by replacing the traditional veil Willi a lily of the valley halo, tied in back with white satin bow and si reamers. Stronger floral note this year is repeated by the newest bridal gown, of while pique built off the shoulders and embroidered with small white flowers of seed pearls (above). Crisps and cool in pale green organdy, the summer bridesmaid carries a matching bouquet of Amazon lillics and variegated ivy. For bridesmaids too, the hat is replaced with a more flattering hair adornment like this Clel'J.). Bride and bridesmaid shown are prominent Chicago debs who modelled newest bridal fashions and flowers. at a recent society benefit for American Aid to France. sion W. F. Kennedy and Educa ipptw r;PFFP I RRI tion Minister W. T, Stralth as advisers. The education program Made, only by j is not a temperance movement, but an effort to put before the BUILDERS AND public problems of excessive drinking, Its toll on the Indi tio TT- Alera n rrructl0n vidual and society. Dr. G. A. Davidson, . senior psychiatrist of rvepairs - ..i-liv Floor Sanding a p,0. J)U Vancouver General Hospital, is chairman of the council. There are four women members experts in education and social i work. Phone RED 561