Prince Rupert Daily News , Tuesday. August 1. 1950 MARRIED 'Continued' from Page 4) HOTEL ARRIVALS Prtuce Rupert than they hate Liberal and Con-jservatives. Professor Frank Scott, who retired as national chair- r.ncral ,ur Victoria Report man, said: "Both--Fascism andjworkcrs in smaller unions, be- ing speakers said there, should Communism illustrate the In-1 sldes the e ven larger group who be," both public ,, ownership and herent evils In absolute" POWer ,' Qr ,H11 nrif.raniprl TrHi BrivntP mtprnriip aitVl t.Kp nro- j. a. .ay, u. iiumpnreys, ,J, and the usher were Robert Hau-Smith, O. N. Money, R. Lake, denschild, brother of the bride, Mr. and Mr. D. Carese, Vancou-' nd Mel SksUmerud. ,nd Stwaje Reliable and KBe-.,. also tt for by J. K. Nesbitt regardless of its avowed goals, ' unionism needs social democracy fit motive. National Leader M. J. ver; D. Mundy, Hollyfaurn; E. During the signing of the reg-: toiuld Air Co. LW, L. Acetylene and all ine t'cmmuiusi farcy nas "'J to fulfill Its purposes. Coldwell said socialism should no right to the word socialist, since ; loncer mean blar.kat public own- what It calls 'eientific socialism' .... ' .. lershro. Democratic socialism, he C.C.F. Still Vigorous Outstanding Woman-Figure Definitely Anti-Communism Isuppues. I P..Ior AT David Lewis, -retiring iiauunui , ... Abtrnethy, Wet Vancouver: Mr.'lster lr the vestry; J. A. Teng and Mrs. J. H. Gaiwr, North san "Beeaus'!." Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. ', RECEPTION ' " ber, Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. Mo' After the church ceremony. Ilroy, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. O. many fnendfc gathered In the Wilson and Mr. -and Mrs. I,. E. (Oddfellows' Hall to offer con- I is the negation of the most fun- J saici, must involve a ,mixea secretary, called far greater or jdamental part of socialism. We Limuea ganization than ever before ln economy, the ranks of the C.C.F. He said: j VHJTUU1A Lauurai anu unscivauve you- nameiy its respect for the indl ticians admit surprise to find the C.C.F. so vigorous ividuai human, being." dandPAvenr Weiss, city; O. Lapaire, Tulse- gratulations and best wishes to phone " "We must recognize that there j is at present a. temporary halt ; at its recent biennial convention in Vancouver the happy couple. They received it . 1 ! t . to our advance, and that ouri quah; R. Lawrcnce.Orand Forks; W. Halliwell, Stewart; Mrs. J. I. Cook, Juskatla. felicitations beside the bride'j table aud nearby were displayed Lad.; bring results. new and I - .uoHsuiawiiacwm.oaaawora organization requires badlv divided and lust about ready to fold. Anyone . ;0f warning tor the big trade , eatpr vitaiiiv numerous beautiful gifts. The To Inrure yolicallon ot display or clasilfted advertising xpy for sarn must be ln the office of the Daliy News b 4 p.m. the c ay previous to advertising, requirement? the mechanic. department make this rule necessary. hail was attractively decorated wrio attended the convention could see tnis was not ,"" ' with delicate! shaded Dick and ! . rf... 1 jfavors as the powerful unions' so. C.C.F. 'ers had their disagree- The C.C.F. .no longer wants . pan Rntippy nut. nf lartrp pnrnnra. scover How Good j white streamers. ml menu, true, but this is a healthy Charleboix-Saguenay. This is the m mofe 'than every Industry socialized. Lt ad- I Receiving the guests were the ign as it Is in au parties, seat held by her latner ana ner bride's mother who wore a two d Tea Can Be! the corporations themselves, are dependent on continued pros C c. F.'era left the convention husband for so many years. pkset- ereie lres qf nicy Wue;Bntted ta sueitLliem and ready iMme. Casgrain Is a daughter of perity ln the economy and may leave unprotected the mass of lea doUDie BuJ"y ' " " . r-ii J lil 1 1 f Eraser, and Payne with pink straw hat, nd Mrs. to fi(!ht for it The old-line sir Rodolphe Porget, from 1904 Trevor JjhnKton whose costume partleg wouid be toolish to ignore ;to 1917 a Conservative M.P. Her! nuea wuu tivmou our into glasses . 1 1 n-nA lomon to taste. vwu-piccc liavy miu wiiitc fact the C.CJF, Is still a pot- ! husband is Hon. Mr. jusuce .huu"y" crepe. ' ent force In this counUy, even ; Pierre Casgrain of the Supreme Toast to t2k bride was pro- though a year ago the party took ( Court of Quebec, for 24 years a posed by Itev. Dr. E. A. Wrifjht in two NEW--NYLONS a shllRclcing elections. general .Liberal MP., 1936-40 Speaker oi ' the House of Commons, later Secretary of State. Mme. Cas- WE PAINT and DECORATE txterior or Interior , ! grain ran as an independent " " " .Liberal In a 1941 by-election ' but' personal ties at the convention defeated. Five later was years J was Mme. Therese Casgrain, j with the groom res.pondjng. A toast to the bridesmaids and mat ro n -rf - ft mv r was responded to by thf t romnsman. The ertaing wa spent iln dancing to the strains of Andy McNaughton's piano music arid, towards midnight, delicious refreshments were served, featured, - SPRAY or BRL'FU Wallpaper Hanging Z. . j ,,'v. ,a w. be - Montreal t,.ai i members are more than delight haired. She could a HARVEY WOODS and j ORIENT SILK PRODUCTS j , NEW SHADES Featuring the New Lace Heel and'Tpe and Black Heel and Toe. 45 to 66 "gauge. size m to 11 " , ed , that . so prominent , a woman ' a. ' THE LATEjT PA INI BURNING MET6JDS society woman if she wanted to, j hould be in their ranks. jof course, by the tasting of the SALE MEII'S SUITS but that doesn't appeal to her. She thinks society life a waste of time and effort. The C.C.F. matu:k 233 11th St. SPENCC and Phone Blue 215 Communism took a beating from most of the delegates. They are grooming her to run for the hxndfme the-tier wedding cake w hich Mr Alex Etorrie.Ntn old friend, assisted the bride- in cutting. Servlteurs were Mrs. E. Quebec Federal constituency of hate Communists much more Tailored by the House of Hobberlin Stadnyk, Mrs. A. Turcotte, Miss i Marie Skalmerud, MiM Mary EXTRA PANTS FREE With Each Suit Ordered! Storrie and Miss Benlta Wlndle. Today the happy couple left by plane for a honeymoon visit to the Dunei. Tlell, Queen Charlotte Hands, after which they will return here to take up rea-idenee at 213 Fourth Avenue Fa"f. The bride travelled in a burgundy gabardine suit with navy blup accessories and cor-sa?e bouquet. EXPERT TAILORS for Men's TOPCOATS PANTS SUITS Guaranteed Fit Highest Quality r t 5 ' s i' 10 OFF ON ALL SLACKS Born ln Prince Ruictt. the bride ha? lived Ui the city all her life and received her education here. The groom came here a fevr years ago from Edmonton with his family and is now ft member of the Post Office itaXI. LING THE TAILOR " 7o aca- 'eo, . iO PHONE 649 6TH ST. ; to be " r ...u.r tr.f " "d Banae wo- be siafi.!..;e astonish- . -J around S ...-asen01;;. vauxnai back on an that , 1 a and ..n uo novi-'" north. " 3 d stroll ari" ...v. s .,;.hl to --v trips . .4,t vj throw IT. tro an eer Bliir- "n U "I -oolW "e and w sie .nd i-"" . ,ir X1K ..r oi -- ::nd . tram- raii' -. oal it oi t 1U". H e hao 1 - o ma ,eeVen roll's trnM- . UBes bj October .ot footed th- 9 turnwl the Ic. cdtera"-- . .heaa. .j noen re thi 6 r91 . tor the banV theVau! t0 ot time "V;.aug.nt on. don etion interse - another eC0Be usea "r car neoessar, ait it " . car8 Jl at . ...rriVnft on - ico. - tlre9 the Pi"u.p- t found tn- ; lBi ,.,.tiin& out toP-. aU9 drm-- r. . ..: nff U fc Three 1,1 ter e i . lk. an r e 0 o - .,hlir Beat3 . m nil Dfivin6 their ;U;ails " r0unrato over to the side s so B' snap l"1..1,. ease V an out tn ith UM "o the ings are all riS'" - -... ttB 27 ttna - ttle ,he foo r be.6aI7 thout v-s -; n the" mh. flicB of t0 buy "l.-.o.d's r-,.rt that " - rtidn' reW. sinco igj fV4i m-M t M. VW:i'.;, J 0 Nothing transforms a room as quickly and at so little expense as a smart Congoleum one-room ft) k MMm GENERAL r (jj) jriemaoasr ' ""w j llP QUOIT Rug! Bright, pretty, easy-to-care-for... it stays lludlUlla beautiful and new looking an amazingly long time! For Congoleum has a wear-layer of heat-toughened paint and baked enamel equal in thickness to 8 coats of the best floor paint applied by hand. And ifs the only enamel surface floor covering whh the famous money-back guarantee. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUI V-430 CONGOLEUM Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs . . . product of Congoleum Canada Limited, Montreal. 2 i 3rd AVE. ' Agents for Congoleum Rugs presentative for Cottgoleum Ru fdon and Anderson Ltd. A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd.