2 Prinrc ttuprrt Daflp r?cUi0 " ., Wedne-dn?, Ortober 19. 10W dows looking across the Gulf Islands to the mountains of the 1 1 EVANGELISTIC DRIVE BEGINS i inainiriMii- j Victoria Report ! Premiers must do a certain I amount of entertaining and this .U'.iiu.uiessages iii song. They were accompanied by Mrs ,s Jentz at. (he pijiui. The meeting was characterized by a feeling of warmth which augured well for the remaiUn-r period of the campa-.pn. Pianist for the congregational singing was Mrs. Cora Edwald I costs money. Premiers do not' A few hows after arriving I get big salaries, considering the from Vancouver by plane, evan-I imoortance of their jobs. The gelist and prison worker Rev. by J. K. Nesbitt gets but $12,000 Ross McPherson fnetl the open Premier of B.C. An Independent daily mspn-f devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupt-rt ana nil communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. (Autfcoriad as Second Clus Mr.ll, Post Otlice Department, Ottawa) Published everv afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert DrIIjt News Ltd . 3rd Avenue. Prince Rui-ert. British Columbia A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. O PERRY. Managing Director. MtMBEB OP CANAMAN PRESS AUDIT Bl'HFAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES W5?S UMJ Carrier. Per eet. 30c: Rr Kionm, 5c: Per Ter. 8 00. ER ib"ktr By Mall. Pr Montb. 60c; Per Year, tfi.oo ae.-'" I New Telephone Scheme ing shot of a 18-dav evanee'lstic j a year. Premiers and cabinet 1 ministers in this province have Big Prospects Near Frution--A Government in Business Mansion for Premier? By j. K. NESBITT VICTORIA Some fruit of big government will soon be ripe. This month the irovernmenr's not had a pay boost in years. They're about the only ones wh haven't had their salaries upped. Those who favor an official campaign in the Regular Baptist Church, on Sixth Avenue Klsl, Monday night. Following an enthusiastic song service led by the new Pastor, Leonard Sharpe, the attentive and representative midience entered into the spirit of the residencs for the Premipr as B.C. Power Commission 1 will nnen Uvn os finn the Lieut.-Governor - v - f. - v. i m. V t W 111 W i.. I I It II I.. "H I Hf as Mr LR'UL.-UU1 V I IIU1 horsepower Ullits at the John Hart rW07rv, ..Juoint out that the hard-pressed "THE CJTY COUNCIL seems to be approaching I the problem of telephone service maintenance . v, and extension in a sound manner in the considera-- tion of the new scheme of embarking' on a gradual program of renovation on a pay-a.-you-go basis. Vr nnn mipcrirm tha rtacivQKilit r-f niAra uo.tA. Campbell River. On -November 2 the lone-talked nf'people ofiBrltf!!l.nev" mble u r, . , ,T. , lam"1 O1! because. in acidition to palaces, Hope-Princeton Highway will open. j ,, and castles for the Roya The Premier and r"ahirr mm- l .... - OVER- I LADIES' RUBBER SlfOES tPith timr. During the taking of the offering, Gordon Hangerud played a piano medley of Oospel son.-i and the Regular Baptist male and mixed quartettes broutmt Re. $4.5 Now o- ?-..) ir amity, iney ui;o inaimum ino isters will go to Campbell River! ivi -General, is going to have alio Downing Street in Londoi and to Hope and Princeton and; residence maintained bv the i and Chequers in the country for .MEN'S LEATHER WIND- T ; V-..V VUVHIUJJU W.V. MV.'ll UUiltV JJ1U1. ujj-tu-f ... . date and adequate service but there are manv thintrs tliey win beam with pride at' the Prime Minister. taxpayers. TX'linf. has hepn an i'rmmltTi..r) C--.1 they should. The government has . P"10131 Premiers must live nothing to he n,ari nf ,i,.. I,n a certain amount of sty BREAKERS All ni7.es. sP'ial $10.00 MEN'S ALL - WOOl LINED CRIISER COATS ecial $11.00 MENS DRESS SHIRTS, from , SEE BE WISE OIR BETTER AT Blt9 these gigantic undertakings are the city needs besides. That was the reason there .. was considerable criticism of the former half a mil-. lion dollar program which has now been quietly discarded. , ;.. Increases in rates and fees are never popular . but it is fair enough that those who desire telephone concerned HONG KONG The 1500-ton British ship Nan Chang radioed Tuesday that she was strafed Monday by I hinee Nationalist plane." Capt. t. W. F.vans reported one casualty among the Asiatic crew. Their homes, to some extent, lecome showplaces. "That's where the Premier lives," says Victorians as they motor their visitors about the city. T. D In two years there will be further cause for beaming 'with pride if all goes well. Lat in 1951 trains should be roarin? ISLAND CITY BIRDERS' SI PP1.IES General Builders' SnppHes and PITTSBI RG PAINTS Pattullo lived in a stone man i MEN'S I NDEKWEAR J f . ' binatiomi, medium weight. sPf,ia S2.25 MEN'S RAINCOATS Good sion on Beach Drive; John Hart, lived in a big place of stucco j nto Prince George over the extended P.G.E. and the John Hart Highway to the Peave River country shoujd be opened to traffic. B.C. is indeed on the wr,Tmrrfy v ,506 McBride St. Blue 820 i mm a .iiirx nnne"wi 1 1 i i ana swne, penma oaK trees, on the brow of Gonzales Hill. Pre-mer Johnson is now building a showplace on the waterfront in service and get the benefit of it should be the ones to pay or it. They can choose if they want tele-. phones and certainly will not have them, foisted upon them if they do not want them as would have been the case if k major project had been embarked upon all at once, thereby imposing an additional --; strain on the general credit of the citv even if m-ilv fi"' $9.00 MEN'S GABARDINE COATS F $20.00 MEN'S COVERT CLOTH TOP COATS Tops in tailoring and " - $32.50 MEN'S ALL-WOOL FISHERMEN'S PANTS Foil liiarch. It s costing lots of money j but, without a financial plunR?! i uplands a long, low home ot brick with huge picture win- now and then, there can be no progress. cut. Now frmn .- o Politicians every so often hav? to change their minds. Take Finance Minister Herbert Ans-comb. He doesn't believe in government in business. He has .uid so on many occasions. He says government, should control an.. X Sti this rut i' Huh n a mo General Electric WITH A CLOCK COMBINATION V MEN'S DRESS AND WORK SOX Now from 3(1 MEN'S SPORT SIlIRTS Now from $3.25 MEN'S W ORK sniRTS MEN regulate, perhaps, but it shouldn't Vrdixx V V '. f . v .'I --5 be business. Yet, here is Mr. Anscomb a member of a govern Now from $2.00 INTERESTED IN RADIO AND -;a , A MEN'S WORK PANTS Now from $2.95 COMMUNICATIONS Y J : i t,V vva., j ment which is in the power business, in direct competition with private enterprise. Not only tflat but he's the man who has MEN'S DRESS PANTS Big . temporarily. . Moderation now appears to be prevailing in , meeting the telephone situation and the new, scheme it would appear, may meet with considerable favor and approval. THE COMMON COLD THE ASSOCIATED PRESS reports a cure for I the common cold with qualifications!. It seems that a Capt. John M. Brewster of the U.S. Navy Medical Corps has put together a combination of ...live antihistamines (that is the drug you take for Allergic sneezing) which he says worked 90 percent ot the time. However, if you're expecting an "ir in Cap-tain Brewster's findings you won't be disappointed-It seems that the new treatment works at 90 percent efficiency only when colds are detected within . : th(? "'St hour. its efficacy diminishes ranidlv for assortment, perfect fittinr. Now from $.).25 . . . Toms itself on for the news, etc. . . . Wakes ynu up in the murning with music. to go east and sell Power Commission bonds. The government BOYS' ALL-WOOL JACKETS i Fancy plaid $6.00 BOYS' LACED RUBBER is also in the liquor business and Mr. Anscomb's treasury reaps huge profits from a business that BOOTS All sizes. Special Pair $2.00 1 BOYS' SCHOOL and DRESS PANTS from S2.W, used to be in private hands. Mr Anscomb doesn't say nowadays as often as he used to that he doesn't believe government should be in business. He realizes such statements confuse the public. BOYS' RAINCOATS Good,., fitting. From Now $ J.25 BOYS' AI.L-WOOI, PLAID JACKETS from $5 73 ' $3.50 Down and $2 a Week i IPS 8 V t'.. . .There is talk in govflrnme.nt' circles here that the Leghia-j ture at it's next session might approve purchase of an official' home for the Pi'emier. This i.uui utiay m taking the new drug. At the mk of being accused of practising medicine without a licence, it seems to use that we know a good many remedies that will knock a cold if taken within an hour after the first sniffles appear (me udmg the old-fashioned idea of a hot bath a hot lemonade and going to bed with plenty of cot- is being done in Ottawa. The Piiaj Minister, as well as the Gover Hi to is an oiibKanilinc; orrn unity lor training and experience in radio and communications. 'Young men joining the Roval Canadian Corps of Signals will receive tin's training in one of die finest st liooKol its kind in Canada. The Corps' offers a wide selection if specialist trades: wireless and teletype operation: radio and radar maintenance and repair woil; line and raldt lavini?: I 4 !U. r W' "A , :Z-' J"": m. 5 0 yO 16 K inat a,moiJt k . nobody bothers about a cold within the first hour of the first signs Medical science has made great strides in treating most of the major maladies which affect man-:kihd, but seems to have considerable to accomplish m curing the common cold, which probably causes FOR Wholesome Flavor -Nntritions Food Value Downright Goodness . . . . IT'S DELICIOUS BREAD Ha ked Fresh Daily . :Z n'110Urs " the course of a year than any inner niness. i i ! t RUPERT BAKERY ITD. switchboard installation and ojicration. All training is carried out with the most advanced equipment and methods. ' This is just one branch of the new Canadian Army Active Force. F.very branch offers an interesting, exciting career . . . present and future security . . . and, pay that compares favourably with civilian rates. Visit your nearest recruiting office now. You are eligible if you are 17 years of age or over and can meet Army requirements. Bring with you certificates of age and education. 19 3rd Ave. Phone 643 PHONE 79 lUallarr flianuary No. II Ptricnn.l Depot. 4th Axmi K Highbury Strwt, Jrkho, VANCOUVEH, B.C. CI4IC Th Canadian Army Skeeiiii Hotel at Terrace 'Formerly Philberti Hans and Charlotte Koch Proprietors TOURIST TRAVELLING S0N6 (Parod, on Cey Jones) Come all you roamers; If you want to hear I will teH you a story Of a brave engineer. Leo Sweeney is the engineer's name, As a tourist bureau agent He won his fame. Leo sells B. C. by the carload lot The pnee received te paid on the spot. Dividends divided, a share to every man The place he to selling is the promised 'land. B- C. the promised land; B. C. the hope of every man; B. C. the tourists come to see, Along with Leo Sweeney, the promotee Leo Sweeney is not a bad guy; Leo Sweeney U do or die. Leo Sweeney won his fame With a B. C. Brand attached to his name. Now tourist pack your luggage, Get on the go. Highway is clear But clouds are hanging low. Hit her out at 50; Make the grade In high; Northern lights shinrng, Cariboo a-low Toot at every crossing, . A Casey Jones shrill. Want to make ftuoert ffrf f,f CANADIAN ARMY ACTIVE mSStjfgWf HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. HURRY! HURRY! WHAT A BUY! WATERMAN'S 'BALL POINTER' No other Ball Point Pen works like a Waterman's SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVENUE HURRY RICH IN FLAVOR- Priced Right Only $1.50 Refill Cartridges 50c each SALE Continuinq For that midnight thrill. MONEY SAVER! They all Complete Stock of PENS U This Week U enjoy B. C. the promised land. B. C. the hope of every man. 8. C. the tourists come to see Along with Leo Sweeney, Che promotee Leo Sweeney is hot a bad guy; Leo Sweeney is a do or die. Leo Sweeney won tors fame With a B. C. Brand attached to his name ' ' . GEORGE B. CASEY. AT. a! from $2.40 to $15.75 Now available at FAMILY SHOE STORE LIMITED at ei THE NEW MARGARENE HAS A NEW WONDERFULLY EASY SPREADING TEXTURE. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR NEW MARGENE TODAY. FOR ECONOMY AND DOWNRIGHT GOODNESS Another Product of Canada Packers Limited EARLY ADVERTISING COPY IS APPRECIATED (Third Ave. Phone 357