JUST AROUND THE CORNER QFF 3RD AVENUE 217 SIXTH STREET .(Behind Wallace Drug) " Prince Rupert's Value Center For Men's And Boys' Wear The Hiijiorl's Men's And Hoys' Store '"P.T.A. Enjoys : Fine Program Uusiiwvs Also at King ICihvurd Srsslun Last Night 5 Vocal solos by Mrs. F. E. An-a field and Leonard Sykes, and ' Scottish folk dancing conducted by the -Thistle Club" were high- liKhUs of an enjoyable meeting of itlic King Edward School Parcnt-Ji Teacher Association held In the B school music room 011 Tuesday evening. ) The president, Mis. R. E. Mor- timer, was In the chair and, des- plte the inclement weather, there Biwns a good attendance of some B 70 persons. Considerable business was i transacted. Mrs. J. Bowman was elected vice-president of the or- ! ganizatioii. B I The King Edward School P-T A. Bl unanimou.sly endorsed a resolu- I tion of the Prince Rupert Teuch- crs' Association that teachers be J I given the right to hold municipal J! office. Principal R. Q. Moore B 1 spoke to the motion. ! Mr. Moore Introduced Dr. Dun- can Black, Director of the Prince Rupert Health Unit, who in tunl j Introduced Mrs. Black to the ; members. ' C. H. In.sulandcr pointed out the need for another dentist in ' Prince Rupert so that school J children might be accomodated B j A motion was passed along this B j line. I Membership convener Mrs. W jW. Howes reported a membersliip of 175 to date. Bj Mrs. P. Mark gave an inter-m jesting account of the founding of jthc Parent-Teacher Association first In the United States, then. in British Columbia and in Can- ada. ThePrince Rupert organ-B Izatlon was formed on Februa'v B 13, 1924. and In 1945 was divided j MEN'S All-Ycor-Round TOPCOATS .tt ;iuh p NO. 1 Ri $27-$31 Cf QQ l i u i V.-c Sizes 36 -S3 VM.UU WW Way Less Than Factory Price. Assorted Styles MEN'S GABARDINE TROUSERS Sizes 30 Through 38 Good Color Selection S4i)i Regular Values to $10 ' $17 - $21 MEN'S RAINCOATS 39.99 All best branded lines. Select from Croydon and Guarantee Garment. Sizes 33 - 40 - 42 - 44 And 46. MEN'S CUSHION SOLE SOLID COLOR SOCKS 49c All sizes. 9 Through Size 1 1. Colors Wine, Blue, Brown Stock up at this low price MEN'S SATIN ZIPPER WINDBREAKERS $6.99 Regular Price $11. Choice of Colors. Smart Styles Sizes 36 Thro Size 44 PROOF YOU CAN SAVE MONEY! MEN'S QUALITY DRESS GLOVES 1 GROUP NO. 2 Reg. $42-$45 $21.99 Sues 3G - 42 Finest Quality Foremost Values MEN'S FELT HATS $2.99 Regular $6.50. Vi Overstock of Selected Colors. All branded Lines. Sizes S2r ' 6Y4 thro 7Ve - 5; ,mmmmm READ BELOW m m m m m m m m m Genuine Deerskin, African Cape, And Leather 99c $5 $1.49 Pri prince Rupert Dq,l ' v, Thursday, KcbrUarv , T0DAY 7" IS FOipl 4 w ZzST T" s I C I M E D F 0 0 It! FEB.I!.)5 IF? wivr Mitchell & Curri: Builders and Controctcrs FINE PRINTING IliJiyi FUE. SM , FUR COATS clcqring at Hiclo"-in year'. SPECIALS Coney Coats Electric Seal Persian Lamb (sides) Muskrat Flank Everv Cnnt Gin ranted imnm & i Li mi lid ' $2.50 - r Both Black and Browns. ' Sizes 7 to 9V2 mmrj I T wutu CHOOSING Tl 1 .V iVV-lfe U HERE'S 1c lien's Shoes These shoes are taken from regular slock. Tiny are priced from $G to $3.50 Choose any 2 pair Pay the highest price; or, if both are the same, just the one price. The second pair costs you omy lc' Sizes 6 Through Size 1 1 . Chose Either Black or Brown. into Individual school groups. ! Mrs. F .E. Anfield, accompan- icd at the piano by Mrs. G. D. J Mead, sang two delightful num-m bers: "Lassie 0' Mine" and B ! "Spring Song.- Mrs. Anfield ao ajcompanied Mr. Sykes whose sel- ecllons, "The Hills of Home" and ' : "The White Dove," were bcuuti- i fully rendered. Both singers rc-B ccived hearty applause from afi B enthusiastic audience. The meeting was then turned j over to the "Thistle Club" who, : with their president, W. O. Mur- ray, were the special guests of ! the evening. Scottish folk danc-B ' t ' lK. old and new, was much en- , joyed. a Delicious refreshments with n Scottish flavour were sei veu ' under the caoablc direction 01 Mrs. B. Roald. ; whisky s .-is VICKERS' It DISTIUID IN CANADA and n MtimuTio irCnlvfrl Tl'is ilMrilisrm'nt is not uili .lir. or iliv EUyt'l by llie I.iMuor C imlrnl Ikuicl of j tlie Guetiimcnt of Uciiisli Culumliij. . Fishermen ! WHEN IN PRINCE RUPERT TELL YOUR TROUBLES TO THOM THE SHOP THAT' UNDERSTANDS MARINE SHEET METAL CALL BLACK 884 m u THOM SHEET METAL LTD. m m m ' . M niijicttb 25c lb. . J SALE NOW ON. Af THESE Low Prices Cash Only -No Exchanges DONT MIS S These Boys Wear Bargains! mm A -.V . . M all i $18 -$20 YOUTHS 0 OO $2.50 SWEAT SHIRTS , SPORTCOATS Sizes 32-37 V7 King Ed - Borden S14Q Conrad Bo-Me-Hi ' . " ' $2 BOYS DRESS TI 1 4 n ' sh.rts-as ,4,8 $1.19 IS,-4,0SNOW-- S4 49 Sizes 1 -2-3 -4-5 BOYS' EVERYDAY m r " iSHIRTS-Ages WQ $11 BOYS COAT 6-8-10 S6.49 . SETS Ages 4-5-6-7 $20 7m -$27 BOYS ?A 3A 9'49 ' OVERCOATS-Ages ,4-,5 53.49 SUITS Ages 1-2-3 V t 111 I F tf BUY Prince Rupert's All Year NOW FOR NEXT YEAR AT Around Value Center For THESE LOW PRICES Men's And Boys' Wear Locker Plant 1.V....1 in t.u.V. ... ... tit i .. . . ...t'. ......... X: "'" ly h"'-''i,u cusUmi Ts thiH snrlnir ri .1 iif tlu' Sit? Join these hHppy ppop e rent a l'"ch locker, save tl - !', bv me moni m"n,y v Ull(i u,,ri v 1 the quarter from the Looker Plant. ' mm Rupert Freezing Company I8RS8BI 230 2nrl A u.tnn.