Prince Ruperi Daily News a GEM . Raj Reflects and Reminisce Heaiing Perforce Art !r.tf5dT.t LiZi zTytfjz Grtvj& 'ji th vdCir-i & Frtrwp Ru;rr. r.-'jratfn vtrrzii Briii Cordis- i&tmisr of Cara-har. Aa-ir. Brr-is c CrCaii-jr-i Caratiij I7 ?"rrrpper Ass-.r.ii'ace O. A. KVSm.. Vjki&t.t t:vx. E. O. FEE2T. '-'rt Djwvjf EVBSCHXPTICS eatts K ;V ;) 1 It Th late Gor?e Bmard Bhaw w Jooed on cy fciinwJ ar.-i poss.z':r cfers m the grea:u cra2.atit iince Wthaja Sh&kt-peat. Ke ijo made a tonus of not than a miilion dolla: v Iaricenta"y. he iu a Tt-geti--ia.i. Mr. S.'.a certarjy kr.ew Jus FAVCETT TORRID-OIL HU By Ca.rttr. Per VTfc 2V ; Per ICucti. TX.-, P SEVTENi tt HCSE Kd.:or, Da.;y Neva: It is ri w.ta any ho of ee-ii a-i answer to print that th.i itt:er is w-ntten bat I woul Lie to pcmt c Jt a few facts of which cn are, apparent:?, ur.amare. The n type of worker a ill have to be steady to anten' trm'J to a cotn.T. unity of this 'rt- But don't be loo opUm-jiic about the percentage of trS; Rj Ia., Pr U.-x.'Ji Pir Tti.-, ti-Jw i By ELMORE PHILPOTT STILL MORE O.N IJOIi Editor, Da..y t5 By c;as.fy:.'. al. n4.ruc.:oa worc:s aa " Px .e' arid by ia-:ereiice "unoraT, the et.uirii n Sa;j:da' iue cf yjur pae. ks a great ir.; re to r--te a large nautoer cl lie e.--'.icyea here at Waiasa L.a. While no cne any reason t-c:d tondvce the at ora in iittClx of thjs fso have b.btd T.vt wt-sely bit txi t..." IN the Islands A READER ; Quen Charlotte United States Election HEAT When end Where Yoa Want Ir! Ottawa c;..r.ion it there is r.c.iiir.g u ir.oicaie the post-nj of guards there, because of a re;iit err.t in Wa&hir.gtorv. Ti r.-gry paws craftsmen at the th artjcie cmtxu'j the everyoaw ceuuiase pi&nt waea it stans pro-' ror c: ger.e:a.,i-g. ti cn- haa never been reckoned cecei- thanks me for the articles on Bob Edward of the ; f arnous Calgary Ey .? Opener. He throws light 0 the -ao ca.xp for the tary, and, despit tiie ace .joa cf BttOi faa.i. ' the j Se Tkem Jodnj McRAE BROl c ation, xnis type wili be a&out , i2 percent. The balance will b; ' sn the low brackets who. through exploita Jon of Use American cartels, wili never oe abe to cope ith the pernjhxia pracuoa of rT.a-n business people in what I presume you would term your fair city Yes. the boom Is nearly over and I venture to say the harden hit a ill be the beer parlor vr-ator. taxi drivers. bootieitBrs SITED STATES is still De-rat:c. The off-year U elections yeterriay confirmed the party in control of Seriate arid House of Representatives. The a'Jrf.inL-tration i. however, doubtful of Ktrenth uffhk-r.t to facilitate its orderly ar.d planni functioning and the carrying on of the bu.-sirie.--; in hand ornethinjf important at this critical time in the affairs of the svorM when there are grave problem." that rnu.-t I handled without tein hara-ed by a political dilemma at home. uiv.tleJ world cond::;oru today, it is. indeed, ooaotful if such a course would be apprcrre i. In Canada a pubiic fig are may r.ot be wfcole-heartediy adinired by everybody, but somehow no one ever gur to the length of taking a ibot. Chan3 are, sucn an act is never thought of. 's o! vr.e -rrei,"0:-2.- ac-tlon. -lift eonderr.Mtion from depths of an easy chair j , no great mental feat but to liter-ally ilve with the job in an hoisted place with maybe 600 ms's or more between oneself and home eorr.!orts requires a li:t'e nore tr.ntal as ej p.",js..-u tiin. in add.taoi! thf l: jfc.-:'-- l can poa timely xtat tfcit HJtt' rai riiSi.- " Rob-:t Cham ben Edward, Edaartti a a e rtat grand.. 'or f rai- r-at. I j'jrgrt fcK:h of Rooert Cham-f r of Cha.itotr J vernal, on r.ii natti Kd. Of day n-n e re UiJi. t lii iti'.iL &jb art's (-4 me i f how to occupy one s spare and the aemi-profesional fem'e An oid-U.-ner is also one who can recall m hen all of the ha.r C2tt:r.3 irx.t a, heme ty fat-her. I The outcome of the election in United States it. said there aa a notation at the Semi-Drew font All sizes fnru i'yu Now Sarin Covered Comforter . . j the K bed. r4ow Pillovs To match the comfjrfn SOc heat of w hih Ur a illa;e cf size, you have more than jour quota r';r capita. I mould like to put your mini at rest as to one thing I am not a communist of fellow travel". Knowing how much you. as a r.ewpapermsn, mast chamoi.n free speech, I thought you wouIJ not mind bctr.g on the receiving .fnd for once. Or do you? G FORGE E?SH. Columbia Cellulose. w'ill be di.-turbin to Canada which had looked for continuance of exi.-tinpr relations without change. It had been thought that the tenure of President Truman for the remainder of his term would be .-cured no that he. would 1 re-elected as the chief executive when the presidential contest rolls around two years hence. uxr.e aunng tne winter ev-rungs and at weekends is a ma;n.-one for most of ui And don ? aaggest read..-ig a I would SiJt-trd a guess that the sale of bok and papers has shown a maritei increase since the bu;ki;n of tils plant commenced. Eat persistent reading of the lurid type of novel found in the-se pans and even the er.h"V.-' co!u.Tirii cf the ""Prince Ra-prt Daiiy News" gets boresorr.e. Hence, the "letting off steam." The furtht-r Inference mat we do not belong to the "n?w tvrn? of worker" class you are hoping tyV.V.m of trie p-ue atMjl the Edwards famiiy of which he as Healifa authorities Li Toronto the .son " are checkiTig restaurint ; Mr. J. P. Dover tayi he is not and hotel ftcjd handlers, to s ! wnur.g to get fau rame in print, that tne premises and servk-s ibat I J are he forgive m. as . remain above reproach. They he q -j;te riehtiy says it's only fair may go a bit further and see if V correct the jrr.pre .ssion that it's pisibie to make a few dis-iBob used an aAarr.ed name. ! coveries in private dwellings. For oOo it musi be admitted that in some A HEADER PPXTTESTS with case there act jally U no place 'the aid of a witty cartoon ttjhfce home. I my frequent ' iwe of Icti i "Angio-Saxon." and wants me Ui A cornerstone in the cultural selection, from t0 3 ue "Ar.glo-Ceitic" Instead. life of any community is a good "(j welcome is arousing il not rld- ; We!!. 1 will if I remember, but art gallery. Humble though tne w-nimn It'll and effort that eo-s 'nto the building of a modem pulp mUl. He rcipht also Hnd it enliirM-enin? to viit his local Chamber of Commerce and ascertain whe-'her or not the shookeerers of this hustling metrtoolis have benefited bv increased sales since j persor.aily can't - what differ- beginnings of an art gallery nav jMt now much more highly 'eiice make. The of It should with the it sinrent be. grow skilled are these supermen than 'the human family we call "An- people. So comments a newspaper ne eiscirfcrian. machinl?ta. ca'-' glo-Saxon" is not much more exchange. The point is well centers, millwright, etc.. hj i truly Ar.gio-Celtic. , taken. Already, the exhibits sen 7re making It possible for these WAS COLOKHX PIONEER THE pioneers v.ho.-e ranks are diminishing, TO particularly in such a long vintage as deceased, iZiinee Ilupert will not w.-ern the same Without Mrs. HJermie Ritchie who numbered 42 years as her term H5f residence. Her death yesterday afternoon under SfreumrftancfcH of such a tragic nature was a shock indeed. Mrs. Ritchie was one of those wonderful old ladies on whose disposition and happy personality '. the ye-irs nass-d lightly. She had known the vicis- j Ccir.e to thlrik of it, how many in rnnce Kupen may oe sa:a Englishmen are defendants of to mark the commencement. ,th Angles? t CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT COURT OF REVISION heralded champions in virtue to the town suffered th Influx of make a living. these reckles itinerants." ' I would fcu??est the writer "ITINERANT" takes a trip to -s r amount 0. E Birchenall). RE MUNICIPAL VOTERS' 11 Has ar,ybjdy got a copy of Defoe's poem "God's Englishman?" Pleajse send It aiori. It was written when Englishmen were strenuously opposed to tae union ith ficotlarid on the ground that the The Calgary Aibertan, which ud to cost five cents, is now ten. WtU. see what the makers of newsprint have been doing. And somelime, following an ex ample is about the only thing left to do. i Notice is hereby given thct 0 Cc . 8;ou were an inferior lot. Ve '. situdeii of life and the ups and downs of pioneering vut tt mowea waat a mix- 'in the mining camps of southern British Columbia Senator Hunt at Wyoming, utio f haa been on an Inspection trip to Alaaka, &ay there is no im- J MOST RESPECTED lfy . unA th'-n n I'rinwj tuoert. navmc arnvei nere wiui a friend in Alberta writes: "I oon't Revision to correct ond revise the Mu Voters' List will be held in the Council 0 City Hall, Prince Rupert, B.C., on Wedr November 15th, 1950, ot 10 00AM. H. D. THAIN, City Clerk. ; h-r husband in the tent-town days. 'I ct two or three of tie umn jyou hav.e turned out lately." i Cheer uj lady, they ofte- ing defences In the north. Bat he can't say that much fof housing. He suggests that In soma countries, the dwellings wouIJ not be used for "hog hoxses." It may not be that bad in norm-em B C. but there must be a few who know something about 1949 Special Deluxe Plymouth 1700.00 1941 4-Door Plymouth 900.00 One Maple Leaf Truck Motor $225 Guod condition, complete with 4-peed transmUion, radiator, battery) PHONE 566 ' RUPERT MOTORS LTD. She lived to be a part of Prince Rupert and, '. even as an elderly widow which she became many . years ago, chose, unlike many of the pioneers, to ' continue residence in this city among her old friends whom .he could greet every day. She was one of the cityV most colorful person- being in "dog houses" PHOK PHONE 79 79 LONG SEABOARD has an Atlantic ;oastl!n of miles. 4alitie over many years a figure who would he (recalled in any recounting of the community's paln me Uk. "You ap'iear to be in sympatv the AmericariS, ltorn I tw lieve to be the afreixs n " This gwd frf-nd d'.es not, don bat tiie North Korean" a'ta-'?r'! the south but reaves that Mac- Arthur's men "ba'ted trie rort". into attacking te south, promts- ; ing Uic north an ea.iy viclo.y i o S I HAVE PREVIOUSLY hcj-- the far-fetched theory that U: ', war in Korea was an extreme!;, clever UB.-M.-t fcby trap f ; j Communism. Kn I formerly rear j : It, this attack played right into tl; hands of the war-pr.tpara history. KCftlPTI'KK PAHSAOK Hilt TODAY DON'T COOK AWAY YOUR YOUTH! "Hies Ut Lord, O rny oul, and fowl not all His benefit." Psalm 103:1. f liarmary HOURS Hun group In the UJ3.A. as otht'- i Wie they would never have been '. ahl to get the people to pour ; A clock controlled electric range is cool... clean I . 1 USE YOUR CREDIT - DON'T ABUSE IT If you py your bill promptly, any merchant or professional nan, arywti-re, will cheerlully day "O.K." when you say 'cham It " CREDIT BUREAU OF PRINCE RUPERT out th uecesrary billions lr armies and armaments Frankly. I don't think Unck-Sam h elthftr that cunning or that diabolical. Granted that there are extremely powerful warmongering groups in th? U f. who want war I'RFPARATIONS in order to raV. In more niillion-i W.ekdoys 9o.w.!o?pX exact:.. automatic. easy -a Sundoys 12 Noon to 2 1 7 p.m. to 9 p i 1 For BUDGET MINDED a a a m abb ft a m in profits, I doubt Unit thwo 1 anyone, especially in Wall Street Furs SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENl who U reallv conaplrini: w brin' on World War 3. If the'e arc any such maniacs they might well ponder the word of vhd'jin rwnUy uttered by dictator Franco of Bpan. Ye', Franc), of el! noolei ThR Nev York Times renor'ed him as say w I' AY av.s jr Eoty Poymcnl Plon ir Lay Away k Coh ing that even if the western tlons win niicli a v;ar there wi-iH 'probably be a world-wlr'.' non-! RuHslun-led) communist revolu 9: 1 m4mHm,m mmh m SERVING THE B.C. COAST BILL 8CUBY FURS tion "on the morrow of victory. Franco 1 Kmart enough to nee that even a rnllltarv defeat cf Pnirv'n w""ld not dlx'olve. hi''' magnify, the my:i cris's 'b' rrtdiued the RuKilan revolution Phone !74 Prince Rupert liox 13(12 QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS FROM rRlN E Rl'PERT TO; M ASSET PORT CLEMENTS t,t 11)17 iind th. even more M-ta'-lc. one now In progress in Asia. "' ' " KMOWn CUMSHEWA I.&AVE: PRINCE RUPERT and TM Sunday ' 'Except Thursday from mwcE Mvmr TO: ALICE ARM HOPITAl WORKERS VANCOUVER 'P Nei?otlatlons Tor Increaces for about 1500 workers will be opened soon between Hospital Employees' Federal Union and the Vancouver General Hospital for a 44-hour week and wane increases. Union chief William Black said yesterday that the employees do not "Intend to be caunlH n any S(uce.c plan" between hospital administrators and the British Columbia Hospital Insurance Service. 11 1 u i FROM You wt tfie cliH'k . . . and forget it . . . Yon ran go about your oilier housework ... go shopping ... or. visiting . . . The nicul will he cooked perfectly ... u the dot . . . by the clock ... It gives you time to live.. ami stay young . . . am attractive . s Come into our store today and let us show yon you how H this and lots nior. it possible "" . ' , fitli an electric range. STEWART vq ....... . LEAVE: PRINCE RUPERT THURSDAYS , .tnTrvAVO LEAVE: STEWAKT tfttiuni GEORGE COOK JEWELLER Assure you of Quality t TICKETS - INFORMATION " Value and Beauty. PHONE QUEEN CHARLOTTE Al KiMos & Christ iiuimraTC row m.-m- ail 125 Air rreiy WICKS (Vow... to relieve rl ia:t nttttt uii I hi ki it IleuuUful 3 Diamond KnituKcinenk King douing, rub on... V VAPORUB