3tlnn Unpen Dnilp rectos ttB. Thursday, February 20, 1948 -v, ... Red Cross lp The : STEWART NEWS httosl from Portland Canal Mining Csnlrc TWENTY BELOW ZERO RECORDED; CANADIAN LEGION W.A. FORMED Classified Advertising - Classified: 2c nor wnrd per Insertion, minimum chawi fine, nirtri Notice, 60c; Cards of Thanks. Death Notices. Funeral Notices, Marriage and Encayement Announcements. i. , gap Aun9 rur. ttst FOR SALE FOR RENT 4-room house on 2 FOR SALE Houne, near Booth 9? lots; garden. Apply 1040 10th East. i 53 1 The thprmomeUT droppl to 20 dPRn-ps bWow zero lust week but the weather has now moderated and turned to snow, bringing the road crews into action with the rotary Know plow. School on 5th Avenue. 4 rooms and bath. Prince Rupert Realty Co. Phone Green 917. Uft clubrooms on Saturday. Mrs. J. IN. Hueston was the winner of . the ladles' first prize and Mrs. O. Rothnle, the consolation. H. C. Bennett won the men's first J prize and Lou Behnsen, won j the coiiH.ohttion prize. r-: ? J I FOR RENT Warm, comfortable sleeping room, reasonable. Apply 80G Fraser Street. (601 M 5 FOR 8ALE81mplex Engine Hi to 31 H P. air cooled; 30 to i ' "1 -I ,f the an- HOUSEKEEPING KEEPING rum i.1- 1,1 185 HP. Marine Straight ol Reduction Drive; also Stationary-Industrial. Northern , B.C. Agents. BYTOWN MACHIN3 WORK8. tl Grease s I FOR RENT Sewing machines, j portable electrics. $5.00 peri i month. Includes prompt de-l livery and return. Singer j Sewlns Machine Co. Phone HINT i fy? , t mis on russ can be. 'v ,f'V's,V rubbing well wiUi ! V.li allovinR to stand ! y'vj'ir. Wn herb. Mill popu- 2,, I..,-.-- removed by t baking soda i, dre ips and ' r:isily ilv fn r,m from ! overnight and vacuuming 1 m the inornlnt',. j ,54, FOR SALE 1939 International ! .. . 1 Panel Truck. Can be seen ai FOR RENT 2 rooms furnished. ; 1418 Pigott Avenue, after 5 330 9th Ave. W. (53) p.m. a50i FOR REN1 Housekeeping ! for SALTenders"will be re- Wives and relatives of members of Stewart branch, Canadian Legion, met In the branch clubrooms to discuss the formation or a branch of the Women's Auj:iliary. Mrs. H. F. Lewis was elected chairman of the meeting and Mrs. Gordon Roth-nie, secretary. A resolution call-ins for the formation of a women's auxiliary was pam-d unanimously. Application is beiiif,' made to the Provincial command Tor a charter. The Stewart branch of the Canadian" Legion held a very successful whist drive in the Last Thursday night the ritu-jal committee of the Women of I the Moose held a chapter night ; program. Ollif Risen, chairman ' of the committee, was honored with a class initiation. There was an excellent turn-out. Mrs. ! John McLeod carried away the honors in the evening's enter- tainment with a score of 72. Mary Dickson was winner in the 'irawinn: of the special gift Fol-, ljwing the entertainment refreshments were served with ( Muriel McKay and Dorothy Maksymuik presiding over their birthday cakes. Business and Fwfessiona room In private home. Close to I i rr fn" , town. 720 6th Ave. West. Blue I 325. itr! STEPHEN ETMCKSON PIANO TECHNICIAN TUNING AND REPAIRS Black 105 411 West 7th Ave FOR REN 1 i-room furnished Ruite and furniture for sale. Dybhavn Si Hanson, 315 3rd Avenue. (49) ! OLYMPIC QUEEN AND HER CLOSEST RIVALS - EiRhteon- .V.-ar oi'l H.:H)ar.i Ann Scott, winner of the Olympic women's fig-! in,- .skatmu medul at St. Moritz, Switzerland, stands above, j fiuiiki-ti hy her tw.i closest rivals. Left to riuht, Altweg, of Great i hnliuii; Scott ol Canada, and Pavlik of Austria. Barbara Ann, Wh:i liliuh! have followed ill the slcps of Sonja Ilcnie, has niort-cdlv rel'u.ved tu I urn professional. FOR RENT Semi-furnished 2-room suit". 1235 Park Ave. (50) ceived by the undersigned up to noon of Wednesday, March 10th, for the purchase of the hereunder described motor ve.sscl, which may be viewed at McLean's Shipyard, Seal Cavs. Name, "Trepur"; length, 28 feet; breadth, 7 feet; depth, 3 feet; typ;, Troller; 3 tons; 6 h.p. Easthops gas engine. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms; strictly cash. Gordon F. Forbes, Official Administrator, Administrator of the Estate of Carl Andrew, Norlandsr, Court House, Prince Rupert, B.C. (57) FOR SALE Porcelain topped table $G.()0. Modern 4 poster double beet with coil spring and mattress, $25.00. 101 7th Ave. E. (48 Overwaitea Ltd. JOHN MOSTAD CAUFENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 7S2 I STOIilA'S pn DKLIVKIiV 1 Tmi)l Service I ... Fr r'l-' - F.xpres-ji'.ii :!:.: Hix'.h Si I ;,: Ciii.i ( ii '-eii 882 - - jil & KI, KINS LTD. :Tbi:n and IlfutlriR i Em:in''',r:i i f-i ') Hx 271 I p..,. CHENEY I ;,i:'.t:: t fK 5 SMITH HI.OPK PO Jinx 1401 FOR RENT Suite, furnished, nice, clean and warm, also housekeeping room. 1142 Park Ave., Green 224. (48) FOR RENT One large sleeping JERSEY JOE GETS BELT THE MUW 1 B.C. firm I We Deliver Phone 843 the Twentieth Century Sporting Club is slated to be made at tho presentation of the Polic Gaz-jrtU's "heavyweight championship belt" to ersey Joe in a pub- room. 801 Borden St. (5H Prices Effective Feb. 27 tc Mar. 3 Inch PERSONAL I'RINCE RCPERT liOTTLK COLLECTOR and MESSENCER PHONE GREEN 'J5.- Ceturn Itmit With Joe Louis j lie ceifinmiy at Convention Hall. Expected to e Announced j ASHCROFT POTATOES N'i. 3 (inule. Per 1(10 lb. sack ionium j HEAVY FIRE TOLL CAR OWNERS Public Liability and Properly Damage Insurance at reasonable rates. Call S3-89 Fire losses in the United CAfc.'DEN. N.'w Jer.-.ev (r . To Agent for Pacific Bottle B.C. Ltd I ARMSTRONG AGENCIES, 342. FOR SALE Large two-wick oil (49) . burner range. Phone Green the surprise of r.obotly. a return otates attributed to mrlamm-matrh Lout b -tween Heavy- able wooutn roors exceed $16, wel:;ht ChamiJion Joe Louis and 000.000 annually. Jersey Jor- Wulcott, who almost I dethroned the champ a few 270, 1022 2nd. West after 6 p.m. (51) iRGK L. RORIE WANTED WANTED TO RENT Four or five rooms, unfurnished or partly furnished house, centrally located. Phone Red 633. FOR SALE Fresh eggs at 308 7th Ave. West. (70) SHOESTRING CARROTS 9 OCe Avlnier Choice, 20-oi. 'TINS "tv WHOLE GREEN BEANS O AZc Avlnier Choice. Size 3 TINS PEAS O 7C Lynn Valley 5's l TINS SARDINES O 4 Qp P.runswiik d TINS Bwint.mt. Auditor, etc. we:ks at;o. will probably be of-' ficially announced tonight. 1 Announcement that Witlcotl' has agreerl to t:'rms set down by Ashes of wood, soft coal and hard coal are all valuable to loosen heavy clay soil, but It is best to let soft coal ashes weather for a season, to get rid of toxic substances. Tax Returns Compiled. B'.vk Phcne 387 AGENTS WANTED TIIOM SHEET METAL LTD. ' ERIC SPEERS. M:;r. Klfil Overlook Specializing In Marine and General Sheet Metal Work Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tanks Sticks Furnaces Gutter Work. 253 East First Avenue Phone Black 884 SALESMAN to sell guaranteed electrical products direct to JlAN'DYMAN ME SERVICE 69c 15c SYRUP Karn 5 lb. tin PUMPKIN Aylmer Fancy 2'-'s, per tin consumer; offices, factories, schools, retail stores. Experience not necessary if agres- Sentence was reserved for a week in city police court this morning in the case of Charles Lakey, Hi. recent arrival from Alberta, charged with vagrancy. Lakey was taken into custody r.U CONTRACTORS FOR SALE New and used furniture, hardware and office furniture, etc. Used McClary Electric Range, $2i; Vacuum Cleaner, electric, $7.50; Din-' ing Room Table, $6.50; 5-piece Kitchen Set, $12.50; Eiderdown Sleeping Bag. $22.50; Slightly Used Radios, Rifles; ' New Gurney Ranges, complete , with water jackets; Trunks; i Suitcases; Linoleum Squares. j All kinds of other useful ar- I tides at very low prices. j B.C. FURNITURE CO., Black 324. dt, olds $9h oy t-onsiaoie jacK wnue wea- To relieve ml-wie f i:t Repairs of all kinds. VICKS A B O f 'J C 1 1 Canaiian Beauty 49c ncsday nilit. witliout dosing. r'ibon 5 .lb. Ban .. sive. 20 commission. Exclu sive territory, with repeat business credited. Give complete details and phone number to Box 317 Daily News. (50) MAGIC PICTURE BOOK FOR ,i .!r.:.e? and Oil Burners I : I PHnNi-s- 43" - Red 894 DONT DELAY - PHONE TODAV .PIJX'S MESSENGER SERVICE Phone Green 955 Day and Night Service CHILDREN brings characters C,TE, Z ; : 7"- roR SALE Loxstave buildings ..n.: i ii K)H TIIK WKT MARCH WEATHER AHEAD Gel yourself one of our English Gabardine RAINCOATS tu tcaiiotii. Miwitsu, Bella Ull -'i'l'KRIOR i'X'CRATOKS sight. Livewire agent-salesmen j required. Exclusive territory. Send $1.50 for sample and de-' tails. Ralph H. WiUon & Co.,' at bargain prices. 2x3s, soil pipe, galvanized pipe and fjt- tings, barbed wire. Yours for asking. Apply Army Camp, 11th Ave., or Phone Red 912. (48) MAZOLA OIL Per 1 1)1. Tin MACARONI Franco American Hi or.. MALTA BELLA A Creamy Malted Breakfast Food, per l'a KADOTA TROPIC FIGS For a Brcakfajd Treat, 2' per tin VARIETY CEREAL Kellogss, per M Hedlund's Meat Spreads Fcr Si lionl Lunches w m 55c 2T1NS25C 28c ib. pki. 50c 33c 2 ,iv. 23 p. :: PAPERIUNGINO 10115 99th St., Edmonton,' VKH T.l) AT ONLY $27.50 Alta. (50) B::i" !52 or Black 245 Vns n,;i Thornton HELEN'S VV.V-V1 If It's Rock Work CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and ynursell fully Insured while I do the work FOR BALE Notice! Loggers or restaurant operators, one two LOST AND rti-TND LOST Black plastic purse with ' oven army range. Good condi- l AUTY SHOP DRY GOOHS AND MEN'S WEAK DEPARTMENT Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association . hand-made wallet inside. tion- APPy Kaien Industries. Finder please phone Red 232. J (53) ( 301 ! FOR SALE "oo" acres bottom I , t I A jprmarient Waving I nity Culture in it" branches. If lift Phone 1555 OVERWAITEA BEST TEA 1 W ATERFRONT FOUND String of pearls near Inlander. Owner may have the same by paying for this add at the Daily News. (tf) It' Blended It's Splendid Prr Pound $1. land, fenced. New buildings. Ideal location for chickens, guinea fowl or mink. 5 minutes walk to school, 3 stores, sawmill and garage. Good highway. L. L. Rowe, Kitwan-ga. B.C. (48i 1 LOST Pair of slippers, near 6th Ave. West. Fr:;Qer please re GASOLINE JONES NEWS STAND We handle Eastern and Western Tapers. NANAIMO FREE PRESS NOW AVAILABLE ixth Street Red 808 6,s29c TURNIPS No. 1 Interior 0F MnVIHNNEY Minting and '.k hanging V1 Wack 489 turn to Dailv News. 4f 1 - - - ' AVAILABLE AT . . . (FOR SALE 1935 Ford sedan, OST On Saturday, glasses In! with radio; four good tire. CALIFORNIA CABBAGE 9 4 7c 1 irm (ireen Heads I. IIS. brown leather case. Green 99G. ' Good mechanical shape. Apply (48) 1336 Overlook Street. LINDSAY MOTORS LTD. 32 ROOM AND UOARD the Fisheries Industry !ls (P R.) Ltd. f l-ahelllne, Wrlehlnr Ql'AI.ITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels mid Worn Soles. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Uox 771 Second Ave 8 A.M. TO P.M. WEEK DAYS 1(1 A.M. TO 9 P.M. Sl'NDAY FOR SALE One 4 H.P.S.-N.M S. Rns engine Clutch shaft, plus drum. Circular saw, wood lathe. 343 7th Ave. West. .49) f 1 P80 BM'E 980 ROOM AND BOARD-$43 each double; $48 single. Sleeping rooms for rent. Table meals Mrs. Lawley, 822 Fraser Street (tf) WORK WANTED UP ir nit Ii) l It PARADE MACIUNEK1 FOR TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery vfLDDLE-aged woman will look after children evenings. Phone Green 583. (tf) METAL WORK company Limited, Vancouver, (tf) PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Furnaces, tanks, eavestroughing and stack work. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) You'll walk with beauty and step Willi freedom in a flared, loose-cut. ann-eay Shorlie Coal. If you want that cuddled feeling, .slip into one of our Shorlie ."Cocoons''; they are as new lis tomorrow. Ballerina Suits make hits wherever they go but their pace Is matched by the longer jacket, styles in fine gabardines and lovely imported materials. ' By Chtc Younc -'C" fl (VIE FOP r l 'f , - MOW M.XPPV ). .. ' JE OTHCI5 ) 'li. , K FQOT K J -7. J THAT'S ALL -J Fi 'L 1 (7 -4. a t DEAR COTTAGE CHEESE Vew Creamed Fresh Made! VALENTIN DAIRY 1 Your Dally , I ALL-WEATHER SERVICt Sweet Sixteen's Personalized BUDGET PLAN will enable you to purchase your Spring Ensemble now at no added cost. NO INTEREST NO CARRYING CHARGES Two sailings per week for YANCOl'VF.R VICTORIA KfcATTLE Tuesday. 1:30 p.m., Coquitlam Fridays, 12 midnight, Cardena STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, ! 12 midnight OI'EEN CHARLOTTES FOR MAHSFTT AND PORT ' " CLEMENTS February 6 and 20 FOR SOl'TH ISLANDS February 8 and 22 LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street FRANK J. RKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 5G8