Duiiv icW3 f.ter "fl'S i Sit 1 - ,v REMEMBER WHEN ; By The Canadian Prea Australia's tennis forces climaxed a thrilling comeback by d"ieating United States' Davis Cuppers in closing singles con-lects to !n the famed trophy three matches to two 14 years ago today. Atter the match the LAT BOWLft; Meetlnn of the - . t the All Spokes Edge Broncs in 12 By The Canadian Press I The Spokane Indians hold two-game edge In the shotftioVn with Lewiston h the Western International League second-half i championship but no one Is conceding them the 'pennant. ! Thursday night the Indians land Broncs struggled 13 innings before Spokane pulled out with a o.fi riecision. The Bronca. who Aus-iies were ordered home be- Thursdoy, ! the declaration of war on the previous d'v. -.-C-: causc of t: V. : . ... j v Bri'rin ' i.. , ' f j Harry Hop , ; V A I being being men pman and Adrian Quist All teams )fjsr members of a Melbourne M l reciment ' ,.- I shot up from nowhere two weeks ; ! ago to become a pennant con-1 ...... 1. in. J, ,.ii-,i... .J-AJ tender have three more chances jto stage another cofnebaPk. i The series will continue Friday A FOIR-DAY COACHING CLINIC for athlete who competed at the Canadian Interprovlnclal track and field championships at the Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, hus been held this week by six coaches under the Canadian Olympic training plan. Left to right: Wally Strang. British Columbia; Herby Jenkins, Newfoundland; Don Canham, University of Michigan track and field coach, directing this year's first COT?; Bruce Humber of Victoria; Leigh Miller, Nova Scotia, and Arthur Pattle, New Brunswick. night. Saturday and Sunday tne winner will meet Salem, the first half champion In the post season I , ? j . - j t v . , . h - f - I fik n I ' .V7 v s IIS . J. . . tf . , j SPORTS ROUND-UP Uy GALE TALBOT Shirley Tarns Singles Champ In Rotary Meet Shirley Tarns became Ladies "A" flight singles tennis champion last night when she beat A. Lindseth 6-3, 6-4 in one of playoff. A crowd of 2.663 fans, believed the largest ever to watch a ball game at Lewiston was In the stands. Only a fourth of that number turned out at Victoria for the first of four games that may decide whether the Tyees will keep their WIL franchise. Earlier in the week the Victoria club announced that unless 2000 fans pay their way to see each of the games the Tyees may not be able to meet the payroll Saturday. Only 647 answered the plea Thursday night as the Tyees were shaded 5-4 by Vancouver. Elsewhere around the league, Yakima defeated Wenatchee 5-1, FOREST HILLS, N.Y. (AP) After what we have spin out here the last few days we doubt seriously that tennis is a dying sport, as some persons h-ve contented in recent years. It doesn't even look sick. the fi:;als of the Rotary Club City open tennis tournament at Rotary Courts. '. Another final saw Miss Tarns The licnd 'Travel-Crl Salem Clipped Calgary 9-6 and Tri-City subdued Edmonton 11-3. In the Pacific Coast Lea?ue last night Seattle checked San Folding Carriage packed for the last few days of the event, which ends on Labor Day. We are informed, further, that the sale of tennis equipment during the current season has broken all records and that the biggest manufacturer actually was caught short by the rush and forced to throw his '54 model racquets on the market many months ahead of time to meet the demand. The opening rounds of the United' States championships ; were played in heat that dulled , the senses and sent sane people flocking to the water. The hour- j ly readings were in the mid-90s : officially, and there is ho guess- ing what they might have been : in the big concrete stadium ! which encloses main courts of j the West Side Tennis Club. It was miserable even in the shade, yet several thousand j teamea witn E. Kierstead score an easy victory over O. Wells and A. Lindseth in the "B" Flight ladies doubles finals. D. Doswell and R. Shaleen became Men's Doubles "B" Flight champions wnen they beat E. Joe and Mar, 6-3, 8-1. Tonight the men's doubles "A ' Flight reach the semi-final Th outrtindinf Ititjt , new l.loyd deKn removable" crib itvlt s vie of carrugr n a fur liomemiien e quarters on the tKm , Diego 2-0, San Francisco clobbered Hollywood Stars 13-2; Portland split a doubleheader with Sacramento 5-0 and 5-6; Los Angeles edged Oakland 4-3. Huor who cannot lib -i rime upftiin. Aiio lor -4 A LI. ! THESE I'XITED PRESS PHOTOS comprise a study of Brooklyn Dodgers manager Charlie Dressen as he stands in the third-base coaching box signaling and yelling instructions to his team, which is currently leading the race lor the National League pennant. Dressen looks over the situation (upper left) with apparent calm, but his crossed arms might be a signal for Dodger doings designed to cross up the opposition. Now Dressen adjusts his uniform (upper right), then rubs his leg (lower left), but these, too, may be coaching signals, you never can tell. Finally, Managei Dressen shouts a verbal command (lower right) to keep hir Dodgers on the ball. 'The tearhlng professionals. stage when B. Boulton and Y. D. nthprwisp normal citizens naiat :J , 4 r.A automobile. The body b ItleJ iA Noted Pitcher Dies Aged 75 Lee take on H. Holkestad and D. " , to have their brains bak-1 sam 0 J ? bP"er haVe SI Bqwn. lie Last night Boulton and hile thev watched 1 ? series ! 11 : Jl6 ones beat B. Tough and W. Gard- , !? tLl we" VX'' in heel Hind nl rmi of the camaie. Ti Ihe body, jut tiki if a """i.ifziT'rzr -j: ,":,r;o practica"y araniea . De rt amost rom morning t0 sier, iormer piw;iiiiig K'cav c-. -i" boring. boring. 6 iv,t ovem day. 4 t'sinllv Lsuany vnii'll oun ji.j ) v,i h startnvit n.5nr(B-5 tup1 , night every apron, (wing ever Hk U-ase the kxtl ini tfcod L. LJ. , t . I Perhaps the crowds were not ! spe a hoz( n or more of them home near Loveland Thursday 1 men's finals will start at 6 p.m. anywhere you niiK ue s Aid mgnt at vne age ui u. ine laaies semi-nnais scnea- whn when v,,u you ronsidpr consider that that Leag large by some standards, but j nere for the championships but they j j nave not seen one this time, were there to watch the equiv- They're all home making money. Pfiester was with wun the ine Cubs uos uieci to begin at 8:30 tonlgnt Mjkri an idea tuk W carriiiice fnme aia a Braves Ask To Reduce from 1902 to 1912 and pitched for with M. Tough and B Boulton Hickson eompactlv and will lit my itmar alent ol a aouDieneaaer Deiween the Yankees and Pittsburgh. the World series teams unicago playing off against P trunk. 1 lie body ii fklrd will t A r Lead Dodge and A. Webster. lot uta wiien bnliy it okier. ' produce! in laoo-uv-uo. ne earn-led the nickname of "Jack the ' Giant Killer" because of his mas- The l.loyd Travel Crib" aha la A then our contention is that somebody still loves tennis. Judging by the early show of enthusiasm, the joint will be of tlw 1 loyd a necial ralum at Other matches played Wednesday and Thursday saw E. Kierstead and H. Holkestad beat S. Tarns and W. Gardner. 6-5, venience, qualiiy and Munomy 4 By BfcN PHLF.GAR Phillies shaded the Cardinals tery over the New York Na-Associated Presj sports writer 2-1 and Cincinnati thumped j tional Leaguers. Milwaukee Braves, still cher- New York Giants 9-0. New York to Canadian llomenudrn, j CIA Conic in and aee tliii new U4 m plione or wrile fur booilft thai rip! more detailed infurmativa. 6-5; A. Hartwig beat L. Krist- j 1 manson, 6-2, 6-3; D. Waterman beat B. Turner, 6-3, 6-5; W. j Five Horses Die i .hing pennant ambitions, hus- Yankees whipped St. Louis t ted home today and sent out a Browns 8-5, Cleveland climbed help wanted to beat the Dod- into a second-place tie In the mmJmK aookBlBMakkW ' " Giant Rally Wins Grid Tilt Gardner beat A. Forman, 6-1. In Stable Fire ftmerican league wun nicago ters" plea to the rest of the SARATOGA SPRINGS, N.Y. 1'ational League. The Braves need lots of help A. MacKenzie Furniture I "A Oood Place to BuyFor Over a Quarter 3 t h r e a t e n , ..front-running (AP) Five harness horses perished early today as fire levelled a 20-stall barn near the Sara 6-3; H. Stadnyk beat E. Joe, I 6-1, 6-2; R. Sahleen beat B. I Tough, 6-3, 6-1; D. Waterman) beat A. "Hartwig, 6-2, 6-1; P. Hickson and B. Gordon beat Mr. ' and Mrs. Wells, 6-5, 6-3; M. Tough beat B. Boulton, 6-5, 6-4. Ilrooklyn. With 21 games to play SOS Thlrit venii T DES MOINES, la. (AP) New York Giants scored two touchdowns In the second half Thursday night to defeat Chicago Bears 14-7 In a National Foot White Sox by beating Philadelphia Athletics 9-4 as the White Sox lost to Washington 5-1, and Detroit edged Boston 5-4. , The Yankees' lead now is 10'i games over Ch.'cago and ClevjIanU with 22 to play. . The Phils' winning run against the Cards came in the eighth toga Raceway. when Granny Hamner tripled SPORTSMAN'S' PIGESTv. TASTy FRIED FISH ! LAST NIGHT'S FIGHTS By The Associated T'rr sa NEWARK, N.J. Pete Adams, and then scored as he knocked they trail by nine. Even 21 con-tecutive victories wouldn't guar-( ntee the flag unless the Dod-fers were beaten at least 10 More times. Success sounds Impossible. I?ut then a year ago anybody predicting that Milwaukee would he a contender for the 1953 pennant in either major league ! T.-ould have been hurried off :6 the nearest doctor. Milwaukee has 15 home games over catcher Del Rice during an attempted run down. ENDS BATTING SLUMP Ted Kluszewski of Cincinnati ball League exhibition. j The Bears scored their touch-, down In the i'irst quarter in an 18-yard toss from George Blandaj to Billy Stone. j New Tcrk's first touchdown; came in the third quarter after, Don Branby recovered a Chicago! fumble on the New York 43. Chuck Connerly, Eddie Price and Kyle 'Rote ran the ball to the ! Chicago 7, and Price carried it over. - j j The winning touchdown was; I set up when Paul Douglas inter- broke his i-a' ing slump with his 38th homer, a diuble and 150, Newark, outpointed Willie; Johnson, 149, Lumberton, N.C., 8. COPENHAGEN Jorgen Jo-j hansen, 130, Denmark, drew with Werner Handke, 131 "4, Germany, 15. DETROIT Allie Gronlk, 150, Lincoln Park, Mich., stopped Jimmy Lunn, 147, Chicago, 8. left, starting tonight against St.4 two singles In the Rejigs' victory in New fork. Home Runs by Yogi Berra, Gil McDougald and Gene Wood- jpyjM.p.MptpaW 9' - oo O n O . OPji-l ( V Louis Cardinals, and six ror.d fames. The Braves have played slightly better ball on the road than at home. They've won 44 and lost 27 out of town and have a 38-24 record in Milwaukee. Brooklyn, a sensational home rlub this year, has only six nore games at Ebbets Field and FRESNO, Calif. Aberdeen ceptcd Blanda's pass and rani Lynch, 130 V2, Los Angeles, out- tt back 42 yards to the Chicago ling, which produced six runs, helped Eddie Lopat score his 14th victory for the Y'anks. The White Sox fell before the four-hit pitching of Bob Por- terfield and Johnny Schmita. P.orterfield pitched six score- pointed Jim Savala, 13U, San 33. On the next play connerly Francisco, 10. cai.d to Rote for the score. 15 on the. road. The Dodgers have won 55 and lost onlv 19 f ames in Brooklyn. (Away fimi i ome they've won 38 and lost 26 1'PPF.R HAND The Braves gained one distinction over the Dodgers Thurs lfns,in)ngj but had to give. up with a back injury. ; Cleveland's victory over Philadelphia was its 16th in 1 19 meetings this season. Rookie FF.CT1VE OCTOBER 1 Melt, in a cast iron skillet (best for frying fish), to vt" PEEP, CLEAN, ODORLESS COOKINft OIL? SHORTENING OR LARO. DO NOT USE FAT THAT HAS 6VER BEACMEO SMOKINd POINT. IT'S IN-OISESTABLE.' HEAT FAT TO OUST BELOW SMOKINCj MOT FOR FRYING. DlP CLEANED FISH IN AAtLK, ADO SALT AND PEPPER, ROLL 1 IHIX-TURE OF Vi FLOOR AND i FINE CORNMEAL- OR CRACkER CRUMBS. SALT HOT FAT AND LAV IN FISH. BROWN BOTH SIDES, TURN ONCE. WHEN IT FLAKES EASILY BV FORKING, REMOVE. DRAIN ON PAPER. Dave Hoskins drove in two of ( 7 the runs in winning his eighth FAMILY FAR ES y& game and his fourth in a row. Detroit survived a Boston home run siege by Karl Olson, Hoot Evers and George Kell in the late innings. day. They beat them 6-1 and i ended their visits to Brooklyn vith a 6-5 record, the only team li the league to gain the upper hand over the Dodgers at Eb-tets Field. Eddie Mathews broke a 1-1 tie with his 44th home run in the eighth. It came with two f board. In the same Inning Jim Pendleton belted an inslde-the-lark blast that scored two more. Yes, th6 whole family can enjc; the extra speed, convenience and comfort of air travel AND SAVE MONEY Starting Oct. 1 Family Fares will be available (with connections to other airlines) on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. See how much you can save on Family Air Travel. Phone 795 for information and reservations. Lew Burdette won his 14th against three losses, best record l i the league. In other games Philadelphia liVfcy be a washday sove? RATTLER COLONY GRASSY LAKE, Alta. (CP) Let an ELECTRIC WASHER do the I Canadian (Pacific Four youths found a colony of rattlesnakes oft a river bank t ear this southern Alberta town. In less than an hour they killed 17, several of which were four feet long. v AIRLINES MIEILCIHI1E1ES RYE Aristocrat t year old Anniversary 5 years old Viscount 4 yar old Melchers Special Reservo 3 yoan old GIN London Club London Dry fnu'if on An Electric Washer tavet your cofiw, avei your& It will handle all items in your wash from the frilliest fabric-to those dirt-stained overalls. It will clean them quickly, thoroughly and so very gently, getting rid of stubborn dirt without a bit of tiresome rub-a-dubbing. Pop the clothes in, flick a switch and your electric washer does the work. It J magic 1 Time-saving, clothes-saving, youth-saving magic that takes all the backache out of washday. , Your electrical appliance dealer is eager to show you tht Steamer Prince Rupert SAILS FOR VANCOUVER nd Intermediate Port Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. - For KETCHIKAN melchers latest models. See them today. WEDNESDAY Midnight Comfort and Service For reservation! write o I call City or r.epot office 3 Prince Rupert, B.C. V This advertisement is not published or displayed by the liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Colombia, l-W.vrf...i-!T.T?1.,:, 1' ..-male .ifm nun