itidCe Kupfctt UQily NeWi duturuay, Krr.iuiy 14. Crew Rescued Off Sinkinqft, TOKYO tReuterm-TI.e 7,115- Joseph Biel fiPrince Rupert Cage Group Passes Up m. ton pannma-n-Kisierea motor- carrviim "M B.C. Semis For Tournament at Juneau The V s. ,,. I shit Catherine tonny was re-K)iud in a- cr.tical condition with all holds flooded after run-'ning aground Wednesday night i omwim, ;i-ry xs vessel s brnivL T Bill Morrison and Dous- San- IN THIS CORNER DICK AIRES ir novo mimed U continue to- off Nnjiina Sakl. n".n- Tokyo Bay. The United Stall .1 naval tug and th" referee Senior B games , r . ,1... cj. 11 1,. .,,,,, piay.iiis ... ouu, I took off the crew nt. lh,. Fred Cakierone agreed to ncip ' request of the vessel's captain. out 011 the i-eicrecnig as did j The Prince Rupert Basketball There would be far more pres- Association last night derided tie, the meeting believed, if .1 io pass up the British Columbia Prince Rupert team won the I Basketball Association semi-fin- Gold Medal 'tournament in Alas-;;.ls and instead apply to take ka than if U the 1SCHA fni-'part in the Gold Medal touma- al for British Columbia, ment in Juneau in the near fu-1 Commissioner sum Davidson s ; ture. Insertion that if ii wasn't for S The meeting, attended by 19 the insurance gained by tx lons-jotii of the more than 140 per- ing to BCBA he w!is in favor of Uons involved in playing has-i formation of a Northern Brill.-h ketbiill in Prince Rupert, est.l- Columbia basketball, as.soci.itl',.!, mated that it would cost the won approval from ' most ! Faith In a project that is destined to perform a great ser HISTORIC MISSION Don Hartwig who said he would referee senior games if coaches1 Minor Simundsen and Bill Me-'. Chesney agreed. They both gave 1 mm A mision tj the Mlcmac Indians was established at gouehe m iioiiaventure coun'y. hi their eonsi tit. . .,1 'l... Ti IPI, ,,. Quebec, in 1745. rt lllOMOll U,V junior win j that 1 lie basketball association, start its refcrecing classes next; year at the same time as bus- : ketball practices begin was carried unanimously. It was i:lso agreed that at the begin- ; ning of next season coaches and t those present. It was decided to stage tl.c International series in Prince Rupert with Ketchikan, Met'.i-katla, Sitka and Wrangotl lea'iiS to be invited. Follow-in;' Mial !!: association would, it h.ipcd, take part in the Juneau tournament. The meeting was informed of t-rim-e iiupen ensnengers somewhere in the neighborhood of i1.600 to take part in the semifinals and then proceed to the j finals if they won. Such a fiii.m-ieial barrier was loo much. A Senior Vt team going to the ; Interior of British Columbia 1 and then to Vancouver to the leferees should meet and (igf-i 43 "JW1TJ interiiretatK-n of the on the rules. RS 1 CAMOSn, T Stewart aMl so l.,uiM,sun, T North Q, February 24 C'oqmtlam. Tte To South Our,,, tebruary 17 Ki C-miuitlam, Tliur, tueed with the resignation of Jack M.h-$000 . bo for" chant as commissioner due lo 1 tin;i Is would bi liaising nearly . If 1 LAST NIGHT'S HGHTS j I1V TliC' Asi'CKiUHl ' ! New York Joey Giambi'. ( lf)5U, Buffalo, N.Y., outpointed It.iui Si'nrtichini, I53:,i. Italy. 10. West Palm Beach, FI;l.-.B..bbv I I.IBBV MANZO, the singintf boxer, performs as soloist in the choir of St. Adalbert's KC Church in Elmhurst, N.Y., where he lives today. People ir show business who have heard him say he has a voice with definite possibilities, and he could turn to singing should he give up the ring. The 24-year-old has had 19 pro fights: 15 wins, three draws, and one loss. ; March 20. The association hid j$2q(J on hand had been promis-! ed only $1100 from the BCBA and would have to win the $:!00 first place expense money offered to the winner of the International I basketball tournament, schedul- pressure of bu.nn"ss. Bill Medio, noy was nominated and elected unniiiniO'Uy as commissioner and also as th:-association's secretary. No action of ma lor decision was made concerning referees. iv smit? Inn ovotimnt is not published Of bVplavcd by thf Liquor Control Board or by the Government ot British Columbia rnnre RU) e-r. 511 Third Ave. Elliott. 151, Louisville, outpointe Chico l',u'!ie:o. Ij4. Brazil. 10. 1 ed early in March to even get ' start on a travelling fund. Bowes Chalks Up 20 Points; Ormes Top Junior Boys Loop WHAT YOU CAN DO AT HOME WITH A. Bowes was the man of in? ! in the third to lead 20-15 before hour in Junior Boys League bus- ; 'he final period began. I kethsiU List, niohr. . he . i ' The jewellers were ouUworcd DOUGLAS FIR plywoo: SYLVAPLY vice to the youth of this city was demonstrated this week when four sponsors stepped forth to support a quartet of teams in an official I'rinre Kupert Little League baseball circuit. First in line was Edward Lipett Ltd., who last year, before oven the "unofficial little league" was formed, was willing to gamble the money necessary to sponsor a team. This year the same company was right on the doorstep of the new Little Leasup association with the money to put a full team In the field. Just as speedy and eager to help were Super-Vain, North Star ItoKlinc Works and the Prince Kupert Kinsmen Club, each of which with I.ippsett's are guaranteeing $350 to outfit 15 players per team with each team having a' farm unit of 20 pi.iyor.s from which to draw. When the franchise certificate of the Little Leaf ue Baseball Incorporated gives the Prince Rupert league the official stamp of approval the young baseball players, 8 to 12 years old, here will abide strictly by the international groups regulations. The league schedule calls for 18 games for each team. Teams will be picked by the point system to prevent "packing" a team with talent and players on one team will not necessarily be drawn from one district in town. It is the intention of the local league to take out both group accident Insurance for the players and group public liability and property damage Insurance which is available through the parent body at a nominal fee. Plans for registration of prospective Little Leaguers and formation of teams will be completed shortly. Main concern of the association at the moment is the lack of a suitable playing field for games and also space for league and farm team practices. Not to be left out, if hopes are fulfilled, 'are the boys over 12 years old. The Moose Lodge has already expressed a desire to sponsor a Pony League team and It is hoped that two more sponsors can be found to run an unofficial Pony league this .summer. One thing, however, is certain. It needs the fathers of the older boys to do the ground work and form the Pony league association. The Little League group will have its hands full. l - Another gracious and geneious project under way in the city is a collection sparked by Johnny Odowes with Gunnar Anderson as secretary, to send three Prince Rupert fighters to the Golden Gloves tourney in Vancouver. The collection is going well but as usual the merchants of the town are taking the shot. It is hoped that sufficient funds to pay a one-way fare for Bill (Mouse) Morrison, lightheavy champion, Andy Marshall, middleweight titleholder and Billy Tsuchiya, contender for the lightweight crown. The Vancouver Province which sponsors the Golden Oloves pays the other half of the fare and usually foots the hotel and food bill. Should there be any money left over It will be used for a banquet to fete the fighters or could be utilized to send them onto the Seattle Golden Gloves and further, should there be enough. But any donations from the private citizen would not only swell the fund but would be sincerely appreciated. As we've said in a previous column there Is nothing more heartbreaking to an At who gives up his time and effort to train religiously r nly to iind that he has reached a peak of perfection for nothing, as happened to Morrison and Marshall, Diamond Belt champions. POST SCRIPTS . . . Speaking of the Diamond Belt, a Vancouver paper featured a pix of both Marshall and Morrison in a Sunday feature on the annual tourney, but there was not a word about the Prince Rupert boys in the story. Commenting on this Andy remarked that the pictures spoke for themselves. At the same time the paper forgot a photograph of heavyweight champ Tiny Carlson . . . Both parents of Little Leaguers and the young players will have the opportunity of seeing the real McCoy. Monday, February 22, when the association will show two films, 'This Is Little League" and "Little League Basics1 at the Civic Centre. There will only be one showing at 7 p.m. ... On the senior baseball front we learn that the three sponsors of teams iu last year's Prince Rupert Senior Baseball association are planning on setting ifp a local insurance fund. Gordon and Anderson, Esquire Men's Wear and Commercial llotel plan to contribute $5 ner player of a 15-man team with the total fund to be set aside for passible medical bills that might be Incurred during the season. Smart move men! 20 poinis to pace Sports Shop to i 13-6 laf Juar'r- Leema i a 35-10 victory over Annunpil- j TZ P"n'S '.r rmPS wh,,;o ! A. Twaite.s was top man for tion. ; BulKcrs with 8 points. In the other Junior fixture ' Bill Morrison, Doug Sonkoy Ormes took Bulgers into camp and Morris Dean shared refercr- by a 33-21 score, to move into j jng chores. first place in the league starwi- : Lineups: ings with 7 wiivs and only two; shop-Laird i, Bowes 20, l0Sfce$- . ! Olson 1, Curric, Fleming 2. Uens- Bowes netted three points inj vald 2. B. Wong 2. S. Wons 4 the first iuarter. three in th--' Mitchell. Total 35. second, six in the third and eigr-.t Annunciation Bury 10, Smith, in the final frame. The Sports , Lclourneau, T.;th, Comadlna. Shop squad took the lead 7-2'j"im Arrneau 2 Joe Arstneini ' in the Ilrst quarter and complnt- Basso 4. Total 16. ii - iqJHMf You tin carry our the home planning idea you'n admired in your favorite magazinet, make imart furniture, or remodel an unuted attic or biiemt Ir'i a pleasant spare-time pastime and you'll be proud of the professional-looking jobs you do with easy-to-work real-wood Sylvaply panels. DO-IT-YOURSELF or HAVE-IT-DONE you save titbr With Sylvaply, most projects are well wilhin the overage man's ability to handle a hammer and k and when you "do-it-yourself" you save money When you "have-it done" for you, you're still ahead. Sylvaply's time and money saving qualities reduce costs too, when a professional carpenter or contractor does the job. " - YOU GET PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS Sylvaply is the real wood of a thousand uses." j ed the slaughter 7-2, 7-6 aruli Ormes Duncan 4, Macintosh j 14-6. Top man for Amumeia- 8. Leeman 10, Chow 2. Heid 7 i tion was D. Bury with 10 points. Hewitt. Hod!-;n.son 2. Kelly. I Bulgers took the first quarter To!al 33- ' ; of the second game and man- Bulgers Twailes ii. J. John-j aged to hold Ormes to a 10-10! son 7, -Lam bio 4, P. Johnson. Hai-I tie by the half, but led by D. versn 2. Mai -hall, Thorn. Total ', Leeman the druggists tenk over 21. Its advantages ore created advantages, engineered' into the material during manufacture to moke it be' Lyndhursts Down Germans For Seventh Straight Win than wood lias ever been before, iylvaply lasti a housetime, indoors or out i I I FU ESSEN, Germany (CP) A West German hockey team , matched Canada's reprcsenta-i tives in the world chair.pion- thips at Stockholm goal for goal i for li2 periods Friday night li'l four kihhtn ovl ol tht ordinaty with iylvoplf. A $mort. built-in brcattfosr nook at thown above ! easy and fun lr D-!l-rouii.ll,, i. ru mn do il foiltr ond btlltt, mlh Slvop. , before fading before their speedier rivals and dropping a 7-3 derision. Toronto Lyndhursts. now riding a .seven-game winning streak in European exhibition play after losing their first game in Paris, spatted the E. V. Fuessen club the first goal anr1 were still locked in a 2-2 tie before they were able to pull away late in the second frame. Moc G a land paced the Lyndhursts with two goals, with Nor-mie Gray. Earl Clements. John Canadiens Meet Leafs At Toronto mocllng hr ntided tiht raomi Ii taty and n,,,lly lh, Sylvaply Way. loit ll b proud ol lh, job you da. Ctl Sylvaply I frtt Ham or romsrf,l-Itn your nfltc or batomonl of your deaJor't. ' m HJKMHm.uf9H.m1t. H.JI . JJLUBUII III Mr X j "tit i.wiiMi iijjKiiJiwMjxiiiJBHWjBB m-MJUu-jmkmmmmmammr This is an excellent week-end , Pftro. Bob Kennedy and Oorge for the Montreal Canadiens to Sayliss getting the olhers. bo in a hockey-playing tiiuod. : The Lyndhursts will play nt Locked in a second-place tic Mannheim. Krefeld and Col-wilh the Maple Leaf in thOR before leaving West Ger-NHX, and with Jacques Plante nmr.y for Stockholm next Thura-up' Ufom Buffalo to reulaee tii , dav- liijjed NJeNeil in the t.ets, they' t- - - - ffioro't o now world of pltoiuro ond lovinai (or you in smorl Do-ll-rourslilr furntluro. four doolor hoi nmp, ,ltp ky-HOfi Jylvoply fro. floni lot good looting ralfoo lobloi. cobrnoli, ond loboi. rtir.ifo!;i.Wiiii,iii.i.o,.t mtm n umi , , o m, Canucks Down Royals 4-2 To Take 6-Point WHL Lead t- (Lpto.2ytil fimi-MM 'jit ay BUjlAcj-'ftC': V-f'f I!4 lotri t :-place 'Bruitis ' . Bo.-ton, with u two-point imr-: gin over New York Rangers for i the last play-off spot, need home victories over the Canadiens and ; over the Hangers the night bev tly The C'uiiridlan Pro. -! fans by setting up the winning Uvlp for llir hantlymanl Vancouver Canucks appear in ' markor ln lne second shape for their trio next ! Playing llis ,lUh ecas(w witi1 I the club he coached last season. t nu week to prairie points In YOUR SYLVAPLY DEALER IS A GOOD MAN TO SEE Visit Handyman Headquarters in your neighborhood. Whether you're an did hand or a beginner, your dea'er I-Oft THAT EXTRA SPECIAL PRINT JOB CALL ON DIBB PRINTING COMPANY be qiad lo give you advice that can save you money. J- dealer has Free How-To-Do-lts for spare-time iroierts. ...U1,B U...U Iorc to solidify their position in gifts in a ceremony between per- j preparation for a four-same lods. J xoad trip. Alex Kuzma scored both goals ', In otner Sunday night play Un Rangers entertain the Leafs and for lor Victoria victoria ind and Joe Toe Bell Bell savej. sive I ! Detrolt Red Wlngs, who lead the Bombers from a whitewashing. I league by ctglU points, visi tn Bombers took a i-0 lead but ' last-place Black Ilawki. were unable to match Kuzma's 1 NORTH VMS POST Western Hockey League. Thanks to a 4-2 win over the reighhorinar New Westminster Royals Friday night, Canucks have a six-point lead over their nearest rivals. Calgary Stam. peders. League members in the Prairies .still persist in going nowhere in the league standings by the simple device, of alternately beating one another and they did it again F riday. Edmonton I'lyers foiled Sas- r ,. i Oldest trading post of the v i Hudson's Bnv Comnanv nn Muri- Tonight Victoria is at Westminster and Calgary visits ; .cn Bayi RUl)ert's House was NOW "TAKE-HOME" PANELS Handy sixes for those small jobs and repairs , . . Makes "doing it-yourself" I"1" than ever. You can now buy "Take Home" panels in more than 45 dit'nt ' sires and thicknesses, from 12 by 36 inches up. Carry them home or slip t1"1 " your car trunk. You'll find tries" bjn(l Take Home ponds ot your dealer's, clearly marked with its thrifty pric- ' built in IOCS. Saskatoon. k ; T'-v Curling Results BASKETBAL SATURDAY FEB. 13th katoon Quakers 4-3 and while Saskatoon hoped to be pressing; Calgary for second place with the final whistle, Quakers are finding themselves bothered for third place by Edmonton. Things looked blacker for the last-place Seattle Bombers after their visit to Victoria. Cougars boosted their leau over the last- OUGH! IICHT ! fASY TO USf GENUINE WOOD PANELS i '. ' , W.S. fj - FfllDAV AFTTUMOON Art Murray Trihy Moore 8, Petrow 7. Partrkle 6, Wakley 8. Thorn ll, Hamilton fl. Draw for Monday "3 p.m. Johnson va. McBroom; MacKennle vs. Schuman; Ramsay ,vg. McLeod. 9 p.m. Anderson v Turnw Rat cm on PLYWOi SYLVAPLY DOt,GRLAS place Bombers to eight poinis with a 2-1 win. Eddie Dorchoy celebrated his ' VIN0 LUMIII DtAtfUS MOM COASt 10 rOASI , McMILLAN 4 BL0EDEL LIMITED VAdCOUVfl C.IOAIT tOMONION WINNIHC 1ON0ON WINOSOU 10KONIO Victoria Crossley; Khier va. WiUaon. "night ' given by the ONlH ' CITY TRANSFER CRATING PACKING STORACJE ALBERT & McCAFFERY LIMITE KITIMAT HIGH SCHOOL vs BO-ME-HI SCHOOL CIVIC CENTRE GIRLS' GAME 7:45 BOYS' GAMES 8:30 RUSH TICKETS STUDENT 20c ADULT 30c RESERVED SEATS 40c Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 116-117-58 Terrace, B.C. Phone 131 LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE j FURNITURE MOVING Phone 930 ISLAND CITY BUILDERS' SUPPlj N't Phone Block 820 prince FIRST AVENUE AND McBRIDE STTiEET