It- Ml. Mi . ' Prince Rupert Ddiy News - A'.onday, June 1, 1P53 George Casey Park Officially Turned Over To Children in Seal Cove Neighborhood respassing ! "s .v iVilh Sandy RCMP Honor Comrade Lost In CPA Crash More t,han 20 members of the RCMP detachment in Prince Ruoert sub-riivision j)aid final respects to the late Constable bieve Kasper at a memorial ser arid other treats "jut about as much as they could handle," said one park commissioner. top topic I , V'Ji , coronation ! tion today ana u unver.s; ice of the city in one form or another." Aid. Casey has served on the school board, the hospital board, parks and fair boards, and has had 22 years on city council. "But I regret that similar recognition has not been given to an old friend of mine, the late Frank Dibb." The city of Prince Rupert and particularly its children living in the neighborhood of Seal Cove, got a new park yesterday and its opening was marked by fanfare of pipes. Joyous children and city officials. The park was named officially the George Casey Park, in honor of veteran Aid. Casey for co-operates skies and weatherman I. be sunny The park, known during construction as Plaza Park, is located off Sixth Avenue East opposite McKay's Store. It is stocked with modern playground equipment, supplied by the Gyro Club here. vice here Sunday in Annunciation Church. Led by Inspector Taylor, the his service to the city. squad marched from the city hall to the church where they attended 10:30 a.m. Mass, followed by a special service. Officiating at the ceremony was Pat Forman, chairman of the board of park commissioners. Hundreds of children at sands of people out to wit-Rupert's most colorful history tomorrow f in a ;e chairman of the celebra-! ronimittee Frank An-.says all pluiis have been zt.(i and everything should ,f like cl'jekwoik. ,s were strung across j avenue Sunday morning , ,.riiui) of hard-workinj? In a brief addre.;s, Aid Casey said he was "moved to a state of humility through the honor conferred on me . . . "I appreciate the fact that it is not for whom I am but rather what I have done for the city during my 43 years here, out of which 34 years was in the serv OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dovdie Room 10, Stone Building Phono Blue 593 , tending were given Ice-cream I m ooie Constable Kasper, a member of the city detachment RCMP lost his life in the Canadian Pacific Airlines crash here May 11. He was returning to duty after escorting a prisoner to Vancouver. His body has not baen recovered. Rev. J. O. TviiMahon officiated at the service and recited special tlnue Fire Chief ei s ineluding DR. MARTHA LAW of Toronto, president of the Canadian Federation of University Women, will preside at the council meeting of the organization in Winnipeg June 5-6. Dr. Law, elected last year for a three-year term, was the first full-time appointee to the dental division of the Toronto health department. ((urge Cook and Brt-krr, Juiifs. Mrs. George Robinson and H. F. Glassey were top winners in the Saturday night Moose whist i M.iltieson, chief eni;l-the Camosun, is spend- drive at which 40 players VETERANS' WELFARE OFFICER Mr. H. H.' Church, will be available for interview by interested veterans at the Prince Rupert Hotel at 1:30 p.m. on SATURDAY, JUNE 6th I CAMMED FOODS f short varnuon nere wimi iiithter and son-in-law, Other winners were Mrs. J. R. prayers for Constable Kasper, a member of the congregation here since his transfer from Chilli-i wack only a few weeks ago. Four beautiful wreaths of i spring f lovers were placed j around a catafalque in front of mtl Mrs. Gerry Wuodsitle. Cormier and Mrs. George Scott, second prize; Mrs. Robinson, pool j1icmi;i drove imm van- readers He's spendu.K his time old friends and getting prize and Mrs. Scott, door prize. These whist parties will continue until the end of June, the club decided. the altar in the church, and the Advertising in the Daily News Brings Resui bit of liilng. p.m. J Hyf,,nt in. t ..11 ,i ntA-l Football Mundi'y, 7 C.Y.O. vs. General Motors in luii-uirrtfl, u:uuJicu (127 , ,th,r Rupert couple nave fur other surroundings. me Uulierls boarded a train rdav for Soda Creek, where nd Itonald has purchased all store and gas station, nt- came here during the utile in the armed serv- ; ptws on eiuier sioe. The Rait. Luke Ferry will ! Following liie church sevice, operate Tuesday, Coronation the detachment paraded to Cow Day, weather permitting. . Uti Bay floats where they boarded .. . . ' , , ,., the police boat and went to the "m "f w '(,,r Legionaires 1vl'sl,,ln,; cne of the crash where the Z t wreajns were sunk afler Falner n. at q 9 p m June . 1. ,127) , McMahon recited burial service Scmia meeting Monday, 629 .prayers. Glh West. Hostess Mrs. Salher. i The wreaths were sent from 127) i the officer commanding, non-commissioned officers and con- Coronation Ball at the Le- j stables from the Chilliwaek, Vie-gion auditorium, 10 p.m., JuneUoria and Princa Rupert sub-2. Some tickets still available, j divisions and Miss Kay Budz, a 127) close friend. riiii lef, about a month ffA S. 'vW , ' fian captain John I'.oilcn Camosun has done a lot ig" during his life, but This to plv the coasi. wmn m Men.her r,f th nr.m (-iK ! Following the ceremony, the nr Sundays sunshine ! ship here, he recalled he fished for flatfish off i detachment paraded to the court -Refreshments at Civic Centre fbout 1M rnmnntinn nn house for a final practice before h Bay when there was (l27i tomorrow's Coronation Day par- one nsn store .in vuncou- I ade. nd had to dump most of Legionaires and Women' h hack into the water Auxiliary parade at 10 a.m., June 2, at the Legion Building. ;se lie rouiun i sen it. h" was in the loKgint; ii and one time staked Meams ana Dereis to be worn. (127) 0 Notice to All Members of the . ' 4 i of 40,010,OUO feet of on :n island. He paid V.vf YOUR ' ' : nccwary government tee') V International Brotherhood of i Electrical Workers. The regular I j'ir years and. as he says have enough left over to suit, then someone eamn- mommy meeting will be held on June 3, 8 p.m , at the Civic .1231 1 , vC l r . ''' fi I I ne one ninht, left his fire nd the whole stand was j i out The captain was of- ( veai M1.000 for the timber but his advisers told him -'. I. J " ' ' . : m Si K-'.h ,r.n on for more . . . Any- he doesn't regret the ex- ue . . . because he's right me on the bridge of the jiji. meeting hundreds of is up and dow: the 1 J '- N ...... v.,.--. y : V ' x pi- ' NAVV RUM bhif R o b I n s c ... purser d the Camosun. didn't say a way he wanted to vote hi ' II wxt Tuesday's provincial . ..A.I . f n LM i . . . but he says he's disfranchised because the be en route here on i'jn rl.'.y . . . There s a M M M U mm vm -mtatw mmmmu ,w of 55 on the Camosun and i'i there's a full load of . . . which, if Rob-is riiUit. means a lot of . i ,n it HEAR MR. E. T. APTLEWHAITE M.P. LIBERAL CFPR June 3-6 p.m. ON JUNE 9 VOTE BRUCE BROWN r peeple won't vote, cither. 'artian Stevedoring Com-s r.!w boss here. Captain dmpbcll walked into a real It's not hard to find the reason why so many car buyers are turning to Ford this year. It's jusl a matter ol comparison. When you turn to Ford, you find an engine that challenges comparison with those in far more costly cars-tne smooth, powerful Strato-Star 1 10-Hp. V-8 engine. You'll experience the unique combination of big-car comfort and effortless driving ease which we sum up in the phrase "Wonder Ride". You'll appreciate the choice of three modern transmissions-Fordomatic. Overdrive or S nchro-Silent shift. You'll notice the Ford extras that have such a positive appeal for the careful buyer. - Test-drive Ford-and you'll see for yourself the ir reasons why Ford is worth more when you buy it . . . worth more when 'ou sell it f WHY TAKE LESS THAN THE BEST? i lh ' i V ?; : I : ' ;' i 'c when he boarded the A ship Pasedena last week, of the crew members, Dick i lii a'I'L. . i.seient is puMisheJ or rlisplaje i by Tkt I ii:'t C'"'irri frH ,r h j.!'' v Jeifc f 'f H:lt Cflv.w:-vv,V'A'f '"dir. used to work under 'hen he was a sea captain be uretoet Q T POWERED with the finesf U mrtffn ..I . . . . lwv'.;i, i 1 - T" rfrtbcv wm rns owesr the East Asiatic Company, wlon Rnthwpll, badly ln-t last October in a car-'iiryrie accident, expects to "fturninn to Calgary within 'tier few davs to see his He is staying with his tv Mr. and Mrs. W. Roth-'' 'in Sherbmoke Avenue. ""n wlio watched Prince "ft develop from a con-flinn camp into a sizeable -Frort Shaw is revisiting ''Id home. He is the father-J of j;ick judge, pioneer lfr- and for many years has 3 "viS in Lu.s AniiclcS. He " lot ! in.i'oil unt 5IISR ' v 1 ; ir xt -- ,MiJ f 1 ',mm CESTIINIS i V ll I 1 -I " N ' if. I 1 . . v ' 1 I " V "T sJ N- X Ufi - I f ...ll...sTOnaiid&-v.,. .... . 1 1 . JTv VAX $ v- A MKmWexfttt V OOlDfM AMMtvTtT j Mud INO10tM0 Vs 10 M LJ mS .... -..rn ... hi rii Alii Y ARRANGE FOft VoU TO llintf r" YOUR ruKu uchlek !.. - via IrSTl & 'THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SERVICE a McRAE Bros. T A L