The Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, June , 1953 fPilfME ,:w thi n ; r I1 ii I,', Wtojttrt'fcTW T.-T? IK. J uiiJ r- : .. -J CLovon 2)a jfv a lion i j oarainme a JUNE 1ST PROGRAMME AT COURTHOUSE AFTERNOON AND EVENING :00 p.m. The Parade Marshall will route uniformed, units to dismissal areius. j '! Scouts and Guides will receive their treats at Kinsmen booths i on ' i First Street. " 1:30 p.m. Tea at Civic Centre for Senior Citizens under the auspices of the , Co-ordinating Council. I i 3:30 p.m.g-Dascball T game followed by a football game at Rooseclt Park. 12:15 p.m. The massed Bands will Dlav "O Canada." and in ' honour of visiting United States Naval personnel the Bands will then play "The Star Spangled Banner." ' 12:20 p.m. His Worship, the Mayor of Prince Rupert,.shall read aloud the Royal Proclamation of the Coronation of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II, following which His Worship shall address the Citizenry. All decorations and flouts to be complftctl. 1 Dll p in Oust Guard ulrcraft arrive from Ketchikan. 2 .00 p in.- U.S.S. nombach, PTC 1254, and U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Kimball arrive from Juneau and dock parallel at the CPR dock. C.IK! in Cocktail parly for visiting Naval Officers In HMCS Chatham. Smoker for U.S. Naval and RCN Naval personnel at Canadian Legion. G in. Baseball game U.S. Navy vs. Prince Rupert All-Stars--at Roosevelt Turk. ' , MORNING -CORONATION DAY 7:15 i..m. Bund conceit at the Courthouse grounds by Greenville Cimccit j Band Bandmaster, Fred McKay. 7:30 -Band concert at Miller Bay Hospital by Aiyan.slv Silver Harmonic -The Rotary Choir, directed by Charles Balagno, p.m. I "Y Band Bandmaster, H. McMillan. shall lead the assembly in singing the anthem Land 12:25 12:30 10 IW a.m. Floats to commence nrrivitig at courthouse ircnri. 10:15 a in -Senior Citiens to be located upstairs In Civic Centre. f Hooe, and Glory. -jCati fo Worship by Rev. Lawrence Sieber, President of ttfc Ministerial Association. Scripture reading: p.m. i 10 2r. am School groups to be in position to see the May Quern crowning outside l Sofrfvitl-. XVI,yersys 1-13, by Rev. Fr. J. Rayncr, 7 The.n the KotaVCihoir will sing an anthem, "Bless the Lord., .Q My Soul." Prayers shall ' be Scfid for Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, and for the Commonwealth. The assembled pcoole shall then sing the hymn "0 God Our Help in Ages Past." 12:45 p.m. A short address shall he made by Mr. F. E. Anfield, Chairman of the Coronation Celebration Committee, followed by an. affirmation of Loyalty and Allegiance. ' Then the Choir will sing the anthem "Triumph Thanksgiving." 10:00 p.m. Coronation Balls at HMCS Chatham, Legion Auditorium and the . Armouries. 11:00 p.m. Searchlight and fireworks displays from the Lookout under the" direction of Fire Chief Earl Becker. .GOD SAVE THE QUEEN ; IMPORTANT Uniformed Scouts are to report to the Parade Murshull, Hoy Evans, at ' 10:45 a.m. to act as Parade Markers. ' i . Official Souvenir Programs will be distributed to the public for the Court- , house ceremony commencing at 12:00 noon by a team ol High School students. Official programs for all units in the parade will be distributed at 10:45 a.m. , by a team of High School students. " The official party will be brought to the saluting base at the Post Office in ' two cars which will be parked in the Government parking area, east of the Post Office. After the parade has passed, they will re-embark in the cars and will take , their position at the head of the parade on Second Avenue. , - The float judges will also be in a car to be parked In the Government, parking area. At the conclusion of the parade, the winning floats are asked to accompany the Nelson Bros. Ltd. floats to Miller Bay Hospital where they will tour the grounds and remain in front of the hospital for ten minutes to enable all the patients to sec the floats. They will then return to the base. The floats will go out via Fifth Avenue, pausing at the General Hospital. v the Civic Centre. HI 3D ;i in. Crowning of Muy Queen by Kinsmen following which the May iuccn float will move into position for the parade. . . Judging of floats for prizes will commence. Judges: lxin Forward, chairman: E. T. Applcwhulte, M.P., Tom Christie, Mrs. Christie. in. K- a m. All uniformed groups to be assembling at courthouse. Report to. Parade Marshal, Roy Evanis. IU jO a m. Parade Markers to be In position. 11 10 a in. All uniformed groups and floats to be in position to move off. ' ' 11 20 a m.- Parade to move off south on McBride St. to Third Ave. ; . '. . 11:31) a m Kinsmen will commence giving out treats on First Street to prc-school;. ,. children and children not In parade. Salute will be taken at the Post Office by Ills Worship Mayor Whnlcn, accompanied by Cmdr. T. ' Johnson, Col. S. D. Johnston, Wing Cmdr. J. Laurie, Inspector Taylor, RCMP, Rev. L. Sicber, Lt. A. Ogllvic, U.S. Naval Captains and F. E. Anfleld. The Judges will stand at the left of the reviewing stand arid complete their judging as the floats move by. H on noon The parade will reach the Courthouse grounds. Rotary Chorus to be in posltK n on the Courthouse steps to lead the hinging, p.m. As the school children in the parade reach the junction of Second Ave. and First St., they will be routed right on First St. and given their treats at the Kinsmen booths, following which they will be dismissed into the custody of their parents and guardians. 12. in in Ceremony at the Courthouse commences. 12:50 1:00 p.m. The two Native Bands shall each play a triumphant March. p.m. Her Majesty, Que?n Elizabeth II, shall speak by radio to the Commonwealth. At the conclusion of v Her Majesty's address, the assembly shall sing "God Save the Queen," accompanied ry the massed Bands, while the guns will fire a 21 -gun salute. . - THIS PAGE DONATED BY THE FOLLOWING FIRMS - Finning Tractor & Equipment Co. Ltd. 2nd Ave. ond 2nd bt. Phone 577 WIIF0RD ELECTRICAL WORKS Cow Boy Phone Blue 391 IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY 326 McBride St. Phone 858 ALBERT & McCAFFERY LID. Cow Boy Phono: 116 - 117 - 118 0RMES DRUGS LIMITED Your Pioneer Druggist H. G. HELGERSON LTD. 216 Sixth Sr. Phone 96 McRAE BROS. The Store Thot Service Bui't SHENTON'S SHEET METAL WORKS Third Ave. E. Phone 33 GEORGE COOK JEWELLERS 527 3rd Ave. W. Phone 264 RUPERT MOTORS LTD. 2nd Ave. ond 1st St. Phone 566 - 866 THOS. McMEEKIN & SONS 158 Third Ave. E. Phone 44 GORDON & ANDERSON LTD. Phone 46 YUKON JEWELLERS 623 3rd Ave. W. Phone Blue 615 . I.M.C. TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM LTD. 2nd Are. and 2nd Sr. Phone 640 PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD Second Ayc. W. Phone 651 - 652 -A jgKi f ' JOTU -4J4AfJ i Ill