Prince Rupert Dail News 'Holiday, January 21, VJj2 cinn.n C I N V M A THF INTFRN ATtON At. OF CANADA Alberta Oil Boom Differs Horace WOKING. Ei.iiia: d V.o.; . i .. .;. than 42 ytars of set I.ONDOM T coach built lor oi London la 1 ma::'Ied for at Tlie historic the Lord Mayor 57 Ls being dis-overhaul. The after more service m the t n i s Surrey i i nave been ron-'abu'.,rv ol t--". :i :.-....., ,1 I coach is t a tii -ted h Ijeved to hare become r!iy rot Britain '' j .inciian. F M . ..... ..' -J Jk,- ... " ' ffiilPECT MENAND Navy Ready To Protect Ship Lanes (mild Sprin; Into A linn (in 21 Hours Nolire If ar should come a:ain the N-ivy i.'Ui: not be caught una-waie but wutikl be well prepared t a soon account of Itself $., -.;:u::tsvi l's primary function ei r.f.teo;.r.s the snipping lanes . .: : :. -a.;e officer, trade, a,.i,i.-t (Mir.y attack, Cdr. R. D. K : a. i a:..-....i Savy. E:quimalt, js.uresl the Prince Rupert Gyro Club an tfKT luncheon ad-c: t-iU rdav. H;s sub'ict. Seaborne Trade uml tlse N.ivy." Cdr, Barrett i.i-l'.iiu' d the ivm ol tile organization of r..ivai control of sbippniK nirn !';.it;i s... h vital part in Hi.c of war and which, with a IZJ ON TIIK SAME VS H I m me wm M m,;,:l ,M,M:,r MARLON BRANDO TERESA WRIGHt7$ XJ l inborn The Men j ,.,y Cmt One Showing Only Thurs. ;:,". W..; -I h liTJ at 8:30 p.m. j """ liff . j Great Storewide Specials , turn Company, put it. I There was no iid scrateiiwi:: ! ior leases, or trying to r,h an acre or two, or sinking as nur.v wells as you could get on yon. land and running them wia. open. j "But stand back and look at it as a whole," Sandiin say ol 'th' Canadian development, "an.i us the boom in yeas.-, maybe in the history of tne u,; indu..try." The bo'.m started Feb. 13. ?a: w n e n Imperial Oil Limited brought in its Leduc discover', well In the central Alberta plains This was at a time when Canada's one ma;or lieid. tie Taffiw Valley, was f?r past n pr.nie and when all Jljrth America was keenly conscious o; t.-. nerd for a tremendous new iy.: supply. In four years the txom boo., tea Canada's proven oil reserv. from aiouiid 40.000. WO t., in):, than J.OOO.Ot-0 000 barrel.-. It . a-. tiiese big discoveries in tru.. time: Ledac, Woodoend. Reo svatrf. Golden Spike. Bon A -coru. WniieiiiaJ. Suimmo.-,. iw, mandviiie, Lxee.sior t btoa- , Plain. TtxanJ who travelled :;t lacks i:cilenicnt f Texas j at May lie IHseer I HOUSTON. Texas tAP - A n'.oloijist ith a .ense of humor :f.k a map of the United States, drew Vxo natron lines from the Texas Panhand.e to Calgary. Aita . and labelled it "Texan.' CVrrid. i.' '. ' He was playfully spoofing the luimh'di. of Texans headed foi ine biugest oil boom in years, hi tern Canada. I"s a tremendous boom but totally c.fferent from the wild scenes ol the big ones in Texas 1 Texas Burger, Ranger and ,-ven Snyder, near' of the vast .S.' rry county find. You m;.-.s the explosion of the t. ter the va.tnejs of the cici, i-i tut' ay a.r:n aitct-;.!-.. vi-f-pn-s.rtont of the Wood-Si y Oil Company and president :l 'i.i- ,'.'"-t-i':i Prairie Exp.oiti- 51 nisi MEN'S WEAR boys' WEAR " HVl! A I AMIII S I I.WI ItH TIU.A Ii:i r Reserved Seal TickeU must be picked up bt fn- j p,n, ' ' II If I A!)',;; THE "DADDY" OF ALL SALES J RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE : AIL SKATS KISIItMK klllllllBIKiail"IRaiai!3IBlkiBCtlib. ol 2joo, was today rniLi Into operation at : ady t-.- sp idor" to CalK.-.'v. en'.i icVi hours' notice to its ant sh:p- Lively Comedy Hollywood Wife " lii-urt t 'elit-tW i t ting 8 lli.ltij ij s e !0 with a ro hi.ipid , hand '1; 1 1; : ..(, ' i .' '.. ; is ; 'Hie tit; tlinw 111 ETfY J''! fA PAmr-T iand, says -.tnoi.n. f.K ..-i pr;-t ttrng mercii t''$&Jr' "The people are opcn-Kamtf i ., W& 12f7r. i"ake you wo:come- Th''y mh.KS of the new the ' : - - XX - i declared t'.i'.i - I'-. 4iliAc?; ''r cou"lry acveiopea urn c.Xj.- Cdr. Barrett 'he i- 7 A iffiaUfe."-," ui-y ie reaay 10 meet lortlgil ,,,,i,v 1 j'.nldins the il. cap captal tal more more tnaii than haifwa.' halfway." vcs'3.s ,.., i-h wi!! be required iiyii,ii Much Much of of the tiie vast vast area area in m Can- to , end,, ..,,. ' Mil' rd- k-Y lttlij j their menace should i ii (1 !, sj. lii'i qui. executive COiieeil.i I (etWWCTW I ada u"der under development ilfvelopmei.t is is leased leased . ... , Fied Mm ray, Dorothy Mc-Gui'c tind Howard Keel are a sti llai 'trio provKhr.j; an t n -dance of laughs, action a. id excitement In an hilarious comedy '..rann, C.ili.iA.iy Went Tha!-, ,..;, ' .U'.icli is sleiW'tnt; at the 1.) r: '1 In ai i l this Friday and Saturday ni'UHs K-el 'plays a ctastuunrd service like that of the United States. He thought such was hardly w an anted due to the tremendous ex.en.v s.n 'i the job was already being earned out to considerable extent by other agencies such as Kova! Canadian Mmint'-.l Police. Royal Canadian Air Force, the navy .tse'f and oilier's. President Marc (.ioriiie.y v,as in the chair and theie was a good attendance of Gyro member'- with I.! J L LanitlKiiii. RCN, C.;)t. J. Kougham and O A Bell as guests. Next weeks Gyro speaker will be George G. Vincent ot the public illations department of Al-mn rum Co. oi Canada, fr m K d i ill M; lio.iljle role a Hollywood hombre M il 11, Out-Singing...Out-Dancing... ?V. Out-ShininoII In an u.ti-i es'.iim discourse, interpolated with humorous asides ,i!:m appri.pnatv anecdotes, many i i m hi.-, own experience as a naval officer in command of co. vettes during World War II and in chasing Chinese pirates i: -he Orient. Cdr. Barrett traced the devi liipment. oi navies from ;l. car..'';.; days of history. Water i. i.i the start had been the easl- '. and ch'-apest method of .;! t. A, trading vessels . ' . i !:.t i.f. id. piracy de-v. 1 j J i?.!..l n'.i .tti- oi psoti-ction mm T1 Vancouver. 111 nf?YFi-s ' ''- 7 . 1 i-' NOTTINGHAM. Knghuid - Just married. R.iiialil Sim'n and Margaret Fletcher were photo-fc.aphed ip a local cemetery Smi'h said the idea was to sym- 6S?i I MIJ Canada from the government. A million .acres is hardly more than two iiviip-i blocie.t off on a map et the country. alone ii. ikes this boo"; diltciri.t from the turbulent discoveries in Texat. where leas wai a frantic prize and acreage as small. Diilimg for oil in Canada isn't "much different than tnP.ii,; ! Texas or ai:y oiicr plaoe. Saiio-hn says. For the extreme ',! w.-ath.i operators "wintrie ' equipment. Thus means bininri. entlasures at the top il ,he i for the operators, or u in; ste ' heat. They do this in the cub .-tares, too, like the Dakota.. Colorado and Wyoming. A rig worker can be r.vr. somfortabie in Canada tu.n ir Wes; Texas in the w.n'er. Sandhn said lack of r f;:ier: and pipelines will retard bn won't .stop deve!opnt'!it ol !!: . basin of oil. 'These fame defuriciic-s sn: t. ncouniered in the U.S.. ' ;;e r. nnnded. And hiji tbty are i-Kni, Si.ndlin ar.d o'.t,,-r oil nt. l cx pect Canada to produce a mac:! o.l zt the United Stat es. ta"e vow "till toll" the man death U) vs part CACTOON - NEWS Evening show 7 - 9 i 13 Sal. Matinees 2 - 1:13 Kinqs Plate .rur w and Vlf TOKIA f:r.;i)AY :.. Chileoun 8 p in. TUESDAY ss. Caniosun 12 noon fc :!, STUVAHT AMI I'OKT SIMPSON 'i'ivi..ry. Ca'-in'.'jn. 1! p.m. Hlt NOKTII (l I UN CIIAKI.OTTK I M.AMiS February 1 s-. Chili'olin midnight Kilt SOI'TII IJl'UKN ( II Mil Ol TH ISLANDS ss. C'hik'otin January 26 ntANK J. SKINM It Prince Asent Ihlrd Aveivae phore 563 , i -"Mi !, .,' i I .: .1 ' d It became appanr.t as lime I'.ct t u.'i that si f-arnied trading :;.!(.. c. u!d iioi i any tiie weight ).' i ll ti- r.i!iied for their p: -r-K . ' from attack mi systems i f ci nvy with accompany -i; ot t' ii e vessel,; wvre devi J il As i a ly as 1337 dues cre ! .'d liii'aiii upon merchant. of Mich protection. : I l M K O.N SKA i. .tay Canada was tremen-n -i.i ly di peml, nt iqion seaborne trade fur her imports and exports and. should war some, ill!.-, Iracie would have to be instantly protected. It was the primary function of the tiavy to merchant vessels and . ; : of communication -itt to , c.ttatte in actual i..t Cami'ta's part to the ''- ii A; iieaty Organla-, ' . , s e . ';rt vessels which 1 " .!' -S ' -ii 'H.,'1'... .T rJT Seagram's urc t FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING IN 1952 Eighty-one minutes cf fast tun. 1 - - - - Thi odvertisemf nt is not published of displayed by the liquof- Control Bcord or by th Government of Britiih Columbia. A picture as crazy as its title! Fred Dorothy MacHURRAY-McGUIRE Howard KEEL k XU.M'i if needed, to As Always c .ill all d vessels against i'tack ol enemy. Plans were peif. cted whereby that pro- r. i ! be set up effectively n 24 hours. r. Barrett described many of . . ..t; :;is, and details of well- PLACE ORDERS NOW Ij : l d I ... PCES EFFECT.VE , SMCMhy If '" vi nines 7 - S p.m. s ( TI II SIM : It1!!! Ill Cl!TMrt I II l WWII nil iu.a!ion that, was re Dibb Printing Co. TOTeK Friday I u?z), rev, I to V concsaoy, rCD. O : iSU.''' , ? .r " i S h o p conven- ""NLjCf M'Jr S I "cntly, comfort- k fy 8 if Y 4" Pv t OUCl B t jCJO eco-omfcolly '' ' , lS 8 -M? W f for ALL J your ft if 1 D.-. E-?!fd's ? -food require- 1, V I U ments of ' i 2 tins for Mm 4 Ovcrwoiteo '.. quited in providing and making t l convoys such as routing, tim-u:u and protection all of which ri ' .;!! ated training. Under (".nviiy. there was complete con-It o! of shipping which could be provit. d if ships moved ''"tat" units Offering to answeF questions. Cdr, Barrett was asked what he thought of Canada having a STEAMkR Prince George t SAILS FOH Vancouver anil Intermediate Ports Each Thursday it H i', pin. Fcr KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY ftllltMOII I LuXu'y at Low Cost For K' . eivations I Tcmato Soup '.ORANGES Ccmpbctl's 344's, Sunklst , 2 tins for JaC 2 dozen for SC K, "jf rSpgg; B $ M Pi i!T Quick MixT,. i miM mkJmMm i for $M i 3 'te 'V;,:.,.::.;... ...... 2z.c :. a.. 97c Wi de or Call CITY Oil DEPOT OEEH'E i.uiMrt.i i,. ... i. i) i i rJk i n.ivrj nui xni WILFORD ELECTRICAL WORKS Motors ond Gcncrotors Rewound ond Repaired .MOTOKS IIOK.HT And SOLI) New and ItVliuill (.i nerators ft - I J - Zl volts Si2) Ji Lfcrs Lb I FASHION FOOTWE Xl.ri I "- " t L1'I7 Ph. Ph. nine Blue 3!ll 391 I I VjTP IIISNAI'IIIASOAP ( (IQn J NOOK .NAPS 6 OfTo I ZZZZT"" f cvJ.Cf fr 5t)t V 70's Zl.kgOU1' IB "g5iMgMaill II I I Will I W ta uZi . I 1 1 mm m mi in 1 1 ill II 111 II n STONE BUILDING m'- -sac , ,,,,.570 mmmmm l ii iT(rj - "kks ci-in rolled oats n l ' ' 1 1 u ' iwiSa-.yai rJVJ ) ,fUJ,"r 8 w i The The strangest strongest part oort obout about our our C ers t5l I 3 'J , lo, ,t itoi.i.Li) oats , 1 rv VX 1 fQ QCo Jl-Y, r.timll,,,,,! ; Paner Itas JLIV Quaker, 3 s Pk. tftf S !l fHIOCOLATK HCI.AIKS Qftp.' WHITE BEANS nnn j r'Jr I' ViCy N Weston', K-ox Pkg. 0IV , 2 lb. cello Pkg. Ai)' j t"' 1 t? tAiT pineapple ji ice . o o-l. I vSrft?Sr 1 X Ijliiz''1' 2s A for AO , lhs Monte, 20-oz for tfl. 1 SJT business is that the less workmanship you can see, the better the job was done! That's why we're so proud of the cars that cruise out of our shop with that "brand new" look even though they may have been in serious Occidents. Remember this number if in need: x. Pacific ! X"xx ! in GREEN 217 Xsv-r CUUM PCKE ,. t ,! :Wah..yk0 Pacific Milk 3ives coffee a rich, creamy flavor. 3 Superior Auto Service iMilK) s-i.. - - . - ni 1 Limited Buy D.C. Product- jt: iione meuvou dciv ii.c ' Phone o4j !J g I'1 13 4 Third Avenue- West Phone Green 217 i i