ee Good-Looking Redheads Helping Bring Color Back to UK Parliament PLANS COMPLETED FOR CIVIL DEFENCE TEST SALEM. Ore. (AP) Eight western states. Alaska. Hawaii, British Columbia and Alberta will take part June 20 in a civil defence test to determine their ability to co-ordinate services after an enemy attack Robert Sandstrom, acting Oregon civil defence director, said plans were made in Salt Lake City at a meeting of the far western association of civil defence directors. 1 KASi K VVKiUTON iKi'UUrf") Women rs S Socialists and seven Conserva- are in this up-and-coming class, tives who sit in the present Youngest' is Patricia Ilornsby-House- Smith. 39, who entered Parlia- There is as yet no post-war ment as a Conservative in 1950. arc a;ain bringing h Parliament uie Kino Winston Churchill, impressed j it enjoyed when Vir-k.n Nancy Astor as a uvf in the House of by her fighting performance as an election candidate made her a junior minister as soon as he was returned to power in 1951. 4 quipped ana inugura counterpart of Nancy Astor, in 1919 the first woman to take her seat in the Commons. She was a member for 26 years when she retired In 1945. But there are several women who in time may inherit her reputation THREE Jtl DIII ADS Three good-looking redheads illUI IMC As parliamentary secretary of V,, liil'ln piJ'JIU lainr the ministry of health, she has vsed her ready wit to handle women politicians into meters. But It is to pay Increasing .' l the 19 women 12 awkward Opposition questions and aplomb in speaking from the government front "bench. Phe is one of only two women holding office In the govern St A - Vk. f. A Vv ment LTD. I GREER & BRIDDEN Self-confidence is the strong suit of Mrs. I'.aruara Castle, 41, one of the chief supporters of left-wing' firebrand Aneurin Be- BRl'NT OF RFCKNT HEAVY FIGHTING on the Korean front was borne by "Charlie Company, 3rd battalion ol the Royal Canadian Regiment, sime of whose survivors rest up and have breakfast the morning after the action, earlier this month. In the group are: Pte. H. W. Collins, Port Perry. Ont.; Cpl. D. S. Hartman, Kitchene , Out., Pte. E. W. Alexander, Toronto- Pte. D. E. I van. Ml v 'Oil) HAND" Pte. O. V. Kelcher, Toronto; Pte. W. M. Brown, Truro, N.S.; Pte. P. M. McManus, Elora, Ont. ' O'Neill, Kentville, N.S.. and Pte. A. King, Chris ian Islands, Ont. - - - Auburn-haired Barbara Castle is a member of the Labor party national executive committee, and Is already a parliamentary "old hand." For oifiht years, as a fighting Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, May 21, 1953 J Sec us to discuss thot new construction left.-wineer. she hsis been mnk- t i'lg her presence felt in the tj , .,-M-A gg ess vj srm I" St- ' 4 Urges Spanking - WINNIPEG (CP) Magistrate D. G. Potter remarked in court that youths who go around in gangs and get into trouble with the law ought to be treated like children and spanked. He suspended sentence on two youths implicated in thefts on condition they pay for the losses. MM Economy Pael( !AeiFe nouse. - The third redhead is rr. Ertllh Summirskill, 52, tall, whimsical .Socialist who was national Insurance minister in the late La-bur government. She is a docU.r of medicine, the wife of a doctor, and has two children. Dr. Kummerskill, who supports Die "right-wing" Socialist old guard headed by party leader Clement Altlee, sometimes i flashes with militant leftist Bevan. The men, who number 806. are impressed by the way the little m Coffee ! .' ''"": n if Pacific' Milk jjivei coffee a rich, creamy flavor. 11 Buy B.C. Products band of women pulls its weight. Among Conservatives as well as .Socialists, 224-pound Mrs. Bessie Braddock of Liverpool, whom Socialists prize as a Government Serving All Contrary to views, expressed by the opposition, Sociol Credit is closer to the people than any other government in the history of the province. No other government . in the last 50 years has. brought about so many reforms in so short a champion of the British housewife, is held in genuine affection. ON FRONT PACK More than any other woman member of Parliament, Mrs. Braddock. a smartly-tailored brunette of 53, is on the news 1 1 HI tl 'Mi AAA 11 .A LIFl'TENANT E. II. HOLLVFR of Toronto (left) called down artillery fire on this command past in Korea when it was overrun by Chinese Communists. His action was credited with saving the situation and he was given an immediate award of the Military Cross for his "coolness and galiantry." The post was occupied by No. 7 pjatoon of the Royal Canadian Regiment. In the action the 3rd battalion of the RCR was engaged. With Lieut. Hollyer is Sgt. P. J. Stone of New Westminster, B.C., paper front pages. Among Parliament's acknowledged "best-lookers" is Lady ! Twcedsmuir, whose father, the j lirst baron, .was novelist John I Puchan and governor-general of Canada. Tall and fair, she is i an active member of the Con- IB'IHI shake PAINT A new convenience! A new economy! The 2-lb. Family Pack contains the same delicious, smooth-spreading Parkay Margarine you've been buying in the one-pound size but the savings made possible in packaging are paased on to you. Whichever size you prefer, be sure to look for the new blue package with the picture of a cake of ice in the corner. time. fcWith a clear working majority your Social Credit government will continue to work for you. if Don't be misled.. . . ' , Mark your ballot first choice. Special Dances. Receptions To Be Held Coronation Day ! servative rank and file. The only woman minister of I cabinet rank Is Florence Hors-brinh, middle-aged education : minister. ... i On the opposition back-benches j sits Jennie Lee, 48, wife of Be-- van of his faithful par-j liamcntary supporters. I NO SPKCIAL FAVORS ! Women enjoy no special par , m PAIW I 7 Nvtr ttfo't fucH bctutlful, modem thtdct to trurt the eiactinf demandt of tocUy'i kuildinj- Lowe w co tt than ordinary oubid peints, far bctltf rewlU witfi ttiKtr b'uth of ipny. Set Aet rtint new wonder-ful colon and how food job they can do oft ihaktt, thing!! oi foujH uwn lumber. l-M Shale Paint your ft-H DaoUr SOCIAL CREDIT 1 KRAFTS delicious margarine that liamentary privileges apart from those dictated by the gallantry or courtesy of the men. Like the men, they may take' guests to dine with them, and ihey have their own rest room. In the Commons itself, they face the men on equal terms, MELBOURNE (Reuters) Dancing and singing in the street, marching soldiers and prayers in churches will mark Australia's celebration of the Coronation. In various parts of the country there will be extensive decorations, special dances and receptions, fireworks, colored lights, massed banks of flowers, reviews of troops and fly-pasts of aircraft, speeches and salutes Boy scouts and girl scouts will take part in huge homage rall- This advertisement la Issued t?y the British Columbia Social Credit Cam ier and Jines of school children will follow chalked lines to form huge colored crowns surmounted by E R Elizabeth Regina on green athletic fields. j In the far north. Aborigines .vill beat the red earth into ?ust and their spirits into a frenzy in a corroboree dance. Television 'has not yet come to Australia. But Australians will follow radio descriptions of the pageantry in London. In the capital, Canberra, try new governor general, Field Marstial Sir William Slim, wUl make his first major public ds smoothly even when ice cclal Available at: paign Committee: 14 i taking their share in the cut land thrust of debate. Their sex j does not spare them from po-i litlcal attack across the floor, ; nor does it excuse any inepti- tude 4hnt, they tvwur may show chnm If if they thnv 'reach reach the the rank rank of of minister. minister. , I u 17a 1 m,U TrVV if A I T1 M I f i Father Finds , $665 in Cash In Baby Buggy He will hold a reception at Parliament House aud later will ; take- thcsolyW Jsonvseriflc jde rtactirfiPhts'.- ' ""' '.' V ! Lincoln heavy bombers, Vam pire jet fighters and navy aircraft will take part in a fly past while a royal salute is fired McBriile St. Phone Sll Y j f'J ' WHAVE EMTEPED ) new Quick-mdc Jewel , by the artillery. Also in the program for Cor A sorry lad is schoolboy Bill, . Who chews hi3 lunch so glumly; With sandwiches as dry as stick3, Who wouldn't?" he asks dumbly. NEW YORK AP) Now who'd dump garbage in a baby carriage? Qucss I'll just have to throw it out. Hnimm, maybe I'll have a look inside the bag. What? did I say garbage? It's money! This was the train of thought Tuesday night for onation week are a civic ball, a state banquet, a fireworks display, a symphony concert, a full-scale armed services display and an international ball arranged by the good neighbor council, an organization whose Frank Conry, 35, an elevator I aim is to make "new Austral-i operator, as he found a paper I ians," as immigrants are called here, foci at home bag filled with $665 in cash in the empty baby carriage of Some 450.000 Australians have sailed to London to see for themselves the pageant of June 2. Fifty ships have carried these Australian sightseers to Britain. Another eight or ten thousand are travelling by air. NSE THE JEWELS YOU THINK BEST EXPRESS 6 - t his two-year-old child. The carriage Had been left in an apartment house hallway. Police said they were looking for the owner, hoping to trace him through some names of papers found with th money. $1,000.00 $ 700.00 $ 500.00 $ 200.00 $ 100.00 FIRST PRIZE SECOND PRIZI THIRD PRIZE FOURTH PRIZI FIFTH PRIZI But Mary's mom, with wise foresight In Hand-e-wrap 'em. Her sandwiches stay fresh nd moist, t A school-miss sure deseryes 'em I ULLDS 'HE PERSONALITIES OF THESE 12 STARS: " sirring in Noel Coward'i "ui-v.r MB J. Arthur Rjnk Production; 7.m Zm Colnr, "i John Huston's "MOUUN roiioh," Colour by rcltascj throusli Unittd Artists; Ptlulii LLirk, " maiu'in Hi;avi..n," J. Arthut Rank HroJuction; "utjltihurn. surrinff in John Huston's "miss hak-vls. released through United Artists;' Em Bn'iiik. ln "vi.NTiAN bird." t). Artliur Rank Production; ''""''."'. -surrinr in "babbs IN BAGDAD,'' Pro. ' "J 'lie Danifjer Bros., released througli United ' ',(, appearing in "it started in para-1 J- Arthur Rank Production; RM llayworlb, starring L ' Colour by Technicolor, Columbia Picture; ." y'"rl. surring in "i hu NiT," J. Arthur Rank . fainm, co-starring in "the four poster," ,wiPtttute;j, Colbtrt, starring in "oi'nOST 1 ) Arthur Rank Production; Rbmb Miming. Phone 266 Office - opposite Post Office 100 MIHS Of SWIFT HAMPERSI i 100 PRIZES OF BOOKS OF THEATRE TICKETS! ABB MONDAY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY r.l T vrl IR FNTRY FORM from your grocer, or the Jewel advertisements in street cars. Enter luJay! CuutsM closes midnight, June 6th, 1953. . . SWIFT CANADIAN CO., LIMITED Hand-G-'wra II NiflVV I3IRXEI PAPER si iipent of the nils," Colour by Technicolor, " rututf .. LINE HERE ARE THE JEWELS Prince Rupert to L' '"imW, topphlr., (epai, 9irnt, moo- , ':"' "unmorlm, amilhytl, ptarl. All . do IJ select YOU tlunli iiftr .vhr..( rh .rar'l nerSOnalitV "ell lewel ,! .i . .,.. l,. rk.isn 'l'u nam.-'SenJ die complete list, with your ,; l"'fss and one carton on from jewel Shortening, It smart kilrlirn economy to wrap your meat, 6sh and vegrtahlra iu heavy, doultle waved lland-e-wra"p. mV otber product no completely (U-earxea foud flavor aud preveau hjihU llantlv , v.ontest, uox now, 1 oronro, cm. V XV'V Culling Edit ... KETCHIKAN WRANGEL - PETERSBURG - JUNEAU and other Alaskan centres , with connections to WHJTEHORSE SEATTLE ANCHORAGE See Your Local Trnvel Agent "i ptwrl "Ml S QUICK-MIX f odvnllaM l CMIIiMt thrOnil WF JEWEL '"He.,,