Prince Rupvf Daily Taxes Should Not Be Reduced Cover Does a Lot' to Sell Pocket Books, Says Publisher TODAY end SATURDAY Until Expenses Are Controlled' '.T.rjcir about HO per cent of the objectionable material on newslands. At the same time, the govenir nient should establish some form of censorship a board or Indi I OTTAWA if A ban on ! printing books in Canada from plates Imported from the United : States has been suggested to curb salacious and Indecent literature. NFW YORK APi -Treasury The former midwest iron ore ward lo goou juu i fc" t"' SH-rctury GeorRe Humphrey says magnate told the annual lunch-; ana real auvaiices in our scate there will bo no depression in eon of The Associated Press: :of living. the United States, come a Kor-1 "So long as we maintain the I "We can have a stronger can armistice or even full world soundness of our money; attain economy baseu on sounder tun-pta(.e that nice balance b e t w e e n i uamenial conditions thane de- security from aggres- have known in many years Adju- tn-.rn's. ves. but not achieving prcsslon." he declared in his sion and maintaining economic! Humphrey loid the 1.000 edi-maiti.-n -speech as the fiscal strength; eliminate waste and tors and publishers that taxes, r i..,. i, i. .,,4 iri.o,,. in-ii nr affairs with snouid no. be reduced until ex- vidual to winch publishers could refer a proposed publication fur a ruling He said U.8 publishers could . .:' ' ' - , , r " .iif "J OTE AA liowers new Republican Cabinet, wisdom, America can look for- The suggestion was made to a Senate committee by John H. Panner, president of Harlequin Books Limited of Toronto. It was opposed by Dr. Doris Boyle, head ol the social science department ol id. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish. N.3. Ur. Uoylc and Mr. Palmer were among Un..l witnesses at public sessions of the Senate salacious und indecent literature commit- j h. I hum's rliicr Tlietrr J print books in Canada Irouj imported book plates at pi lies that were difficult for Canadian publlshcis to match. As a result many Canadian publishers of small books hud gone out of business. Bcnator Davis handud Mr. penses are under control." - Lut he addetl: "That does not mean that no relief I rum present taxation, wnicn is lar loo high, can be anticipated. Just the opposite is true. Taxes must come uown. It's simply a matter of timing Reared lo reduction of a Palmer rainier a a book door published puuiuneu by oy m i A' Al : ,. . . ' uw committee report and ue. IIl4r. in whlth fte sulu lhowud .f on.niciidauons likely will be. th. rnv. a ..niir,lv.,.,..d ytoV! I "ll AIM iv'r, POX DKLAPLANTE of .lie Toronto Olobe and Mail nan won the fourth annual national newspaper award for spot reporting. Delaplante. won th award for breaking the storv, Apiil 11. 1352. Cf thlevf-y pt the Petawawa military camp THE Uidmmi PURCHASE pusr.uu vu v male beinu cha.sed through I expense. Both are too high and j bom must be reduced." j Humphrey's luncheon speech I came amid a busy day in w hich ! Associated Press members voted i for six directors ot the worldwide i OF THE SEASON -YOUR end of U.e month. .ne " bamboo field by a man He ask-1 Gcnater J C. Davis iL-Mani- jed 1 Mr fainur considered Uiut was elected chairman to "jiecent ." 1 succeed Senator J. J. Hayes i ... ,,,,.,. H ,... .. ' 7 ' rzr nri't I'jrrv: news gathering co-operative. S S ,! decent by comparison with what ; his firm had lo compete with. '; tjoonc tkiio died recently in New ! Brunswick. ' Mr. Palmer, who described i ! The AP's board of directors Cmi I I know I'm ravins kn wm However, he said he uni tes with : also reported a fervent hope for ' i freedom soon for William N. j inn h.mself Hie only Canadian ! as 'Uavw tmwt Vnal lt tan t ihf Cannot he tivrtcM ... . I ,7"''1- I Uwv UJ Aih. Oatis, although they saw no j "substantial discernible progress" nllliiiililiil'-"''1 puuusiur P"V ouo. sug- , t f Ul, s,louW t-jested Canada follow the United ! , e Umm o( u,en.H States and prohibit publication ; .. . . ouhlulu... . ,mld ,,kl, j in this direction right now. ' w - sc& tl of books fn.m imported book , ..,,.,.,,, .. ,i,. . VALLACE'S DEPT. STORE TODAY and SATL!' CAPITC Mso f'artuun News EVENING C:3t - SATlKflAV S:IJ, S:15, .cites1:. P-'"1!?'..."!. SUid ti"!J"U!d-C- ! fira" but they also had to meet "cover dots a lot 9 11 I 11 competition. A to sell a book.' .1 VHMmS M. lists IIIIKSISiimiUBpllHii'I"'"""" Fcorurt Sforts ioturdoy 2:56 - V.56.8,1 Oatis. AP s chief of bureau In Prague, was jailed two years ago by CzochoalovaKia for 10 years on charges of espionage. The boara also tooK note of the continued imprisonment In Korea of AP photographer Frank Noel. From available information, the board said there were indications that Noel and Oatis are in reasonably good health k I ' L" " "r Housing Conference i Urged OITAWA (CPi-The Pruurtss-Ive Conservatives liave called for a fcirial-proviiKial confcicnce on housing. Clergyman Urge Proper Sex Education BIRMINGHAM. Ens Reuters) A clergyman today con- I mm mm "i . .lir and receiving humane treat nient." FIVE-PI BOWLERS MIXED DOUBLES HANDICAP TOURNAMENT For Particulars - Phone Red 709 "Prolonged incaitvi aiiou. however." the board added, "must be as galling to them, as our failure to ellect their release Is frustrating to us. Every possible effort is being exerted in their behalf." The national newspaper award for feature writing has been given to YYilf List of the Toronto Globe and Mail. It was for a series on Labrador and sociological developments In Quebec tied Into coverage of the Louisville textile strike situation last October. I v AW Donald FlemiTg il'C-Toronto- demned the blrds-and-becs p-Fulinloni, his party's chief proach to sex education for chtl-spjKcMiian n hotumg, said In dren. the Commons such a conlerence Canon Hush Warner, rhlr-:s imperative" to assure muni- man of the executive at a con-cipalities revenue to meet their ferenre of the British Council housing obligations of Churrhes. said parents should iMr chMrrn the farts of Mr Fkmint .spoke after Rc-''f11 human reproduction truthful- sources Minister Winters launch- k -.,.!.,. ly and naturally Gives Seamen $500 Back Pay to th 1 V.ii u, Sex must be irlatfd nature of man rather than , l.slutimi bonsllnx by $300.000 ,J-"" 000 1 onltr,.,! f,,rm h, run. the amoun available under the J" . . . AUCTION SALE COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS SATURDAY, APRIL 25 ot 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. TO l.i: lltl.l) IN THK AKTION KOO.MS, Curner 1 ourth Avenue East and MeBridc Street. Instructed Uy the owner. I huvc caused to be moved to Auction Rooms the entire contents of house and will soil by auction: Compact Electric Vacuum Cleaner; 3-pce. Chesterfield Suite; Natioi ai Housing Act for 'loana on rental and oner-occupted homes. He said many parents begin with the birds and bees "and fhrn tsv slnui KlDn with a The le-islation. forecast in the )oul of trlumph we r,,ach Our Personal Service No matter hat yoj buy . ... be it Cosm-tK a, Sundry Items, or ruvn i Prescription Cumixjunded. you'll fina our Mnst Personahml Service to our .( Shop Wisely . . . SKo? or DtETH'S FHARMACY For Health and Beauty" lite Dellwry fpcerh from the throne at the rabbit, with the assumption that cpenlng of Parliament, touched humHn i beings are much the VANCOUVER (CP The AFL'i Seafarers International Union savs a new wane agreement with; Westward Shipping Limited will brini between $'jll0 and $700 in; back pay to unlicensed crew: members of the tanker Brit-i amerlcan. The agreemsnt gives the men a $25 monthly pay increase roactlve to May 1. 1952, plus a 40-cents-an-haur overtime clause retroactive one year. SIU port ' agont Norm Cunningham said. Deckhands now will receive $210 monthly, oilers $215. cocks $2)0; ani mermen $195. The men work a 40-hour week. t-:f the first major nousing debate of tjie se-j-ion, now nearln? its end. Wall Mirror; Colice Table; Fleetwood Radio and 3-speed Record Piay-r. Mahogany Table: l iving R.xim Drapes; mme." Canon Warner presented a report saying that among the causes for marriage breakdowns Is "sn inability to accept the sex factor fully and constructively ; because wrong attitudes are de- veloped in very early years " Frifidalvc; P-t Burner Oil Ranee; HisUss Chair; Mixmaster and Orint'f r eoni'.-lct?; Roys' Balloon Tir3 Bleyrle: 34-Bed- 9 room Suite. Single Ecd and Dressev Metal Folding Kitchen I s ' a jf,.,,, Stool; AU-M? tal Table; 2 Cigarette stands; 2 Table Lamps: Canada to Ask Top Price For Wheat Easy Flcc'ttic Wa'her: Chrome Kitchen Suite: Records and '-?v At- i'.i-.-i 1 . V" ' ' y-n ' 4 t - l - . .,. " . I. - . ' . 1 ' .... ! . .. v 1 . . . . c ...r t ' t - 1 ... . 1 " !" ! V if t t Mm , , V- f i' "i 1 :f ,' :7- PHONE ! U 15Hour f f TP n f OTTAWA $195.70 I H TAXED C KCSSI.LL K. C'OOPI.'R of the Toronto Telegram has been awarded the award for sHt news photography. His winning picture was an action shot of rioting prisoners scurrying out of range of a tear gas burst during the Guelph reformatory riots last July. ' Cabinet; I.a.'ire Livins Rn Carpet r'' x 13' 6": Electric HotplHc; Oil Heater 'nearly new.: Eleciric Sewing Machine; Bedruc;:.'. Drapes: Diiiing Poom Eulift inafurol finish : Tri-Lish'- 'Lamp: RCA Victor Radi1; 2 other Ranees, wick burners; Single Red complete; Electric Heater, and numerous other ar'iile.J. Must be Solu AFTERNOON AND EVENING SALE LiST YOl K G'i.IS KFFORE FRII A Y FflPv TMIS SALE rbone Keil 117 Black 81fi U.C. Messenger 678 ALL KINDS it A Make ir A Model if A Yeor TO SI IT YOl' . . . OTTAWA (CP)-Canada plans to ak the top price. $2 OS a bushel, for her wheat mhen the new International Wheat Agreement bc-Rins operations next j August, a federal official said i rKUrwri jLivvis-t i km CoMOdMicM I STtM.: (! KM.V BMH K. HVTII STKitll today. i j This would be an Increase of M I'lvmiiiil1) 2-door, 22.000 TKE AUCTlON'tZR George J. Dawes miles. Good shaje 1 19 cents a bisht u 8. funds throrehcit S17!)5 ! h'""4 r j utn nit- i ui i. lit tfj t ( p. j .".0 Custom Ford Fordor. Good rublyr. Healer. of $1 m. including carrying ihargc?. basis No. 1 Northern. ! 1 L AtfwC!! FOR SALE S-a Mist Green S15!5 For Work For Play . . . . . . '50 Meteor Si-dan. New 2-Uine A real family car $ll15 SI'IXIAL SPECIAL T.O Monarch Convertible, com jimcrsca's STRONGEST Whipcord! Your Travel Agent pletery automatic with every I The new pnet provides for a ceiling of $2 05 and a fltKir of , i $1 S5 Under the pact's terms.1 an Importer cannot be forced tn accent wheal unless prlres fall' ; to the floor and an exporter j cannot be forced to supply . wheat unless prices rise to the; 'ceiling. i With hi)'!'- world supplies. tlvre h id Ijn-n some question of ; I what Canuda's asking prlre j j shtiuld be: Whi ther It should1 jiossible e::lra... A Must See TKl'CKS Restaurant As a W Concern PHONE 868 or AFPiY in PERSON to i X xz? j '50 Sludrbaker Pickup. Not a scratch. Handy canopy back $I2!I5 mow fBUKi! All our Used Cars carry a. 30-day guarantee be at the current IWA celling t.f $1 HQ. including carrying chBrKes, or somewhere bi'twn The Home of Friendly Servire Civic Centre Dining M Bob Parker Lid. "The Home of F riendly Service" Th t'omnlle 1rrl "icrvl-e that figure and the celling. The i official K-tld Canada will stick! to the eeillns. . ! He said he Is ronfldent Can- j'.d.'i can get the price In view of ' "urrent world market strength ! for Class II wheat, which Is ! wheat sold outside the terms of j'he agreement. Current Class i II prices are about $2.13 a bushel In Canada and about 15 cents '. above that in the U S tVII.LIAM STEVENSON cf the Toronto Dally Star won the award for stiff rerrespondhiR. Steven.'on won the award with his graphic rejxirting for the Star last June 10 of the Koin Island battle between Communis prisoners and United .States troops. rt. C'S- ita 'CM yWr-n It km t" 1. I ' I' ... 1 Maximum Strength to Wear and Wear undcV toughest usage, yet with Trim Good Looks . , . Right, whatever you do ... wherever you go. Heaviest 19 oz. Whipcord Durable Water Repellant Two-Ply Blended with Nylon Scratch-Free Comfort LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 1910 V.OVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING 8IIIPPIN(j . . . POKWAKIMM; . . . SIOKACiK Experienced handling Local Nation-wide and World-wide Shipment." "MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'? $ Aprils Allied Van Lines Ltd. Phone W ir 68 Cor. 2nd and Park At. V OLD COLONY MAPLE With the warmth of Traditional Furniture . . . but the usefulness of Modern Furniture. Constructed entirely of selected solid Maple. Drawers with centre guides . . .all edges nicely rounded. 7 GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. Ooen Stock . . . $12.95 $15.95 TROUSERS JACKETS . . CRUISERS . 41 1 sV . A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE1' $19.95 2 ronruiy r: ti&-A WATTS & N CKcRMJN For Over a Quarter of a "A Good Place to Buy, 327 Third Avenue MEN'S WEAR Thl advprtlw-mont 1 not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government ul See u$ to discuss that new construction imuu buluiubw.