111K.C tupei I LXjlly iNeW; Wednesday. August b,.l&53 ""IJaiVl,. b,;;'j;'r''j century. I Portland SPORTS ROUND-UP :,iiv' Roberts Chalks Up 19th Raschi Sets New Mark "ess? By gale talbot NEW YORK (AP) . The Only . time We SUW ,LeO ; .. .r,,. Durocher really agitated last spring was w hen some- j j hj what thought of . the Winter ' (leal throuirh which Brooklyn had obtained pitcner- kuss The manager of the Giants . . , Phillips . . .U l V 1 i .'Ul HIV - exploded at close quarters. BOULTER AND DOMINATO WIN ROD AND GUN CLUB SHOOT Tommy Boulter and Dom Domlnato were high team In the Prince Rupert Rod and Gun Club crow shoot held Sunday, when they brought home 20 beaks. When the shoot ended at 5 p.m. beaks counted at the trap range showed that Frank Allingham and Vic Williams were In second place with 13 beaks. In third place were Harold Schaeffer and John Lazorek who killed 12 crows up until 5 p.m. Prizes will be distributed at the next Rod and Gun club meeting. Officials of the club termed the crow shoot a success with a large number of nest robbers liquidated. Spokane's Double Victory Shunts Salem Into No.2 Slot "Since when,' he demanded, . . "do yo .try to he p the team , Jvi r Rwv w wvwv with any sense Knows uiu'. Washington 3-0. and Boston broke an eight-game losing streak, beating St. Louis 6-2. The Yankees lead Chicago by five games and - Cleveland by 1 "2. ALL-TIME RICH Vic Raschi broke a major league batting record as he drove in seven of the New York runs against Detroit, an all-time high for pitchers. The previous best was six. Greeted with the bases loaded in each of his first three trips to the plate, Raschi delivered two runners in the second inning with a single, three in the third with a double, and two more In the fourth with another single. On his fourth trip, with nobody on base, he grounded out. Chuck Stobbs of the Senators p2? WHERE CR.' COUNTS ... CO'.; DibbPrfe COMpJ I w ' i. . 1 S' 4 - 1 , pacK m Kace I The news In the Pacific Coast League is that the San Francisco seals are back up in the first di- vion, after a long time away Manager Tommy Heath's club whacked Portland twice Tuesday night. 4-1 and 5-4. to oust the , Heavers from fourth place. j These clubs were in a virtual ........ ..ui..u.J. ..... nu ll uuumnirauci , uui. .n. pitchers Elmer Singleton and ' John MrCall, who have yet to lose to the Beavers this season, continued their mastery over them. Singleton gave only five hits and McCall had a 5-1 decision up until the ninth, when Herm Reich clouted a homer with two on that put Portland right back in the ball game. Singleton's win whs his 13th. Seattle whipped Los Angeles in Seattle, 6-1. and San Diego disposed of Oakland, 7-1; Hollywood beat Sacramento again, 4-1. REMEMBER WHEN E. H. Temme of England, first person to swim the English Channel in both directions, nlnwpd t h r n ii o h f hp eliimnv pitching is what Charlie Dres- " 1 ". of them shutouts over MWau-that en needs. The Phils don't think . The last time he lau was guy Meyer Is much of a pitcher, hey? I wish I had him July H. when he bow si to a right now." i shutout delivered by ux .le Alan By BEN PHLEGAK . Assooliited Press Sports Writer The Robin Roberts express is running on a schedule that could make the young pitcher for Philadelphia Phillies the' major leagues' first- 30-game Winner in 19 seasons. The strong-armed righthander has stepped up by almost two weeks his tremendous pace of last year when he won 28 and lost 7. Roberts won his 19th game Tuesday night, a five-hit 8-1 victory over St. Louis Cardinals. He's lost seven. At the same point a year ago he had a 16-6 record. AVERAGE LOWER Compared to his record at this time last year, Roberts has pitched 35 more innings and eight more complete games. He's struck out 36 more batters although he has walked 17 more. Thirty-nine -'more , hit j have been recorded against him but his earned run average is lower 2.38 to 2.48. The last 30-game winner was Dizzy Dean of St. Louis Cardinals back in 1934. , A good fast-ball pitcher, Roberts had his control working to rear perfection against the Cards Tuesday night. Back-to-back doubles by Stan Musial snd Enos Slaughter produced a Bt. Louis run in the first inning, but from then on It was all Roberts. He struck out seven and walked two. League-leading Brooklyn was made idle by rain in Milwaukee. Pittsburgh edged Cincinnati 2-1 and Chicago Cubs defeated the stumbling New York Giants 5-3. In the American League New York Yankees crushed Detroit 15-0. Chicago whipped Philadelphia 8-3. Cleveland defeated Calgary took both ends of a doubleheader from Lewiston, 4-0 and 17-9. Manager-pitcher Bill Brenner was the victim in the second game, giving up 22 hits, i including three round-trippers, to the Stampeders. Don Hunter ! and Rocky Tedesco homered for i Calgary In the first contest. It took Wenatchee and Tri-City 12 innings to settle their i differences, with Tri-City win-, ning 11-10. Ernie Hockaday ! singled Len Tran home with the ' winning run in the 12th. Each ! of the 11 runs scored by the win-I ners came after two were out I with none on. I Vancouver clubbed Victoria 6-3 to make it two straight over ' the Tyees. waters on his first crossing SH . cn wan an n- i.n-ou.. Ivears ago today. He made It InlTlv pair are right up anions i 14 hours, 29 minutes the first lhe 1,'-1ue '"'"ders in winning lime, and seven years later in percentage. Their recent efforts j 191!.-' swam across the other way . are largely rcspoiKiUle for the By The Canadian Press Spokane Indians are king pins in the Western International Baseball League once again and the Salem Senators are back in the No. 2 slot. A double win posted at Edmonton Tuesday night while Salem was losing a single game to Yakima gave the Indians undisputed possession of the top berth. The Indians and Senators, who have been chaing each other in and oiH of first place through most of .the second half of the split season were virtually tied for the lead at the start of the evening's activities. The Indians jumped on two Edmonton pitchers for 12 hits as they fashioned a 5-1 triumph in the seven-inning opener, and pounded out nine more safeties to take the regulation-length nightcap 4-2. At Salem, Yakima pitcher Danny Rios spaced 11 hits and helped his own cau.se with a solo home run in the third inning as the Bears defeated the Senators 9-3. Herman Lewis also homered for the Bears in the sixth. tZIFfJ' f . X h A Leo had a good deal more to I ; say on the subject, but that was the gist of his remarks, wincn were widely circulated. As we do rot recall that any other National League manager viewed the strange transaction with similar alarm at the time, it seems proper to credit him with having called the turn. , As of the moment Meyer, for all his eccentricities, is tied with Carl Erskine as the most win ning pitcher on the Brooklyn c'aylight the Dodgershavep.il End Sde SALE '3.95 Ploy Shoes Soles SALE I'P.K'E FOOTWEAR in one hour longer. dds W MEN'S SHOES Die.-:; and Work styles :.;e:lV i. . ' :', ."4 - -..( held Cleveland to five hits, but the Indians managed to bunch three of these in the eighth Inning to score all of their runs. Mike Garcia posted victory No. 13. SOX EXPLODE The White Sox, who had succumbed to the Athletics 10 times In 15 meetings, exploded for six runs In the fourth Inning to salt away the contest. Virgil Trucks won his ninth game since joining Chicago with a four-hit performance. Boston came from behind in the eighth to trim the Browns. Ployd Baker doubled with the j bases loaded during the rally that gave Maury MeDermott j his 11th victory. j The Pirates' victory at Cincinnati ended a four-game winning streak for the Redlcgs. Danny O'Connell tripled home the two Pittsburgh runs in the eighth against loser Jackie Col- i lum. the third meets the fourth. The one-and-six series will be nine games instead of the previous seven. The other series will be seven games. Formerly there were five. The semi-finals will be best-of-seven Instead of best-of-five. The final will be best-of -seven. r LADIES' PUMPS end SANDALS All colors. Wide selection SALE PRICE Boys' Oxfords and Kiddies' Shoes SALE I'liK I- - . , between themselves and t ecuad-i place Milwaukee. ; ; I Meyer, after an indifferent Worthingtun ol tne u; rmts, mffSBf 9, J,U, Jj 1 1 This advertisement h I Control Board or fav th f-2K m. wtm (. G.V.W.-6 900 lt.1. lAMi.-ip.vfteai!t)f c. ft, i Western Hockey Loop Moguls Back Post-Season Series Ladies' Pumps Kiddies' With Crepe and Neolito , You'll find b:iri;.iiiis galore at astoimdUtcly low price. Call early and avoid disappointment. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 1010 MOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING SHIPPING . . . FORWARDING . . . STORAGE Experienced handling Local, Nation-wide end World-wide Shipments. 'MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S" Agents Allied Van Lines Ltd. Phone GO or 68 Cor. 2nd and Park Ave. FASHION ami tfi, fM in not published by Hi Government of Britiih CoUm THAMES 'i i ItNS BLACK LONDON (CP) Nearly two miles of old father Thames turned black recently near Tilbury. Discoloration of the river w is blamed on sugar leaking from a damaged cargo vessel, in for repairs. mi All over paring most extra fatigue, Ford wider front TWO 1 - V TODAY'S CHOOSE THE SPEED-HAULING... BEST... CHOOSE FOEi f EDMONTON The Western Hockey League decided Tuesday night to have a best-of-nine post-season series with the Quebec Hockey League. i Directors at the semi-annual meeting voted In favor of the plan which has the first series In Ihe West and then alternating yearly between East and West. The directors also voted to retain the delayed-penalty rule K'hlch has been opposed by Cal-eaty. Under the rule only one man on a -team is in the penalty box. Calgary wanted to revert to the former rule which allowed two men on one team to be In the penalty box at one time. The seven-team WHL again will have six teams in the post season playoffs, and the series will will be be longer. longer. - - . Directors Directors also also decided decided to to in- increase the nlhvoff pool from . $35 000 to $45,000. They threw out the system of rmviiig onlv one far aoff spot in the end zone 20 feet in front of 4he net. The WHL will revert to two spots, one on each side and to the front of the net. t The 1953-54 schedule, opening In the second week of October and ending March 21. will have 70 eames for each club. There wilt be four inter-sectional trios foi each club, an increase of one overt ar-thp ,1852-53 schedule." l --in. 1 tt'tvTO .wint 'of. the pin-' 'offs,' the team finishini? the reg clar schedule in first place meets the team finishing sixth. The - second team plays the fifth, and 1 I , L It f lit? Jf V V V A manoeuvrability and shorter turning pays off in hauling economy! Ford's great line-up of V-8 engines 106 to 155-Hp. and 9 Synchro-Silent transmissions to choose from Fordomatic and Overdrive available in all half-ton models make Ford Economy Trucks your best buy from every point of view. See your Ford Truck dealer for demonstration. Choose the best FORD! Canada Ford Economy Trucks are saving time and costs for busy truckers! Ford Driveritd cabs the comfortable cabs ever built into a truck pay off in man-hours of work because they cdt down driving enable drivers to clock in more miles per day. Driverized design featuring shorter whcelhsses, treads and set-back front axles for greater HUSKY FORD EXPRESS I 'ttfltnul U f.xlrt fit) JOBS GIVE TOP PERFORMANCE AT LOW COST! Ford 1-2 50 and F-3S0 exprrssei are built to give ruKfcrd, drpcniialile service and swift, easy handling of bulky loutl. They oflt-r big load carrying capacity and thrifty, responsive performance combined with .tlie greatest driving ease in lurd I ruck history! Kugged express boxes are low-to-ground for easy loading. Features indole new, stronger clamp-tight tailgate, new toggle-type latch, six convenient stake pockets, seasoned wood floorboards, new husky iteel corner posts, 1 hey pack big loads add Haul them last I '.LAST NIGHT'S FIGHTS W . ' ' tUl IP 1U VU VXW f .... 1 LOS Angeles Phil Kim, 143, Li ; Xt V ' ' " L III S""C' " ' Honolulu, stopped Elmer Beltz, V J , I O - ' " ' , - , t ' ) , ' " 143 Angeles, 1. . j V,f " W ' . ' V - i . ,;.i: nivuoy, .stppea bill ''P! V Af ' '"lJ "lJ , , . ' "T - - ' Vj J ore ..for 1 ;i3b. Lu, Angeles, ttlltl B,i,L L U V " " " , ,T 1 " - ' v;..f-' (aim - I I li 4,, 'J Vtpl , r . 1343 1 . your rPTM- trucking dollar '', ' 1 I rtt., I . . ; m0 M.I.1IHW"I' "II.W