x ''v i 1 v i New: ihursriay December U, U'53 Jack Lindsay Heads Gyros Al ,,.!. I.. Members of All Parties Back Proposal on Canadian Flag OTTAWA (CP) Parliament; r- i French-speaking Canadians aid not want a fleur ri h or any i, is appear to want a distinctive Canadian fla?. but are unlikely ; other French symbol in the de- Carol Festival Rates High With Full-House Audience Prince Rupert's Christmas Carol I- estival is here t( stay, jud'in from the warm response it iwci.l at last night's final performance. V;l'"B oi b, to take action on it this session. .sign He sueeested t..e "place of rnuce rcip.,i Uyro Club -terday, J.,ci. Lindsay was ed pres d-ut for 1954. a ct a Rlvett vice-president -vir. lL say will succeed Dr . w Emil Blain rontinuej as "Z retary,- and J E Tayl,U treasurer. j Directors i l-cted were L Radford, T A. Stewart nnri Zl The Civic honor" on the 'lag be given to me maple leaf, which would then become "to the Canadian people, of everv racial extraction and creed, the most significant symbol of unity in the world." PERSONALS . , ' V i , - 1 ' V" v overflowing with lovers of Christmas ;iiusic for the program which saw five loc.il choirs and a massed chorus ef members of all choirs participating, accompanied by tin.-, city's symphony orchestra, pie-sent a variety of Christinas Dr. John Friesen, head of the University of British Columbia extension department, and Mr. A V Hill nf the ripnart.ment ar I The Commons spent three hours disciissing a private mem-ber's resolution Wednesday proposing adoption of such a flag and suggesting a joint Commons-Senate committee study and 1 recommend a design. ! The, proposal by Bona Arsen-t'aiilt iL-Bonaventure), received support from members of all parties, along with some criticism. Further action this session, , however, seems remote as the i resolution, in effect, was killed ' by a motion to adjourn th de-i hate. The adjournment motion Magor. Continuing as dn,X," are George Cook. Dr aT'i Miller, W. F. Stone and ) riominato. I Bankruptcy Petition Filed VANCOUVER (CP) Campbell I rived aboard the Prince George carols. yesterday to attend the semi-, The combined choirs, with annual meeting of the Prince some 75 or more voices, siiiRin Pnnprt Fishermen's Co-On Asso- the best-loved carols such as Bennett Ltd. and three other t creditors filed petitions in Sup-, reme Court here Tuesday to put Comstock Midwestern Ltd. into "Joy to the World" and "The First Noel," thrilled the crowd, MRS. OLIVE FREEMAN PALMER of Toronto's suburban Willowdale was married this week to John Dicfenbaker, 58. Progressive Conservative member of Parliament for Prince Albert, Sask. Mrs. Palmer was born at Roland. Man., though her family lived for five generations in Canning, U.S. A graduate of McMaster University, Hamilton, OnU, she was with the Ontario Department of Education since 1945. t K . f fa mill bankruptcy. I Aspok.esman for Campbell- j Bennett, a Vancouver contract-1 ing firm and sub-contractors of Comstock Midwestern on the B.C. section of the Trans Mountain oil pipe line, said the petitions will be served on Comstock Midwestern today. The notices are i by J. L. MacDougall IL-Vancou- ver Bunardt was carried by a ofe if 137 to 73. All Liberals voted for the motion and mem- I bers of all opposition parties voted against it. The vote means the resolution, , though remaining on the order paper, possibly will not be de- i bated again at this session of dup aytd h il.r L,quur ( u, , . " Ouvtrmnrm of Hnj,t, or ny 1 Columti elation, taking place today and I tomorrow. . . . , Mrs. W. R. McAfee, No. 4, Sum- j mit Apartments, returned yes- j terday aboard the George from a four-week holiday in Vancou-! ver, where she visited her child-! ren who are attending school in that city. i ! Returning from a three-week honeymoon trip yesterday were ! Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Olafson, mar- 1 ried here November 12. They have been visiting relatives and friends in Vancouver, New West- ' minster and other points, and plan to take up residence here, ft Three officials of the Pacific j Coast Mutual Marine Insurance j Company arrived here on the George to attend the annual ' Parliament. but most thrilling uf all was the final number, "O Come. All Ye Faithful" in which the audience joined, forming a choir of close, to 700 people roaring the familiar strains, accompanied by t...-orchestra. Bill Hankinscr. conducted t.r massed choirs and orchestia, r.nd directpd another hirrhllunt of the program, an octette, sing- , ing "O'Holy Night" with solo by Mrs. Godfrey Bird. ; GERMAN CAROLS Another interesting feature was German carols sung by the Bethel Gorman Baptist Church j choir. They presented "Stille . Nacht" (Silent Night i and a beautiful German hymn. Direc- I tor was Leonard Domreis. I Also of special interest to Na- ; tives i:i the audience was a ! returnable in court Dec. 21. ! Campbell-Bennet.t l& the largest creditor. Its claim against Comstock-Midwestern for work DEBATE SERVED PURPOSE pipeline Arsenault said the debate served I do"e,on..t I'tTi 1 MRS. ROY BKHARRIEL, a Blind River. Out., grandmother, is known throughout the Algoma district of northern Ontario for her prowess in killing wolves. She is after her fifth wolf but she doesn't have to go far to hunt for them. They are all shot on the Beharriel's 160-acre farm. The Beharriels have a young adopted son and a 22-year-old married son. running from Edmonton to Vancouver exceeds $2,000 000 of which $209,000 is admitted. MONTREAL, December ,iOth Your tuby thrive oa loving care and food made ti ciiiil' liirn. And what's nior. "specially fur baby'' q the delicious, nuiriliims variety of 1IK1NZ BJjy IXXJlWt. He'll love them. And that' a you can encourage, motlier, because Hiiui iil-,y Foods are fo good for batiy. All of tbciii-'Btii the nourishing variely of Heinz I'n-(" ii f i- .i- i tl,.:- t - . i. I.. tier his purpose in obtaining an expression of opinion from other parties. Mr. Arsenault said he does not want to abandon use of the Union Jack in Canada. It could be flown beside a distinctive Canadian flag as a symbol of connections with the Crown and Commonwealth. But the Union Jack should not appear in the new flag, since it represented authority of the Salvation Army Home League Stages Christmas Tea Here Ualiei deride pretty Indian carol, "T was in the Moon of Wintertime," which I with "The Fir Tree Carol" was j sung by St. Andrew's Cathedral i H. The Salvation Army Citadel Mrs. Vivian Garten and Mrs V.rratlB Id UtC H'llll'llllR 11' HI vuuiui I'm f ( pre-ronked in Heini potU kitthens, to ail you hac lo do u at them from the tin, warm them up and acne. They're wholi-fc, appetizing and gooi. No wonder Hein fiwids for b.ibie are (he elling baby fowls m Canada I f Erikson. Mrs. E. J. Michaud and Mrs. TORONTO (CP) John Diefen-baker, 58, Progressive Conservative member of Parliament for Prince Albert, was married here Tuesday night to Mrs. Olive Freeman Palmer of suburban parliament over the Ken Wilmot were in charge of British Oh Ulix Oh Joy I Now we fan junior choir, conducted bv Peter here was the scene yesterday oi Ljen i a successful Christmas tea stag- Mr. Hankinson also directed j ed by the Salvation Army Home the Rotary choir which sang "O League. Gathering Clouds'' and the A huge painting of the Nativ-ringins "Carol of the Bells." ; ity on one wall dominated the The First United Church com- ! room in which the Christmas novelty sales and Mrs. Henry Canadian parliament. Smith was cashier. ; As for a French symbol, the aay How will you have your U lluhby'i VhUkrrt are as I ( ai nee.lte wi 1 a C h r i (: A - iiiiik tree -itvt him a I'.Im. . ft l coffee, dear.' meeting of the company. They were Harold Christianson, Morgan Berg and Marcus Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Phillipson and child, 534 Sixth Avenue East, are home from a holiday in Bur-naby where they visited Mr. Phiilipson's parents. Also home from the south is Mrs. Frank Dibb, Suite 10, Bes-ner Apartments. She visited friends in Vancouver. Miss Frances Partridge, 233 Fifth Avenue East, has returned from Vancouver where she has spent the past three months in post-graduate nursing studies. . and give it Willowdale. It was the second marriage for both. For action try Classifieds to eaeh mem 4m fa- ber of I he fan.- i I y ; u I na wanted! New motif wis carried out in attractive decorations. Mrs. W. C. Poulton and Mrs. John Linney received guests at the affair for which the hall was crowded all afternoon. bined choirs, directed by J. S. Wilson, presented two lovely Christmas songs, "Sleeps Judca , Fair" and "O Lovely Voices." ' Opening the program was a . well-blended Presbyterian lad- ; ies' choir, directed by Mrs. E. 1 Vancouver Minister Coming Here wont a s itrraU'li'ii a sarell'it'I Mrs. C. Frayne was convener chin when he thankn you f rj r ! Yes, take it from me . . .Si Remington m Del.uie K! f Miaver will Ir'ive hu fee aa a Iwhy'n. Kvrrv Mi li-apM'.irs in (10 M-i oteU fl.it ! 'I sm to I he exclusive rehiuiir -m. those tin extra-lomt :.. n fit HU at fliiise face and- '',! tea 'clean sweep no rule no r -and no mess to clean in lia in. So make hta Clir-s IXSTAVT f'TI SF, & SANKOKN C'OFFKE, can lie ta-rved. ttronq. medium, or mild- to the ta'te of every member of the family. No wonder we've a armling breaktut with all (he fu and bother of making coffee the old-fahiomd way, done away with, forever, be-cauTO of the "custom-made" coffee we can serve with luMunt Chaw & Sanborn. Whnterrr the trenirh akcd for you serve wonderful, rich-flavored coffee UK'" real ciiflee jmrircted by thee maater coffee-makcra! V ' :; i ' ' ' ' c, V - ''' .' r, - $ t p., i ' ' ' if k i . h'f wr, - f '- 1 J. Smith, singing "Carol. O Ye of the tea and serving were Mrs. Angels" and "At Christina;;- ; r. Ubell, Mrs. A. Babcock and tide." (Mrs. W. Timms." In the kitchen Last night's chairman was R.I were Mrs. Jack Wilkie and Mrs. H. Davidson, president of the ; Ray Scherk. Prince Rupert Music and Drama I Sales of home cooking, fancy-Festival Association which spar.- . work and novelties were feat-sored the festival. Mr. Davidson ,ured. complimented all the choirs : Mrs. M. Waksdale was in participating in the festival, ; charge of the bake table, with Shells Explode After Crash Rev. Murdo Nicholson will be guest speaker and special leader lor the Week-of-Prayer services to bs held January 4-8, it was icported today by the Prince Rupert Ministerial Association. Tiio association was told at a meeting by Rev. L. O. Sleber that Mr. Nicholson, of Fairview Presbyterian church, Vancouver, has accepted the association's invitation to be guest speaker. S Andrew's cathedral had been designated as the church for the rviccs, Mr. Sieber said. thi year one he'll enjey moraine for year?. Give I I and especially thanked ths , Mrs. E. Carlsen in charge of the Keniington 60 Dil.uxcl committee responsible for plan- candy sales. At the fancywork table were ning the event. Chairman of the f Know tm'H-1.ikr Thii Quick-To-Prrpmrt, dclirimw r'i for f IVci-mber dava. 1 lie "niaitie' ingredient a ir. it ... , ' . 3 i i OVKN-BAKKD HKANS . . . golden - brown aoicv-ioed. linked Brant end Pork Chap Caurrolr I Heat even to 350 drit. T, Combine 1 20-ounn'. Heini Oven-Baked hum In Tomato Sauce or t,k n,4 rr.tr, s.-.ii.(, i. run chooued on. I The Week-of-Prayer services sponsored by the ministerial committee was Mrs. F. E. An- , field, and others were Mrs. W. j Kergin and Frank Skinner. He also thanked Boy Scouts who j ushered last night and Hugo j Kraupner, whose tirgan inter- I hides on both nights were much i enjoyed. ; Choirs taking part in Tues- i day night's program were th3 m Valhalla meeting tonight. (It) leasoonn salt, and 2 tdtilespoont Hem Tonulo If ' MALVERN, Iowa AF) A ! truck carrying artillery shells sideswiped with another semitrailer on a highway near here and burst into flame, spraying shrapnel for more than 3.000 feet over the countryside Wednesday night. Highway patrolmen said neither of the drivers was severely injured. The collision occurred about two miles west of this western Iowa town whici is about 25 miles southeast of Council Bluffs. Malvern residents said the c'in of the explosions was plainly heard in town and was "al most continuous" for nearly an hour. un. Poui into 1 auart case,ole. Brown 3 it KENNETH THOMSON Insurance Business 'Never Better' Hall, (2871 Card Party, Catholic Thursday, Dec. 10, 8 p.m. le pork chop In skillet. Plata on top of beam. Bike, uncovn-inoderale oven (351) dog. F.I 1 lo 114 hourj or until meat is tender. . '1 aervings. In All Tht Tumuli Kxlra t hrlilmm Cooking, you'll .ipprc' ia association for the coming to- i .! r of all church congregations in Prince Rupert. Services will he held at 8 p.m., Monday a i i'ridiv.', Jan. 4 to 8. Asking Mr. Nicholson at the vai 'ous services will be Rev. Sie-ber of F;r.;t United Church, Rev. TO YOUR NEW HOME OR OFFICE Commercial or household furniture moved with care. Prompt, courteous service, at low cost. PACKING CRATING SHIPPING LOCAL OR LONG DISTANCE MOVING LINDSAY'S CARTAGE And STORAGE Phone 60 LTD. "Leave it to Lindsays" O Dance at the Elks Home, tomorrow night. 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. 0 Everyone invited. (It) , i Conditions in the life insurance ; United Church junior and ladies' choirs, directed by J. S. Wilson; Annunciation Church choir and male chorus, directed by Father Tunney, and St. Andrew's Cathedral senior choir, led by Peter Lien. advnntages of Bl.l E liON.NKT UK LUXE M A II-GAHINE more llein ever. .Saves fussing with a measuring cut, , . . a the hnndy chart on the park-age ahowa you just where to cut for recipes. ,S;tves alieing, scooping, or re-wrapping . . . lierauw c:ich gnMen-vellow quarter pound is ind'viiheilly wnip-ped. Unused quarters stay fneton-w aled in pure The Lutheran Church Young industry were never better than 1 Peoples will be presenting a they are at this time, Kenneth c rt'a nt,roous, rirsi napiiM. play on Sunday, Dec. 13, entitled Thomson CLU, B.C. regional nurcn. nev. Leonaru muipc, "Thy Will Be Done," at 7:30 ; vice-president for the Life un- : Regular Baptist Church; Rev. R. p.m. Everyone invited. (288i i derwriters Association of Can-;w- Starrett, Pentecostal Taber- ;nrin dda- renorteri rerted herp hpre l todnv ' nacle, Canon Basil S. Prockter of Sons of Norway dance, Fri- : st. Andrew's Cathedral; Dr. E. A. day. Dec. 11. Whist 8 o'clock, I Mr. Thomson, making one of w Frst Presbyterian dance 10 to 2. Music by Mike ; his periodic visits to Prince Ru- cf,ur,.)i; vv. H. ' Lemon of St. Colussi. Everyone welcome. pert, said that in this province p A. , s 'church Seal Cove and nliimmum, keep frcii nnd yunny-eweet. Iree Irom ice-ljo odors. Enjoy l)c Luxe qualily and this extra convenience, in the margarine you liuy. Ahvavs l.ut cir"? Hhte li.mnet De l.uxo Margarine ami kno v its t!..l ijr, cimoti cnn enirnce. ' , Chicken Pie is "Cock-a-Doodle Dandy' 51.3 (2881 over $14,000,000 of new ordinary . rnnt rvri, Fravn. salvation Army. 3 Co-op Bukery, Thursday and j lnonln. Ho rated B.C. as the third Mr. Nicholson who has been ! Friday A repeat of Banana ! lacgwt. source oi new business incumbent at Fairview,: Presby- tnocoiaie, L,an.e wkik .ratiw ' . -n r.envlnep ThP fkure? an Church Mr the past two i' ... ...... - ' , . ten Chocolate Icing. ;t)bn't ..forget i ior nimosi. on per cent, .,,',.. . Rct.h'.'MlhWnrtie'l Co-roid.?ral, ,rHefihe' .!i4.Rrr. volume for U it. period - d knriwn noted theolot gian and abie evangelist. 8 Cribbage' Tournament spon- r As a member of the national The ministerial association i sored by Moose Lodge at Moose' executive, Mr. Thomson repre- ,f.s informed bv William Hank Hall, Dec. 14 to Dec. 18. tn-. sents more than iirtO members of jn-on, station manager at CFPR at a popular' tries close Dec. 12. Entry fee j the association who reside Everyone i B.C. $1.00. Cash prizes, welcome. 1288) thnt CflC network committments will necessitate a change in the time for ."Morning Devotions" from 8-15 a.m. to possibly 7:45. Mr. Antrobus was named as the rssoeiation's representative to the Civic Centre for 1954. "Life insurance seems to have come nf age," he said. "Le:ss than 100 years old in its present form, it now represents a major in- a Mr. H. H. Church, Veterans' Welfare Officer, will be avail- itilp fnr Intoruipui'; hu intprpt- ln Canada ed veterans at the U.I.C. office ;dustl'y from 1:30 p.m. to 4;30 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 11. (287) Women of the Moose Christmas banquet to be held December 16, Broadway Cafe, 7 p.m. Enjoy a This REAL Time Christmas Don't forget your secret pal, also exchange of gifts. Ticket;; can be bought at the Style Star Shop, to be picked up not later r Ufa M ! 1 fAAA ste hot chicken pie la about ai Dire a second day way ai you BUBBLINO can find to oae up the Christmas bird ... be It chicken or turkey. All tb. old-fashioned goodness ot this dish can be captured in a atrlctly new-fashioned recipe. The modern trend is to use creamy condensed aoupa for cooking sauces. And what could be more perfect chicken and carrots; pour Into an than December 12. (288) C The Dept. of Veterans' Affairs advises that Col. Philpott will speak on the new Section 4 8-inch pie plate or a shallow baking dish. Add remaining cup milk to biscuit mix; roll out dough about than cream of mushroom or chicken aoup in chicken pie. Just mix this luacloua sauce with chunks ot cooked chicken, onion, peas and green pepper. Put It into a casserole, top with feathery biscuits and slid it Into the oven. Vary the btacuita by cutting them into crescent shapes diamonds or "dough- V inch thick. Cut biscuits. Place on with top of chicken mixture. Bake in a of the War Veterans' Allowance Act at 5:45 p.m. December 10. The purpose of this talk is to Inform W.V.A. recipients of new regulations and greater allowable earnings under the Act. (287) hot oven (450 F.) for 15 minutes. 4 servings. SOfJP SCOOPS Simmer Chopa In Rich Brown Data" Or cut biscuits with animal INES1 cooky cutters it little folks are baa partaking of your chicken pie. Gravy: The rich brown beef gravy that comes in cans is a heavenly Aa company lor the pie, feed your flock colorful fruit aalad and hot broccoli - with Jemon-butter aauce. sauce to use In cooking pork chops to with stuffing. Start with 4 chops (about 1 pound). For Muffing, mix Httre's the sew-taahioned recipe .for the pi. 4T A ikl 2 cups bread cubea with 2 tablespoons minced onion, V teaspoon Chicken (or Turkey) PI e Ismail whit . union, ihlnrr . altced 1 tableepoea if chopped pm H cup in UK or light cream 1 cup cubed, cooked chicken or turkv cup diced cooked carroti tor cooked put) 1 cup btcutt mix a CHOP SUFY . . .. ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone 133 poultry seasoning. 2 tablespons melted butter and 2 tablespoons water. Brown chops on both aides in a skillet; also brown some wedgea of apple around the chopa. Then heap some stuffing on top of each chop; tuck apple wedgea around stuffing. Pour on 1 can (l'A cupa) beef gravy and cover pan. Simmer about 4 hour or onttl cbopi are cooked through. This ia complete dinner with buttered m Connections to All Alaska, Seattle and Whitehorse Phono 266 Or Call ot our Office Opp. Post Office ttablwpooiw ahortenlnr aa 1 cupat eondansad cream . of mushroom or DISTILLERS OF THE he FAMOUS famous "Bmacflctft ftmUtctiOM $u6" wHl j f :Miken aoup I 1 " ..J ' Cook onion and green pepper oo- This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by lUt soft la abort anlng In aklllet. J tup milk, i broccoli or green Msni,. , Government of British Columbia, CotubiB witfj aoup, H