.l.tiAt. AO It hs, . v - ' . f- V- fr II He Kupctt Tuesday, Jui U2f ffWM5!? lffMTO: Buy-Sell-Rent The lUillM 0 SMJJe) Trade or Hire Phone MISS WANT AD 748. She will be glad to help you place your ad ' DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS Classified Kates WANTED TO HEM BOATS FUR SALE Construction Workers Here Sign Contract A new wage agreement has been signed by the General Construction Workers and Laborers Union, local 1427, here and this Dominion Construction Co. Ltd. at Watson Island giving an increase of 15 cents an hour and a new 40-hour week. The increase brings minimum wages to $1.55 an hour, James Man, business agent, said today. The work week has been decreased from 44 hours. Mr. Mah said the new agreement was reached easily with the company. Negotiations with other construction companies here are under way. Uuli y l ;cy. K . 19. 3 DINING PLEASURE in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe professional JOHN H. BULGER Oiiotrtefn'sf llilrd Avenue John Bulger Ltd. John F L. Hughes, D.C. gillROPKACTCM llrs. 10:30-12:30 ; 2:00-5:00 21 - 2'-: Uesner Block Plune Blue 442 . (H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE Si INSURANCE 1 Phoiif 96,' Evenings Black 899 scott McLaren 'CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 PRECISION SAW FILING All Types of Saws ; Sharpened 215 1st Ave. W. Phone 903 , IN RE ESTATE OP WONu JANL. SHEW. DECEASED. TAKE NOTICE that as Administrator, duty appointed by the Court, of the estate of Wong JanK Shew, who died at Prince Rupert. In the Province of British Columbia, on the 31r.t day of March, 1953. J require all eredltors and other having claims figamst the said estate to send the same to me. properly verified, at the address mentioned below on or before the 15th day of July. 1H53. after which date I shall proceed to distribute the estate to those entitled by law, havInK regard only to such claims of which I shall then have been notified. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persons indebted to the said estate arc required to pay their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C , this flth day of June, Hi53. (lOUIK)N PHASER FORTIES. Official Administrator, Prince Ruprei. DC. (J9.10.ia.l7) IN RE ESTATE OP MARY ELIZABETH AI.I.RN. DECEASED. TAKE NOTICE that as Administrator, duly apM)lnted by the Court of the estate of Mury Elizabeth Allen, deceased, who died at EsHoudate. Rrttn rv,lumhln on the 27th day of February. 1053. I require all creditors and others havlni; claims aealnst the said estate to wild the same to me, properly verified, at the address mentioned below, on or before the 20th day of July. 1953. after which date I shall proceed 'to distribute the estate to truwe entitled by law. having regard only to such claims of which I shall then have been notified. AND FURTHER - TAKE NOTrCE that all persons indented to said estate are required to pay their in-debUKlness to me forthwith, DATED AT PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. this If.t rinv of June. 19.ri3. (IORDON FRASER. FORBES, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, BC. ' (J8.9 15,16p) IN PE ESTATE OF MAXIM ABEN. DECEASED. TAKE NOTICE that the undersigned solicitors for the Administratrix of the estate of Maxim Aben, late of Shames, British Columbia, who died nt Shames on the 30th day of April, 1953. require all creditors and others having claims aicalnst the said estate to send the snme properly verified to the address mentioned below on or before the 31st dav of July. 1953. after which date we shall proceed to distribute the estate to those entitled by law having regard only to such claims of which we shall have been notified. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all ner1".;-..! Indebted to the said estate are required to pay their Indebtedness to us forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 5th day of June. 19f,a. BROWN A HARVEY, Box 658. Prince Rupert. B.C.. Solicitors for Mary Field. Administratrix of the Estate of Maxim Aben, deceased. ' (J8,9.15.16p (iEOKOE DAWES AUCTIONEER Steamer J Prince Rupert SAILS FOR I VANCOUVER ! i tnrl Intermediate porta Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. Tor KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY Midnieht j Comfort and Service i Pnr reservations write o , call City or !.- ct oftlei i I Plc Rupe't. E C. I $uAine3S. & DELUXE PRESS "Gestetner" Duplicating Circular Letters - Mont nly Bulletins any find of Business forms. Direct mall advertising, etc. 30 - 40 lean than regular printinc Phone 383 P.O. Box 99 733 2nd Av. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Glv us your mailing list We do the rest. KEITH H. TUCKER OPTOMETRIST 527 3rd Ave. Phone 212 IF YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY, ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK, Rent of Trucks and Equipment Ph. Blue 939, M. J. SAUNDERS a ineie c5 CHOP SUEY . . . ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. (Daily except Sunday) Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone 133 FOR SALE Large power boat, two cabins, boathouse. Within half-hour drive from town, l'riee very reasonable. Excellent for fishing and hunting. Phone Red 418 for particulars. US4) FOR SALE Troller, length 10 ft., powered by six-cylinder ('my. Cheap. Phone Oreen 2140. (134p) CAKS FOR SALE RE-CHROME bumpers, grille, etc., with "Bumper Re-Nu"! Not a paint or polish! Just like chrome! Lasts years! Send $1.08 or COD, Ferr.ior, 772 King West, Hamilton, Ont. (Dealers wanted.) (149) FOR SALE 1950 5-passenger Ford; 1941 Chevrolet 4-door; 1947 Pontlac 4-door. Phone Red 378. (135p) FOR SALE--1 mo Er7piisrT Ford , $500.00. Phone Red 278 ofter 6. (135p) FOR SALE '52 Plymouth Hard ton convertible. Phone Black 370. (H35) FOR SM.R FOR SALE Electric heaters, electric hotplates, radio and record players, kitchen ranges (coal and wood), heater, double full-length bed and double decker bed. Used tires, batteries, auto parts. Apply Midland Pine, phone Black 739. (134 FOR SALE Regulation" Ball railroad watch, ised 6 months. $11000. Phone Black S38. I137p) FOR SALE Three-piece sectional chesterfield, grey. Good value. Red 136 or 375. (133) FOOTHILLS (sootless) r no I. Phone 651. PhhvK.t, tlvltt & Co. Ltd (c) FOR SALE Oil range, good condition. Phone Blue 152 or 1018 Ambrose Ave. (137) FOR SALE Kitchen range with wick burner. Silent Glow. Oil heater. Phone Red 504. (133) WANT I'D CAPII FOR Scrap: copper, 'ws, batteries. radiator. PI-.o;ie 543 Call 630 nth A.-e. Wear e REAL ESTATE FOR RALE Six-room wartime v.'Hh durnid roof, lull brick chimney, newly painted, spotless condition, fenced with lawn, oil range. Price $4,500.00. Terms. R V MOT?TrfFR BEST OF FOOD. FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe 654 w4 m by tkm CiihbM j Phone Black 846 and Red in i$IMCW. jfure time 4:30 p.m. day pre lims to puo;:citiiuii. iifled, 3 cents per word per i crtlnti; mlnimuin charge 60 iits. jtn Notiee.s, 50 cents; Cards 01 Thanks, Death Notices, f.itif-ral Notices, Marriage and tm..l(;emeiit Annoiuvemetit.s, i uo. I, ml Display double price, f No Refunds w!!" not accept responsibly luf clafsirietl ads Inserted jurrwMy or under wronn )):: '.Ion. unless notlftcution iurtt ' for i received within n tin ul first Insertion. AN.NOU.Nt I MINI'S TOR FULL ELECTION REPORTS Phone 230 Direct wire service reporting results established at CCF frOMMITTEE ROOMS (ltc) niicd Church W.A. Spring , June 11. .tliollc Womeu'j League .nation tea, June 11, at the e of Mm. M. P. MeCaffery, 4th " West ,val r.i'".ile Bake Sale June "iordon 6i Anderson. f'MbyU'rlan J Adieu' Aid tea he Manse. June 13. ..Jiermen's Dance, June 19 UMired l)y W.A. U.F.A.W.U. mi auditorium, 10-2. n m:kalnotice liiKAY At Lytton, B.C., i day. June 2. 1953, John. aRe years. 10 months, beloved baud of Mrs. Muriel W.. Mc- i. and father of Joan. Robert ! William McKay, Stewart, : Ri v, L. G. Sieber will con- i services at Orenville Court ; I ul 2:30 p.m. Thursday, ; 11. interment to follow in i view Cemetery. B.C. tlntler-I is In charge of arrance-"its. 1 134 1 LOST and I'OI'NI) iT-Or left behind in front f Bus Depot on Saturday iplit. June 6. at 11:30. brown! atlier briefcase containing "oks of music lessons belong- 'is to Casey Wilson of Port ' award. Finder please leave at i iikp coiUKtil's. Phone Black Mlliward. dtp) PERSONAL WE. Friday, June 12, Legion lii'lil'irliim. Music bv the K'icky Mountain Uoys. Admis- iuii $i on. (1341 IH'SINESS PERSONALS NOTICE For the Convenience f our customers, Stove Oil accounts may be paid at STRONG AGENCIES LIMITED Home Oil Di.st. B. WICK, Agent (137c) 'At-E your rlumtried ad In this ?,aIr at the economical six "me rate, n words for '1 co.i- 'Wlltlve dnvl cook 1 IS W(ls for six consecutive days ost $1 a. And temember you ln phone your nds just call .". Dully News ( tf-nc) 'HINTS tor Canadian Liquid -u. i.i,u., mr oxygen, uceiy-ie and all welulnjr supplies, "ndsav's Cartage, & Storage U1. Phone 60. (c) htr . - r :r oLULittitiAN u. ouyatt. "OtlSe Wirinii onH stant,.lnl pairs. 149 9th Ave. West, hune Red 165. (138) 0RI.D'S FINEST CLEANER jLECTROt.ux. Phone Blue s'0 for Parts Sales Service. (c) IN TERRACE drop in at "jrace Rooms for accommo-Wion. Phone 02. (150) ti u -irsj WUIK. 1VIO- ffpalred. ni HRht- sold' rewound and rtn FOR RENT Available July 1, for two months Four-room house and bath, newly decorated, fully furnished, including electric rangette, fridge, washing machine, floor polisher, etc. box 6f2, Daily News. (134) WANTED Urgently require three-bedroom house. Phone Blue 602. (tfnc) FOR RENT Five-room furnished suite. Phone H. O. Helper-son Ltd., H6. (133) SINGER CEVVINO CENTRE rent portable machines. Phone 864. rc) FOR RENT Room and board, two men sharing. Phone Re1 934. , (133) TAXIS arcl TRANSFERS CITY TRANSFER Lonq Distance CRATING and PACKING Furniture Movers FURNITURE STORAGE Household Effects Moved to or from any point in B.C. Phone 950 First Ave. and McBrlde (e) BATTER V SERVICE RUPERT Battery Shop, 234 East 3rd Ave. Phone Blue 126. Repairs, recharging and rebuilding. Work guaranteed. (c) ACCOl'NTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, Income Tax specialist. 8. O. Furk, Stone Building. Red 593. (20m) LEGAL NOTICES TENDERS C BALED TENDERS, addressed to the ' undersigned and marked "TENDER FOR STAFF DWELLING ' AT feiANDSPIT", will be received tip to 12 o'clock noon. E.D.T.8., MONDAY, JUNE 22. 1953. for the construction of one staff dwelling and related work at Sandsplt. BC. Plans, specifications, labour condi tions, contract form, form of tender and return tender envelope may be ooiamrc on application to the District Airway Engineer. Department of Transport. 401 Winch Building. Vancouver. B.C., upon receipt .of an accepted cheque made payable to the Receiver General of Canada for the sum of $2.1.00. This cheque will be returned upon the return of the plans and specifications In Rood condition Any additional information required with regard to Interpret!! tionally guaranteed by the Government of Canada at par, which secur ity ucxislt will be forfeited in the event of a tenderer refusing to enter Into a contract on the basis of his tender if called upon to do bo, or railing to satisfactorily complete such a contract. Cheques of unsuccessful tenderers will be returned. Any tender not accompanied by a security deposit as described will not be considered. The Department docs not bind Itself to. accept, f lip lowest, or , any tender. P. T. COLLINS. Secretary. Department of "Transport, Ottawa, Ontario. May 29, 1951, (J89) TiMnrit sale x-r,on There will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the office of the District Forester, Prince Rupert, B.C . at 11:30 a.m. on the 19th day of June. 1953. the Licence X-60270. situated at Kcstall River, to cut 8(i 0C cu. ft. of Spruce, Hemlock, and Other Species saw logs Provided anyone unable to be at the Auction In person hp may submit a sealed tender to be opened at the hour of Auction and treated as one bid. Two years will be allowed for removal of timber. Particulars from Chief Forester. Victoria, B.C., District Forester. Prince Rupert. B.C., or Ranger K. Hlady at Prince Rupert. B.C. (ltc) " LAND REfllSTRY ACT Re: Certincate of Title No. 8251-1 to Lot Twenty-two (22). Block -Ninety-seven (97), Section Two (2), Townsitc of New Ha?.elton, Map 908, WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the abovn Certificate of Title Issued In t'.,e name of John Roderick F-Mer has been filed In this office, notice Is hereby given that I shall, at the explratlon'of ono month from the date of the first posting hereof. Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of sn Id tost Certificate,, miles In the meantime valid objection be made to me In writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert, B.C., this 20th day of May, 1953, A D. AJ1REW THOMPSON. Deputy Registrar of Titles. 143p) "Gt whiz, oh man, it't grtal," Critd tht brand n w brid "I couldn't havt don bttr, In tho clcmifitd!" KHSINKSS rhrfSOMAM JIFFY SUITS? A one-piece Coverall Sizes 1-4 years ' ' NOW IN STOCK THE STORK SHOP Blue R10 t NATIONAL Machinery Co. Limited, Distributor foe Mining, Sawmill, Logging und Contractors' Equipment Inquiries Invited. Granville Island, Vancouver 1, n.C. (tf) PLUMBING, automatic oil heating, sheet u.etal work. Phone 543. Cull BJ0 8th West. Le-tourneau. ci BEER bottles picked up. Phone BlaeS B27. (148p) MAOAZINE8 novelties, fcddlel News Stand. (c NEARLY everybody uses S. (cO lll.SINF.S8 OrrOUTCNITY FOR SALE Business on. Third Ave. its going concern. For'full particulars, phone 57. O. P. Tinker & Co. Ltd. , 134 FOR SALE Restaurant, fully equipped. Blue 127. (136p) HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Applications will be received by the undersigned up to noon, June 18, 1953, for the position of Assessor for the City of Prince Rupert. Salnry to be commensurate with ability and experience, wilh a maximum of $40000 per month. Applicants to give nil details of qualifications In original application, also to Kt-ite age and marital ,st'itu:i. B. W. Long, City Clerk. (133) BOYS! BOYS! Do you want to earn extra pocket moncv during summer holidays? If you do lust call and leave vour name at THE DAILY NEWS OFFICE, for summer paper routes. (tf-nc) WANTED Experienced des patcher. Knowledge of Prince Rupert necessary. Apply 9!) Taxi Co. Ltd. (135) WANTED Sun carriers, boys or girls, for Beach Place and downtown. (137) HELP IV ANTED 1 ' E M A 1 . K WANTED two clerk typists for" hospital records. For one position applicant must be an experienced typist good salary and living accommodations. Apnlv to Personnel Office, Miller Bay Indian Hospital, for further details. t (134) BERRY PICKING Strawberry and raspberry pick-In In the Lower Eraser Vallev will start about June lfv Heavy crop assured. Batching accommodation. Women and girls 18 years of age and over. Anplv to your nearest National Employment Service. (137) RAILWAY CLFRK-STKNO Basic salary $242.00. Permanent. Should be able to type 60 with shorthand 120. Single applicants. Phone 353 for interview appointment- (137) STEOGRAPHER for railroad office 40 hour week, vacation wilh pay. good working conditions Box 693, Dally News. (136p WAITRESS REQUIRED. Apply Dining Room, Prince Rupert Hotel. (134) WANTED One woman for ironing. Apply Pioneer Canadian Laundries. (135p) BOATS"" FOR SALE FOR SALE Bargain, 36 ft. trolling boat, or will trade for car. 221 5lh East, or Red 807. (142p) FOR SALE 32-ft. eillnetter, "Marie H." Phone Red 825. (138) " Nor a Glod Roq! Bv CHIC YOUNG i ''.'liiiiiji' J FT17T ( I LIKE IT--ITS THEPES JUST . ) ysA fj 7.r": n ! mil V BEAUTIFUL ONE THING (vHAT COULD ; '(bill ) ..'; I TELL MeWHATjcS:$ ' I ) ' t AFRAID. M30 DEAR? T ? L YOU THINK OFp-,' I .' A3 - - ' ' WNT LIKENS. ',5. -f Mf. W$Jm MMfe wM iMj Mj. ?."i3 Third Ave. Plume HI ' ,um of Dluns and specifications may (134) ! fM 0"tninpd from the aforemen- A . tinned District Airway Engineer.. I'OU RALE Brand-new home In ' Bncb ""ler must be accompanied Terrace. Finishing not quite 5L! X" f"?' to f " T . . i n tii cent (lO,) of the tender price In completed. Four rooms wrtn the form of certified cheque on a hath. Cement basement with Canadian chartered bank, made pay-Booker furnace. Lot 114 ft. by able to the order of the Receiver 122 ft. on comer. Completely Genera of Canada, or Government modern. Cash or terms. Reply of Canada bonds at par. or bonds of to 10 Roy BOX Sin 3.11). Torroep ICliace. ni7n ,np Canadian National Railways or ""P',iui Its constituent, constituent comnsnle. companies uncondi ne.,n,U. " KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED : By AN E GREY ' wieasnt 7r f-x. ' lL ( setup ' 3 r BACK'rZrfr 1 1 J ' s . . - j LI'L ABNER Deep in t-he Heort of the Peep-freeie By.AL CAPP '? ' FOR SALE Small two-room house on two ennd lots, with oil range, on lllh Ave. Price $1,401)00 It. F. MORTIMER 3.13 Third Ave. Phono R8 (134) FOR RALE Ladies' and children's ready-to-wear business, rented premises, good location. Fur further particulars - write. Box -49.' Terrace, B.C i or phone 86H. (13fl) FOR SALE Three-bedroom house. Seal Cove Circle full concrete foundations. Phone 57, O. P. Tinker & Co. Ltd. (134) FOR SLE Make offer. Lots 23, I 24, Block 27, Section 6. Coi ner McBride St., 8th Ave., Prince Rupert. Box 600, Daily News. (137p) FOR SALE $3,000.00 will handle small family home, contninin" furnished suite, in nice central loention. Phone Red 819. (137) FOR SALE Vacant four-room house in Section 1. New garage and fenced-in lawn. Apply Chandler's Studio. (138p) FOR RENT FOR RENT Board and room for quiet gentleman, respectable home. Non-drinker. Box 680. Daily News. ' (134p) FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms. Couple, no children. 1003 0th East. (134p) FOR RENT Large bright apartment, July 1. Adults only. Five minutes from town. Write Post Office Box 1792. (133) FOR RENT Room. Board If desired. 317 7th West. (137) FOR RENT Furnished suite. 621 Fulton St. (137p) ROOM FOR RENT 836 Fraser. (137) WANTED TO RENT FOR, RENT Sleeping room. Box 686, Dally News. (133p) WiiMSTOM AND Vsh.'.'-GENERAI. A"S SOOM HE DISCOVRE? HE BtSANt LOOK AT Mt, I OH, viH-y DOESN'T EVERYBOCV I I C-WIGHTARE BULLMOOSE ANV FORM OF BEEF COULD TOOEtPS GROAN OUST, DEEPFREEZE THEMSELVES 5- I I ON THE PHONE CANT BE BE PRESERVED FOR rttUIt S ASSOONG AS ' r ... s&ZZ!5ZssZ I ' A&AIW y PISTURBED-T CENTURIES. BV BS.EP- TK HIMSELfM WHEN I ENTERED W Hi WON'T FOLK RSALIXlu' ''' 7 7-f HE.S IN Llt,, FRLtXiN3 IT- r ' , t'sh.'-Ht'LL -WHILE VOU'VS , THAT WHAT'S GOOD FOR ,-, , -ATT - r A DEEP-FREEZE.'.' ; NEVER DlC GROWN FAOOR ' GENERAL &ULLMQOSK IS 1 " ! ' . 1, -f 'V A y-j- ''. ??-. HOURS Ot-Dfc rrj .GOOD FOR THE COUNTRY:', ' Sjfa$3y l'0W' JWET...I JUST rj ... IN A KIND OP GWkVVfR SCMOOt REUNION . ' ONE PERFECT B4THIN& eSTV IN SiRi ' . CAN'T GET CE THE FUSNiV. VI l f'AITV... WHAT'S A KTTEH WAV TO COMMEMORATE JUIT FOR ONE PERFECT TV TALK TH4T f h -2Ja 'CKS LIFE CAN PuAV ON A GLTi - W IV THIS HISTORIC OCCASION THAN GOING PDf? A F140R6... S0METHIN9 IN F SIZE j '' yOUK M0 FORGETS H'S B.EF AjKL SWIM T TE POOL IS WAlTlNS, MADAMS. J A HEAV6NLV UJB. OT;Vt7 rJH( i POWER .0 i