PROVlNClAL. FR07ISCIAL L1SAT, MORROWS I I 113 VICTORS TICT03IA, B. C. -TIDES- -day. w" " " ,,(- .si.ntiirrf Time GIVE TO THE RED CROSS 0.33 20 It'l l j-:4() 22 0 feet 6 33 4 3 feet 18.58 17 fwt NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published or Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XUI, No. 81 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C, FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1853 PRICE FIVE CENTS n S5i it? uiy-J' .-v- 1 1 1 C oast!:i7i!flSoiiD , . v3u--V rlr . H m Vast Forest ration Opei Navigation Aids To Help Kitimat Special to 7'ue Dally Newa OTTAWA The sum of $2,800,000 in the 1953 federal budget for new runways or extensions at 10 Canadian airfields will be shared by Prince Rupert, Lionel Chevrier, minister of transport, announced City May Become Lake 1 y o) WIIITIIIOKSK IN' THE VI RON ma U- moved to make way for a huge artificial thou, aii(U of acre in a new pow?r and mineral project which Froblsher ltd i-rrw -iilerutlon. It is aald Hie project may cost from $300,000,000 to $2 000 000 000 'plan !,- (onMruclioi) of three hydro-electrlc planti In Uie vicinity f'lCluane Chllkoot .-) Tf.iin. Ui a combined outjjut of ab:ut S .000,000 horsepower. tain Demands Punishment Planned Plans for a multi-million dollar development of forest resources in the Arrow Laken reKion of H.C. by Canadian Chemical & Cellulose Company Ltd. were outlined here hy M. W. Mackenzie. A survey is now underway, said the executive vice-president during his visit of the Columbia Cellulose Co. Ltd. operations, which will include a forest inventory by aerial photography, water sampling, soil testing for plant foundations, laboratory studies of wood Hpeeies before application for a forest management licence to the provincial Soviets Who Downed Plane (?, HnUin Ut, c-, BrtUIn Iih rt-manUed punish- force.i challenged trlr0e,.hBm,. today. While the minister did not enlarge on work to be done this year on a Prince Rupert airport, "details will be made clear later." Other airports to benefit from the expenditure include those at Charlotte town, Timmins and Regina. E. T. Applewhaite, MP for skeena, said after Mr. Chev-rier's introduction of his estimates: "I regard this as an accept-ence by the government of the soundness of the Prince Rupert airport project." Mr. Chevrier also announced that proper navigational facilities at a cost of $142,000, would be provided ln the approaches to Kitimat "to provide proper .v,v, t uu.m ot a ; m-nt or the fkmet filers re,p,m- communit fighter, by nvtng m .r.d bruui art of a-; NlbK- and rrparaUon., for the usual alonu the iron .Jf.S invuiVinir murder in British Iivph and liwl proixrly. hnrrfxr iiv B.C. Trying To Sell Salmon Pack By The Canadian Press VICTORIA Fisheries Minister Ralph Chetwynd 6aid Thursday, the British Columbia fishing industry will be in "pretty bad shape" unless it can sell its surplus salmon pack. He told the legislature, the hi: il n o( an RAF ! It wa the sn-ond Bttack on ir Mar Ilumbur? allied planes by Communist Amerieanii xald they are planes in three da and spread br""i!lng ln 25 F M Sabre jets. hy Suviet Mio-U fear of undeclared aerial war "H " "wmcsi oiK-rnlion fighter. i!i liv. j of mx BrllWi thruutrhout Western Kurone 10 r(,Pa"e outmoded F-84 Thun :i Kiunclrd a seveiun But the U S. and British air ucrjcn in uermany. Britain has directed RAF piloU J to be ejspecially alert along the OL BAKER BECOMES .' shipping services ..." A major light station and a fog alarm will be erected in government. : This may take a yea., said!, Mr. MacKenzie. and likely an- k other two years would elapse before the licence would be granted. ' J' Laredo Channel (separating provincial government is doing Princess Royal Island and Aris- 'OUD'S TOP JET ACE ill, n Ameriran Sabre Jets kliol down MX Russluit-.0 -15 jet t'xlay mi Colonel Itoyal N. Baker became the tup jet are with 12 MiO destroyed, ifr got his 12th MiO and 13th Communist plane today. ) credited with deitroylng a Communist propeller- tazabal Island south of the en everything possible to help packers sell the surplus and that he had discussed the matter earlier trance to Douglas Channel.) This channel has been chosen tin the day with British Govern- east-west border where Soviet fiKhlers apparently have been ordered to, shoot on tight. The British High Commissioner for Germany. Sir Ivonc Kirk-palrlik, forwarded a terse protest note to Uen. Va.vslly Chikov, top Soviet commander ln Oer-many Earlier Soviet authorities delivered to Klrkpatrkk note 1mm Chikov egytng Uie, Soviet ireneral perstjnally had looked Into the cane and could find no guilt on the part of the Soviet pilots The strong protest lodged with the Russians today took no cognizance of the Russian an- William Hull . . . helicopter inventoi Sight of Helicopter Recalls Early Plans SIMILAR PERIOD It took a similar period for the company in Prince Rapert to get Its licence, the first one to ,be- i.ud In B. Columbw Cellulose Co. Ltd. pulp mill here is the first operation of the Company In wesU-rn Canada. as the best route for ocean go-1 ment Trade representatives, ing vessels entering and leaving) , T ., t .,.-. , t,- the terminals of the Alcaa de- L' Tari.n m'J He said he would also go IntotawtW3r"t 531(1 the Seral gf ' more detail of this project at fniment has none nothing so far a later date but said "the main."0 move the surPJus Pack-point I wish to make is that we CAtSES iMPLOVMEXT have decided to provide proper! - o:..- . st of Repairs to Floats By LARKY STANH'OOO , of aviation . and the Wright A Prince Rupert men's wear , Brothers who made the first suc- fpared For Government navigational facilities to assist LT1. , I T Jf" salesman was one of several who cexsful flight ln a heavier-than- stood on the main street watch-1 air contraction in 1903. but little in the development of Kitimat. n lit immediate re-1 federal government! were still riouncement that the British Oa Hay f!a!4 here ontinulnir and Uiat the enverii- bomber had violated the East ing the random antics of a yel- is said about the origin of the 11 was learned earlier that at low-painted flying machine as helicopter, or gyroplane. least $50,000 was estimated for it whirred 1U way. hovering here j serious development of the nnjl pT'M Oerman frontier and had open iM'i,trea Dy the chief ment had received no word from ed fire first on the much faster i! trie Provincial public , the ana mere over ine naroor, men 'copter began in the early 1930s ! ;T ,VAw. federal authorities to the broke shamlv northward and .i k iqo I "nevuer .wus amount been Increased to include rising, disappeared mountains.' were maae, one as lar as 100 miles. .'..'. W'ient in Victoria. ! contrary." " h"s b'rn v"1"3- I Mr. Hills aid he quoted the mr.tinmer,ded to the copy of a telegram from E. J. coi.miI. red temporary Applewhaite, Skeena MP, stat- peritKi during which ' ina that it wax too lata this vear! work beyond a survey will not be known until further discussion of the estimates. Mr. Applewhaite, who has A few days later it was an- But nearly 50 years ago. a Can- and belter-equipped MIOs. ln London, a spokesman said J the bomber carried no ammunition, j British authorities said that! before crashing, the pilot Jet- j ' tisoned secret documents into , V... n . i . V, - . , n Mllilarv rw.l t ! nounced that an important adian. a Manitoba f armer-lnven- ciaim-sutKing rate mt a uurumn t0r tried to sell the world a been campaigning steadily in unemployment" in Prince Rupert because of the "huge" surplus of canned salmon. Chetwynd said the government is "very worried." The United Kingdom wanted to buy the fish but didn't have the necessary dollars. The B.C. government did not want to resort to a barter deal unless it is absolutely necessary. Robert Straclian (CCF-Cowi-chan-Newcastle) said the government should bring pressure to bear on Ottawa to change Its fiscal policy. He said Canada's economy had been tied "for too much" to that of the U.S. in recent years. ' Chetwynd said the matter had already been taken up with British Columbia glacier top had i helicopter. But the world took i the House for an airport ln his been won with Uie aid of a hell- little notice and the detailed home city, expressed "great sat isfaction with the minister's re i!) lor maintenance of j for the federal government to u bur.g turned over j include this work (repairsl fn u. uovrrriment. 'their rsllmatea and that it wax ii.lorniatum. however, i stlil the responsibility of the B C. Par to have been re- government to attend "to these '" Hills, city MLA, i dilapidated floaU. While the Arrow Lakes area being surveyed contains about one and a half times as much timber as the Prince Rupert area covered by Columbia Cellulose's forest licence, the timber In the Kootenays is spotted. "Much of the timber is overmature hemlock. It Is worth little or nothing unless someone is prepared to risk substantial turns, time and effort to build a modern pulp mill. TAKING CHANCE "This Is -a risk that Is essential to the further development of this country. What I fear is that we are ln danger of losing sight of the basic need for private gain as a stimulus and incentive for this , risk," said Mr. Mac-Kenzie. Mr. MacKenzie, who heads the Canadian operations of the parent company, Celanese Cor-' poratlon of America, with headquarters in Montreal came to B.C. to speak to students of the University of B.C. during Education Week. He took the opportunity to visit Prince Rupert while on the west coast to see the pulp mill in operation at Watson Island. copter. (blue-prints gathered dust and till. U1UI..1I . v-. j j... . . . are combing the area for them . today. ! .! 1 But the sight of the modern turned yellow in the U.S. patent office in Washington, D.C, flying machine brought a dif ferent reaction to 68-year-old the issue' "i also Uld the minister that1 -il'ire. said City Clerk Garnet Hull veteran clothier. His port." (Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce has spearheaded a campaign for the last three years for construction of a land airbase near this city.) (At present, this centre is being served by a sea plane base only.) The elder Hull died in Chicago while trying to finance the development of his most-prized invention, a year after the 1907 patent was granted. Original application for the memory was taken almost 50 years back when his father the late William Hull, patented the vertically-rising airship. 8 U!ay '''i In a letter to the . aitliuunh he had again ' "n by the imivinriiil NEW YORK (CP Anthony Eden British foreign secretary denounced as "barbaric" the shooting down of the RAF bomber. Eden, delivering a major-speech Thursday night before the Foreign Policies Association, I did not want his resident engineer in Prince Rupert to order them (the flouts) closed. What we wanted was them reconditioned Immediately," stated Mr. Hills. Meanwhile, the public works 'Ottawa. Encyclopedia Brltannlca de 1 n the floats "the I received from n,f (Continued on page 6) votes many pages to the history a thut negotiations ifri. In Prlxn r,,iurt r fur w'r Uie floats to" the, has received no directive from' " I Victoria in connection with the Harold Winch Scores Socreds For Christmas Ad in Papers oier V. floats. Condition of the floats and the ' i problem caused by their daily j deterioration has been an Issue i tirrp fur u.ntn lim rttv Mor Fined tPr)linn 'council Chamber of Commerce advertise such greetings. "It's the first Social Credit government," put in Education Minister Tilly Rolston. "Then why don't you pay for It and not the taxpayer?" Mr. Winch replied. " 'V , ... H.Q.,.n - maniinancc action. "-! bulldozer ooera- ! departed from his prepared text to lash out at Russia. Discarding his text momentarily, he said: "Deliberate and unprovoked attacks of this kind by what arc supposed to be friendly forces can only be called barbaric." LONDON OO British officials said today Soviet attacks on British and American planes were evidence of post-Stolin Jitters behind the Iron curtain. Highly-placed officials said they believed the MIO fighter attack that cost Britain a Lincoln bomber and six lives waa due less to trigger-happiness on the part of MIO crews than to nervousness in the fighter echelons of the Kremlin. "Since the death of Stalin," BULLETIN FKAN'KFl'RT British European Airways Viking passenger plane was fired on by Russian aircraft over the Soviet lone on Thursday, It was reliably reported tonight. Apparently none of the passengers or crew was Injured. The plane was flying into Berlin from Munich via the Frankfurt corridor. avc Ills home address " m fined $50 and " ml ' iail In police h' M.iuistrate Walter ;t"'"''U. ftlm olenHn,! I ""''"i-'c of stoaiing a Air Ambulance Considered By Government VICTORIA pi The British VICTORIA CCF opposition leader Harold Winch said In the legislature Thursday, the Social Credit Government is using the taxpayers' money for paid political advertising. Premier Bennett said he had no apology to make and that he would take full responsibility for it Mr. Winch held up a newspaper advertisement which showed the Premier and his. cabinet wishing the people of B.C. a "Merry Christmas and a happy New Year." He said the government had spent "thousands and thousands of dollars" of the taxpayers' money for this purpose. Mr. Winch said that in previous years former premiers had Issued Christmas and New Year's messages which newspapers had treated prominently as news stories. He said that, to his knowledge, '""" irurgof spencc e lv n,.ii , Both, federal and provincial governments have stated that while the floats were being turned over from one authority to another, neither accepted responsibility for maintenance. Fear of closure of the floats due to hazardous condition has been expressed by the city as such action would also be a loss to .small bout fishermen who have no other central place along the waterfront where they can tie up for short periods. Two other floats, one at Fair-view and the other at the dry-dock, are a mile or more from city centre. drunk he was what 'h' time. Columbia government is consid Logging Not Affected By Budget one Informant said, "the Communists have become very Jumpy Indeed about vigilance around their borders. '1 he had hec ta '' n. 1 look-crested hl n IP ho , 7 k ami .,, away, UWI. prosecuun, VANCOUVER (CP) Mining and -Jr-old the Social Credit government was first to pay $8 a column-inch to ,,, ''aiison was ering establishment of an air ambulance service. Health Minister Eric Martin said Thursday. " Mr. Martin was speaking to a motion by Frank Calder tCCF-Atlini that the government establish such a service. He sait: costs and other problems had tc be considered. Mr. Martin said last year's polio epidemic, "the worst In th province's history," pointed tt the need for air ambulance service. Last year more than 5 X persons were struck by polio aw 38 died. George Hills (CCF-Prince Ru-prt) Mid: "Way up north where I comt from, we have to use the TTnitec States air force at Annette I land in emergencies. This shoulc not be." h p J t irlicr ',' "fany or :,. ... r. bu. DUt t1Pre I logging enterprises ln British Columbia will not have to pay increased Income taxes as a result of Uie announcement made in Ottawa, a leading tax authority said here. Finance Minister Abbott said corporations will be allowed to deduct corporation taxes paid to the province or municipality for federal Income tax purposes. The authority said the announcement would appear to offset completely the 10 per cent tax announced ln the provincial budget recently. , -WEATHER- forecast North Const Region: Cloudy today and Saturday. A few raln-showcrs tonight. Rain on Saturday: not much change in temperature. Winds light becoming southeast 25 this evening ln exposed areas and shifting to southwesterly 20 Saturday afternoon. Low tonight and high Saturday at Port Hardy and Sandspit 34 and 40, Prince Rupert 32 and 40. Airmen Visit Base WARMINSTER, England (CP) Forty officers and men from the RCAF fighter wring at North Luf-fenham visited British Army units here and rode ln Centurion tanks. They also heard a lecture on Korea fighting from Col. :;"fhud anything to '! In ermvf ..... . ... - t vvv s ' lob. MEMBERS OF THE RCSSIAN EMBASSY Staff at Ottawa look over the names of diplomatic representatives who signed the callers' book when Uiey expressed condolences of their respective governments on the death of Premier Stalin. Left to right: Alexander Bochkarev, attache; Vladimir Bourdine, first secretary, and LeoiJd Teplov, charge d'affaires. D. B. Grist, commander at a bat- "I off T. 1 . aR0 where tallion of the Gloucestershire Regiment. saw mm.