J- X je Theatre Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, November 6, 1953 Stage Play () Victor xt Month Poppy Day Tomorrow ? In Rupert Bright red poppies, symbols of remembrance, will be worn on every lapel tomorrow, Poppy Day t, produce a one-act i ' i li; '' t e Christmas were dls- II lis wceK wnt'H ine i Burns Lake Woman Feted On Departure j Special to The Dally New BURNS LAKE. Fellow employees honored Mrs. Esther I. Doke, popular head clerk In the government agent's office here, on her departure for Prince George, where she will make her home. Mrs. Doke was presented wirn a gold band pen and pencil set by the group which Included Jim Wilds, Bill Richmond, Aubrey Fisher, Bill Mummery, Anne Welsh, Jacques Hayes and Barney Mulvaney, as well as many others from throughout this district. n I ;; v. In Prince Rupert. I One of the major events in Legion Week, leading up to Rr-I membrance Day observances next Wednesday, Poppy Day will see some 40 youngsters on the streets In Prince Rupert, selling the , bright flowers, brave reminders j that there are still men and iw'f.mpn suffering the effects of two world wars. I Handicapped war veterans make their living manufacturing j the popples, and proceeds of local poppy sales help those men In Record Specials All Brand New Records Red Seal 78rpm-12" . Regular $1.65 " S"CIAL $1.00 Red Seal 78 rpm - 10" the Vet-Craft shops, as well ; Kiipi'ri Little Theutie !!,! iK Id its annual gen- .tliHK is i ,): coiiibc- was named ,t the play, proceeds of v,i! probably be Riven to ily Ca.sling fur the pl:iy, ,v I,.' -ine House With jis.y Windows," Is teri- ' m'iI-! it 1'"' November 9 , I !- onibe will also ,, , manager, lu tin' large percentage ,. in ilia orp,,inua-, Mm t in i .-.ecuiive was v.,la cu-ruld f. Wu;xl-!)! ; .rut :,nd Jim Cuiii-, , piesittcnt. A secre-,. t v,:!l te namel r..: i lit, wlii) chaired ::n reviewed the prog-.(i i a.le Thi'atre group ):ii-3H season when two (t pi.iv.s were, presented .a l k ; eniwr and one In ,!. n produced was a i pl.iy fur the Prince Ru-l'i-.ttu-t Drama Festl- Tm lit listed the progress in i;.iining effects for lirhMHS, costumes and ip w h i c h had been made by the associate pniup set the flr.it , m December for its i'jl,;r naeting. as elding Prince Rupert district vefs. j More than half of the proceeds of the poppy sales remain wun MR. AND MRS. C. COBB Two wcl! -known evangelists, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cobb of Vancouver, will hold . special revival meetings in the Prince Rupert Pentecostal Tabernacle, West bixth, Sunday morning and eveninc, November 8. The couple, well-known for their preaching throughout B.C. and the United Slates, will also hold m-j" i, Tuesday and Friday of r.e-:t week. Rev. R. W. Si.arott, leal Incumbent at the Tajjmacle, has Issued an invitatim to everyone to the p.un'tav fenfires at 11 a.m. and 7:20 p.m. and the weekly meetings at 8 p.m. DACKACI1G r.!aybe7arninq Baduche ii ften caused by luy Iwlney action. Whn kidneys (at tut it artier, excels acida and wastes remain in tha system. Then backache, disturbed rest ar that tired-out and heaTy-headed lading may aeon follow. That's the time te take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd'a stimulate the kidneys te normal action. Then yea I Hi anch 27 of the Canadian Le- glon, and the poppy funds are: jt.iirnirked specifically for relief of veterans and their dependants in this district. ! Th? Legion Women's Auxiliary SPEC,AL 2 For $1,251 feel better sleea better work better, j Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. 61 ; Dallv New Want iZt Get Re$nlu Black Seal . f J n ' ' '"'1 W4f 4 I is in charge of the poppy distributions. School children in the city will receive their popples today. Poppy wreaths have al-reody nen sold to organizations planning to lay them at the cenotaph Wednesday. Other major events c: Legion Week Include a "Bring the Missus" right tonight at the Legion hall at which an amateur program will be staged with Mrs. Jim Black and R. J. Bone in charge. Sunday Legionnaires will parade to The Salvation Army hall for a special service, with J. S. Wilson In charge of the parade, and Legion Week will be climaxed by the annual remembrance service at the cenotaph Wednesday morning, followed by a Legion banquet and the annual re liiw smxiiiaru Regular $1.00 special 2 For $1.00 ff 45 rpm Records Lis Card f-arl tj Photo tjv vaa ivi..er bluaio. DIE HOME SOON are Mr. and Mrs. Vernon I. M. Rydde, popular young Prince Ruoert counle whn weri mnrrierf ,i-.-i i.JCt a,fi,rfo n t..b": -s of cards were In! In St. Andrew's Cathixlrnl nH .'hA h. k '.' . . . t mu Uttii. uvi.il 111UU1HIIK cit m W at aF hen the Women's Auxil-ibe Canadian Legion stag-ir card party Wer&esday Keguiar yac SPECIAL ... ... RYE Aristocrat interior B.C. points. The bride, Marian, Is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George R. Shenton of Prince Rupert, and the groom Is son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rydde of Ordale, Sask. They will make their home here. 2 For $1.00 8 yean old 5 years old 4 years old 3 years old Anniversary , , Viscount Melchers Special Reserve GIN London Club London Dry membrance ball Wednesday niirht. , , s'cre awarded as follows: women's Mrs. A.'Amoth; Mrs. 11. liitterman (sub); :, vsmen'j Mrs. A. Mur-n .s. J. C. Jacltson; bridge, .. Mrs. A Dickens, men's H l:i.vell (.sub), rwnniit'cp in rharee o! Brownies Enter Guide Ranks In Flying-Up Ceremony Here insist on .a-his included Mrs. Alex" lne rlrst enrollment and fly-: completing tenderfoot tests. melchers ALBUMS Long-Play and 78 rpm ! HALF-PRICE Thousands of Selections Mis s Bronke and Mrs.iln-uP ceremony or the season i k.,!:..c;1. I for Conrad Guides and Brownies Hospitalized Rupert Cub Wins Badges Young Meldrum Souter, Prince TJiiriorfr Wnlf Pnh nnw .n hnsnit.nl ii x' ; .i: d party will be i was ntla 81 onraa street school. Blanche Girardet and Patsy Pearson flew up bv rieht of Golden Wines and Lynne Griffiths, Loree Paup;ht, Sherry Douglas and Linda Larsen walk- 18. v.hen one Guide was enrolled and six Brownies of the Second and Fourth packs, flew-up to j ed p by rls-ht of their Brownie IIS" Smiles. readers .onieia uain was enrolled as a mi-mhpr nf tu tf-,M -'L i cmuiuesMn Vancouver Rufferine a RDina! Sturdily. Nov. Rupert Guide company, after i ?i"ZVTea. shoe ?- OUI?e P0' Infection, has not been forgotten and a campfirc circle was b, the Scout movement. tverv n 1 welcome. Build Your Library While These Specials Last '' rr ah I (260) V zuu Mirena TIms advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by rhe Government of British Columbia. .tuwuc-u. Kaitjiuv ujeneu wun Th in.ver-old hov son of IneyWlncy Spider 'and !iB u wh)cn ooks fter handlcap. i Helen Woodcock tind Louise . . ed j Cubs . n"d Scouts- 0 f I Thomas icadine a new song, "Six , 'ih.i. r-,,.i,," i The two badges, athlete fcl and A io t n-ayr United Church 'cTJzZ, S Annual Dinner ".! .,,1 1 I i - . s ' " i 4 ' 1 iieit'iiiii Sunday, 11 1 - ENJOY THE EXTRA COMFORT THAT COMES FROM PERFECT FIT . . . Arrow Gabanaro Some 2D0 members of the First ' ltearn nlaver. were earned bv Mel (260) .United church last night en- Patrol Leader Heather Stevens K.fnre he was hosnitalized. Ho i f Job's Daughters, 1 Joyed their annual Congrega- and Guides Audrey Barton and passed tests last spring for the '' r, at 7:30 p-m. tlec- tional dinner. Dorothy Shaw fprved marshmal- MMeto badge, and his work in !, sil ver march I Kev. L. G. Sieber was master of lows for the feast winding up the the Little League, on the Wild (2j!)i cercmonie for the event, at program. ot team earned him the team .-I'mn .n,,n.-red hv i lllrn a nlanlisht Wa''i Sh0wing 01 Aau lis eV"e;il in-luded Mrs. P'-ayer badge. Avi.u. ,Um' rhe Klng' Man- an r m -. k Sunday Nov 8 OriffHlv rSUPhi. Mrs. Word of the presentation was c ne in leirinn Hill' Afrlcan storv' Larsen and Mrs. Girardet, par- received here from Area Com- A. L frdoi! i, Business ' Mi" Jean n Plllcr' Christian pllts nf nrownl. Brown ni, missioner J. A. Bramham for COUTT'S CARDS FOR CHRISTMAS 1 '" ') - Bo.ed or. Individual S7BCIAI. OVERSEAS SPECIAL FRIENDS V 9 SPECIAL FArJILY I . A?,p ge;j2u.l APPROI-'RIATE greetings ' Also --.'';.... FANCY WRAPPING - SEALS - RIBBONS ... ... r " !r ' uuu.twv... j, .: - Mrs. j. u. Kooenson anu Mrs. ititsiiano-i'airview oy iscoucs. (260) ly to the group on ner present M P pearM)n and Guide Captain '(A fur uLiiuii . rv v-iu-ii i iu ! Vorwiv d inee Frl- 'tour cf the P'sbytery. She had Mrs , K ,,,. :., e um'ub ,;.,,!. lust returned from a visit to . I-6 rlLVJtjCsSJWa Evervnim u-dnnmo I The cnurch women's Auxiliary (25!)1 j prepared the turkey dinner, con i SPECIAL OFFER Watche h Off j venea oy mis. . reoersen. i :i V s i "H W '. en Your name Imprinted on. boxed cartli 24-hor service) Loss Our 1 i Y0URGAIN! Regular SALE Gf$' F ova 49.50 33.00 Gcnfs' MMo 72.50 48.25 Gcr.W luUrm 59.50 39.50 Ger.ir.' Bh.ovo 42.50 28.25 Gir!s' Gyac.i 35.00 23.35 G'th' iT,'vn 71 50 47.50 Girls' Eh1og 49.50 33.00 Girls' i.-:'c -- 42.50 23.35 Girls' ,1ticx 120.00 80.00 Gir!i' Ein(Auto) 135.00 90.00 Ledks' Grtirn 45.00 30.00 Lakes' Gruen 57.50 38.35 Lodics' tJulova 42.50 28.35 Ladies' Bi!ova 59.50 39.50 Lodies' Elg'n 59.50 39.50 Pfan (?art party - s'h .Scat dove Piiins for a card party were dlcense:l when members of the Afternoon Branch of the Worn en's Auxiliary of St. Peter's Anglican Church, Seal Cove, met yesterday at the home of Mrs. J Prince, 1032 Ninth Avenue East Mrs. Maud Vlerdeck, president, conducted the -meeting at which it was decided to hold a card party ln the church hall Noycmber 13. Refreshments were served by the liosess at the conclusion of the business session. 5 TO GO AT SPECIAL LOW PRICES o YOUR CHOICE OF g MODELS that wonderful Arrow Sport Shirt that comes in your exact sleeve length . cry I 1 6.95 Just a Few of Our Specials LAY-AWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS! Georae Cook Jeweller OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie Room 10, Stone Building Phone Blue 593 $19450 STARTING AT YOU If r.'R.!,NA BASHA' " woman without I' , has received a re- deportation to n fs. r Easha, a stateless Russian, was ordered u on the expiration of e' ;'n Passport, issued d !"e. '"etime of her S an Italian n 1950 she married nmizen in Brazil. PARTNERS hamL?!-Prlme Minis- GEORGE COOK . . . JEWELLER Fase into an Arrow Gabanaro and you'll see what a wonderful difference perfect fit makes. Gabanaro lits neat and smooth at the collar . . . free and easy across 1 lie shoulilers . . . comfortably trim throughout. Made with the sensational Arafold collar that looks great, feels great, wora open or closed . . . with or without a tie. Washable rayon gabardine in smart color selection. Come in today and treat yourself to Cauaila's favorite sport shirt. I ARY SALI 4th kM ON THESE WELL-KNOWN BRANDS a .? I' sr, ;:sr. S&NICKERS0N AAcRAE BROS. .. ' mi or Pakistan,; np canteen for civil "n'envllhe "lationshlu, ln Primarily a partner--Ce'ng, the aairS of ith f,,'Ten m estab-j ,,,r';;ntS sanctioned by MEN'S WEAR VsOFF 50e OFF VsOFF China Costume Jewellery - Watches LIMITED Phone 6 or 36 FOR ARROW SPORT SHIRTS i v."'