8 Trince Rupert Daily News Tui'hdiiy, June 1, 1154 Red China Boss .VI I 4 ., - . ..' 4 r ; , . -. .-.. J,,i ,') '-J, Courtesy Cops Cut Accidents on Highwavs By J. C. CKAIIAM i Every tunc a car appears be-' too fut ' AUCKLAND, N.Z. New hind a driver now. the motorist bi-Pn.l ., Hln8 corner. Wollocc's Men's Shop Now! NYLON GABARDINE ... m . 1- . --w.IlI .IB .h ,. Zealand Dcucves u nas louna nas a prieK 01 conscience. He mv . . " omP ,, .. . .....i - i l , . . . : AUloniat.ii.oll.. . ,c Will Uie soiuuoa w uie luguway nc- eneexs on wneuier ne is driving ; traffic brea b ' "t elf letu prnoirm. in i.wu inuiiiiis. ! - : - Men s Pants 1 ODAY AND WEDNESDAY JUMES MASOK Claire Ihtm Hildetirjt Ml All Sizes All Colors rormidiDie Say Diplomats By EDDY GILMORE OFNEVA i.fi After watching Red China's Chou En-lal opera'e for more than a month, Western delegates to the Geneva conference unanimously agree he's a forrridable fiaure. They said he's serious, Intelligent and apparently a well-trained, thoroiieh-goin? Communist, schooled in the party $10-95 t mmm I iiiisi.hij OETL'JEEN .1 V "courtesy cops" In plain clothes have produced a sharp drop In accidents. In January and February this year road accidenU cost 74 lives. Normally, the toll increases In the next two months. But after the "courtesy cops" begatt oiior-sting, the deaths In March and mil dropped to 48 for the two-month period. The system has been such a success that the number of patrols will be considerably Increased. The special patrols use cars of different sizes, colors and makes. They change cars frequently, and none of the cars bears any distinguishing mark. Individual AND GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR I Four times more wrar ivith nvlon. S;)ot-resistant. Water- rcpeUant. Guaranteed under normal wear not to wear out a fer one year. WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE I I'so- m nine. Looking at it one way. Chop's; position here Is one that would! undermine the confidence of aj lot of men. i "RKI'OIST ON KASHMIR' TOTEM "NIFTV NINETIES' Shows at 7 - 9 p.m. His country is not recognb.ed ! h' several of the delegations that sit in the .same room with him. This means that he is not recognized by people sitcing a lew fee! from him. patrols olso move from district to district, so they do not stay long enough to become known to drivers. I r'-X i " V' 1 J - - vis ?&, i I it-'- ,A- i y-'irf-t2 m iiiw.n m.ii bib m' jH SCMK WiTI TIL U.S. Slate Secretary John Fo- MUUlt ,ewot! vim. .V - s. s f-. ' . rie- j The officers wear civilian I eioUies and nut on a uniform cap : only when thev want to slop a ; ivtoi.j. The cars carry sirens ; 'r fioi) drivers, but, the sirens are j ll'i'Mn. he patrols rarry Identification to prove their bona fides. , but tlf.v have no power to pro-.!r-,ite nn oiaUer whut the of-: fence. Their job Is to look for i "accident promoting" practices ! nd to point these out on the - 1 . MM tra' - '-s r.- ' " .... KIIAPKI.Y KIMRKKI.Y HISS of New York City reecntly astounded the fishing world by reeling in this 1.525-pound black rrtarlln off the coast of Calx) Blanco. Peru, to capture the women's world fishin; title. Miss Wi.ss single-handedly made the catch in one hour. 20 minutes, beating the women's record by 510 pounds. The lady champ works for a New York advertising agency. ' A WAREHOUSE IHfH tl r i 3 t ;-.iwsr.nTT ti-r Dulles never spoke a word tf; him. or even recosnicd Ills p'"s-1 nice. Dulles nindc it plain tlmt. he was not mopling Chnu except: irHrr pvtremrly unu.5iiol cli - ci'mst.incps. Walter Bedell Smith, under- : .secretary of stale who took over j Dulles' duties at Geneva, fno t maintained the same- policy. M'-tubers of the American del- elation, however, do not regard him as an upstart. They say he j kives the impression of 8 stut'i-I ous man, sure of himself and one j who knows his way about a con- ! ference table. . ! The British delezalijn and Foreign Secretory Eden h'1"'! hnd considerable contact with Chou. A British spokesman said I hey found him quietly alert, In- i tc llient. serious and one who -i-ps his points well. Chou and : Eden speak to one aiKKivi' uKHif.ii translators. j Clmu ,s consistent In lvs dr s j at Geneva. It's ahvavs (he same I dark-blue semi-military tunic j buttoned up untier his chin H's j tiousers, not always too neatly I pressed match the tunic. On i it to Moscow Chou wears a cap. Perhaps, as some concession to the West, he always wears a j (it 'i-'im FOSTER S: BLACKWOOD on BRIDGE 2 Features 2 Today ond Wedrtesdoy 7 p.m. -8:25 p.m. get it faster. ..for less... with a BUTLER steel building You can get floor space fast, for factory, warehouse or store, with a Butler steel building! Adaptable Butler design is easily suited to large or small, simple or complex building layouts. Low-cost erection, and mass-production savings give you up to 47 percent more usable floor space for the same money. Fire-safe Butler buildings with galvanized or aluminum covering require little upkeep. You can get clear-span widths up to 70 feet, in many lengths. j By EASLEY BLACKWOOD CAPITO spot to motorists. .:l The only disciplinary aspect of their operation Is that they fin mnke reports of furious offences which can be taken Into 'ou'drirratinn tf tly? drh'er Is Inter detected In a breach by a uniformed patrol. It was widely expected tlmt, no nnaltv w Inirolvrjd. the "eourtMV enri" would he Ignored hv ninny drivers, but the reverse has been the case. Motorists have proved much more wllllns: to co-operate with them than with the uniform patrols who" vleid the "bit: stick" of proseen- ! Hon. Most drivers have frankly ' admitted their fnult and many have thanked the patrol' for nolntlntr out dangerous habits they have fallen Into unwittingly. - more ffe'l"e h" been the dislike of the avcratre motorist of having his driving qhlllty auestloned. Most drivers will po to prcat length to avoid 'he risk of being stopoed by a atrol even when no penalty is involved. I-A.V.ors ri.AYi rtSTHKATR T vn-Over-Onc Response Gives Partner Sure Clue John 11. Crawford's book "How to Be a Consistent Winner in the Most Popular Card Games," devotes only 30 pages to bridge. But in that short space. the author has packed more solid, sensible in- I vSv. For See us betore you build. (Jur service includes everything from foundation to insulation. Call nr write us today! Summer Wea Northern Asbestos & Construction Supplies (B.C.) Ltd. i Cool Sturdy Shoes lovmation and more practical advice than is contain- hat at Geneva. "But lliat," said one Westerner, "Is about his only concession." M W. nun, Vancouver. B.f. (llerry 7131 lf ;;ra:""'full-lencrth books on the name. Mr. Cfawft-rcf says that when One Drum Horse Left in Army LONDON (Reuters) The Bri-H. h - ni" is down to its ,ast ' m. ih dHler IVil'.t bl'Jp vulnerable ' North (Mr. ( lluillliill ) 88 5 H A 10 7 1 D B 4 C K J 10 7 a (Mr. Kri-n) (Mr. .Im-I) SQ J 10 4 2 &K 9 7 3 H 8 II Q 6 3 D A 10 5 3 DJ J 9 6 C- 8 6 C S 4 Hulll (Mr. Meek) ' ; ' 8 A H K J 9 S 4 D K 7 1 C A Q 3 by SAVAGE Featuring liim-ttrarinj Nrulllr soles soft Icathrn Sanitized for longer, healthier wear Selection includes BOOTS . . . OXFORDS . SADDLE SHOES ... PAT TEN STRAPS . . . SAN DALS Spa 1 If H 4- jdnvers S Nepali's Fear Noted Climber Struck by Cods drum horse. Bonaparte, last but one in the line of ceremonial horses whicn ! have led royal processions and pageants, was destroyed at . ightsbridse. barracks here Tuesday af'cr a heart attacK. U u-n nine venr ulrt. Now only one drum horse rein .... II lo .. ; Drum horses are especially se- 1 ice e lo carry two brass kettle drums one on either side of their saddles, when mounted army bands participate in cers-; monies. , 1 KATMANDU, Nepal (Reuters A crack Gurkha runner Is racing along snowy mountain paths of the Himalayas to reach Sir The bidding: South We3t Ni.rth 1 II P.3 a c 2 NT Pase 3 H 4 H All Pass Fast Pass rail 1 . - 'v a two-over-onc res- "" " 'f1"- his partner's openin bid of one in a suit, he is nearly iv fj's prepared -o make soin second bid. If his partner doe? cnything but robin1, his own sui' In today's deal. Mr. Chamnion made a two-over-one response to his partner's heirt opening Failure to mnke a sncond bid on the North hnd after Mr. Meek': highly encouraging rebid of tw no trump would have violated the entire structure of modern bidding. Thiit is, if Mr. Champion had enough for a two-over-one response (the equivalent of an average hand in high cards), then he should bid again. If he had less, he should not have madi the two--oTr-one'iri" the first place. Against the final contract of four hearts, Mrs. Keen led the queen of spades. When the dum-, u-.-nt (town Mr. Meek saw that he was faced with one of lie ciimes oluest and most irritating problems or guesses, if you will. The problem was whether to finesse against the queen of hearts or to bang down the ace and king and play for ' ' ?d V 1 ' " r'-- if'-'" '! r . ...... J V T - . nrf. ('.. .. I fWv. v. " i. ' , 1., ." U ' I . r; ,"1 ; .' , , ! ... , f 1 ' t a' f ,.., j ? . : J .V f'f ( ... .I . V. ' . V . i. . V Fashion Foolweai ! ""dmund Hillary, while superstl- ! tious natives talk of the I desses' vengeance against the diamond lead from Mr. fide of the table. Rntt' 108 3rd Ave. W. J ' : ' Fi-niu the-openlnsHesd. H appeared that the king of spades was In Mr. AbeUs hand. To prevent that card from becoming an entry, Mr. Meek ducked the Broadway Cafe PROVINCIAL AFFAIRS 0 4 first trick. A spade was continued and he won with the ncc. He promptly led to the ace of hearts, returned a low heart and finessed the Jack. If this lost, the defenders could hot possibly cash more than one more trick the ace of diamonds. I However, the finesse . won which was no more than flghl as Mr. Meek had planned and timed the hand admirably. ailing conqueror of Everest. The runner will try to brlns out news of Hillary, stricken with pneumonia - earlier this month 22.500 feet up In the ley wastes of the Barun valley. Officials in northeast Nepal are ready to aid the 35-year-old New Zealandcr as soon as he Is located. Superstitious Nepalls and Sheipas auuoutc Hillary's illness to th- revenue of goddc.-uscs' of Everest for the violation of their sanctunry. Everest Is known to the Sher-Dfls as Chomolungma-(toddess mother of the rmows and Is believed by them to be the home of Chomoungma's sister, Meu Lang Sang Ma, a goddess of disease. The natives pointed out that Shcrpa Tenzlng, who reached the top of Everest with Hillary lust May, also has been 111 and Is ordered to I .. 1. HEAR the drop. ARTHUR LAINQ BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOIl TAKI' 'UT ORDERS Phone 200 Actually, In this nurU"ulur f.y. ihnre Has no "i:ue ' The danger of losing a triek to the , citiccn of hearts was nolhini? I compared to the danger of a ! Welsh Festivol CARL..-t Wales O' .The Welsh tourist board executive has agreed to promote a Festival of Wales in 1958. H. T. Edwards, chairman, said "wc hope the festival will be on the same lines as the 1951 Festival of George Mailory and Andre Ir- r,ntlll. ll 1 liopea every COIll- vine British ellmhem wh l.,tf LIBERAL LEADER o CIVIC-CENTRE June 2nd - 8 p.m EVERYBODY WELCOME muni . In Wales v.i,. take par'., their lives in an assault on the NUTHIN DOWN AND NUTHIN' A WEEK WILL BUY JUST THAT, NUTHiN! Kor suuill down payments and E-Z monthly terms, buy an A-l used car from l'arker's. Sec these und many others A-l values: I mountain In 1924, arc said by the natives to have been thrown from Everest's last 1,000 feet by BUSY GROUP The United Slates Coast Ouard maintains more than 37,000 navigational aids along 411.000 miles of waters. I he goddesses. The 27.790-root peak of Mak-alu, which towers above the Barun glacier, where Hillary contracted pneumonia, Is known as "the armchair of the gods," a particularly sacred region. '52 MONARCH SI.HAN Automatic transmission. All extras. A dream to drive 2295 52 FORI. Si;iA Heater Banff Blue. Anybody'd like this onc 1985 l FUR STORAGE Tirei Recapped New Tire Guarantee '51 PREFECT SEDAN Motor overhauled. Like new condition 475 '50 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater. Excellent condition. A-l Bargain 1250 PHONE Porker's, where Prices ore Born, not Raised (iEOlMiE COOK j I WI I I l li PROUDLY ANNOUNCE THEIR APPOINTMENT AS Official 'Dealers-'".,; mim WATCHES- 974 '4!) ANOLIA Radio, heater. Oleaming black. Only 50 FORI) PH Kl' New paint job. Immaculate condition 45Q throughout 75Q TODAY OUR POLICY: CUSTOMER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 93 for a free demonstration of any one of our used cars. Evenings 7-10:00 call 791 or drop in to our service station on McBride Street. BOB PARKER LTD. "THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SERVICE" BILL SCUBY FURS BOB PARKER LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. Terroce, B.C. Official Timepiece British Empire Games 21 rioiiiwriifc