t Prtnce Rupert Daily Ncts Monday, February 10, l!M3 Hockey Scores G0RD1E HOWE PASSES 200-GOAL MARK IN ML G & As Outshoot CCC Pulpmillers Two-to-One But Lose Cage Contest kUNliAY WIIIL-Kuuberl' ' , or.,. .SATUHDAY Mil. Montreal 2, Toronto 2; New York 4. Boston S. Wilt Victoria 4. Tacoma 5; Vancouver 1, New Westminster 2; Saskatoon 0, Calgary 7. WIIIL Neison 2, TraU 1; Klm-berley I. Spokane 8. By The Canadian Press At Buston. Milt Schmidt's i second period goal was all the Bruins needed to edue Montreal Detroit's Gordie Howe reached and passed the 200-goal mark in National Hockey League compe fittlUKIA, South Af When a motor-c here, a hi,u uvtrU Tuesday night., CCCs face top-of-the-league Mansons for another game they must win or lose their chance for the playoff il-0. and goalie Sugar Jim Henry chalked up his seventh shutout of the season. tition as Red Wings downed OSIIL Pentlrton 3, Kamloops'car and cauKht in mV Chicago Black Hawks 4-1 Sun-i 7; Vernon 2, Kelowna 6. native fruit vendor Huwe counted twice to help his Combination of Errors Leads to 58-55 Defeat Cellar-dwelling CCCs edged out second-place Gordon & Andersons 53-55 in Saturday night's senior basketball league to upset the hardware squad's ! I .. '. ... .. . team increase its league lead to In r the night s other games, two two full games ovf.r Montreal. On the Same f berth this year. Meanwhile, if Mansons win this major event, they cinch their first place and the league championship of the season. In the Inter "A" division, North Star ousted league-leading Frascr Kuais uy iwimc cue rtestf t cuno gave Toronto its first victory In I Tony Lesw kk also scored twice. ; both goals coming U the first ... .uov b. . .......,,., . I .,-.- A ., ....... to close the gap between them and league- toiet 4. over Rangers at New York. unusay s pass mio me goal at i 1:04. Bill Mosienko counted the , leading MailSOllS. i Si Payne with a 45-37 drubbing, about two to one but percentage and In the Inter "B" preliminary. ULlll The victorv also Dive Hell lone Chicago goal at 12.13 of the second period. Take A Peek! AT WALLACE'S INFANT'S DEPARTMENT Of Course. scores was low. Outstanding U..!nL-tH'c 1.1, Irt millara .nntW., those falling to make their attempts was Jim the playoffs. CCCs must win a'.l ?,d Ocneral K:utors edged Booth 25-23 In a slow scoring event. Lineups: " SEMOK CCC Sundberg 8. Carlson 14. Flaten, star guard for Alex Bill's remaining four games In order I Turkish Sugar ANKARA. Turkey o Suear squad. to place second in the league. "fc"".? mail 7:U i J rBlKND Anjels in liisuise" D. 8cherk 6, 8. Scherk 15. Thomp-! coi, sumption in Turkey has in- G-A's downfall t aturdav night teammate joe uavis, nowever, creased 40 ier cent in the last was caused hv a . nmhin.itinn nf played standout ball, scoring 16 M A M f A u li m u son 10, Marshall 4, Katchfuid spou. low j PwnU f " !ame' high total ! 'DumM' 58 three years and Is stated to be careless defence in HENDRIX TOTEM EAMOl IM AVHls no' and was the team's mainstay on Davis Arncy 18, .,. iK 11. -Holkestad 10, 14. Webber 4. Total 55. G-A-Flaten Currle. an indication of the nation's ; percentage shooting and ball-advancing standard of living, j f uiilolir.g. Beet sugar factories are being Many penalty shots also were expanded to produce 200.000 tons I missed by the O-As. of sugar in 1954. Losers outshot the millers We're extra particular of " our ImIij's lit ii.utiiu at . . . Baby is precious, hc know, and hc know also how precious baby's health must be. With this in mind, Wallace's are very, very ! careful to stock only the right baby's and infants' wear, tome on in. Vou'l! find our complete, large infants' department quite satisfying. FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING IN 1953 As Always PLACE ORDERS NOW Dibb Printing Co. INTER "A" Eraser & Payne KrLstmanson 11, Nlckerson 1. Ford. Christen-sen 8,. Talt 6, Clrcone 7,'Shep-pard 1. McAfee 3 Total 37. Mm an forgive a woman every mistake but OAF the floor throughout the evening. For the winners Sid Scherk racked up a 15-polnt total, but was fouled out In the last qua", ter, as was second-high man. Gien iTinyi Carlson. Carlson stunned the specU tors several times with his phenomenal shots In the first quarter as the husky centre scored 12 consecutive quirk points. While the basketball wasn't of top brand calibre, the game provided rr.Riiy thrills for spectators, especially in the final quarter when a sudden rally by O-As. six-arheaded by Davis, got the losers within foui poinU of winning, while gaining five of their eight-point deficit. LA; LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 1910 MOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING Mlim; . . . rOltVYAKIHNG . . . SIOKAGE Experienced handling Local, Nation-wide and World-wide Shipment). -MOVE WITH EASE . . , SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S' Agents Allied Van Lines Lid. Phone 60 or 6 Cor. 2nd and Park Ave. North Star Sanke y 2. Young ' 5, McKay 10. Morrison 9. Black, j Cameron 6. Helin, U'tourneau , 11, Becker 2. Total 4S. INTER "li General Motors Morrison 2, Stewart 8, NeLon 6, Strand 5. ; Sankey. Young. Shenton 2, Sedgwick. Forbes. Total 25. ( Booth Newton 4. Yamamoto 1 . WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE UNIVUML INTIlMTIOMtl pm LORETTA YOUNG JEFF CHANDLER because ou 9. Tanaka 4. Tsuchiya, Nakatsu I 2. Matsuo. McKay 2, Dean 2.' Total 23. i IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE I'lu "SAIL IIO" TODAY to WEDNESO CAPiTOl lAMDt S ri.AYI HSlllHl- Curling Results IIK.II S( ll(M)l. Following are results of 'Saturday's games; 9.30 am. draw Buteman 12. Kaardal 3; Auld 8. Beil 8, Row-rjtham 8. Henry 8 12:00 draw Morrison 6, Hus-vik 4. Boulter 11, Gamblin 4. News . 9:04 Cortoon Shows 7 Keep your tyrs prelrd ABOVE and BEYOND thu WEjs: DAY afternoon. Feb. 18th You won't see FSyiutt &u.rrB you will see Flylnn Leaflets telling alxiul a URfT PUT.; "ABOVE AND BEYOND" coming Thutxiay to tli Keep our leaf lets ... If you have a wlrminK i.umwi will sec this picture t RLE. Winning numbers posted at the Capitol SPORTSMAN'S PIGEST FUR SKINNING TIPS jh Hang animal by V W COW OS WITH A LAB-V i at dHOT roa tACM -?.s..i-r FOOT. REMOVE one WOT AT A TIME TO SKIM LEGS. imt Attn H n Skinning is easiest a3 soon as possible HOLLYWOOD CAFE CLOSED FOR RENOVATIONS Irom Monday, February li until further notice. APTER CATCHING. HANG BV WNP tEGS IP POBCSO TO DEL A" UNTIL NEXT DAY, IP WET, SHAKE TO LOOMS THICK ONPF.H-FUR TO AID PHYIN&. pi?y all furs ano COMB CLEAN ORiEP MOO, BUR3 ETC., BFFORe SKINNING. To case-skin: slit FROM HEEL TO ANO ABOUND VENT CUT OFT FOOT PAPS. LEAVE LAST TOE JOlNTf, AND CLAWS ON SKIN. PULL OUT f.-v TAIL BONE. PEEL Vjij SKIN) INSIDE OUT. FREE FRONT TOES, EARS EARS AT AT BASE BASE. y ETC. WTH KNIFE. I - f ' d " - i J" If f 'f ii'-.''5 A GOLDEN TREASURE FOR YOUR MIXING PLEASURE mm ilii mi . .1 M RYE WHISKY Now being introduced to British Columbia for the first lime. You'll appreciate the full, rich flavour and the Kih'sfying body of thi excellent rye whisky. ' 'NI.UI alloys, son. 'Hie .t..Wrin t'fr . villi c.uly jet the iix; ' J ' ciij-iiic-N as j" fei' , , i ' leinlii lieal lti.lt caused iticlal ,.,. ,; . ; ' V- ' "x. i Vj t'i j liails lo ami crack. I f warii icn , , ,, - i i i, 1 , 1 , ... (lllllliln, ISH i, I hill : V , , - - ilMWr inn ;illns coiitiiiiiiu nickel wcie i . ' ,. . , ju jj ' -"J s'.w " lcM l,.,cd lo stand up under the f " M',rt lv s.""' ,M;,M "',,c "" kel VT - S. :.' iiilcnsc licat. Jit eimnics hecamc '"i ' "' r: ". I ' ' nriVV I x 1 Cl f more cllicic.it. Todav cieiiiccr, dcfuice c.,iiiMcnl ..r (,auda, I II.1 rdrBkl ,..' ..',7 I hi W (.(11 Walter -Sons keep Irving to develop heller and (.real lirilani and Hie l iiited Slates I UUUk V X 11 ill heller iiiclcl allovK to make ict coiucriulu (.., our own Cana- I 71 Hi LI V tram ... ,' i .... .... i .. " jtj m a mi, mm .-..- m ' s engines more tllicitiit slill." ' I . IV irfi J iffiil 1 lllW,:4'Ji Wtt'WVh.t . DISTILLERS OF imtt famous "ftatiodian fSM" wHlslr THE The International Nickel Company of Canada, Limited, 25 King jj Street " li This advertisement Is nut published or dispUyea by the Liquor Control ISa'd of Guvernment of British Columbia.