i nol mean her life has ended. Nor when the flimsy utiu tioes it seem mut v.ijr. m imu Avcuut oiree,, K(1,t on Prince Rupert Daily News ray As I See It ! eni nevi. paper taKes care m an ; that. . . ? . v. . ! jX- - " " i.. s '"'iy j , returiifd,' never beln ! p,.,-li!ii: vou )iea.-d Chief Bcc- Friday. January 18. 10:2 L Reflects and Reminisces iker five a talk on fire ami all l)r. Warren of tl., i f Ithat the other evenim;! If sJ.iplo.-es the number" n' t take the trouble to remember unable to resist th.' i i what he said. One often keeps in ("whlte collar j,,.. f I mind things not worth the heed- ; are. Indifferent ti In independent muiy newspaper devoted lo I he upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member nf Canadian "ress Audit Hurra 11 of Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. 3. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor; H. 0. PERRY. Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ore Pl,;L.lt 1I1K. OOL l inn: i-ui i Ainjjii.. . jm:nv ui ine proVirir-i. 'resources, now st,vtin,' savsT R Mac: There is; cigarette sm in bed ... r - , '' ." t pT. - ; . -i -fir?- I1 - ? x v 4 y- n By carrier, per week, 25c; per month, $1.00; per year, lime ViB piace on a mor.umw Last year saw Prince Rupert s Tin y must have public library attain its greatest . warm oifices. crea'iirt $10; by mail, per month, 75c; per year, $8.00. this much to the sudjcci. nu uo else in B. C. can equal him as a. authority. .gain. Today, there are v.iu.- but reriou.H lit'j Philpott Sees Rupert Sheehan of . books on tne sneives am. excep- a trainea ma,,, Ciucl nucao R-iKesentative :s is no not Ihe i first Ame,ican ticnally attractive and comfort-i wa.ltl in r , -nnexatloi iable premises. A change to take.. samp can make hi., i" I Z ha d ! a pride in. sie Ihe leau days i stake. Russ Come Half Way j MANY TIMKS in thiscol- umn I have pointed out A IX 0 VIC II this Pacific coast area you hear lively talk about the climate, writes KInior Philpott i,v fanadians in Cnada but noli ,tiv Tnt.i:iil. thev are out 3 DISHES- to d;moiistrate that this is Can-aJa'j cenlurv. Fur this laud to become purl of the Republic is regarded as a sort of ill-limeu lieasaai.-y. Considfciin". what Washington is domsc in uliliiin;" natural resourees from tlie nuitli it mignt sewn mut logical for Canada to propose annexallon oi the United States. IMPORT U S. BEEF Montreal housewives hoped that import ol 44 Unite d States beef cattle would help reduce meat prices. Till.? was the first import of live cat lie from the U.S. since the Second World War. The importer said he would continue to tnoig cattie in so loni; as prices are lower in the U.S. than in ' Canada. 'CP PHOTO i Wa have he lorqest stock of dishes in Northern B.C. DINNER SETS Dorothy Dix, who died a few weeks ago. is still answeriilf questions and (jiving siige cuuu-scl, whtwe affairs of -Ui hean are concerned. When a eel 'brity like Dorothy passes un. it does BREAKFAST SETS CUPS ond SAUCER Letterbox Especially good selection of TEAPOTS ond WHITE KITCHENWARE i that the acid test of Soviet sincereity o v e r a rrrut- ments was on the question I of inspection. I If they would aun-e to ef-: fective UN inspection oi ai ma-' ments above all of atomic weapons there would be hall the possible ba.su fur peace by agreement. If they would not agree there was no re.il hope. Well, the Russians have now aureed lo the kind of inspection-, that the Americans have been demanding all along. Bui instead of hailing this" as a great step toward possible stable world peace, .some western newspapers, radii speakers, and politicians have done everything passible to "play don" 1 the big news. -: GRANTED that the Russians. ! since 1945, have been hard to ' get along with, in the UN and ; outside it. j But what is to be gained by this fixed. frozen attitude of U.S. hostility to everything the Russians say and do. They can't be wrong BOTH ways. If they were : unco-opeiative and anti-peace in their adamant refusal even to consider outiide inspection of '. atomic pianU in Russia, th;y cannot now be wrong in the,.-willingness to acsepl what the U.3.A has always demanded. i . after his visit here. Has something changed, or not? What has happened to the nice mild rainy winters we used to have in these Prince Rupert pails? , .Maybe it's just a fluke maybe the atom bombs diil have something to do with it. Anyway, instead (If the nice benign rain we used to get out on this coat we now get that white stuff. J However, a brief little blizzard in Prince Rupert does not seem quite so bad when we hear by radio that Vancouver has a foot and a half of that white stuff. Who was the fellow who invented that slogan, Ij.'ergreen Playground ? " J There has been an unbelievable change for the Detter in this northern city in the past ten or fifteen years. The war, of course, poured in a lot of money, ftut Ihe developments now taking place are more ftlid. I The vast plant of the Celanese Corporation is just the foundation, just the first instalment of the dertain, progressive opening up of this northern t'ountry. There are over (500 men now at work in the (j'eljnese plant. The huge process requires vast Quantities of coal, sulphur, water and, of course, wood. : Giant tree trunks go into the whirring wheels and disappear down a huge steel chute. They are chewed up, boiled up, baked and rolled. The finished product comes out like a grey-white cardboard. It Gordon & Andersc CI 'LITRE IN SCHOOLS fditoi, The Daily News: A short tim.' at;o you published an article informing the public that a branch of thu Sir Ernest MacMUlan Fine Ar's Club would be -foimed through the Civic Centre. It is hoped ; that a branch will ak'o be formed at Booth Memorial High School upd among the hich school students at Annunciation. ' tion. The objectives and purposes of Fhono 46 Society, the Edmonton Art Gallery, and hundreds of artists all j. a the country. The following organizational outline is merely for consideration; a plan that might, not must, be followed. It seems thai with the great number of clubs and associations, now in existence in Prince Rupert, that these might well be ; used to form the executive conn-' cil, in the same manner as some of them are now tormina: the board of directors of the Civic Centre. These associations could then be divided into the number of groups necessary to cover the number of activities the club ' wishes to sponsor and then each group would be completely re-; spoiiiible for finding the top ; talent in their activity, assisting in its training and finally finan-ifiwi iuued on page 4 with the talented and so enlivens the interest and spirit of co-; operation of those wiio have had no opportunity to study or follow tire arts. The following organizations across Canada, have fostered or endorsed Sir Krnest MacMillan Fine Arts Club: School Boards, Canadian Bioadcasting Corporation, Men's Canadian Clubs, Women's Canadian Clubs, Service Clubs, Parent-Teachers Federation, Business and Professional Woman's Clubs. University of B.C. Faculty, musicians' union, junior symphony orchestras. Junior Symphony .Society, Toronto Conservatory of Music and Alumni Associations-., art and technical art schools, the press in all com-rrun'Ucs, Toronto Symphony As-sociaiion and members of the o chestra, Vancouver Symphony it 1 S . the club in the schools are as . follows: 1. To dUseminate 'he work of the fine arts departments in the . schools by having a fine arts iclirti which provides sufficient activities connected with the arts for all types of students, the talented as well as those willing to try to learn. 2. To raise the cultural level , of tne- whole student body hy having the average student work : I HAVE never been as excited as : ; have some others about tnis' , whole question of dlsarmamenr. I ' It .seem.s to me that armament : reduction can never take plaoe 1 in this decade unless there weie a prior agreement between Rus-i . sia and tne United States as to respective ones of world power. But I don't want lo get into that old question of v hich comas' firit, the hen or the egg. Arma-. ment races are not only tho JANUARY SALE Men's Work Sox poiH Men's Heavy Flannel Shirts ! Men's Semi-dress Pants, oil sizes ' Meii'r Semi-dress Shower-oroof Hots Boyr Rubber Boots, laced, almost half price. Per ooir . . Boys' A' Woo' Windbreokers, zippers all sizes 3 95 to The strongest part about our business is that the less workmanship you can see, the better the job was done! That's why we're so proud of the cars that cruise out of our shop with rha'' "brand new" look even though they may have been in with the talented for furtherance of the arts. 3. To have members of the chit become familiar with, the artists in the community by making the visiting artists honorary members of the eluo and c(;:Ucting information about tiK.ir voi'k tri.m news accounts, ; etc. This should be extended to all Canadian artists and ar'jsts ' of other countries. ? i 4. To have students support the Canadian Broadcasting Cor-! Deration by taking an intelligent j and constructive interest in pro-' gram". The corpora' ion b lones i to the people of Canada and will ! be just as efficient, as we make jit. .t ' 5. To have .students lake an proot of preparation for war, on somebody's part. They themselves are the cnief material came of world wars, for. when one side in the possible war starts to arm in a big way trie other .side must do likewise or risk outright conquest. A starts to aim against B. B reacts by re-arming against possible attack by A. A steps it up again. B does likewise. i i it goes. In the end, unless the armament race is checked, war is aDsolutely inevitable. The Bovi ' All Wool Hcavw Pants lots o' we"' 3.S0 to Now Boye Sweeter PeMovers all sizes i f serious oec-dents. Remember this number if in need: GREEN 217 Superior Auto Service SURE ARE IN BE YOU Limited Phone Green 217 Third Avenue West NrU To Royal IlliJ goes off by train or ship to make rayon products, or any other of the dozens of plastics now produced droin wofhl fibres. You get an eerie feeling when you stand up on the steel platform beside the operator where the logs , finally go down the chute. ; The chute itself gets smaller and smaller toward the bottom, but its walls grind like nothing al.se I have ever seen. The great kings of the forest twenty feet long and three feef in' diameter, ar3 lung down that ravenous chute. In exactly nine Seconds they are chewed to tiny bits not one bit jigger than your thumbnail. There is a heart-shaking groan as they go in and a scream as they finish. I What is the old saying? "The mills of God grind slowly but they grind exceeding small." These mills $rind faster than you can say Jack Robinson and ft hat comes" out is chips. I Maybe you could say that Rupert is "in the chips" now, for with a good new basic operation industry in full operation there is an entirely new ijpirit in evidence here. In the old days the youngsters were just counting the years, months or even days tilLlhey could get away from here. Now the flow is t)e other way. !!!! There are plenty of people coming in here now. Hut in the mill they could do with a lot more good mechanics from Britain. Quite a few are coming in from Kurope, especially from Holland. Back" in war days this city was called rugged. Tlie vast numbers of troops stationed here gave liupert a permanent Saturday night atmosphere, with plenty of noise and whoopee. ';; The city is the very reverse now. They are proud here of the fact and I think it is a fact that they have less juvenile delinquency than in any city in B.C. One reason for that is tho admirable civic recreation- centre. But that is-just a symbol of a healthy eWic consciousness. j very machanics of the thing take ' interest in community piojects i it out of the human control of . whi':h are for the furtherance of the governments. ; IhJ culluia' life in their own ; community. This may take the SHALL WE ever get the political I form of helping Willi junior and agreement,- whifh in turn j senior symphony groups, drama. , ; would make poss.Jle reduction I festivals, community centres,: of armaments, unless we do what ' support and interest in art pal-' Anthony Eden urged in his ! i, f )'k festivals, music fes-speech last fall at the UN? That; tivals. This work should be used is, quit the name-calling, fisjt biidge the eap between school snaking. i a.ld community life Students J lie whole world was disgust- i become aware of what goes on jed when Mr. Vishinsky told thcoutside the school and members i UN that he had stayed awake air0' ln community become aware i night laughing at the U.S. anna-1 -1 'he student activities inside ! ment propasals. But what are : th .school. ' I f.ane and responsible people to U. To eticourage creative work 'think when the same 2Ar. Vish- among members and feature It in i insky, on orders from his gov- j the program of the club. eminent, reverses the whole I 7. To work towards a federa-! Russian policy of many years! t;on of students interested ' in Plan for inspection? For then it1 furthering tho cause of Canadian j is the American -'official spokes- j unity through the support of the men" at UN who stay up all cultural activities in the com- IMPORTANT I tif r v'i ' si IP,..'! C-1K line I b-rs I- DO YOU WANT TO RENT A HOUSE munities. by having students correspond with Sir Ernest MacMillan Club members In other parts of Canada and exchange news, visits and programs where KEEP WARM ELECTRICALLY ELECTRIC HEATERS" DO YOU WANT TO BUY A 2 night figuring ways and means of "playing down" thU great ! event. They seem sad why? j ! FOR YEARS the Americans at UN insisted that they would not even talk of conventional ! armament reduction until the . Russians agreed to the Baruch plan of atomic weapon control.1 Finally they adopted a more '. reasonable plan than had been ever possible. Besides the programs in the schools, the work is carried on with graduates and members of the various organizations interested. Naturally, it allows the untalented to share the work 5.75 the IS THERE ANYTHING YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL? Then Do Something About It! Pfirn-f Over o Million Women agree the Hon.: 'hnso 600 wort radiant '. 1000 watt radiant . T000 watt radiant. 1100 watt radiant . G.E. Hon. 5 7.75 10.75 16-20 19.50 demanded by Bernard Baruch, and in 1951 also agreed to discuss in one lump, armaments of all kinds. The Americans thus made a great step toward passible agreement with Russia. But the Russians have now made an equally important step toward agreement. They have in fact broken the log which was the main snag in the international log jam. Let's be glad of that and meet it halfway. M.11 I, "INGLIS" AUTOMATIC WASHER IS THE FINEST YOU CAN BUY No hulling to floor Flexible Cycle Partial Loads Top Filling Agitator Action Seven rinses ' SEE THIS AMAZING WASHER AT tan! Lead inert USE DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS o S.TC Log Fireplace 1200 40-55 xv watts,.... pi-ii t Slru.- FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING IN 1952 As Always PLACE ORDERS NOW Dibb Printing Co. I V tniiti pi us RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Vak, NEW CLASSIFIED ADS APPEAR - OLD ACj fcll!' rU, Northern B.C. Power Co. Besncr Blk. Ph. 210 Princ e Rupert, B.C. Stewart, B.C. 'UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT f DISAPPEAR -REASON -QUICK RESULlf 'tii SAVOY HOTEL Prince Rupert's only modern rooms with batb I Fraser Street Phone 37 Dor: Jl'tll