f. WlllKlll Jiitio H1111K.IOC, fcw.l - 'muw '.j,,,,, Uii h fueiitcfr HiiU piiysu-jt U'rhi3.uuu.0ihi p,,n,';,. 1 ' "': trs''e (..i.clj LXjIJy New; fhurtviay, Juj IB, mni in IH-'H. is onsidcred one tt tiic jives 111 the c;ii,,ta.'.: (ounders of lln-rmodyiuimics. I video. Britisli Sdeniists Develop Artificial Heart After Experiments on Thirty Dogs Senaca Koot Hunt Starts In Alberta n ance of circulation In man. I Mne if t.h flois died as a ... j)fl . t t ied out on the dogs, In which i the natural blood circulation was assisted by shunting part ! of it from vein to artery direct result of the experiments - thougn iour cuu not survive thV-m for other reasons. Th . .aJuJf fit 'I It " I mm through the machine. The experiments were made to assess the values of the machine in ivsusciatlon, in the tieatmenl of a Killing circulation, and to get Information to be applied later to the problem of complete artificial mainten- survivors suffered no ill effect ;. ' The challenging problem was and still remains to produce an I extra-corporeal apparatus cap-'itble of maintaining temporarily 'the entire circulation of the human body." m LONDON (Reuters) British medical scientists have developer an artificial heart for human beings.- The British Medical Journal publishes details of the heart built from researches by doctor.-, led by D. O. Melrose, assistant lecturer iir a postgraduate med ical school here. - A Journal editorial says M 'l-rose and hi:; colleagues runsider the artificial heart machine now mk'ht be applied to th--treatment of certain forms of heart disease. It caution0, that the step from experiments on animals 1 tin-machine has been te.'ted on ?,() dog.;) to humans Is a big one. "The circumstances Justifying the trial at the present time aiv few but the potentialities of tb' machine may be considerable. It is likely to be a valuable contribution to the advancement of cardiac surgery " In another article, Melrose " outlines the experiments enr- 4. ' .'V, .vi 1 L'fl ' 'J ROCKY MOUNTAIN IJOUSK. Vita. ,p Indians In this area ate igging semn'u roots to make m? exlm m'jirey tor their an-ua.1 sun duiKf, and to attnd " -staiuifdi's Jlirouehout . the ruvinre. , Harvesting senwa root, the aseof many sou&ht remedies, iinys In the most .1'oney in the honest time. Just vmen the Iu-iians have spent thet'- trapping nohey. Every menmfir of the family ran loin In the -work. . An 'energetic Indian nifjiaw ran dig up to ll pounds a ifciy in a Rood spot, for an income? of $4(1 'tc $"() a wetk while it lasts. Renaea Is a small plant with a tiny bin.' flower and a root covered with pniv bark, and fs found In abundance in this area, !$0 miles southwest of Minon--ton in the -fool hills. The plant thrives in wet Ini.-.h lands. One . field ?0 miles south, of here, on land that used to be muskeg, fs the be;-t in the west and thou- THIRD MAN THEME COMPOSER TO OPEN OWN WINE HOUSE VIKNNA (Reuters) Zither-player Anton Kuril, who attained fame with his "Third Man theiiK'" will open his own "Heuriger" wine house in .Sievering, a Vienna suburb, Oct. 1. Cliii-f iitti"i''tinn will be Karas and his zither. ' Wll MJr- f r- "-T i .7 PiGniC Favorite! J - . r h fir I . p mm mma RON SIMMONS, 16, (left) and Roy O'Brien. 15, both of the 141 li (, cookies "0 Promise Ate" Tory Theme Says Martin Jiamax troop, arnvea in uuawa 1 aays aner leaving iiuuiua uy bicycle.! They will be among 2,000 Canadian Scouts who w ill take ptrt In the second Canadian Boy Scout jamboree at Connaufdit Ranges, near Ottawa, starting this Saturday. i 1 IS THE CNR AGENT'S BUSINESS! Yunr dcHlinntlnn mar r nur or far. SttiiieM lirrr in t aiimlai lh I nilid Mull-; KurH. Hlr Jirnt Hqi in viail U liar C.N.H. 1 ii L A urn I. .' the man hiiIi nil Itir iiifurnialiotl .u rr.uitr. It'll Iiih fiiMiricmt-ait ,lrai(irr I1 lirlp you ttilll Your rli,. Midget Television Camera Qtches Shoplifter in Act h rfpreHf.i f all WINDSOR, Out, 'P The new Progressive Conservative theme song. Is "O Promise Me." according to Health Minister Martin. In nn address over the CUC Dominion network, he accused Oeort'e Drew, 1'iogre.s.sive Conservative leader, of "extrava NEW WORK (API The shop-1 less future business or indus- I4 cup $korleniuff: -ttf) trofctt ir; eup KmlKHH' tiOLVEN titHt , tup pHtnvi tmUtr- j fgf, untUt-t Uitltitoni Itommi jnt; t UitUtmjn itmon ttn4, froirJ; 1 tup aU-purfmat trial uses for TV envisioned by lifter edges up to a counter. taiiris of pounds are harvested lliere each summer. Before the Sciond World War, much of (he raw root went to China and Europe, but now most of it is sold to manufacturing plants in Canada and the United States. The most, popular tool for iigglng up the roots is a section of an automobile, car spring fitted with a smooth wooden handle. A few of the older Indians till brew a bit. of this herb for 'arious remedies, but the younger generation refuses such bitter medicine. This is one Indian field that the white man has not invaded. Few if any of the local residents would know senaca if they saw it. Few besides the buyers and the local merchants even know senaca is a local crop. The fur buyers who handle the senaca would much prefer to purchase dried roots, but the Indians are far too busy to dry senaca root, a Ion? tedious process, so they sell it green. j --l '"V-S-ZJtg HramnhiiiB ami J "f I "fgttt1- "" '"" v' 1 fl l HOII) .KTHON, i.A I'll. I I 62S 3rd Ave Wnt, Prliio' Hupert BC I Phimf 2(MJ ) rl buiA tvda. Cream ih-jrtenin(r, iu?ar nd RDfiF.RS' GUl.DKN ? Rl'f iiid peanut h hit, iiJ lai until liirli! and JluHy. AiM lemon juice and rinti; mix tfioroujhly. told in lour w hich hut been uJli-d with salt and soda. Chill ciouyli thoroughly, l-urin dout'h into small balls, placr 2 inch"t apart on grcysfd rr.kif fhret, Hrf Ht w ti tines gf turL Hake 12 tq 15 minutes at 37 .'jT. Msket .rdru cuuitei. for Free Recip? 8ok, IV rite Trie B.C. Sugar Rename Co. Ltd., P.O. liyi JW. Vancuuver, B.C. gant and expensive" campaign I pledges. I "In this campaign," ho said. I "Mr. Drew has changed his tune from 'Anything You Can j Do I Can Do Better' tin "O , Promise Me'." j Lake Abitibi on the Northern; Ontario border with Quebec has an area of 3r)6 square miles. j The clerti is busy with a customer. Vfhere's the flash of a practised! hand and a half-dozen expensive ties disappear. It lookec1 easy and it was, until the shoplifter started to walk out and a ,store detective quietly collared .him. The completely baffled thief hadn't reckoned on a concealed ! midget television camera on which his entire operation was observed. That's only' one of the rount- i GQOOOhOO OOOiiQO Dr. Allen B. Dumont, video pioneer and president of Allen B. Dumont Laboratories. Dr. Dumont says the real potential of industrial TV only recently has been opened up with development of small, low-cost cameras a fraction as expensive as previous models. I.MH STRI.U, I'SES He predicts industrial and business uses of TV ultimately will eclipse its entertainment use, Just as electronics grew out of radio and now is several times as big as the radio business. He foresees increasing use of TV for purposes as checking signatures on cheques, for enabling a control operator to monitor an entire assembly line or fabrication operation, in railroad yards, and even in the home for keeping an eye on a fhild or for seeing who is at the door. JeJ Ijyiifemlmile 'JoufS J)nierlor Ted Applewhaite, Liberal candidate for Skeena in the August 10 federal election, has left on a nine-day tour. He goes first to Burns Lake and then on to Ootsa Lake, Ocean Falls, Bella Coola and up tp Kitimat. He expects to be' back about July 23. 350 Claims Filed After Uranium Found . VICTORIA (CP) Uranium-beariiiK pitchblende has led to Mrs. ApplBwhaite left' yesterday to attend the strawberry festival staged annually in s posTta PISPtAV Russian Chess Experts Return LONDON (Reuters) The mokuts catalogs Russian chess players whose SUTWNCM visit to the United States was i cancelled last week have re-1 turned to Moscow, the official J -j " Soviet news agency Tass said. a "rush" In northern British Columbia, the provincial mines department reports. Some 350 claims have been filed at Atlin since the discovery last month by a team working for Conwest Exploration Cumpany, it was reported. One sample of uranium had been , confirmed, from a formation of metamorphic contact rock with 'some pitchblende. "We shall send one of our mining people into the area shortly but until then we can- ' not comment upon the discovery," a mines official said. Most of the claims are reported in the area of Loggers Bay and Deep Bay on the eastern side of Lnke Atlin, about 12 miles north of the town, Conwest has controlling interest in the wealthy United Ilfaenct, Hill mines Jo; the Yukon. Two" y(ars ago it bought the asbestos claims in the McDame Mountain area about 100 miles east of the present discovery. The 15 players cancelled pas- i sages on the liner Queen Eliza- f beth in Paris late Thursday af- i ter United States immigration WIIERR CRAfTSMANBHIP COUNTS . . . COUNT ON US! Dibb Printing Co. COMPANY officials refused permission for j the team to stay at Glen Cove, the Long Island home of the Soviet mission to the United j Nations. j U'-'.' V-) t6t (Zatnect K A Railway Starts Tunnel Survey TOKYO (Reuters I The National Railway Corporation announced today it has begun a far 07xavUmff IIKl fMnrrrllCD iurvey for a projected under M3 water tunnel across the 10-mlle Tsugaru Strait between Honshu and Hokkaido, Japan's northernmost island. A team Is conducting blasting experiments at Yoshioka. on Hokkaido's southwestern tip, the announcement -.said. Mill 9 .Whether you favor a quiet plaid or an eye-btdaiiling tartan, you can't go wrong if you carry B of M Travellers Cheques with you on your next trip. Travellers Cheques are your safest, most convenient way of carrying money. Safest, because they can be cashed only by you. Most convenieut, because tbey can be cashed at any bank ... anywhere. Lost or stolen, your money remains as secure as in a bank vault. B travel-wise. Take along B of M Travellers - Cheques and be free from money worries when you travel. r, Evaporated 1 Pacific Milk now tastes sweeter, fresher thnn ever . . .' keeps better after it's opened! New Golden Lined Vacuum Sealed Cans mean Pacific Milk never touches tin or lead. The fresh natural flavor is safely preserved. Pacific is fresh whole milk concentrated to double richness . . . and now thoroughly protected by Golden Lined Vacuum Sealed Cans. Best for every use, Pacific Evaporated Milk is homogenized and Vitamin D increased. Get Pacific Milk today. It costs no more than ordinary evaporated milk. When a recipe calls for Evaporated Milk, use Pacific. There is none better. 52 FORD 1-ton Express ' Pickup $2050 '50 METKOK Sedan.. $1545 50 rKr.l F.C'T Sedan. .. J885 '47 FOHD Sedan, Bank of Montreal re t'ti 'js Mi,jif Special tOQC MONARCH Convertible $2550 Z3 50 1 PLYMOUTH ITVafern Canada Ltirfient Selling Canned Milk Z-Ior tl7ftft '('llillilwi) Delta Milk, the partly W skimmed evaporated milk pec';i(ly prepared for Infant feeding, is" also protected by new Golden Lined Vacuum Sealed Cans. Princi; Rupert Hranih: FRNEST PACI DING, Manager Sirwan Hranrh: MH.V1I.I K t,t Nh, Manager Terrace Braoch: WILLIAM WFI.I.INC.S, Manager 'XI ' Bob Parker Lid. SERVICF. STATION "The Home of Friendly Service" McBRIDE at SECOND AVE. WQIKIKS WITH CANADIANS IN fVEtY WALK Of lift SINCB 1S17