Bruins' Gain Tfelens' Monday,, March 8. J954 Pulp Millers Win Right To Meet Omegas in Finals By Tim Cimieliaa Press hi inr Boston Bruins picked up thn c if v, Y'j- j. M ('.".'HS bit! ' tied t, points over the weekend tieing their win over Watts and NU'k-ctii. Down 11-10 in the ! ' CCC 300 Club set up a first quarter lead at the Civic Centr.' Monircai . anauieiis j-3 batu'-' . " - H.ti aay nnn irouncmg c nicago HlacV . " m- r Saturday night and managed to, quarter the riiyt-oods crew came Posses inn o ' , Hawks 8-0 last - night. "" Boston's 5 World Puck Title hack strongly in the second COM , their O gain may wreck New York Rang- j , , bun1'y , ;c WALLS-BESHORE FIGHT OFF AS CANADIAN HURTS HAND r EDMONTON ff Earl Walls of Toronto, Canadian heavyweight boxing champion, has injured his left hand and won't fight Freddie Beshore of Los Angeles, tonight at the Edmonton Gardens. Edmonton promoter Jack Berry said Sunday night Walls' left hand, which started to bother him Friday, was treated but failed to respond. The Edmonton boxing commission ordered Walls not to fight, said Berry. The commission ruled that Walls must fight Beshore here before making any other fights, said Berry. "They were emphatic about that. Walls must honor his contract here before doing anything else." haivx on to it to defeat Gordon ! and Anderson 55-49 and win th? I rtIt to meet Manson'i Omegcs ' in the Sen. B basketball finals. I ers' chances for a playoff birth. ! " , 1,ir"ii the . frame to take the quarter lS-.i. Watts and Nickerson took the third quarter 13-11 and the two quarts split the final quarter w,.o. . Vnrk nt ,l, . ' """I -wv.iv uw:i -u were beut. 11 3- In the Inter . fixture, Fravc ' ' : -'' "v . --Vji 1 ' r ; .. .! ' A - ' . - 1 j ''. 1 -I - 5 , ' I - ... ..-- I . . ... ar.d Payne s str-.jed a big second 11-11. Maddy Scdscwick with 12 own Watts and Nick- I pfint v.-us top scorer for WatU il'.iartcr to do' STOCKHOLM (CP) An inspired Russian team taught Canada a lesson in stickhandling, skating and passing Suruhiy to beat Toronto East York 7-1.' for the world hockey title. The Canadians, unbeaten and - -- " and Nickerson. Int-r l. Ii-asti). er.son 47-40 and even the semi linals at one game a piece. NrUitii llMillwit-K Miitsui) 2. 3 General Motors got the jump; i Ynnii'ni' to l'J N MiTvrn 4. S Miit-i sin 2. R Morvi n S. F Matsuba. T. ( n NeU'n Brothers in the opin um m six previous starts in es that the Swedish press stirred ing game to down the li-henes Nukutu 8. T Tanaku T.iiifl a UNCONDITIONAlt snuad 41-29 anrt i v.-n 111" ln!"i' i tieiirrjl M. lin J Cnrl-ain 3 the eii;ht-team round-robin animosity his team tournament were heavily favored adding that "even some of the ov. r .Moscow Dynamos, Russia' referees were affected," but he first entry in international com- withheld no credit from the If 'ion. who had looked bad at victors. tiiii s in compiling a record of "The Russians are wonderful five victories and one tie before hockey players," he said. "They the final game. deserve the victory they got." li M-mi finals at one win ruch. j ?ti7ZZ. TiZ Freddy Cliritenen with 13 : t siimun 3. m. iv.ui. it Peeienu'n points, closely fonuwed bv Sid j Tiaai 41- Keherk with 16. led the CCC to I U:1 X,' 8milll victory. The pulp millers ended H chnstff h. m Mcdc wiek la. it the first quarter 11-7. lost the , Miic:inun. 6. it vvewh 2. N For- M-.Mlld 1B-15 too.f the third 1U- i ":1" t-nnl-ir. D U-tounu-iiu It) Royals Lace Canucks 6-3; Flyers Knock Off Stamps GUARANTEED Lamb's Navy Rum i pure pemarara k i,,u Dynamos me lasier took oeuer-organ- command "titer Vic bluce tlcrm midway jwav th tnrougn -o. mh : Three uts WRlUighted , plied for Calgary in the last min-led ,h vv" vVestem " Hnekev 1 e -l; mic ut, of nliv from the opening whistle to hand ' the first period when the Dyna- ; ; , ""l'L . . 14 e ld -n'tt tho final 12-12. The game, refereed by IMy Upriu4 and Don Hurtwe; v.a; a ctcaii content plave.l Teli.l 40 I I r.t-fr A IMn-- H 1 1. euiu- U. I-. i Kil .tnauin . D Hankev II. t) I Morm ui 10. O Forhra i. J Stewart. 11 Mi-Kay 3, T slu'iium Tulul 1 Senior II l.r.Btn' i I. mil. ii 111l1r-1111 Davis' 1". Canada he ner worst defeat since ; '" lru 1u "a .uii.mB rtu,,,IW- the tournament began in 1924. point of the game. While hewas: .n".l" of care of the scoring for Scut 1 1 . th? , lamming in two gouls api-ie. 'Alec Kuzma and Sam Bottio . , tiff Riuc an pantrA V arf m rl ' "iv- l,J ul airly last clip. Rape 11 ilkc- " was uie lourui nine canaaa , ..n. i lonn' nnwer was heati n fnr the titlo in in Shuvalov gave his team a 2-0 p a 1JU"" Sixth-ulace New Westminster ' t only Cougars to lead, forcing East York to open uo in an effort to overhaul their ; came up with the biggest sur- uu PUI'K Ix,st Marcel Polletic ia:l V.l'.h 13 p.iliLs p.Hi'll til' lowers. Doug Sankey wilh 11 pain'.-, and Gary Muihini i:h 1!) pa:' Uie Eraser and Payne squad in liiilkisslli'l 1H. Ahlxy 5 (-limp. Flaleu ll, Wi hlKT 4. Mat l-..rume '2. ,S'Une-v. i. k 'li.uil 49 I ( I" :tim 1 Inb . Suniierp 5. Tlientl)-Mill. D. Hrhortt l. H Krlierk 1. M..r-shall 4..1 llttsten.s-ll 4H 'lotal fui tries. The Canadians appeared nervous at th" oiit.-c t and East York manager Don Preston later said th v had been told to go easy on rivals. prise by hanging a v-3 lacntH on Lockhart earned the crystal Vancouver Canucks, co-leadt is vase he received from the Swed-, with Calgary Stimpeder.s. from British Guian Aged in Enelani ish Ice Hockey Federation after their checking rather than risk the best netminder same -as infractions of the ))t rail ties for ill tne series. urfa:n;:i:ir European rules. HESTERFIEL DS Kight-winger Moo O a 1 a n d mos. virtuullv unopposed in their score.d Canada firsl .eoai. eAr V's, Kimberley Top B.C. Loops lly Tiir l'r km In the OKanagan Sen! o r League, Kelowna Packers downed Vernon Canadians 5-2 Saturday night. Packers host Kamloojis Elk ; Monday in the first of a best-in'-three semi-final. The Elks were clipped 7-!'. I.v first place Pentieton V's in Kuai- and imported is:; Stampedcrs had the misfor- tune to turn into Edmonton i Flyers when Glen Hull was hav- j ing one of his better nights b. - , tw een the pipes and dropiu d a j 4-2 decision while having the best of the play. Seattle's last-place Bombers I trimmed fifth-place Victoria 4-2. 1 There were no games Sunday, j Peppery Blinky Boyce popped ' in two goals and I.en Thorn en. j by KROEHLER ond SNYDER British Columbia bottles, fy 7 ' FLOOR MODEL ill iiiv seiuuu jriiuii. xb una Galand's 16th goal of the series, making him the tournament's top marksman. Just after centre Bob Kennedy returned two quick Russian goals put the game out of reach. Another followed while defence-man Tom Jamieson was off for boarding. Right winger Bill Shill got a goal hi the third period, his shot caroming in off goalie Nikolai Putchkov's skate. Olhe Dorohoy, Jack Hamilton I loops Saturday. forays on goalie Don Lockhart, ran tip a 4-0 lead in the first period, made it J-l in the second and coasted home under the protection of their long lead. Des-I'itr their caution, the Canadians picked up six of the game's e -T i Pi;.i :tie.s. two of them resulting- in Russian goals. Preston repeated earlier charg-tiiimiiiiiiiiiin SPORTS briefs: and playing-coacli Max MeNab ! were the other New Westmin sl -r marksmen. Larry Popein, Mid Houghton and Billy Dea tallied for the losers. ma Off 25 o FP9 Vernon plays Pentieton Tuesday nieht to. kick-off tlie nth. i semi-final series. In the Western Interna'ioi), 1 Hue key League. Trail tackli 1 league leaders Kimberley Dynamiters at home Saturday aim came out licking their v.oun.l.. On sale a! all Government liquor ttoret .' !r.-'. f: .-. A . r., niirne, v.ce stampcdK managed to beat president of the International , ,hp torrid nnlw nw ,,.,, Bill Shvetz turned the trick st alter a 4-3 lass Trail ended toe h 10:27 mark. . season in the WIIIL basement. Steve Hrymnak and Jim Un- Nelson Maple Leafs earned a iac shot Flyers into a 2-1 lead j split at Spokane, clinching :-with second-perioH markers and I ond place in the WIIIL .vith i Gordon & Anderson I the championship cup to Vsivo-llttailllliiiiiiin gohr0Vi the Dynamo captain, HOUSTON, Tex. Dave after the game. Dvmjlas fashioned a live-under-i Bobrov. a Red Army major, par G7 on the final round Sunday , also received an award from the it- a total cf 277 to win the i Swedish federation as the out-Sat) imo Houston open golf tour-, standing forward in the series. '" , 4 Hugh Coflin and Jim Anderson j 5-1 win Saturday. Thc-w absorbe. added another pair late in thej a 3-1 defeat from the third plat third before Steve Witiuk re- i Flyers Sunday night. ! I Phcne 46 I Ihi a.l.f rtlsnunl is mil ptililisln.,1 ,,r .tispljyrd l TV jntrol Hoard or i ihc (imiriimtni ef Hnwk (, muiiem. his st.uuu lop prize was, the !ir-:t money he has won this - - - ARE. Sweden (CPi Christian: F av.ta of Austria won the spec-! tacular men '3 downhill race at i the vorld ski championships on '.iy in foe brilliant time rf j ' ALBERNI. B.C. (CP) The B. C. v '.air men s bisketbail champ-i ii i -'-.ip final turned into a brand ; n .series Saturday night as. V: :., oaver Eiiers came back to. !efeat Alberni Alhletics 59-53. ! 1 '- win tied up the best of .seven .c - '!i s at 1-1. Athletics won the ! ' u:-.:'. Friday ni?ltt 72-53. j ' . I VANCOUVER (CP) Red-coaU'd ; Miiunties were on hand here .Sunday night to greet t he fatutd . N'-w Zealand All-Blacks rugby t' im w hen they arrived by plane ; f: .--a tliiee-game stand ! Etiii. li Columbia teams. j Kea.-iii'j the end of a six-; months 36-game tour, All-Blacks )' .v Vinoria All-S'.ars Tuesday t'r : return for sames here, Tliui.-.iiay against University of: I'.ii'.. h Columbia and Mainland A'.l-S'ars next Saturday. t . ! CHATHAM. Eng. i Fredd-yj Ft vneh and Jack Bringate each sviuyr a mighty punch in m a:t: it :iir boxing match and '. knocked each other cold. j Th? referee calmy counted ! bo'h of them out. Then he lifted Hi:-. at' '.s hand as the winner.1 He had been leading on poinU. i v-,iuuruu rsuar wn a. cmnt awl 4lWua,- bat iWdL Aooio S4 J5 ::f" V 1 M '.-via... ... -' ovJLat Mil fjimt vpfHrtfiUtitfLf I M-mtzwl tr Git Cmmk oA. um Aifadhd m. AFTER SIX YEARS OF FLYING COVERING CANADA FROM ALASKA TO THE ATLANTIC FL BOB NEWMAN 1 r - 1 I RC A F' Recrnlline Vnit, Sovereign Bldg,, 10018 j 102nd Street, fdmonton, Alta. Phone: 4-2658. I Htaf moil I. mt, without obligation, full podieuori rr aotdinq .uoliw.1 I II MqvirMntntt ond opening! no ovoiloUa in lit. C A f . NAME (plo print) J J (Juraama) (Ch'ltlian Nona) J mm lfe7:A ' . , a j 0j0&0& ' 4i STIT ADDRESS CITY , There are immediate openings now for more men to train and fly as Air Crew Officers in Canada's Air Force. New courses are starting! Act now! See the RCAF Career Counsellor of the address in the coupon or mail the coupon today! Heating Must Be Planned PROVINCE EDUCATION (by gradt and province) I AGE j too matt be 17 but no) yet 25, iin9l., ond hax Anior MalricvlsliM, j th. .quivotoKt or better. I j When opplying, bring!) tlrlti Certif.cote 2) Proof of tdutotion'. J , C.A.f. .54 2 J IS 57(3 D V T An expertly planned beat-iiiR system pays for Useif in a few years through greater comfort that promotes belter health for the family. Phone 174 SMITH & ELKINS LIMITED 259 Third Ave. W. FLIGHT LIEUTENANT BOB NEWMAN, 25 nd now married, joined the Air Force in Saskatchewan in 1947 Ai on RCAF Pilot at the Canadian Joint Air Trainina Centre at Riven, Manitoba, he wai engaged in Army Support flying dropping paratroopers and towinq gliders, f I Newman himself took the course and won Paratrooper Winqs. After a period as Flying Injtrurtor. he is now wilh Air Force Headquarters engaqed in the developing and, procurement of aids in the Iraminri of r 2 si.. I ground crew and air crew personnel in the RCAF. ft v -