Prince Rupert Doiiy Hews Monday, January 14, 1952 CLISS HncSS & Profession I . HoUSEKEEPiNG (CLOSl'RE TIME 10 a.m. on day of publication) Classified Adwwtislng is payable In advance. Piewe refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 3c per Word per insertion minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement. Announerrnenis $2.00. . SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE. CHICKENS IDEAL FAMILY MEALS RADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 Kilocvcici (Subject ic Change) w MONDAY pm 5:00 Rawhide 5:15 le'ermoinnul Comty. 5:30 Dixieland Jay. 8:00 .Supper Serenade 15 Marital Airs 0:;il) Musical Varieties 0.45 .Smuey Burneth; Show 7:00 VUC News 7:15 "BC News Ttouudup 7:30 Franie MePtntlen Whew 7:45 Boom Towns of B C. 8:0(1 Linger Awhile 8 .30 National Farm Radio Forum 9:00 Fireside Singers 0:15 Musical Question Box U.30 Abcrnathy Lawne 10:00 CHI' News 10:10 CHC News 10:1ft Prov. Allans: E T. Kenney 10:30 I.aindium Mailer 1 1 11(1 Wcaiiier Report and Slgn-ofT I'tlKSDAY A M. 7 00 Musical Clock H:IK1 C11C News BIO Here's Bill Good 8 15 Mornini: .Sune; B .30 Morning Dcvolions 8.45 Lil lie Concert 11 OO HHC News imd Commentary 11:15 Music for Moderns 8:30 Morning Concert 0.511 'lime .Signal 10.00 MornuiL Visit 10:15 Rulers of the Purple Sae 1(1 30 Tills Week's All 1st 10:45 Ouestin' With Kesten 1 1 :0ll Kliidcigarlen nl the Air 11 I Roundup Time 1 1 :;i Weallier Report 11 31 Message Period I I 33 lo-eorded Interlude I I .45 .Scandinavian Melodies I'M. 13:00 Mid-oaV Melodies 13:15 CMC News 12:35 Program Resume 12:30 HC Farm Broadcast 2 :55 Recorded Interlude 1 00 Allernoon Conceit 1 45 Allison Grant. : Coyity. 2:00 School Broadcast 2 30 Records at Random 3 DO The Music Box 3 .30 Solo Guest 3 45 Novel Tune 4 :'M Sunshine Hoeicly 4 3(1 Adventures of John Tanner 4:45 Slock Quotations; Interlude 4 5.1 CBC News 5 00 Tony tile Troulmdor Gov't Policy Problem Child CARPENTERS Hav all of your nvi on our iircruixn mcttm. fcOiifl imr. film ft 4 hKiui. F Ttiry'U ut llwMT. IflM IftllVTt 1 PRECISION SAW FILING 134". PIGC.Orr PEACE Box 1011 Station B Agent: Uus Terminal Island City Builders John F. L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Hri :' t0'30-l2:30. 2:00-5:00 Eves.: by appointment only 21-23 Besner Block riiode Blue 442 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Block 008 - 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B C. Phone 317 P.O. Box 374 Colussi's Music Store Agents for the finest l:i Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210-4th St Ph. Black 3811 GEORGE ROP.IE & CO. ACCOUNTAN IS to AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent, Waving Beauty Culture In all Its brifnehes 204- 4th Slreet Phons 55 WE WENT TRUCKS. COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL B.C. MtbSENGER For Prompt and Courteous Service Phone 678 214 4th 8t-eet Proprietor:.. Ed. Dawes, Sid Alexander MARGARET Mc! orroMKTnifr, Room io ETONE BUILljiNf PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX l!!j ELECTROLL1 Sales and Scrvn. R. W. COLLI!, Phone Blue 970 for genuine parts am phone or write at, Brick, Slone antl Bi'; Tile Set ting and PL K. S0RENSE Phone nine 5 HANDYMA HOME SERVlj GENERAL CONTRA!"! Building and Hepait kinds ROOFfl CIllM'-f OIL BURNER- FIIONF.S: P.O. Box 1670 MAI I SOJ' UPHOLSTERIS, Phone Blue 128. P0' 234-3rd kit. I Prince Rupert, ! H. G. HELGK LIMITED REAL ESTATE & IN.C' : Phone 96 Evenings E. Oil Heatina Sc LA WR IF MAt'KAV Blue 187 - ax Complete service inoi burners and supr 1 Stoves, Heaters, Re Train Sched; For the East i Daily except Sunday I From the Eat j Dally sxcept Monday: than is usually recommended lor mature birds, allowing approximately 50 minutes per pound. Turn breast side up when half done. If birds are very small, two may be roasted together and served at once. I J for a quitWer, 1 nicer, blacker V. rm. FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING IN 1952 As Always PLACE ORDERS NOW Dibb Printing Co. ,K)l;,E UAUKS AUCTIONEER Phone Green Kill ami lied I'M WELDING Government Certified Operators HiRh Pressure Tanks Refrigeration Stacks and Eire Escapes INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. 225 1st E. Phone Green 884 V "it DINING PLEASURE IN SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe Check Your Car for Winter Driving Regular servicing of your car means lower operating costs. Check your lubrication, brakes and tires today for winter driving. Resolve for 1952 to have your car, in top running condition every day of the year. Bob Parker Ltd. I'OHI) - MONARCH "The Home of Firendly Service" BLONDIE Call 363 FOR BETTER . . . Planning Building or Repairing MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED ltuilders & Contractors W RAT HALL'S Photo Finishing developing, printing enlarging exposure metf:rs amateur supplies 'hone 'ireen 1.16 ISox 178 Sliipiiimc anil (.eneral Moving, I'ackintr, ( rating, Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Paik Avenues. Est. 1910 I'hunes till and 68 PLUMBING and HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE l or Repairs and Alterations Smith &Elkins Ltd. P.O. Box 274 PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S SIT DIO 216 4lh Street Box 645 Phone Green 3t9 Prineo Rupert JOHN H. BULGER Ojlomelrisl , John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue lip ' WILFORD ELECTRICAL WORKS Motors and Generators Rewound and Repaired MOTORS IlOl (HIT Ami HOLD New and Rebuilt Generators 6-12-32 volts Box 1307 Ph. Blue 391 You Can't Win! IF She knew WE WEPE GOING PAST SHE'D THINK' LONDON (CP) Establishment by the government of a strong inter-departmental committee to tackle the problem of child de- j linquency in Britain is recom-jon mended by a special board LIGHTWEIGHT FOR SMALL In these days of modernizing, and streamlining, even the chick- : en gets the new look! The small chicken in the shops today has , been raised on special feeds to! produce the most tender and meaty bird in as short a time, and at as small a cost, as possible. 'These light-weights, most of ; them under 12 weeks of age, weigh an average of two and a quarter pounds eviscerated, and are available all year. They may be purchased either whole 4r cut-up. There are two days of buying cut-up chicken all the cuts of the bird together in one package, or each cut, such as the breast and legs, separately. This is idieal for a small family as they can buy just as much or as little as they need, and favorite parts may be selected. The breast and legs are naturally higher priced than the whole ready-to- 'cook bird, while the back, neck and wings sell for less per pound. The cheaper cuts are economical for fricassee and soup. The light-weight chickens are dressed, eviscerated, and deliv- ered to the market as quickly as ; possible to keep them f esh. Tile housewife should use the birds within a day or two after buying. They should be kept in the re-'. frierator until cooked. Home economists have tested cooking methods for these young birds, and find them a pleasant, ; tasty change from everyday, meals. They recommend fried ' chicken as excellent party fare, or just as a special family treat. , The whole eviscerated chicken . may be bought and cut up in the j home, or the reafly-to-cook cut- , i tips may be used. Since sometimes parts of the lungs and windpipe may not be completely i removed, the pieces should be j thoroughly cleaned and wiped. If necessary, use scissors to cut ! through any parts not well 'divided. Coat the pieces with j flour, salt, pepper and a little 'paprika. The paprika helps in ;the browning. An easy way to j do this is to put the coating mix-I ture in a bag and shake .the ; chicken In It, several pieces at a time. Heat '2-inch of fat in a (heavy frying pan. Never allow jthe fat to reach the smokinc point it is hot enough when a bread cube browns in 30 seconds, Carefully place the chicken pieces in the hot fat and brown , both sides, turning with the tongs. Be extremely careful in cocking, may be removed after about, twenty minutes. If the chicken is not crisp enough, cook 11 uncovered for about five 'minutes As Sin P Itprnallva mathnri n7 innlrinn 11 1.. " -'b u,c, after browning the pieces may covered pan and baked in a moderate oven of 350 F., for 20 to 25 minutes. An excellent way Xo prepare oi n . . , , , m ,ur une to a - quarter nours auuu at ui, a tpmnbralnrsf q:n-D n "' ' " - " '.oteeveiy 15 , minutes f with melted fat. If i the chicken is not well browned, the broiling unit may be turned on for a few minutes .Home economists found that the whole chicken was dellciously tender when roasted. To prepare stream of water to run through tne body cavity. Dry well. Salt the inside of the bird, and stuff with a favorite dressing, preferably one that is not too highly seasoned. Allow about three cups of dressing for a two-pound bird. Dj not pack the body cavities too tightly, as the dressing will swell up when cooked, but fill the neck opening sufficiently to give the bird a plump appear- ance. Close the openings and truss. Rub melted fat on the skin of the chicken nnrl nlaep breast side down on a rack or crossed skewers in an uncovered roasting pan. Add no water, but baste frequently. Roast at. a75 F a slightly higher temperature Quiz Answers ANSWERS: 5. Less than 4 per sq. mile. 3. 262. 1. Ont. 4. $30 a week. 2. 562 million in 1951; 567 milion in 1928 (Material supplied by the Editors of Quick Canadian, Facts, the handbook of facts aboui, Canada.) OLDEN- PRACTICE Imitation gems were used by Egyptian jewelers 5,000 years ago to give notes of color to WANTED W A N T E D TOP MARKET : PRICES PAID tor scrap iron, steel, brass, copper, lead, etc. Honest urading. Prompt pay-1 nielli niuur. nuus lion Y Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St., Van- couver, B. C. Phone PAcilic '357. uf) CASH for scrap brass romper, batteries and radiators. Phone 543. Call 623 0th Avenue, City. (til ROUTE BOYS WANTED - Good routes available for right kind of carrier boys or girls at Daily News office with increased remuneration after first of year. FOR KENT FOR RENT Three room house with bath to responsible peo-I pie. No children. 1078 1 1 til East. (12pi FOR RENT General Electric i floor polishers, $1 per day. 1 Phone, Blue 992. Pacific Electric, ! itfl I FOR RENT Room in healed ! apartment, for niict gfiitle- ' man. Box 2iia, Dailv News. I ' (tine) : FOR RENT-Bed-sittingroom for two girls. Meals to be arranged. Phone Red 141. ( lOpi FOR RENT-433. Sleeping room. Blue, (lie I WANTED !() KENT 1 YOUNG couple, no family, wisli to Vent, furnished apartment I or housekeeping rooms. Phone i Room 94, Prince Rupert Ho- tel. llpi WANTED 2 room apartment or large housekeeping room by working couple. Close in. Box 278 Daily News. (13pi LOST AND IOl:M LOT Small police dog, four months old, weighs 40 pounds, collar with no name. Answers to Tony. Call Jack Gee, Star Store, phone Red 823. Reward. I tic I FOUND Pair of glasses at Oddfellows' Hall, New Year's Eve. Owner may have same by calling at Daily News and paying for this advertisement. (ltci LOST White female Persian cat i on 4th East. Pet for seven years. Phone Blue 489. (12pl ! 1 LOST Silver clasp bracelet on December 15 at Elks Dance. Phone Red 505. U2pi ' i j ncnAA Krrcc tVVV MUI Ld ! r. mn nra cerivoH ot Perow last week to join her hus band at Sullivan's sawmill. R. Nadeau has returned from New Westminster, hrintriitp his i family with him. ivr,. R.lnh nhnrnpv hno ) over the cookhouse at Wilson 1 Bros sawmill Lyle Galbraith has purchased the gtore and property from Mr. St urgeon at ForestdaJe and is moving his i ininuy family there hicic to i.u begin uegin j , business. His parents, Mr. and Mrs FriH ClQlhrn t.h a re mnv rur ; with him to assist with the store! and post office ' ' Adam Turchinetz of Rose Lake ! 1 was a week-end visitor at the homes of Vanner Bvman and Bob ! ' Davidson last week ! 1952 Chrysler-Plymouth now on display at Rupert Motors. (16c) ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED COLUMNS MEANS ! PLUS I j I . BUSINESS FOR ! I YOU I ANNOUNCEMENTS -i- region card Party, January If,. Presbyterian Burns banquet, January 24. l.O.D.E. Founders Day tea, February 13, at home of Mrs. Jens Munthe. Women's- Hospital Auxiliary Valentine Tea, February 14. Annual Masonic ball, Friday, February 15. United Church Leap Year tea, February 28. St. Patrick's Tea and Home-cooking Sale, Cathoii:: Hall, March 20. Card party and draw-ins of raffle 8 p.m. Legion Auxiliary Spring Sale, April 9. Job's Daughters Easter tea, April 30. PERSONAL FRASER & PAYNE wish to announce j price reductions effective at once on Famous Na tional Brand Hosiery 4i uauge 1.35 pair : 45 Gauge 1.5(1 51 Gauge 1.75 (0 Gauge 1.05 (13c i PHONE 18 vour Northland Dairy lor daily delivery cxeeot Sunday. Bv lookinir after vour milk vour milk will look afler you. Keen it cool. All milk guaranteed. an PRINCE RUPERT IIotiTDining Room .serves business mens lunches at very reasonable prices. Hours 7 a.m. to 9:311 pm. (tfi Dry cedar kindling, coal. Daily delivery. 040 T.M.C. U3p HELP WANTED MALE WA NTKH Mr, reiser for f'.irf inan Legion, Prim-e Rupert.! B.C., duties to commence on; .February 1. Ability to pre-iwre financial .statements in recognized form. Some experience in staff managem. lit. Commencing salary $300. Three room unfurnished suite available for couple. Apply Box 623. Prince Rupert. B. C. (13ci THE Canadian Army offers a lifetime security. The terms of Service were never better join now. Recruiting Officer will be at Armoury, Prince Rupert, January 15, 16, 17, 18, 1952; Armoury, Prince Georse, January 20, 21, 22, 23, 1952. (14c I W"NTPn Reliable man as Rawleigh Dealer. A fine opportunity to step into a profitable business where Rawlciah Products have been sold for years. Experience not necessary. Write Rawleigh's Dept. WG-A-106-163, Winnipeg. I HELP WANTED FEMAXE WANTED Girl to clerk in store with ability to handle ;ish and do simple bookkeeping. Apply by letter bating qualifications and salary wanted to Box 280, Daily News. 1 13c t GOOD .home, wases included, for elderly woman who will take care of children while mother works. Box 277, Daily News (12p) WANTED Clerk-stenographer, Prince Rupert Game Office. Qross salary $193.75 per month. Phone 664. (Hp) STENOGRAPHER, p ret erably with experience. Apply to Northern B. C, Power Co. Ltd., Room 15, Besner Block, (llci SITI'ATIONS WANTED YOUNG married man desires part-time work nights. Phone Hector, Red 962. (12pl I OK SALE FURNITURE for Sale Bedroom rugs, radias, chest of drawers, airtight heaters, chesterfield beds complete, cribs, etc. Lowest possible prices. B. C. Furniture Co. Third Ave. (If) BOYS' and girls' ski slacks, all wool, best rpKility made, all .sizes, priced very reasonably. B. C. Clothiers. Itfl FOR SALE White enamel oil stove and fittings, wick burner. Good condition. Red 472. (Kip) H SAT.E Walnut, rlitiinw inim suite table, buffet, six chairs. Phone Green 837. I lip) FOR SALE Electric range, perfect condition. Phone Blak 70Q. (lip) FOR SALE 40 ft. dicsel trailer "Myrtle V." Phone Green 968. U2pr CAES I (HKSAEE I'OR SALE-J947 Fleetline Chev. A-l condition. Can be seen at 112 Taxi. (13pi ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax specialist. S. G. Furk. Stone Building, Red 593. (20m I HEAL ESTATE FQR SALE-Fullv modem home with harbor view. Two bedrooms, basement with hM-air furnace. Apply Prince Rupert Realty Co. (tf) which has been studying the; turning the pieces, for the hot subject for three years. j fat has a tendency to spatter, The board, appointed In 1948 ad may cause a bad burn. When and headed by H. W. F. Franklin, the chicken is well browned, cover headmaster at Epsom College, and cook for 25 to 35 minutes, blames "the present chaotic sit-lThe bvney neck and back pieces, uation of overlapping responsi- j wnicn do not require as much For the MEAL that REFRESH bilities" for confusing the proper handling of maladjusted chil- dren both before they become delinquents and afterwards. It ni'noo Iho Minlftvt, nf ITri , , o t i n-, .. ,, tt l.i- j ministry ana nome ui fice to formulate a common curing better justice for the problem child. : ' The board finds a close asso- i ciation between riiifinpc. and i BEST OF FOOD delinquency and contends that :cnlcKen cui-ups with a minimum many dull and unstable chil- of work ls t0 bake them entirely dren have found their way into!'" the oven- CoV(t the bottom corrective institutions because of the. pan with fat, then place their snecial educational nnril'he Coated pieces in the Dan. FOB TAKE OL'T ORDERS PHONE 20 . BROADWAY CAFE For New Constructic -- ' ; meaicat neecis nave been Mt unooi veil ill tneir earner years. I ..... ... . me provision ooin oi scnoois ; and institutions for the mental- i lly retarded and of child guid-: ance cUrlics ''th adequate staff- inJ Ls tragically inadequate ! throughout the country," says tne board s report. To meet this : situation the investigators rec- 1 and Repair Work SEE ommend establishment of resi-,the bird for roasting, clean and dential psychiatric centres on a'wipe with a damp cloth, or wash regional basis. Detailed amend- thoroughly by allowing a strong' GREER & BRIDDEN LI Ave, W. ; : S; Phone !I0I 215 1st Chinese DISHES Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. - 3:S3 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 13S OH. MP 6UMSTEAO vou wipe just j TELEPHONED r-? l!f i I r ? i'V -Jf pot a'Jorln Ladies and Gen: LI NO the taikj j 220 Sixth St. 3 By CHIC VOl sent we r,-T''! PA ZOP BLAOES')? U IJ.-' i Q.r-''Vll ments of the code pf discipline are also proposed The practice of giving extra food as a reward for good behavior i.s condemned but the board favors restoration of the power to remove jam, cake, pudding and other goodies for misconduct. The report says that not a single witness appeared before the board to suggest that cor- porai punishment should be abolished. It found that the ; cane was being used judicially i in an approved schools and re mand homes. Alter examining the four types of cane in use, the report con- I eludes that none could be con siriered a brutal weapon. It held, however, that the type used In senior boys' schools was too thick and rigid and more likely to cause bruises than pain. It recommended a longer, thinner cane. The proposal was branded as "shocking" by the London Star which suggested the recommen-! dation be torn up and that Par- liament should insist on aboli-: tion of corporal punishment. The Star added: "When the Home Secretary considers the report he might remember the Spaniard's retort to an English critic of bull fighting: 'At least in our country we don't flog children.' " KHOW VKE'RE GOING I MV PAST THE MAPkT ) NOT? i i 1 v n i .' ! ':'. J . ' ' : I " htwvi(n