. Prince Rupert Daily News As I See it Canada had 1 fl'w nll!iwli 2 Tuesday. April 1, 1952 ray... Reflects and Reminisces p more And If we never see snow ln ttle Co,, An independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association. O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor; H. G PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION-RATES: rtv carrier, per wek. 25c; per month, $1.00; per year ..TO.., $10; by mail, per month, 75c; per year, $8.00. -.i Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. ' ""Sra .? aeain It will be too soon! bcin , .? 4 -' Wit? ;( . o:iiihio i.. , "j mom.. Perhaps Mrs. Truman wouldn't union bad-mind remaining la the White Keep Slump Away lions a while longer, now that Mai "h was that two years' rebuilding job It's just a 4'' has just about finished. doub'.s aboni " to 1HL iiKlllorl parna- , . . . Mrs. Mcintosh ment has had .an all , night session to debate St LASSIE I'tEI.S AT HOME Nothing is";, It is. seldom If ever a thrnno ife as to see si" shipped a few thousand miles ,P,r ""bund's old 'E MOURN the loss of a dear old friend in the W! by air., It happened, however, vourw bt anH na n rpnlt ITnill K.Tlol-1.t passing of Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh. She was full the grave unemplpymenl crisis, especially in tho( textile industry. i Canadian labor leaders hav 1 waited upon our government , of Ethiopia is again an emperor 11 snot often tr wnn an me trimmings, it vill be ""'"" sir Cha:f ' reealled that, after the British R.N., appears ir, of years and good deeds and many were the people who knew her benefactions and kindnesses through the' nearly half a century she had lived in Prince , Rupert. As far as we can learn, she was the second ::z :. ". . . oul was . Aalwiba, Selassie could not' find , asking for public works now to ' give jobs to the hundreds of j thousands now out of work in liis symbols of power. These were h ul 1 " HI ' Canada. ? Kcently discovered In Italy, and 11 lne wwafe in 15 packing cases flown back 8isled mainly ol t Wnlf tho tpvtile anrkers in white woman to take up residence in this frontier New England are out of jobs. The ' . ;.- r,,,., w icinft ckn nvorlorl U.S.A. has arbitrarily excluded - , - ii tu Ethiopia throne, velvet cu- a"d Niobe. Thistv 4 . . thions, as well as bedroom suite, he came to prr' - .J-l oil paintings, sceptre, gold em-; director of navaK dairy product imports from Can- , ada. Australia, New Zealand i i ' immunity . ncic m jiwuh practically all the pioneers whose ranks seem to be thinning so markedly these last few years. Mrs. Mcintosh knew Prince Rupert as few now remember it. She was a lover of this city and was rmo nf rhnsp fifizpru who hMvinff come here- as a PRIESTS ACCEPT RICE OFFERINGS A group of Buddhist priests stand at a corner of Bangkok and acept offerings of rice from followers. Tvo young women are shown, centre foreground, b, wad low before the priests. To the right of the live priests a Bangkok businesswoman Is also about to maki her rice offering. Every Siam se man spends part of his life as a priest in a Buddhist temple. The result is diffusion amo.is the people of a profound understanding-of and many of the countries of the sterling area have drastical- , ly reduced imports, even from Britain. j i u.v,.v...u u..u ea ana peasant k, p'.atue of the Conquering Lion answer all the' of Juf ah. by an Evening who had put w , I It is becoming quite well es- But he not published that, if Canada must about the port, do the job hjrself, construction has a beautiful C - of the St. Lawrence Deep Water- marked, gazing m. ,way will be done. by thus coun- of quiet waters ALL THESE signs are ominous ICP PHOTO the religion they practice daily, not just once wvekly. comparatively young person, became so attached to : siump of 1909 and the great depression of the thirties. But Jap Fishing the north, so proud of the city and so interested in it Victoria Report . . . by J. K. Nesbitt it would be quite wrong to jump to too hasty conclusions from those signs. The world has learned a lot since 1929. We do not need to Off B.C. Coasti SHADES! SHm ! have another slump, if we are Dubbed raise i crio tdii irut Fixed Elections Suggested Would Remove Some Abuses VICTORIA. Walter Hendricks, M LA for Nel- prepared to forestall that slump as intelligently, say, as we fought the Hitler war. I irwi itiiaivjiil by Elmore : . I'nlunintst ! Recent statement Philpott. "" newspaper f i- - 41.. 1.. ...L . - - -.-4 I-- REG. TO 6.95 SPECIAL MANY of the economic troubles son-i esion, was uie ojuy one wno came uui iui u i that Japanese fi.sruns vessels are , of Canada today are directly jn publie but a lot of MLA's agreed in private that!er I0 'nil's off the Brit- due to government policy. The . 1 , , . , l h Columbia coa.-,t and end;ui- .. housing situation is very bad. it WOUld be a good idea to have elections every four perin? the livelihood of British Yet for the past couple of years ,.QOT.,, n 4i, ; ti,Q TTr,l Ct.foc at i Columbia fUhermen. was denUd .. $3.99 and $2.9 it has been well msh impossible ' i oy Hon. R. W. Mayliew. mini.su i ALL SILK SHADES AT family of ordinary in- the same time keening the British safeguard of gov-1 or fisheries, in the House of for the come to DRASTIC PRICE REDUCTIONS, at hieh a cash RUPERT RADIO & ELECT! for the down payment. More-1 see tit. ! " ' Answering a question by Jamss over, the lenders of money on if we'd had this rule in recent Tnere must be change, else we Sinclair iCoa.st-Capilaao. Mr. mortgages had drastically tight- ; wrPkq p'd not have had the stagnate, and certainly the spec- j Mayhew said: ened up due. Jo government poimcking we did have poii- tade going on in this ca-pital in j .., took the troubif to in,,ulre .w.vW.VAW.W.V.'.v.V.V.V.V.v.v.v, PUcy- " ''J ticking, when the people's busi- recent weeks has been paralyz-, tnrouh our ofnt,e in niitWi Col- ,. . ,.. ..n., ..in,,.! vn Marea.ii-jvw. boss inaicu- ness suffered mo action on milk '"s wnt?n? puouc oumiim. :umbia. which, in turn, go, in er, mr, gave rariiamcm "' prices, labor matters, hospital ;n!eu. -eiyuB " . t0Uch with th weather ahips Oil because election has been a snap tne ccast wKh B C p.lckeri anc, most striking , evidence of the- insurance! ;eneci. oi goyei ijient policy on If wed had tnis ruie premier caneu. ino impurvani, uecin can . fclth UUP own pa;roi Uoul.S ullJ 1Wasning macnina sales in can-. oe reacnea oecause an elections johnson wouid perhaps have j am now aHSUIt.d tht.re are nc 'ada last year. Here are the of- held his Datience a little lonner ' coming. There's wholesale stall- fKhPrmnn within -fox ficial figures: .with Mr. Anscomb. As we have '"g because the government feels ' mm(11..,, ,. . vu.r.unr January, 29.500. February, 24,- u nn, Vip Pi-pmipr ra nhle to' that if it does nothing it may- in the Pacific. 800. March, 27,000. April, 26.700. fire t'he Minister of Finance, ' not make friends but at least it Mav 212(in June. 1 4 600 Julv. i 1 u rnl i won't make enemies. 'While I am on iny feet may I 11.500. Aueust. 10.500. - am, lull. 11 Tf Mr ivir. juniisuu tnhn k-, miew iir h . Some day there will have to'"at a sUttmen. I nave maue that she never had thought of leaving. That is why she stayed on here after her husband passed away, staying not because she had to, not that she could not have gone back to more effete places whence she had come, but because she wished to. Hers was a' kind of citizenship that too few Prince Rupert people have yet learned and exemplified that of permanent loyalty to the community which, in the days of their youth aijd middle age, gave them H good living. She was one of the few of those who dreamed of staying instead of leaving. We called at the home of Mrs. Mcintosh yesterday a few hours after her death. We offered our sympathy to her sister from Toronto the sole remaining member of the family and it was- refreshing to see a cheery and happy attitude. "You know," Mrs. Wainwright told us, "we are not sorry at- all but we are happy happy in the memory of her good life and the many years that she was spared to enjoy life herself and help to make it more enjoyable for others." We were struck with this unusual and most delightful attitude. It was typical of Mrs. Mcintosh's own spirit. That is the way she would have wanted her friends and there were so many of them to feel. And it is in that spirit that we take this opportunity of paying our final respects to this fine lady who blessed Prince Rupert with her presence throughout these many years. Mr. St. Laurent Changes It IN HUMAN AFFAIRS it is sometimes possible to I change the nature of a thing by first changing its name. At least, that seems to be the idea of someone in Ottawa who undertook to change the name of this country and of its services. -.'.', First, a bill to remove the word "Dominion" from the name of the country was slipped through Parliament when the House was aeep at the switch. Then, without consulting Parliament' at all, the word "Royal" was being dropped from the postal service. X; These changes, brought about so easily and so quickly, caused many Canadians serious misgivings. ' cou ' frnnuonllir iwi , in (hi. i,. Idn't. under the constitution, be a. change in the manner ef ; t ' ""f i bul " ' P tnat j ,Pa,i- setting election dates. Resistance to the people until June of e.-.e nationals THE PEDPI E nf Panada. need go mgihinii maphinoc imit- i inn .u; u i - i to phanep nannoteonn for for- have never f!-iied much as they ever needed them different ever- merely because it suits a"'rg tn. H' ii l-h ( uiunio.a co is, before, and want them just as The Premier wouldn't have ! some politicians that - way. As f , "ne ,m,e tney lUhed in Brw-much as thev wanted them be- ,-antPrt fh Tm-ies in onnnsitinn i Ann Morrow Lindbergh has toi Hay for a matter of two d.iys C;;rsdnr;iis were made rather un 9 H fore. ' - ' two sessions, knowing full well ! pointed out to resist change is That goes fox all sorts of the opposition, sooner or later.! to sin against llfe itself. house furnishinsfrand' above becomes the government As it j, L all for houses. '" vi was, the Premier was able tor PROGRESS MADE But dellberate.ovcrnment control the time the Conscrva- (Continued from Pa?e li policies of credit restriction are , tives would be in opposition I making it impossible for them one session, in which they could ! information could take ri.are to buy any of those things to hardly find their feet as a hard- without revision of th" C.S.t pleasant for them, with the le-sult that they left Bn,tol Bay,' came down the roast, got .,up- plie.s ln Seattle and went back! to Japan. But they did not fish. The statement attributed to-Mr. Philpott is therefore untrue, i the extent they iwuld like to punching opposition McMahon Act of 1946 which pro- th. ; "' Ah , 7 the coast todaV' and ,w there have! buy. .. ; , And so it is that a whole ; hik.. hibits the .t,. exchange ..k.,. of .tli, atomic not b:en, up to date." We are getting government- political uproar can be created ; information and materials with j manufactured' unemployment by one man, the Premier. (ThH: any other, country." a partial, spotty slump caused is no personal criticism of Mr. The lack of British-U.S. atomic co-operation has long been a ; mostly by the government's own Johnson.) One man has the i policies to offset what is called power to call an election any sore point in Britain, partly as "PROTECTION AGAINST INFLATION" A:k your lnvitmnt Dealer for the above folder and prospectus of ' inflation. time he wants. It does seem too I a matter of national pride and . much power for one man to partly because of a feeling that THE ECONOMISTS told us that create chaos in what he con- I mutual confidence should have inflation was "too much aiders the best interests of his flourished with the development money chasing too few goods." own political party. It's the of the Atlantic defence partner-Now all over the umriri we see people, in the constitution, who ship. The discovery, made by clinical research in many Countries, established that ttie lack of unsaturated fatty acids in the body metabolism can be one of thn main causes of skin diseases. This has already brought new hope and happiness to thousands of people suffering from Eczema. Boils. Leg Ulcers, Infantile Eczema. Acne and in some case of Tsoriasis. Tn Years Research i Ten years of untiring efforts by a Swiss Chemist resulted in extracting from pure vegetable oils, a concentration of hifihly purified and biologically active essential fatly acids. These highly unsaturated fatty acids are now contained in the F "911" preparations. F "99" taken internally, is readily digested by the stomach and absorbed into the blood stream, and has a decisive influence in the treatment of skin diseases. goods piling up which cannot be snould tell the government ex-; if progress Is being made now- have sold because the DeoDle have no aLiy wneii me eit-cuuu win oe. iwo aeveiopmenis may Tnats wnat tne people do witn. tipped the scales: money to buy them. It takes all their municipal councils. I1, 1. Prime Minister Churchill's the money that most families can get Just to make ends meet would be a-fine thing, wouldn't , announcement last month that food and essen- itif a mayr could call an elec- j Britain has produced the atom ! to pay for tion any time he saw fit. Why i bomb. tials. Surely the short range rem- should a provincial goernment I 2. Recent tightening up of We reasoned that if someone could change one word allowed to operate different-1 Britain's internal security regu- without consulting us, he could also change other edv s to reverse the unwise , be , lations which would give the CALVIN BULLOCK tid. words and, ultimately, he might succeed in chang- II another election could not U.S. more confidence that its, nntvtn ontil T..n .1 ' - . 1 ...... 1.4 U n nnF. 1 a blow to house building and OUr Whole Constitution; and might wake of cars unQ housenc 1:1 ! ing We Up i" still have a Coalition govern-: British hands. . 1 .1 1? ...... ment- ...u (which the v,, H people over- sonip moi'ninn- ann i nr n rsp vps nv no- in " np ah ci .v, i o 0 --- .,c ,u& mnm : nihnlminiilu .nHn.i In IMdl Canadian Union of Soviet Republics" Or some other j remedy-prepared for the day tending t0 tne people's business Eczema - Leg W(l . wnen we get real peace is to be -instead " of two political parties Oil cot to r .UU Boils -In fan lilcEflflJ As its "name suggests, the' F "99" Two-Way both internally (Capsules or Lim(",' a L external .... 5U going through a session more ln- program of public spending on terested in poIitics and parties houses and so forth which will tnan in tne affairs of tne le keep employed the men now in ;who elected tnem . war industries or in uniform. lf tne peopie nad any wa of How many houses could be i letUng thelr wlsnes be known m built for the price of each plane tnis matter, they'd probably be or tank? And we would not need definitely for an eleetion on a to shoot them away. We could hard-and-fast date every four sell them to the occupants on or five years. Tney know such a buy-as-you-rent plan like that a System would lead to more menu, wnne r uimim-i . i givf symptoms of the ailment, F "99 Caps u objectionable place. , Our fears have been somewhat allayed, "however, by Mr. St. Laurent's announcement that Can ada is still a Dominion and that the word "Royal" is not to be dropped from the postal service. This assurance indicates to us that whatever or whoever is responsible for the changes above referred to will have to come out into the open and explain what he is trying to do and what is behind it 'all before he goes any further with his designs. power to help suppress me cuim - , Acnf t Jions, leg Ulcers, ima"""" , i ,.Pn rep01' Psoriasis, some pood results have 11 i no!'' not possible to pre-delermme oi to this treatment. To many thoysanris .i u "no" Tivn-Wav Two-Way iru1 ua.-n.eu uy nemier rrosi or un- nolitical stability. ! tario. IIV1T lilt? Will 1U. i VI' ..." . - .,,( proved its tremendous value. It is 'V "rv treats able results even in cases where au r" The die-hards, of course, say it can't be done, because it never has been done. That's a defeatist attitude. Of course it can be done. The Legislature can do it. failed. ...vTREAWti HOW TO. USE F "99" Quick Canadian Quiz III''! PRINCE RUPERT (DISTRICT) . PROGRESSIVE - CONSERVATIVE ; ASSOCIATION MEETING CIVIC CENTRE LOUNGE APRIL 17-8:30 PM. O All Progressive-Conservatives in Prince Rupert Electoral District are requested to attend a meeting of the District Association for the purpose of nominating . a ' candidate for the forthcoming Provincial Election. . . W. D. LAMB IE, President. : I . .llnlllM Scripture faddage j?or Jocla I. "I""1 .1 IIIMl""' "So is he that is not rich toward God."- St. Luke 12:21 (liHilrvii'H Koiema llnllK ... l.e lilt-era Atfie -i'HiriaMi ILETTERBOX . K . F and i. Canadians spend how much each year on textiles and orrert 1T " lln,. ,..,nMillt VOlir IllK'tor of y o u r ail"1 No More Claims In Noronic Case ! to . be settled for a total of '$2,150,000. J The Canada Steamship Lines j Ltd., owner of the Noronic, has clothing? TRIBUTE TO MRS. McINTOSH 2. In Canada how many pounds: Editor Daily News; to -a bushel of oats, of wheat?! without authority of fear of 3. Of Canada s 712.0UU sq. miles: repudiation from my colleagues of productive forest area how comprising the city council I deposited that amount in notes CLEVELAND, Ohio-Nw : witn tne Federal Reserve Bank claims, in the burning of the lux- ; here 1 . Ill I II I III 1 1 III ' ...uw! u i.,JW uvcuiju.- wish to I express our common re- 4. In Canada are there more mcnigret 'in the passing of the late or women? Mrs R L. Mcintosh, a highly 5. Average weekly wages and esteemed pioneer citizen whose salaries in leading Canadian! love and devotion to our city wfu industries amounted to $40.03 ' known to all who were privileged - in Dec, 1950. What was the to enjoy her acquaintance figure for Dec, 1951? I GEORGE EORGE B CASFY ANSWERS ON PAGE FOUR Way Tratment for Iwo ury cruiser Noronic at Toronto in" 1949 are forever barred by a ruling; made by Judge Paul Jones. All of 575 claims filed since the disaster which cost 119 lives are Hearings by a referee will begin in April and last into 1953 before awards are determined. Originally, the 575 claims asked nearly $19,000,000. Druq Store a -I.LI. -I! -vvaiiai -