Prince Rupert Daily News OTTAWA DIARY By Norrr.un M. MacLeod Thursday, August 27, 1953 Ml 1 a Independent aally newspaper deroted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern wd Central British Columbia. ( Member ot Canadian Wen Audit Bureau of circulation to Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. n Published by The Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. ' J. F. MAOOR, President H. G. PERRY. Vice-President The political signs and portents sense a healthy one. That fai t now are pretty clear that if Hon. is the basis of the confident ex-r, . tiirh neetatlon that Mr. Drew won t I n...; : but to do with It nrt ride out the oresent Conser- have anything will retire by preferenc. EMS Subscription Rates: "jjy carrier per vk. 25c; per month, 1.00; per year. HO (XI. ''u? mall Per month. 75c; per year. S0O. Ha i mm ' vative leadership storm he can I do so. He Ls assured of sufficient support to be able -to re-i sist any move to unseat him by 1 force. Wicks Parley Said Useless 1 That leaves the decision very much to Hon. George himself. So far, he has given no hint as to what hi views on the mutter are. Party associates say that he is dedicating his present so- !ipfl "holiday" at his home in VICTORIA (CP Only two labor groups have given Labor Minister Lyle Wicks definite' as- -iik v,,rf thi.ikincr surance thev will attena ins upon the problem. ; labor conference In Vancouver The cotuiensus ol opinion August 28. amoneit circles wha ki'.ow him1 They are the Native Brother- Mammoth Auction OF Household Furniture and heat U that he will retire, al- i hood and the Mine, Mill Smelter Workers Union which was expelled form the CCL two ! years ago on the grounds it was' Cotniuunist-douiinaU-ti. though probably nut until after another session of Parliament, following which a national party convention will meet. This view is based to some extent on the fact that, even although the forces opposed to the continuance of his leadership are to b held in the Auction Rooms, corncj M TLC groups at VicUaia. Vau-, couver. New WestuunsUr and Priiu-e George have stud tliey won't attend because they coii- not strong enough to oust him, j u.n(x lne conference will serve it is obvious that his persistence Ilo useful purpose. ond fourth Avenue tost, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 1! ot 2:30 p.m., and 7:30 p.m. Consisting of: in office would mean a cleav me I . ,i1..1,v,nllt . th within the party lhat would be ince hjvt, pnile',tt.d Uu. iaiai 10 any ciiun. rs ui . . , ...,., h.,vp ,,, Since election day it has be- Al'Cl'STE PICCARD and his son Jaques stand on the deck of theur bathyscaphe discussing the chances of their getting a new world's record for diving. Yesterday in a test they descended to a depth of about 2,953 feet off the Isle of Capii. Today or perhaps later this week they intend to try to go 13.U0U feet below the surface of the Mediterranean sea. I come reasonaoiy clear mui mm cision on attending. Labor organizations objecting to the confernre suy the uv-ernment has all the information on labor's wants on file, and doesn't aeed a conference at this point. George has the support of close J tc 90 per cent of the elected j Conservative MPs, and that his I major party press Including the Ottawa Journal, the Toronto Cjlrbf and Mall, the Toronto Evening Telegram, the London ; Free Press, and the Montreal j floviilto Drun't rUutvlH til SOP Professor Piccard and Son Ready Authorized as second class mall by tae i'-t Office 5 parinient, Ottawa. EKitimat Takes Shape t A NYONE who has visited Kitimat lately can yf begin to see ahead to the final appearance of this new northern city. Already the smelter with its rows of aluminum-sheathed buildings is taking definite shape, and across the Douglas channel one 'can visualize the power lines that will sweep down "the cleared slope and span the water to the plant. Six miles inland the townsite is still nothing "more than a vast clearance in the wilderness, but ."even this is enough to give one an idea of what the "first neighborhood at least will look like. It is more "difficult to realize that possibly four or five more "neighborhoods of equal size will appear in that 'broad valley. The visitor's imagination also wavers Twlien he tries to picture the modern and spacious -shopping district which will be created in the special area set aside in the middle of the woods. . Yet much of this miracle will take place within ;the coming year. It seems that the time has come iwhen the action is almost quicker than the thought. Perhaps the simplest way to understand what "might happen at Kitimat is to consider the case of jjthe Saguenay valley of Quebec where the Aluminum Go. of Canada started a similar project 25 "years ago. At that time the population of the region was about 20,000. Now 150,000 persons live ;there, and the district is alive with many industries ; besides that of aluminum production. Z Although no one is prepared to say just how 'much other business Alcan will attract to Kitimat, the conjectures which anticipate a population of ;50,000 seem altogether within reason. Our guess is ;that by the time our children's children are running things, the figure will be considerably more than that. But the growth will not be localized in Kitimat. Establishment of Alcan in the area was just a particularly noticeable feature of a march to the north-Iwest that was already underway. Although we wish 5ve could be around to see what eventually develops, it. must be admitted the present carries plenty of "interest in its own right. ' 2 Trunk 1 Kiilrboard 1 Oak Desk 1 Studio limrk ' 1 .22 Killt 2 ( hiifunirn 2 Tri -Light Limpi 1 Llri'trului 3 Klrctrit- Hrilrri 5 SuiUiiw 2 KiUlirn Tabln 2 Beds fumpku 5 Chesterfield Suites 6 Itiiiin j Ituum Chairs (oak) leather seals. Z Sewing Machines 2 New OerafciuuaJ Chairs (Maroon) 1 Library Table 1 China Cabinet 1 Hi-atly Waslilnf Mai liine J lressers ' 2 Large Mirrors 1 Coal and Wood Range To Seek World Record for Diving utr tariu ineuwn 1 wi snui auu uie oauiyscapiie hlm rtjissed summarily. This1 weird undersea craft nosed dropped towards the seabed fur . imn'B UDrjort With it and a1 sluggishly up from the botVm its fii-jt .majortdal. Those in-jlit1 mitienre and fortitude on of the Mediterranean sea today i!ide wre protected by four his own part, Hon. Mr. Drew ana rroi. Augusie nccara siep- incnes oi wugn steei, me ""k-ipoui(i ride out any rjarty storm. Itroaillnoin Carpet and Infer1 New 9' x 100 ped out to report he considers new of the spherical cabin's he is well on the way to beat-1 walls. i , . . , ,.,,, Other articles too numerous to mtnl ing the world diving record. At 9:10 they switched off the "' ,w lt LZrZ.ri f,.n. j He and his son Jacques re-, electro-magnet and the ballast! ' candldatPSwho out. THF lurnea saxeiy vo me suriace i uioppeu away. niiotoer leu ' after making their first test minutes, and the conning tower GEO. 1. DAWES auction::; number the elected Conservative i MPs by more than 4 to 1 are i n..n-...V.l..,4r,nlir nnt(n.ani Thp ! dive off the southernmost tip reappeared. r.; i in I uvr: nuriiiiuiKij hhh-wiv. of of the Mediterranean island Phone Red 127; Block 846; B.C. MesseJ nccaiu emergeu sniiiuiiF tn . r. .i the narrow deck, and declared Vn , ntf 1 ported to attribute the r defeat himself Kn nl,ad with ,h Capri. In their "bathyscaphe" spe cially designed to fulfil the pro- i test that he would probably to his alleged unpopularity in their ridings. For a great many of the candidates this is prob fessor's 40-year-old . ambition, ' move to the serious trial area they reached a depth of about I later in the week. 2,953 feet. l . , This will be somewhere be- They chose & . Bomparatively tween Caprt and Ponza, another shallow spot fot today's test, island further to the west, rrn., ihn j -5? ably a most convenient, face-saving excuse. But that doesn't help Hon. Mr. Drew's situation. Obviously, Mr. Drew could ignore the defeated Conservative candidates. They're just private where the sea is much deeper. but they im atJS.OOO feet, or twice the depth 6l the present world record. Two weeks ago, two French Named After Playwright naval officers set up a world citi7ens now, not members of his Parliamentary team. But they would be there iust the same, if he did treat them and their views with indifference. And the situation wouldn't be in any record off Toulon when they dived to 6.898 feet in a Piccard LAUSANNE. Switzerland tAPl Charlie Chaplin's new eight-pound baby boy has been named Eueene after Mrs Phnnhn'fi designed bathyscaphe. , , l ne previous record 3,0?8 father, playwright Eugene Our Foil stocks ore arriving doily and to moke room tor rnm we offer the balance of our summer shoes ot these Amanngly LOW PRICES! feet was set up in 1934 by the American scientist William Beebe in his bathysphere off LONDON (CP) As a result of a gentle hint, the Maida Vale district library has raised its bottom shelves nine inches, allowing old folk to browse more conveniently. C Neill. The baby was born Sunday night at a clinic here. Mrs. Chaplin, the former Dona O'Neill and the baby were reported doing well at the clinic today. ; the Galapagos Islands in tlic Pacific. REFLECTS and REMINISCES C5ay PIccard's new .yessel looks a little like an uudersea version CASUALS - Moccasins of a dirigible. A . round steel bail with a single Cyclops-eye porthole contains the two men. It is suspended under a large cigar-shaped tank full of oil. The buoyancy of the oil keeps When Buffalo Bill and Kaiser i tanbark, crowds, clowns, turns, "Bill met in Germany ever so long bands anything that wakes one ago the occasion was a thrilling i up and feel glad to be alive. -one. The former did a roaring "trade and the latter picked up However, it's not quite so mel-a -lot of handy knowledge per- ancholy as all that. For we'd ,'taining to the rapid transfer and J have you know that once Prince If you arc a veteran and are genuinely interested In Veterans' Land Act for Prince Rupert, you are urged to see the Secretary-Manager, Canadian Legion, Branch No. 27. It is possible that future legislation may assist the veterans of Prince Rupert to establish under V.L.A. LOAFERS - WEDGIES All colors and siJ illli the craft on an even keel and floats it up to surface after b:il-last weights have been dumped. 'handling of big tents and all CLEARING AT "lhat sort of magic The whole thing Is complete Eupert staged a little rough riding show of her own. This was purely a local affair. The city, feeling frontier-minded, one day with co-operation from up-river, brought in enough steers to start the cheering. All this was on the It ls essential that interested veterans be listed at this Branch, as need of such legislation must be established before a brief can be prepared. ly free of lines, to the surface and can move around by means ol electrically driven propellors. 3 f Mi . The 69-year-oid professor The shows the thing, be It the circus or wild west extrava-ganza. Colonel Cody, originally urf army scout and buffalo hunt-er following the American Civil War, is believed to have founded Ithis breezy introduction of and his son had travelled all Acropolis, long years before the 'A?"'7TO!l'l'',''M'': fair buildings were dismantled. fmountairriandj plait to tttie x-kvilOOMAJ j H ' V. ; was packed -riusive easi ana seieci circles oi , Xne grandstand SANDALS The steers were portly and per night from the Bay of Naples In their towing vessel, the submar-ine-Jike- xraft wallpwing in its wbke. ... .. . . - ! ' , Piccard rowed himself to the gently bobbing bathyscaphe .at first light after having satisfied himself that the weather 'conditions were as predicted. At 8:35 a.m. the hatch clang- fectly safe. They could also do a fount you can bit of galloping or running, but Anyway, it went over in smashing style, even if the Atlantic did take a few liberties with the di- J s y i there wasn't a buck in the bunch, on Nevertheless, as a stampede everyone reckoned U an honest- to-God winner. WEDGE HEEL All colours and sixes 4 to 9. Regularly priced os high as $7.95 No one wore fringed buckskin, gestlon of stately war chiefs, and perhaps the redoubtable colonel himself. It was Inevitable that t'ln time he would have rivals. Indeed, it could be foreseen that "from this would grow a new and "spirited form of entertainment "supplementing and widening jwtiat had become known generally-as the circus. no guns were packed, no spurs actually jingled, and the smiling features of scores of prominent (C UU Uf ,,, $ citizens could be observed beneath sombreros, each of which had a "just bought" look. United States Industrial output rose 95 per cent between 1937-1951 while that of the rest $3.95 $2.95 .MX THE WAY X, Jt won't be long now before Prince Rupert will be filling "picked lows, for it can almost id of the world rose 62 per cent. iriiS AUTOMATIC WASHER with Sv Mr mmd tmvm Iimm CHILDREN'S SAMDALS 1 . . 1 V. Ml, t. -TtP : I fiynAi Haum I' MXinrV TWrtimtH -be said that this sort of show "has seldom, if ever, been witnessed here before. How many of "our youngsters have ever seen farm animals? Some no doubt, - but certainly not all. How many boys and girls have ever filled a 'saddle Instead of a stuffy cushion, and listened to the beat of "jhoofs? Today the horse Is in the -"oven Instead of on the trail. STRONGLY DRESS SANDALS CONSTR'J FOR 6" j right W - IT KVVR IWUIlt J- , N I I A 1 LONDON DKYCilN H 1 dpK0kl rl RYE WHISKY I rfel s' (mm Infant 4 Sizes to Misses J. m 0k . .art. $1350 to 49 '50 "Heigh, ho, it's the sorry truth 'but we should welcome every de-J.tall of whatever these may be- Ford Coach Dodge Ages 1 year Regularly priced to $4.75. 7-passenger $1125 International '50 CLEARING AT V-ton $1250 '41 Chevrolet 5-pass. Coupe $395 Family Shoe '50 Prefect $595 SPECIAL ON Steel Oil Tanks 110 Oal. Tank $ 55.09 275 Gal. Tank $ 75.00 375 Oal. Tank S 90.00 550 Oal. Tank $110.00 All tanks made of 12-gauge steel Industrial Welding 225 First Avenue $359 00 and up RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC 313 Third Ave. W. Phone 644 Sto' 1 Print' '53 Austin A-70 $2545 rooucts or pine e '38 Plymouth $650 LIMITED 629 Third Avenue West ALBERTA DISTILLERS, LIMITED Phone 357 SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LTD. This advertisement is not published or displayed hy the IJquor Control Board or by the Government of. British Columbia.