8 Prince Rupert Daily Npw Tuesday, June )8, VJWi Coronalon Over But Spending Spree Continues in London Laing Hits 'Right' Wing Of Bennett Popular Game Cambridge rri" OSLO. Norway (CP) At leat' F'k Cyril JanJ 50 .soccer club. In Oslo reported a i and vice-ehanccll S"'k'" total membership of 8,000 this! Unlversitv m M month. During the 1953 season Iceive the h cal' they will play 800 leagues mat- doctor of la,01""? ches besides various exhibitions. University July 13 c'Mnh.: Edmond O'BRIEN left for sunnier climes elsewhere. The motor coach loads of trippers snarling London traffic and wreaking havoc with Londoners' empers should in any ordinary year be flocking to the seaside, and the cry goes up from resort towns that "these London decorations are ruining us." Commented Thomas Legge, chairman of the council at Hun-stantrm, east coast town, trying to pull itself back to prosperity after last February's ruinous floods: "It will be strongly detrimental to the seaside if the London decorations continue. People will L-' "rT7 T ' - ' V If V ' if Vt ! i I II - . :'J:- :'fi ' " ::i?Z? ,, . . VV.. .... Ul , v. vAV nY LONDON (APi The Coronation is over, but as far as London is concerned the spending spree goes on. Tens of thousands of sightseers still jammed the beflagged streets to see the decorations and pop into the nearest store to buy something for Aunt Nellie back home. London shopkeepers are still rubbing their nanus happily and doing a brisk trade in anything from souvenirs to sausages, books to bed linen as Britons, with more money in their pockets than they have had for many a month, tram the stores. But the wind that blows sweetly for the London shopkeeper whistles coldly round the shoulders of the holiday resort traders, who complain they haven't had such a bad time for years. For with the Coronation two weeks old in history, most of the visitors to London now are up trom the provinces. The major part of the foreign invasion has ' AUItO AtiM nenm , HELEN WESTCOTT - Tim,,- "Cowboy Country" ..." 7:00 9:31 "ere I onipj the Marines" VANCOUVER (CP) A plan to avoid the "tragedy of an economic debacles" in B.C. arising out of the clash between tha "extreme risht" and "extreme left" -was advanced today by Liberal leader Arthur trains. Laing said the Tialil" is ifp-resented by Si.cial Credit and the "left" by the CCF. He advocated the establishment of a board of "the best independent economists we can fin'd to study our real position in foreign markets and keep this iniormauon constantly before both labor and management." "The abraslveness and arrogance oi the pifiiiiu 1. aJi.. u.; straight to trouble. The refusal of Mr. Webster's group to regard tacts will lead lo a head-on collision. "Six weeks as the premier called 1903 Bt'.'s blgtse.it boom year. In the last 10 clays, hU finance minister has been speaking of depression." Laing , said the economists' ooard .should be nominated by and financially supported equally by labor and management. "It very well could become a 1 . . ; be lured to London instead of to their usual summer resorts." I 'the weekly Bank of England .returns disclose the full extent I of the way Mr. and Mrs. John j Bull have been dipping into their j pockets. In Coronation week the i bank's note issue stood at a rec-lord $4.4S0.099.G!;0 while notes actually in circulation totalled $4,319,411,600, the highest figure since .Christmas. A l.tM-.llAL ll.W of the operating room at Jefferson Medical Center, Philadelphia, showing nurses and technicians checking the operation of a heart-lung machine for a patient who underwent major heart surgery. This is the first picture ever to be shown to the lay public of the use of the machine on a human. ' The perfect gift--' for TOT EM A l amoiis Player, Tlinin Playing Today1 and Wednesday Atom Bomb Would Probably Explode Near Former Home of Rosenbergs chair of 1 a b o r - in a n a?,ement' .amies in the University of B.C." It a ... 1 11 Mm " k f f z (This is the second of a scries on the esptonRtfe-conspintcy cusc of Julius and Ethel flos;nborg. who are to be executed June 18.) lime ully but became a ciid-war j enemy in the years that follow- j ed. . . The government proposed to fio.-r his post as a sergeant at 1is Alamos. So conversant was 'Rosenberg with this top secret, Greenglass The Liberal leader said Piem-j lcr Dennett retailed fear of the; CCF during the B.C. election i campaign but doesn't know "that when industry hardens its hand, laour is lorced to harden its face. ! A "Wallace" Gift Of Course! By AKTHl R EVERETT prove that -Harry Gold, mousy ! said," that he was able to des- Afef Connie NEW YORK I API If an atom i Hat Certificate Luggage Housecoat Ties Socks Billfolds Tee Shirt Sport Shirt Dress Shirt Today and WednesdoJ ciibc- the A-bomb in detail seven months before the first one was dropped on Hiroshima Aug. 6, 'J45. After the first bomb. Green-fe!-.ss swore he gave Ro.senberg a 12-paue description of the little Philadelphia chemist, was the chief United States contact for Dr. Klaus Fuchs, when the Jcrman-born British scientist worked at Los Alamos, N.M., on hc first atomic bomb. Golds and Fuchs were confessed Soviet ments, both serving prison terms "There must be a return to I j reason and conciliation . . . our j aim should be full employment at the highest wanes industry i can pay after a reasonable ' I profit. . . ." , bomb were aimed at the strategic heart of New York, it probably would explode not far from Foley Square. A little oasis of greenery in a vast desert of concrete, it lies almost in the middle of lower Manhattan Island. CAPITOL On the Same rrutram: "APACHE WAR SMOKE with Gilbert Roland Shows "CONNIE" 7:00- WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE A KA.MOI'S n.M KRSTHU newer, deadlier A-bomb dropped 9:31; "WAR SMOKE" 8; inHiiimigintiinaiiiHuniim bZ at the time of the Rosenberg on Nagasaki. Greenglass told the jury that he received detailed instructions from Rosenberg on how to ,Iiee to Russia via Mexico, if it became Kising i sioreys above Koiey . Souare is the United States court The Rosenbergs and Sobell al-house, where on March 6, 1951, icscdiy also worked through Gold Julius Rosenberg, his wife, Ethel. ' the interest of Moscow, and their friend, Morton SobellJ They were depicted as per- The pnvernment i necessary went on trial as atom spies. .suading Ethel Rosenbergs bro- ciaunccj the Rosenbergs were YOU WAITED FOR ner. uavid Greenglass. to turn DrcDarin!! such a flinht when In an interview, Laing was critical of Mr. Bennett's claim J that Social Credit will sweep BC. in the federal elections. "Our premier is a teetotaler so he must be drunk with power," said Mr. Laing. "Gunderaon and Low on the same platform will be a tourist attraction." Solon Low Is national leader of the Social Credit party. Mr. Gunderson is B C.'s lmaiice minister. "Surely Mr. Bennett lias not consulted thp people who gave him a fund of $500,000 to retail over rtom secrets to Gold fit Los sfiZed. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. K&lublishrd l!tl. MOVING . . . PACKING .7CRATlfiG Mill TIN(i . . . r OKWAKIXNO . . . KlUKACK Kxpt'iieiived handling Ux:al, Nation-wide and World-wide Blilpmenls. MOVK WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA MNUSAVS Agents Allied Van Lines Ltd. Phone U0 or 68 Cor. 2nd and Park Ait. Mamos, including sketches of the V4 " They were not tried for treason, which the constitution defines as warring on the United states or aclhenna to its enemies in time of war. They were tried under a general espionage law of 1917. They were accused of conspiring during the Second World War to transmit national defence information to Soviet Russia, which was then a war- lens mold -the trigger apparatus of the A-bomb. Julius Rosenberg also was said o have provided defence secrets to Russian agents on his own. His 100-pound, five-foot-tall wife was alleged to have handled the stenographic work involved. A dramatic moment in the trial came March 9, when David areencla.w took the witness stand to denounce his sifter and brother-in-law. Greenglass had already pleaded guilty to atomic EVERYTHING for the BEACH THE BEST DEAL fear of the CCF In this province, ', said Laing. "He doesn't realize these people are even more fearful of Low." , Premier Bennett said earlier he would seek a belter tax deal with Ottawa. "So Mr. Bennett wants more dollars from Ottawa," said the Liberal leader. "He mu.st first ask if they are to be Abbott dollars or Low dollars." Mrs. Greenglass corroborated her husband's story, testifying she helped induce him to spy at the urging of the Rosenbergs. Then Harry 'Gold was brought iioin prison to swear that the stolen atom secrets were "sent immediately to the Soviet Union." On vurcl 2I 1951' Julius Rosenberg took the witness stand. Point by point he denied tiie testimony of Greenglass and other government witnesses. lie refused, however, to answer even questions designed to determine if he ever was a Communist. The only clue to his feelings toward the Soviet Union lame when he testified: "It contrlbufed a major share n the destruction of the Hitler east who killed 6 000,000 of my lewish co-religionists. I felt 'motional about it then arid I lo now." IN TOWN Attn mm t-rrrrm-rrvtv 1 r - jvtv SWIM TRUNKS For Men and Buys INFLATED TOYS RUBBER PAILS For safe fun at the shore , The newest thing in sand pa THE jj (tsfi rn n Tun miinTi ...and here's why BX. Will Have Plentiful Supplies of All Preserving Fruits: CHERRIES - APRICOTS PLUMS PEACHES PEARS CRABAPPLES PRUNE PLUMS It.C. rrrhrrvinji Fruits come on the market hlililly later titan those from further soulh, hut you'll fi'l it ivnrth your u hile to u'tiit for l.C. Fruila I f-stuonage, claiming that the Rosenbergs prevailed on him to aid in the plot. Greenglass described Rosenberg as a man who voluntarily dedicated his life to Communism. Greenglass quoted Ethel a.1 telling his wife in 1944: "Julius finally got to the point where he was doint what he al- Welsh SPORT SHOP Oldest recorded ruling prince was Rhodrl the from 844 to 878 AD. Great, . i 3 W5iViays wanted t0 do giving in- for nil your (-aiming unci preserving needs The ! i his is the warranty you get? t lui wiubivju uie ouvicl union. Greenglass testified Rosenberjr specifically besought him to pro-vklj information on the A-bomb j on our used cais ensuring I you of the fullest satisfaction I heft you buy. r.. I is iilwins the most rroiiominil in the long run ALWAYS YOUR BEST BUY! I!I53 DiiiIkc 2-rttmr, Special 051 Ford Custom Sedan, very good condition. 9jO Fordur Sedan, 2-tonc." 9."i0 Meteor Sedan 2-lono. Crook Follows Holdup Method EVERETT, Wash. lAP) 'carbon cojjy crook" looted suburban bank of $11,338 Frld t.rown "rloser lo home'", IS.C. Fruil has I hat evtra fc luvs to riiM-n slowly anil naturally, ami to gain that ailde sweetness ami llaor which . assures on hcttrr lusting, fmrr uuUty preserves for your money, Western Canaila is I lie numher one market for the fruit growers of Itrilish (:ilumhia ami llmt A fi iy BOB PARKER LTD. 'The Home of ITicmlly Service",1" casn- duplicating exactly even ;to the hour and day the method i sed in a $90,000 holdup there two weeks earlier. The loss in Friday's one-man i a-mrd robbery was reported by t y a a in,.'',. 1 7 v K'o ipe Seattle FBI office after a i heck of records at the I.ynn-v.nod branch of the Everett First N'a'ional Bank. The "ditto" holdup followed l the precise pattern in whirh ! 'A'orren David Smith, 30, got 'away with $50,970 May 29. Smith . was raunht in a Seattle hotel the I How ahiiuta rum pus room ' in attic or basrinent? Sound good? It will sound even better when you learn Ho-v little it costs! Greer & Bridden Phone 909 215 1st Ave. W. means you eun he sure of fielling the l.esi iivailahlc when you insist on IU 1 mil . The iialil y promises lo he p.irtieularly good this year, anil you'll henelit from low iruli-of-ll,,:sran priee if you get Ir,,il t is plentiful and at its best! Vhen it's U.C. Fruit vou eun iilv with :oSfiih:(;e ... - PKKSKRK WITH CONFIDENCE, Willi .C Pretemmtf Druil ljou're Sure of: HiciiFii sk;ak co.mem' BETTEIt Ql'AMTY O 1INFK FLAVOR TASTIER RF.SI I.IS WFIII YOUR HOME CANMNt; On July 23, 9, Sir Henry Joly dl lotmnlcn fttx4 llw fin" Kivcr Sfidge tht tint bridft ! lan Hie moulh tt Ik. Fioi end provide direct rail and rood link to tne United) Stotcl. following dav and half the loot was recovered. He pleaded guilty and is awaiting sentence. SCOTT-McH ALE CANADA'S FINEST SHOE FOR MEN . . m OWAUIAN V.HISKI mm'. BdCMMSTTS In 1001, William Braid founded C.C.'s fust distillery, and established the standard of quality . tliat distinguishes B.C. Double Distilled Kyc. Discover for yourself why B.C. Double Distilled is preferred by British Columbians for its siipcil) flavour. . . its light body and mellow smoothness. THE BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY CO. LTD. CHERRIES-1,,,,1 iik for il'iii ifnl m,, . the ..... week ., of . Ju june U1. freserving season should last last uhout uliout four lour weeks. VarimiH styles including Mocca.sln Toes or Brogues in Dlucher or Balmoral lace style . . . Calf or Kid . . . Black or APRICOTS-!Veservi,,K season will prohahly start the week of July 20th, ami last about three weeks. Uu-ffeZEN Foods Way up w Alaska,(within the Arctic Circle, one 70-year-old gardener has found how to get hit full quota of home-grown vegetable vitamins. H; works ing wonders by "trapping" the brief summer sun with reflecting' aluminum foil barriers, set up behind his vegetables. This Antic application takes a leaf out of the book of modern builders and others whomake use of aluminum's reuiarkable reflecting and insulating properties. 'Demand for Canadian aluminum in foil, sheet, rod, tube and other forms today totals one biliioa pounds a year. When A lean completes its present expansion pio-grams, supply will be further increased. Aluminum Company of Canada, Ltd. (Alcan). NIW WESTMINSTER, S.C. a I eh for preserving .lales h,r other B.C. uus in suiiseipient mis. Brown. Nam 2 x " X 10H FINEST l'UESERES-AT $15-95 Msr ECONOMICAL PRICES lo wait for PRESERVING . The Distinguished Products 0 British Columbia's First Dlslilly C. DOUBLE DISTILUO . .C. IXPORT . IC. RESERVE . .C. SPECIAL . S.C. STERLING LONDON 0"' IN I WlWff llll.ll FASHION FOOTWEAR B.C. TREE FRUTS LTD. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Govrnmentof British Columbia . ,