Prince Rupert Dnilv News Wednesday. Jnnuary 9, wi 1 ,. I Who For Governors? as i.l.-uen. on fcjeruaiu ley iz no oilier M'aol'l it-uuri sui- beig. V.C., led the Dominion's ficient stature to be acceptable forces overseas throughout the to both Europeans and Maoris war. as governor-general. New Zealand thus followed the This leaves the field very open example of several otter Do- for such proposals as that of ex- minions by appointing one of its tending the Commonwealth con- Iiee aou iiicnuiy imnic moving over those bridges. In brief, Moscow . . . got th? four flier.s released ungraciously, accepted Mr. Kennan's appointment ungraciously, an3 directed Korean negotiations toward an ungracious truce. Stated differently, Moscow continued to do the minimum necessary to ! DL DAILY NEWS sons as governor-general. : cept a step runner ny nominal ly., T I" f'.DtUH own tea May Mf Mbaf M- Ztof f Does Not Want Real Peace Anyone surveying the latest events in the power struggle known as the cold war must come to the conclusion tfiat while the Soviet Russian government plainly does not want a war, it apparently does not want a real peace with the West either, writes Joseph C. Marsh in the Christian Science Monitor. This is not a novel conclusion , about the men of the Kremlin. 1 stlma,e American imblic reac- . -V" "3 "to reyoerg s lerm nas D' l' ,,'5,7'1 extended until June, 1952. be-: another Dominion. AUCKLAND, N.Z. f Sugges- cause of th-e royal tour, and, - I keep world tensions from mount SPORTS ing to the danger point, but nothing which would reallv con-I " -1 K.,yr...-B..c.a. .fui i """8 as "J '", wk OMtiuto trih.,t tribute toward -Jt. mte,ht be selected from outstand- successor. There is no New Zeal-i WINNIPEG (r-Annual report removal 01 ing personalities in other British ander with anything like the of the Greater Winnipeg anti- those tensions. 1 Commonwealth countries are prestige which Loru Freybere won mosquito campaign showed more W.-inlr riiKl-uuteH with interest In amnrv l.iu .nnntrvnipn hv Wt thu 1 1 rwwi lilrolu hnicri. Ever since the Korean truce talks really got down to serious 'New Zealand. exploits as a leader in two world ins grounds were sprayed with btUHties. the experts on Russia: Commenting cm.,. , an .Jiti editorial wars. wani. oil and lnrU,M. Fourteen It is what many an expert on ,,. Russia, including Winston, th moment of that! in wwm 7.i. .t'-. on There was a suggestion that municipalities contributed more Churchill, Britain's Prime Minif.- ,o,i- m.. t,.ni, . .ham ! .u..: , m the Vancouver Sun approving !! JI AiMfi Iter, frequently has concluded Ulrn f tne better. The Hun- j assessment ,nd rerri nrthe i suoh a the Auckland Star New Zealand might make a ges-: than $12 000 to the 1951 cam I over the pa.-t strenuous and : .,..,. AM not a mihlit-. v,...i,i , ,,...... w,T,, ...... i commends tne idea and says it is ture to its Maono race oy nomin- paign. ,eminently worthy of careful con- ating Sir Pt-ter Buck, world fam If you wsnt to sell it, advertise i Mderation by the New Zealand ous Maoiri scientist, to the post oop series he rt'ed recently ar.d there it. News elassifirJ. government. but The Sun editorial said: i ' bruins on Upgrade Chicago Black lUwks Suffered fifth Straight Lss (dangerous years. What Is new is . spy or tHAwe trial, and they. There was a period, at the b-' ! a .series ol events which com-, limited the charges to the tech- inning of the Korean war wher. i bme to provide fresh doenmen- . matler of 5ordpr violation. all the old calculations were jubilation in support of the old anu:Xnf,y Ulen melea out a sentence ; jf,tted to serinus doubt. Many : established conclusions. ! based on the technically accu- I oegan to suspect that Russia ha:i i T he dramatic and re- i -mast rate that there haa contcntion decided to move into a phase of y-aling ot these events hm been . bocn an illegal border crossin.?.' direct military action "Trie world would sit up and Simplicity Patterns I - v . iiicn mey released me ju lher.s finally released from Hun- fi;,.- p.Kirly-iitti-ndi'cl free-for-all W) aiiKfll Wolves edKe Bo-I; K.unmakers by four a in the total point, two- mli-r Hiuh School baskct-,frifs. after a 12-point de-Lt nmlit. Score was 42-30 I points lor Wraiiw:!, 78, MinmaKers, 74. take notice if Canada decided to draw her governors-general from any or every part of the British Commonwealth of Nations. That would rekindle the Commonwealth spirit. It would typify Commonwealth unity. It would he a siirn and signal to mankind " I Now, after a month of hard truce talking, after the accept-lance of Mr. Kennan, and after i.s , the release of the four flier.s, the iucauu o.n- raisum Bruins , garian prison. This has been a: moved to within one point of the ; dangerous Incident. i FACE-SAVING Kl FORT fourth place New VorK HauiKuii K U pitctely the fc!n1 of thln' I American public opinion mm in the National Hockey League which angers western man with outraged over, trie $i.uoO n Tuesday night as they over- his regard for fair Dlav lor the; which appear to Americans like!ln8 to their original tneories. ri.iluis ioutm iiuie enjoy that ideals still transcend powei Printed with full instructions or; every pattern piece. All patterns in stock including transfer patterns. Sold exclusively by c mail ever liicj mi: uuii- . , , , and P1Ulcal curta,ns vinced that the key to Soviet'blocs in tne game wiucn snowed , wucimcu ,nu.-av omen nuwss inniviuuai ana wnicn seems suimeuievai ran-Mjin, oui w me ex- nluving by each team. ! 7 to 2 before a crowd of 6.212. ; unimportant to eastern man j perts who have followed the case iw'kers "couldn't get started I 'liie defeat was the fifth in: with his lack of concern for the closely, the important thing is ' , behavior is the fact that the! A new governor-general of Soviet regime operates on the; New Zealand will be appointed In ,,. ir:,t halt throwing most . -succession ior tne HawKs who, individual. ot the htK'inanded and uncon Uionable matter of the ransom conscious and deliberate theory j midsummer In the past the i k. ,.hW fw. r that that iu survival in nower in appointment has always been ,-Aild. aiKO dropped ix points behind jr.s. ( ITIZKNS AROl SKI .Jill.: tUI the 111th place Bruins. I M " was Wrangell's : ..J ' TJic imprisonment, trial and ominations from Brit- !thi fnnr men were 'rl.r.(lrlef' i Russia depends on avoidance ot : "ired by K'A'I'lllIlK in 15. Veteran windy Duma -t rcored who pound ; fiim! of hp fnlirrll' nil arouseu ' i, ,nihi,w ; var out maintenance 01 me;"1"- " ..-"5 i.muc his; in the Ui'-tt h.iil, then was ra mwiun 10 Driog fTrm ' pu U K u " of tension which we of tne:'e appouumem o a c.ey- lifetime Major League total toi? : more than a trial on ter-hnican- ;-te m it) oil the fl.r for a flag luiii Ki-krefs held Gunder 199 gtals. B:rth came In the third;'"" 1 " uc' ! ties and -dollar fine. .West have labelled the cold war.," s !''" few-- fore over these nast six veiirs alter the Second World War. Al- :t mm .l.'iihi rali-ly tripped Rain- period. v, Dumart Dunmrt also also cot cot an an as. assist , though he had not lived in New If jou want to scii it, advertise ! Zealand for many years he had it. News classified. 'grown up in New Zealand and once over the Communist coup! B? wes-tern standards, the in Chechoslovakia and once over j wh"le "air is outrageous. By, the outbrtjfc of the Korean war.A-,,atlc standards, the Commu- ; No one can say what the re- ; ni-st government of Hungary Unit. um..M hnoA ir ti. 'barely salvaged a minimum ,t! was mostly roiiv.h-f pl.iv as 28 perMinal fmils I.KAGl E STANDINGS National l-rague l on me visitors iinu C.l A Pts. i Soviets had carried nut their nn-imo"llt & fjce and actually; W D L F 22 8 7 103 m 52 parent intention of xtaulnif a 'backed way down in an obvious. n tin- I. .-al students. raa-,nd SchwarU were sent t ' Detroit .Infers via the foul route Montreal 18 It big public trial and convictin,' lf ctom.. effort to avoid real Uiem on the charges of sabotage -trouble. One must assume that T ironto 4 16 101 83 8 13 87 77 0 17 SO 10G . i: u-, i.f toui ncuti. Moscow ordered Budapest to and espionage. One can only be 14 12 11 34 US 25 N-w York Ei.ston . . Chicago sure that the usual Communist !e,0-' out t!ie affair sPedliy 9 IS 84 94 3 21 83 116 iie.nment. n,Pt..,i ... t.. ih..; possiDie in a manner wnicn ,,vi , M.ix.tnd 10, Jenkins A 1 1 1 c r Gundcrson li. wiiU 1. Bradley 1, Casey 3. it i f wm. French, r. reigu.son a Hockey Scores tut in.'iiiiKt'rs Morrison 10, 1.1 ciccosie 7. I,cH)uriieau l. VS 2. Young 7. Clark, Nick- 2. S.ittH-r, McKay. wandering four would have pro- i Juln avfn serious explosion i duced a degree of tension so1 However, it is equally obvious ' 1 lhat Moscow did not of hi-.'.h that war very po.s.'iibly ; require . i could have resulted Hungary a means of ettlernetit ! : l'i-obably the Russians them-i "'' would have seemed truly j '.u-lves did not appreciate at the : conciliatory to the West. ! beginning the dangers inherent' lwo o'her storu can oc read , in the .situation. Certainly the!'" conjunction with the one of; I fate of the four was uncertain the 'our hers. In the extreme until December ! ln Korea this week, as for .scv- i 22, when the State Dempartment era' weeks past, truce talks ; sent direct to Moscow an urgent : draKett on at a Pae sun'- : ! warning that it would be mak-' dent to keep them going, but not ; i Ing a grave mistake to under-1 fast n0"8h to produce any real t . ; relaxation of tensions. Here, us! would you want to cook any other way National ' Boston 7, Chicago 2. Pacific (oast Sask.itoon 5, Tacoma 1. Western International Spokane 7, Nelson 7 (overtime tie i. Okanagan I'cnlictoti 1, Vernon 5. I'acific ( oast Amateur Kerrisclalc 2, Nanaimo 3. iisketball Team returning North unv. II Wolves basketball ,, fuliowing their series here !,- -ifk with Bonth i, are sailing tonic ht Hp t'rmce George for Van- . r c.route home. Vanderhoof Wins Hockey i in icspect to the fliers, Moscow's; ' policy obviously was one of j ; avoiding a turn of events which ' j might lead toward war, but: ; equally one not calculated to ! produce any real easing of ten-' j .sions. ' I Also last week Moscow agreed to receive as the new United ; Stales ambassador in Kussi i: . George F. Kennan, but : panicd the -diplomatic asrecmetil . ' with newspaper slaps at Mr. I Kennan, charging him, falsely,! European Ball Team May Visit fyture For Jiing On .' .it VANDERHOOF-Hockey league games betwen Williams Lake and Vanderhoof which were played on Sunday resulted In scores of 5 to 3 and 9 to 4 In favor of Vanderhoof. A good crowd turned out to see the two games and the play- ount hays with directing anti-.Kussian sub- ; cp sr..,w between six and ' feet -on the slopes of Ml. IS,: ' ? mm ''!m-,- v ... ft', i st, a i I, if t! . .... . ! 1 1 ' - ' 1 a1 ii 5 , r' k k . wtJ. ' f Vr; :i i I V ; i' - vN.' ! ' iV'-V;;' ia.1, ;tN' N--,S.V-'.I i 'A , J s 1 n I is'.VV . ? 1 i "' ! 'A PARIS European b a se b a 1 1 , versive operations in the United j players hope to compete in the States. ! , is oi a oeuer texture ior crs ww w-eil rewarded. IT'S CLEAN! Clean as your electric light. Cooking heat comes from a wire. No combustion no soot, no grime. Utensils, kitchen wails and curtains stay cleaner. - IT'S FAST! Electricity provides fast, clean heat. Surface units cook by direct contact with utensil hoitom. Completely insulated oven retains heat to cook with maxinnun speed. .."it-m .vrar man naji ovru Vanderhoof now is feeling tneir rulure against Amencan teams, rkidGK KI PTOl'KN I for .some Unw, local skiers strength. They play Prince Luis Barrio, president of Ihe ' n Ai.d one of the best spots oeorge two return games on Baseball Federation of Spain, told . "l Here a-ain we r f" must conclude " " i iioy tins winter Is the newly home ic. m)e on Tuesday and reporters recently. caired ';.LM in final L.u.. "..!"" i anv bridse-burn- cl run located halfway be one on t riday. Barrio is winding up a trip'in. -operation, is being most I through Europe with the aim of ,ar(.ful t0 keep a minimum num- i fas 1 t-v starting an international federa tkn as a basis for a world fed ber of bridges open to the West, j but has no desire to see really j i Midgets Play n the ski village and the -an run at the ski tow. , ung in Prince Rupert, too, cuvir.g much more attention i in the past. Present mom-hip in Prince Rupert Ski Hockey Games ' is higher than ever before ' members still being lied. iM.-mbershln totals eration. Baseball is played in Europe in an amateur way in France, Belgium, Holland, Germany,'. Italy. Great Britain, and Spain, i Barrio plans a baseball congress at Madrid next spring. ; American soldiers' teams from ; West Germany will be requested to enter the European organize- j tion. The Spanish federation lists 70 teams. There are 180 baseball ! ,ml 3S- I TELKWA The Smithcrs Mid- "anwhile, the Ski Club execu- : gets played the Telkwa Midgets is continually trying to en- j on Sunday here, with a tie re-;.'!c further development of .'tilt. The game was hotly corf-M! Hays slopes as a ski tested and gave the spectators rc There is only one major quite a thrill. ii.ap, they realize, which: Ihe midget games have pro-t lie overcome ... findina an vided good hockey with fast . XTTVJ ' : -v.. j. m ii ' i ! t ft trrfi (xm learns of record in the Nether r way for p-,-ople to get up playing on both sides. Although ; ,a s w n n Aimi ng : tti Rmi nprs hva a TP ifirffPT IhP r played more than 40 years. IT'S ACCURATE! Electricity can be accurately measured and controlled. Every switch setting gives the same amount of heat erery lime. No fluctuation. To good cooks that's important. IT'S ECONOMICAL! There's no waste! The average cost of electricity for medium sized families Using electric range, water heater, lights and other appliances runs around S2.00 a week. Oid Country FOOTBALL iwesent.only those earnest-! Telkwa lads can hold their own "rested j,, skiing or getting and !t lo"ks as ihouh some hockey players may be -"'lure ot winter's true won-.enihryro -'HI attempt the half-hour the ,nuilil1& al0"B lhis north h lately strenuous hike which : ,me- s from Fairvicw Road to the voliime. From the cabins, it's . ''ir half-hour, but, easier- i Pinht hntriBC a li'ke to the main ski run. "' i Scottish League Division A I Partick Thistle 1, Ralth Rovers 1 (tie i. Queen of the South 4, Mother i ! A -3 -ill ;i'l) members often fondly k of what a chair-lift could In Chess Tourney Distilled, Blended and Bottled in Scotland 26'i oi. boltlM well 1. "i- sluing here. Many believe Morton-Airdrieonians and Stir- dd opvn up Ml. Hays to one! Eight entries will play in the; ,. ,, , . . . ... . .-mi iflvnr. .b-.ti ... nnr nun r .141 finest tourists trades in : Civic Centre chess tournament, , "g ,"'01"";-: or displayed by the Liquor Control cotmlrv fnr ih i-nin k. now under wav. Names drawn 1 '" ' w...., wwC Boartl r by the oovernment o! Hrltlsh toliimbla. Hie longest good skiing f the round-robin tourney : postponed owing to snow. 'tis in the nrovince often show the following pairs in first M(HHMManM v. '"g wen into Mav al,1 second rounos; tel. d..i.. . .J First round-O. H. irapp vs. n , r:" :.vrr' D, W. Carr-Harrts; J. W. Stokes Wallpaper Archie Mitchell; Rev. H. G. urn vjhu viMim . r'rti,kp- It would have to be Is Mi 5 hi '""imerciuliised effort, aui 1 s h capital if ever could intruded here, local skiers fontinue to do their week-s'it: Climb the mountain Bird vs. S. White; Jack Stirn vs. Larry Staiiwood. Second round T.rapp vs. Stokes; Cnrr-Harm vs. Mitchell; Bird vs. Stirn, and While vs. Stan wood. Play-offs will be in one game .rBiHV'-'d.iira-!- IT'S MODERN! An electric range offers you all the modern features you desire plus the advantages of efficient electricity truly a cleaner, easier, more practical way of cooking. IT'S AUTOMATIC! Freedom from the kitchen. Slip a meal in the oven. Set time and tempeiaturc controls on jour way. Control turns oven on, cooks meal, turns off all automatically. '4 ""y atternoon or night, ' 'i village overnight and '1 I'llinv Sltlln.v 11 O. See our complete new stock of wallpaper. Lovely designs, excellent quality. rounds, two points given lor a ,2 W 'ing K To Hi thoir their homes i T i win, one for a draw. the, In M'eanvvhiie, the checker tour- h",, iney draws will he announced irv j! ns, are considered a tomorrow. These six advantages only tell you part of the wonderful story on electric cooking. So before you buy your next range, talk it over with a friend who cooks electrically. She will give you more facts. Then see your Electric Range Dealer or call at our store for a revealing demonstration . . . and start to enjoy this easier, better way to cook today! f-'haSert (.he ,ormr Mt. Hays' :i: iiii''"iinK a mes; haifcom Remember when t with fireplace, now the , Lost yeor's stock ot J PRICE Joe Louis defeated Buddy Baer ... cuxinHs nf II t...r. n.hmfno tift 'n Ski Lodge ct: "I Gordon & Anderson Blvfl IWU liiuiui'ca w a-- "- 'nun. r ""re Rupert . Ski Club is a the ifrst round, in his 21st con-, i Am "u'mll,'r of the Cana- eculive ring victory since win-'tern i. "r Skl Association, ning the world heavyweight title '. ' . vis'on. and expects from James Brad dock. The ictin ? h"ve free skiing ln- Brown Bomber had Buddy down irvit i recen,',y arrived twice in that fight, nine years y- '"wi'CTieeho.'Bw York, before "lkl , m tonight at New Olympic Games entry. ! Baer finally collapsed if Ltd. 4 Phone 46 - ...