Rupert Daily rW lire r. .j r Tuesday. April 21, liyltf '3 1 , BLASTING OUT OMCcg? 7 Ct A. Star, el K. CsbL, r iQ(ee? Launches Royal Yacht . GLASGOW iIM'tcr:,) - Th.-gucin launched her glcumin:! 416-riKit yacht Britannia and told a cheering crowd of 20.000 it would often serve as a home lor her much-travelled family. THE PURCHASE "'.v.Ai f n in i i OF THE SEASON - YOUR ?0 Ruilt at a cost ot nearly V-' V is ESS - iMiih rw $5,000,000 at the Clydeside yards ff' K 7X l .'J&'ksJ V A here, the 4.000-ton Britannia Is. w , nik U'UV A1 &!jfe' the first new yacht for tl.o L' ',Wk.V i Nji ' ifAYi 0 V5 SfUj . royal family in 54 years. Its i tl H..-Y,kl' '?U'?J f 'S-t& construction was originally en- iu , o J.a1 i fTH1? 1 i f .AtJA1V, tt ? , .W vgedby,hclateKinSGeor8ej - J.f jf , V Hflfe Ji VThe name Britannia for the I A fg ftlt ' UjVJ- sleek biue and white vessel was i t :i JJ H w AjM II a secret until Elizabeth, work- f ) . V WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE TODAY & WEDNESDi "Battle Zune" , . ' " iW "Hold That Uot inc a pushbutton, broke a bottle of wins over U bow. When the bands strairts of "Rule Britannia" died away, Elizabeth made GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. THE CiOLD STATE COACH which will be used by Queen DinMin at ner ru. Postillion, are mou.d on the in a rehearsal around the Royal Mews at Buck nlm Palace. horses on the left l the lour pair drawn, the coach and a groom walk beside ea h horse. , Dulles Questions Sincerity of Soviet VOTE M WHL a short speech. "The Britannia is not only the most modern addition to a lonK line of royal yachts which poes back to the reiun of Kinij Charles II. but it is to be. at times, the home of my husband and myself and of our family." A. . - i; ' l Shift From Offensive to Defensive Mood' 1 WASH'NGTON AP. - State defensive" which may bring I "true peace offensive" with to an ar- peaceful action and tc uaiidon Secretary Dulles declared that Communist agreement j 'its conspiracy to ovrthrow strone forel.-n polities of the miMice in Korea. Ernhoic admCtraUon had 11c challened the KremUn to -,,,y frr ovem-forced Eisenhower s ment in the world. President meet Russia to go on a "peace : 1 "Any military acpwf H'1 Sec us to discuss thot new construction Danish Ship Rolls Oyer After Fire PHONE attacked our free world partnership w ould be doomed to sure defeat" he said In a six-eeh to the American 8.Klcty of Newspaper Editors. i Pending evidence of a basic charge in Soviet foreign policy. , he declared, the West will per-ut In bulldina lis strength, in HARWICK. England Q The -Danish luxury passenger ship Kronprins Fredenk was swept by ; fire in port here Sunday night. She rolled over on her side Monday and at huh tide oniyi three feet of the 3,895-ton vessel CLOCKS IN BRITAIN NOW NINE HOURS AHEAD OF B.C. LONDON iAPi- Britain went on summer time last Sunday Clocks were advanced one hour at 2 a m. This put Britain nine But daylight time begins, next Sunday and the time differential again will be eight hours. I hours hours ahead ahead of of Pacific Pacific Standard Standard Time. Tunc. . lo matntain re- PROMPT SERVICE HEATED CARS STAND: HFtGtKSOX BLOCK. SIXTH STKttT were above water . Most of the crew had gone ashore and there we? no passengers aboard. The fire is be- slatence against Red pressure ; - lieved to have been caused by an electrical fault. ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS TODAY to WEDfCl Em Alw Cartoon - Nswt '"Fronki Corl'' Shows 7 - 9:00 I Indefinitely. f 1 In this connection Dulles sixut ', ithat In a North. Atlantic Treaty Council mectlnn at Paris last ' week the United BUles. u-iini! a 'fresh approach." will' seek lo assure Europe of substantial ie-i fences and lo provide for "giow-' Ing reliance on Western Europe s he own strength" over the future. " J mmm British Composer Completing Opera to Honor Coronation ALDBOROL'GH. Eng. 'API j sex." at first was doubtful Rritish romnoser Beniamln Brit- i could finUh It in time. .ft COMMENCING One aim would be to preserve tn is nuttinff the finishing i In S:ptember Britten began ,h(! free world's economic ta- I Port 0"J BORROW! touches on an opera to celebrate ; writing the Ilrst noiei. ny janu- bmiy and inus disappoint Jvivlei the Coronation. ary the opera needed only the norw,s that non-Communist ria-The 39-year-old Britten al- ' .trimmings and the orchestration. lionj wlll pun?e into bankrupt-ready has placed the first two The Sadler's Wells ballet will cv tnus ,. vhemM lves lo acts of the three-act opera perform the staU-ly EUwibethen ft d(.Bth btow, Ik Hew Schedule starting May 1 Am A.wrtiiiR that the EK-nhower Glonana" In the hands of Joan dances in Oloriana on uic gais r- . ,i.,,,,tt.,. umt:,nn and eventnff of June 8 when the uollries toward Eunijie were not VI0, V . ...... v. . D.t. pn t..nnr whn will sins' Ouccn and the Duke of rdln- ' j deterrrtlnel by any recent Hovirt i burgh w ill be in attendance. , the principal roles. moves. Dulles added Leave mm wk si n William's Grocety formerly D & S Grocery Open Evenings w tT9 9 pirkiikirr i "Gloriara" will have its world mm Oloriana may well add another honor lo Britten who already has to Ills credit the successful operas "Peter Oimes" and "Billy Budd" and Uic little opera "Let s Make an OjM'ta." premiere at the Covent Garden . Royal Opera House in London i June 8. six days after the Cor-I onation. j Crittt-n. who has been reading iStrachey s "Elizabeth and Es-' Prince Rupert 12:00 Noon for KETCHIKAN 9 p.m 6 p.m with eonnccfiontti SUNDAYS 2 "We are not dancing to any Russian tune " 8jvlet manoeuvres o! rd ent weeks had been commonly calied a "pcuce offensive" but this wan incorrect. It was 'a ae defensive." "It is itrjUfyirsg that fcoviet leader apjieer now to have siufl-ed from an offensive to a defensive mood." But we cannot yet tell whether this represents 1 a basic change, or merely a tao , tical shift. WHITEHORSE SEATTLE ANCHORAK SPEED - COMFORT- SAFETY Efforts to Diversify Trade Paying Off For Canada L.:,il Tra.rl A,'.l -1 "' m Try Doily News Want Ads ' Advertising injhe Doily Ncwi Bringt R.-j porary boom conditions. Investment plans for capital expendi "."mKiNO rJi (Till V 111 : IJA i 1 vMi 5j BOS m OTTAWA CP) Trade Minister Howe, who has gulcted Canada's trade economy since 1948, says' that at no time in the past has Canada been more prosperous and he thinks tlx-rc are even better times ahead. The 67-y;.ir-old American-Kjrn minister made his annual report on domestic and foreign economic conditions lo the. Commons. He said Canada has I lttrac.trd the attention of the ' world by her rapid expansion j nd her stability, and he pre-j lil ted a continuation of tin-i .rend. ture are exported to touch i $5 400.000.000 this year eom- f pared with $5. 100 .000 000 In 1952 and this "reflects the growing diversity . and adaptability of ;' Canada s industry and the rap- i ! aclty to priduee economically an. Increasing proportion of the world's requirements." i ' Giving an extensive report as j his estimates came before mem- j bers for scrutiny, the minister ' .aid that In spite of predictions of recessions and depressions. Canadian production and .-x-rmnslon ranOy .'altered since AZS&Jk i 1 'I I i iiiAsiittr Mustard 1 ifTt' P-4 - t; ? r--r-- f The cxparuiion. he said, is no Die end of the war. ""II III w fia.h in the pan based on tem- a . c "i?, W V m FROM GRILLES TO GLASS t-t-t-- ,4f Canada's gio.s national production reached SIJ.OOO 000 000 hist year, compared with S21.-400.000.000 In 1951. a year o! ( "notable progress In the stand-1 ards of living for the Canadian people." Continued development j of resources and productive ; capacity would make possible an even higher standard. CuntlnuinK world-wide demand for Canada's major export urodncts and the relative sta- ; billty of export prices "provide , evidence of the basic 'strength ! of Canada's position in world j trade." the minister said. I There was a continuing de- I mand for Canadian wheat. In ; the present crop year Canada expected to export "all the i wheat that can be handled by i our transportation and storage ; facilities," . a W New ulcus in bank premises are designed lo give you speedier, more tir-t fitnil.irtt l.C i j if h tl:ll; nieiit service. They are part of the easy, COIl l c 111 I'.'lI, IIU'lHI I'""" distillery, anJ established I he slai.JjrJof that diklinguishes B.C. Double I The United States remained i ; Canada's best customer, but i overseas trade with Britain and I infomud way you like lo do your banking Canada's chartered banks built on Discover for yourself why B.C. l"l,l' t for itsfur" i other countries was increasing. Efforts to diversify Canada's ; trade were paying off. is preferred by British Columbian' milim-"- n i:..l.f an.l mellow Mil' itavour Mf," CO. I j 'Army' Cook THE BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY NEW WIST'""", : Posed as Man For 25 Years i GRIMSUY. England (API - A 1 62-year-old Salvation Army cook sound banking practice continually adapt their services lo meet changing, expanding needs. THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY . who had posed as a man lor Za ' years was exposed in death ! as a woman. j The cook, who used the name ; John Wilson, fell 111 Monday but j The Divtinyuishcd I'mlvrts of British Colund SPECIAL IC. D0USLI DISTIUID C txroT SC. KISISVI refused ti receive a doctor. She died 24 hours later. 1 Major F. J. Brown, In charge , of the Salvation Army hostel - Jhere, told reporters; This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor or by the Government o Rntish lo1""1""-